Ethics in health care | Management homework help


Answer briefly the following questions

1-Define and differentiate between active and passive euthanasia.

 2-Define the services of a hospice and discuss how this may affect the debate in regard to euthanasia.

3-Write five value statements that fit your beliefs as a health professional in regard to active euthanasia as a medical practice. (Value statements generally take the form in which an individual is stating what one should or ought to do.)

4-Discuss the two major arguments for the adoption of a “right to die.”

5-Defend or refute the proposal that active euthanasia is more ethical than passive euthanasia.

6-Explain and provide justifications for the position of the pro-life movement.

7-Explain and provide justification for the position of the pro-choice movement.

8-Review the stages of human embryonic development and provide an ethically viable argument as to when a “right to life” should be granted by society.

9-Part of the argument for and against embryonic stem cell research is that it creates a use for the unwanted human embryos that have been frozen and stored as a result of in vitro fertilization efforts. If these extra unneeded embryos will at some point be thawed and destroyed anyway, why not make them available for biological research? Defend or refute the idea that one should make use of these human embryos in this way.

10-The People’s Republic of China, with a population of over one billion, four hundred million citizens has put in place a one-child per family law. Provide both a defense and refutation argument for the policy using ethical justifications.

11-Explain why health care providers have an enhanced duty to maintain confidentiality for HIV/AIDS patients.

12-In 2000 the United Nations and the United States declared the AIDS epidemic to be an issue of national security. In what way is this true?