In what ways do wars undermine human rights? Choose 1-2 examples to develop
I need a paper about, In what ways do wars undermine human rights? Choose 1-2 examples to develop.
Here are the guidelines that you must follow for you essay, from the Queens College Political Science department:
Also, these are the guidelines from the syllabus:
Your final paper should be 3000 words (including references and footnotes); Double spaced; Must include at least 7 references, 5 of which must be from course syllabus; Use APA style:
In preparing your essays, it is important to bear in mind the grounds on which they will be assessed. Each essay assignment will ask you to make an argument in answer to a particular question, drawing on relevant lectures and required readings for analysis. A mere summary of lectures and readings is not sufficient. In making your argument, you will be expected to synthesize, reflect and develop upon course material for your own argument. Assigned grades will reflect the overall clarity and originality of the argument and its appropriateness as an answer to the questions.