Ethics 2 | English homework help


For our final paper I want us to think about our own values and ethics, and compare them with the code of ethics of your present or future profession. To do this we’ll write a two-part paper. In the first part, we will outline our own Personal Code of Ethics by following the instructions below. In the second part, we apply our personal Code of Ethics to a case study in our profession. You may find a case study from newspapers, on-line articles or by researching your topic in Langsdale Library. Follow these instructions precisely and completely in writing your paper!


A.    My Personal Code of Ethics

1.     Core Values: Create a list of your core values; that is, a priority of what you value most in life and explain why each is a value in your life. For example, family: My family gives me strength and comfort, etc. Career: I love to realize my potential in a field of work that I find interesting and challenging. Spiritual: I have reverence for others and all life. Please be sure to explain why you hold these values, and tie them back to what we have learned in this class. (See # 4 below).


2.     Moral Character & Principles: Do I think I have good moral character? Answer this question by including your idea of integrity, the virtues that you aspire to and practice, and the moral principles or ethical theorythat you try to follow. For example, you may try to practice honesty, fairness, kindness, courage and friendliness in your life. And you also may hold the principles of trying to produce the greatest good for the greatest number or doing the right thing based on what you think all persons should do in the same situation. Please be sure to explain why you hold this moral character and principles, and tie them back to what we have learned in this class. (See # 4 below).


3.     The Value of Ethics in My Life: What is the value of ethics in your life? That is, do you think you could live a happy life without trying to be ethical? Why or why not? Explain. Give examples. Please be sure to explain why or why not you value ethics in your life, and tie your explanation back to what we have learned in this class. (See # 4 below).



4.     Reflect Using Information Obtained from IDIS-302: For steps 1-3, remember to ask yourself, “Why do I have these core values? Have they changed or been modified as a result of this class? What articles, ethical theories helped to reaffirm my beliefs, or alter them?” I am looking for you to demonstrate and apply information that you have learned to your own life. Just stating your position is not sufficient, but rather being able to explain why and link back to course material is part of the critical thinking process. 


DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. This is not considered an academically qualified source.


 B. Application of My Code of Ethics


1.     Choose a case study from workplace or future profession that you think will be an interesting case to analyze and resolve.


2.     ABCD Guide to Ethical Decision Making : Follow precisely the Ethical Decision-Making Guide in arriving at what you think is the right ethical decision.  You can find this in the “Weekly Sessions – Week1” in Sakai. Make sure that you look at both sides of the argument, and apply the appropriate ethical theoryto each side. In other words, argue for and against the moral agents and recipients.


3.     Facts: Identify the ethical issue and give the important facts in the case. Why is this an ethical issue and not simply a legal issue of policy issue?


4.     Stakeholders : Identify the moral agent(s) and moral recipient(s) in the case and explain why these people are important stakeholders in the case. What consequences may affect each?


5.     Ethical TheoriesWhich ethical theory or theories that we have studied this semester are helpful to you in arriving at an ethical decision in your case? Explain.  


6.     Decision: Apply your Code of Ethics in this step to arrive at what you believe to be the right ethical decision and action in your case. For example, what role do your core values, moral character and ethics in your life play in your decision?


Length: Your paper should be from 5-7 pages double spaced, but you may write more if you like. Please do not exceed 12 pages. (See Guidelines to Follow below).



Research: Please research your topic(s) adequately, but remember that you must cite your sources. Failure to cite sources is considered plagiarismI encourage you to use the Langsdale library for sources, as well as class readings to support your thoughts, ideas and positions. Be careful using Internet sourced material in which the source cannot be authenticated. (Please refer to the “Guidelines to Follow” section for details below). NOTE: DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA or PHILOSOPHY.COM – I do not consider these credible sources.

I run all papers through a program called “Turn-it-in”, which searches the Internet looking for similar paragraphs, or more plainly put, plagiarism. 


Arguments: Be sure to support your arguments / position on a topic. Do not rely on “ready made” arguments that you may find in your research. This too is considered plagiarism, if it is not cited.  Put your arguments in your ownwords. This is much more valuable to you and to me than trying to borrow language from the Internet, etc. But using outside sources to support your arguments / positions is encouraged.



  Guidelines to Follow:

The Code of Ethics Paper is to be written in a formal essay format. This paper is worth 25% of your final grade.  I am not too picking on the style the paper is created in, but I have a preference for APA.



I will be looking for the following criteria to be met:

1)    That the paper does not exceed 12 double spaced pages and it is at least a minimum of 5 pages long, not counting cover or reference pages.

2)    Your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides. APA recommends using 12 pt. Times New Roman font.  You will submit the paper in Sakai Assignment Folder in an electronic format. Emailed assignments will not be accepted.

3)    It should have a cover page with a title, your name and course number on it. 

4)    An abstract is not required.


Below is a rough guide as to how I will be evaluating / grading your papers:


Ethics Paper Analysis Grading GuideWeight %
Personal Code of Ethics (Core Values, Moral Character / Principles, Ethics in Your Life)


Application of Code of Ethics (ABCD of Ethical Decision Making)


Awareness -Synthesis facts of case onto a coherent narrative


Beliefs – Understands / Applies Ethical Theories


Consequences – Articulates social effects (stakeholders)


Decision – Applies well-thought-out process of decision making to ethical dilemmas


Writing Style (grammar, spelling)


Use of supporting references