Explain that Bank of America will reimburse any employee the full cost of tuition and books if that employee attends classes. Describe the plan.
Assignment 3 – Writing Application 3.3
Organizational Email Announcement – Instructions
Assume that you work in the Human Resources Department of the Bank of America. You must write an email announcement describing a special program of classes for your employees. Use the following information to write a well-organized paragraph or paragraphs announcement. This information is purposely disorganized; you must decide how to best organize it. Add any information needed for clarity.
Explain that Bank of America will reimburse any employee the full cost of tuition and books if that employee attends classes. Describe the plan. Skyline Community College, in cooperation with Bank of America, will offer a group of courses for college credit at very convenient locations for our employees. Actually the classes will be offered at your downtown and East Bay branches. Tell employees that they should call Jean Fujimoto at Ext. 660 if they are interested. Make sure to mention the tuition of $180 for a semester course. Explain that we (Bank of America) are willing to pay these fees because we value education highly. However, make it clear that employees must receive a grade of C or higher before they are eligible for reimbursement of course and book fees. It might be a good idea to attach a list of courses and the times that they are offered. Include a deadline for employees to call Jean.
This assignment calls for your organizational and writing skills to inform the workforce of a professional development opportunity. In this assignment pay attention to the details making sure that you answer the “5 W’s” of Who, What, Where, When and Why at a minimum. You may want to put together a basic outline of what needs to be said in the message. Too much information will cause readers to either save to read later (and never do) or delete it, so think about what you would like to read if you were an employee of the Bank of America and had this opportunity?
Use the e-mail model in Figure 3.1, E-Mail Message as a guide (Click on the link below or go to the Files section of the course). I expect you to have the basics such as a DATE, TO, FROM, SUBJECT, etc. (see Textbook, Appendix A, pages 491-499) for details. I want to be able to read your message, its tone, details, and how you craft this all-important educational opportunity that the company is offering its employees. Remember who you are working for and use your OWN NAME and create an appropriate title. Also, remember to submit the assignment as an MSWord file through the methods described in Submitting Assignments (see instructions above for Submitting Assignments).
WA3.3 Figure 3.1 – E-Mail Message.pdf