Locate the UCR data concerning violent crime by race, gender, and population. Select a population (city or county) to analyze data for the Discussion.

Discussion: Social Factors in Violent Crime

Many social factors can contribute to violent crime. Issues of poverty, general economic inequality, and inequality based on ascribed characteristics such as race may all have an impact on the prevalence of violent crime. In 2015, 69.7% of all persons arrested were white and 26.6% were black (FBI, 2016a). African Americans made up 38% of the prison population (Federal Bureau of Prisons, 2016). Social factors such as different opportunities and different legal representation may account for this disproportionate representation. Rural communities have been considered safer from violent crime, but a large metropolitan city may have a higher prevalence of violent crime due to areas of increased poverty. When looking at violent crime statistics, it is important for a forensic psychology professional to look at the social factors that contribute to violent crime.

In this Discussion, you analyze the UCR to determine what social and cultural factors might explain the prevalence of violent crime.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources.
  • Locate the UCR data concerning violent crime by race, gender, and population.
  • Select a population (city or county) to analyze data for the Discussion.



Comparison and Contrast of Cognitive Theories

First, provide a paragraph of introduction that generally describes cognitive development over the lifespan. List your source for your answer. Scholarly sources are textbooks or educational websites or articles. Non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia or a dictionary will not count.



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At the end of each subsection, list your source for your answer for that item. Scholarly sources are textbooks or educational websites or articles. Non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia or a dictionary will not count.



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Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not in bold font and do double-space).


Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not in bold font and do double-space).

At the end of each subsection, list your source for your answer for that item. Scholarly sources are textbooks or educational websites or articles. Non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia or a dictionary will not count.


Share a paragraph on how these theories are alike.


Share a paragraph on how these theories are different.