Hrm 534 week 1, 2 and 3 dq’s

week 1 “Unions and HR Management Challenges ”  

Unionization has been on a relatively slow yet steady decline. Given the change in the workforce dynamics, speculate what segment(s) or types of employees would likely gravitate toward unionization in the current market. Scale the top three (3) reasons for this. Discuss what this means to you as an organizational leader and what you would do with this information. Predict two (2) challenges that HR management may face in the future. Suggest one (1) strategy that HR management could use to mitigate these challenges into a competitive advantage for a company.  

week 2 “American Disability Act (ADA) and Job Analysis”  

Go to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Website to read the article titled “ADA: Know Your Rights – Returning Service Members with Disabilities,” located at Develop an outline to educate your management team to recognize returning service members who may be showing signs of PTSD, as well as steps that could be taken to help them transition back into the workforce. Analyze the position you currently hold (or would like to have after graduation). Determine the major actions that you would take in order to execute a job design for that position. Provide a rationale for your response. 

week 3  “Employee Retention and Performance Appraisals ”  

Speculate on three (3) reasons that employees may leave and three (3) reasons employees may stay with an organization. Outline a retention strategy that HR could use in order to decrease the three (3) reasons you mentioned that employees may be leaving. Go to the Chron’s Website to read the article titled “The Pros & Cons of Performance Appraisal Methods”, located at Determine three (3) reasons that employees may react negatively to performance appraisals and examine the validity of the employees’ position from the perspective of a manager.