In this competency assessment, you will write a persuasive thesis statement that proposes a solution to a problem in your community or workplace and evaluate the effectiveness of that argument using the rhetorical situation and the rhetorical triangle.

In this competency assessment, you will write a persuasive thesis statement that proposes a solution to a problem in your community or workplace and evaluate the effectiveness of that argument using the rhetorical situation and the rhetorical triangle.

You will complete a worksheet for this course assessment.

Part I. In this section, you will create a persuasive thesis statement and identify the claim and underlying assumption in that thesis statement. Make sure the thesis is concise (1–2 sentences) and clearly expresses a persuasive argument that offers a solution to a problem.

Part II. In this section, describe your purpose, audience, and setting. You will provide details about whom you need to convince to bring about change and explain the community you are writing about.

Part III. In this section, you will evaluate your argument based on the three rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos). For Part III, be sure to use complete sentences and offer specific examples. Aim for 5-7 sentences per section.

Use this worksheet to complete the competency assessment. If any references are made to sources, they should be cited in APA 6th edition style both in-text and on a separate references page

See the PGWC “Citation Guides” for further guidance on APA manuscript formatting and APA citation formatting.

Minimum Submission Requirements

  • This Assessment should be in the format of the included worksheet.
  • If any references are made to sources, they are cited in APA 6th edition style both in-text and on a separate references page
  • Responses to questions are in complete sentences using Standard English
  • Responses do not have significant errors in grammar, mechanics, or punctuation.
  • Submit the document in Microsoft® Word.