Justify  your specific selection of the four of the most important security controls for a well-known organization of your choice.

A. Mitigation Through Controls

Mitigating risks is a unique process for each organization. On the other hand, a lot of work has been done to aid an organization’s progress by way of formal research and experimentation to devise key solutions.

Justify  your specific selection of the four of the most important security controls for a well-known organization of your choice.Identify your selected organization and provide the URL where your professor can find information about the organization on the Internet. The organization has to have a strong web presence.

Your motivation for your choices above should consider risk, practical ability to deploy your choices and cost.

Your response should be between 2 and 3 pages long. Make use of no fewer than 2 scholarly sources, and 2 further quality sources from the Internet. All of these sources should have been published in the last five years.

B. Mitigation, Continuity, and Disasters

Using a technical viewpoint while also integrating business priorities, describe how you might establish the most important protection by drawing on the knowledge related to a business impact analysis. Consider the participants and prioritization elements.

Apply the conclusions of the previous part to a prioritized list of risks that should be mitigated (note that this is risk mitigation).

Finally, briefly review business continuity and disaster recovery priority actions.

Conclude with a motivation that integrates your technical review with the business priorities, aiming for an adequate provision of resources.

This part of the paper should make use of 5 scholarly resources published within the five years and 5 further quality resources from the Internet. This part of the paper should for between 5 and 7 pages of quality content.


– Astani, M., & Ready, K. J. (2016). Trends and preventive strategies for mitigating cybersecurity breaches in organizations.

– Galinec, D., & Steingartner, W. (2017). Combining cybersecurity and cyber defense to achieve cyber resilience.

– Grimes, S., & Wirth, A. (2017). Holding the line: Events that shaped healthcare cybersecurity. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, 51(s6), 30-32.

– Kramer, D. B., & Fu, K. (2017). Cybersecurity concerns and medical devices: Lessons from a pacemaker advisory.

– Lam, W. M. W. (2016). Attack-prevention and damage-control investments in cybersecurity. Information Economics and Policy, 37, 42-51