Essay due 8/25/19 | Human Resource Management homework help


Assignment 1: Project Paper – Comparative Essay
Due Week 4 and worth 190 points

For this assignment, you’re going to compare two rulers. Select a group of either two male rulers or two female rulers from different cultures using the following list:

  • Ancient Male Rulers: Ramses II, Shihuangdi, Constantine, Ashoka, Pericles, or Charlemagne
  • Ancient Female Rulers: Compare Tang Empress Wu Zetian (Chinese Culture) with either the Pharaoh Cleopatra (Egypt Culture) or the Pharaoh Hatshepsut (Egypt Culture)
    • Note: Empress Wu Zetian is also known as  Empress Wu or as Wu Zhao

Write a 750-1000 word essay where you:

  1. Paragraph 1: Establish a clear thesis about your chosen subjects. Include the dates in which each lived and ruled, and add 2-3 sentences on the reason for each choice.
  2. Paragraph 2:  Compare 2 ways your choices are similar.
    1. You may compare their family background, leadership styles, accomplishments, victories, losses, or impact of the culture in which each lived.
  3. Paragraph 3: Compare 2 ways your choices are different.
    1. You may compare their family background, leadership styles, accomplishments, victories, losses, or impact of the culture in which each lived.
  4. Paragraph 4:  Compare 2 ways your choices’ cultures are different.
    1. You may compare their cultural differences in terms of government structure, religion, natural resources, traditions, or goods and services.
  5. Paragraph 5: In a concluding paragraph, summarize 2 things you learned about leadership styles or cultures then compared to leadership styles or cultures today.
  6. References: Include a reference page that identifies at least 3 references.
    1. The class text may be included in the list of 3 or more.
    2. In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.
  7. Formatting and Writing Standards: Align your formatting to the Strayer University Writing Standards. View the: Strayer University Writing Standards (SWS)