Essay II Reading Material: Pink-collar recession’: how the Covid-19 crisis could set back a generation of women

Essays II (Due on Friday, 2 October, Week II, 20 points)

*Each week, you will submit one critical summary of the assigned readings 4 – full page for graduate students (excluding the references page).

The first quarter of the paper should be a brief summary of the article. The rest of the paper should be your critique of the article (what do you agree and/or disagree with and why/why not). Be sure to offer evidence that supports your argument points then add to it with ideas of your own. Remember to cite evidence that contradicts your stance and then argue against that evidence to strengthen your position. Save your work in Word document. Submit your paper through the title link on Blackboard. APA 7th Edition guidelines apply to all your assignments.

Essay II Reading Material: Pink-collar recession’: how the Covid-19 crisis could set back a generation of women