Leadership Theory Project

Prepare a leadership theory analysis for a department or organization. The use of the Alvin Sherman Library or any other sources which may be useful to support your report are highly recommended.

Support the report with a vision and mission statement. Therefore, a vision and mission statement must be developed. The vision and mission statements become part of the assignment.

The written report will provide an overall description of the interview and findings. The narrative will be using at least 10 references excluding any of the assigned books. The pages of the narrative exclude the title page, table of contents, references, and any supporting material.

The final submission must follow APA.

i. Title page must follow FCE title page requirements

ii. Include a Table of Contents

iii. Include an Executive Summary

iv. Use double-spaced 12-point, Times New Roman font for this and all assignments

v. Show all sources for the information/data presented

vi. Do not use first person.