For this assignment, you will write a short (500-750 words) paper describing three psychological disorders.
Authoritarianism is the personality trait most commonly associated with high levels of prejudice in adults. Defined simply, it is the tendency to follow the wishes of powerful others without thinking critically. Authoritarians have little tolerance for those whom they perceive to be different from themselves in race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or political values. Both traditional and contemporary psychologists have characterized authoritarians as politically conservative and averse to progressive thinking. Their high levels of prejudice are an expression of their right-wing political attitudes and their hostility toward those who disagree. Conservatives, on the other hand, argue that many liberals (particularly those in academic fields) have adopted a norm of “political correctness” leading them to be prejudiced and hostile in their own right.
With which side do you agree? Is it true that authoritarian intolerance is a hallmark ONLY of political conservatism? Or, do conservatives have a point: Can people who are politically liberal be equally authoritarian, intolerant, and prejudiced?n this module, several psychological disorders were introduced. For this assignment, you will write a short (500-750 words) paper describing three psychological disorders. Please analyze the treatment options for each, as well as how these disorders were treated historically. Use your textbook and other academic sources to support your claims. Explain why you chose to write about these three disorders for the assignment. The paper should be in APA style, using 12-point Times New Roman font and double spaced. Please refer to the rubric for detailed grading expectations.