Engl 1301 zombie ppt | english 1302 | Houston Community College


Reading Response #1: Your response to the Zombie PowerPoint Presentation

Jeremiah Crotser88 unread replies.88 replies.

  • Each reading response entry should begin with a quotation from the required reading. It should be a quote of a passage that you have a question about and that interests you in some way.
  • After you’ve posted the quotation, you need to try to articulate a question that you have about that passage, and that relates to something in the reading that is of interest to you. The question should be explained over at least five sentences. This will give you the opportunity to develop your thinking about the reading in a meaningful way. Do not simple restate facts, or summarize what you’ve read or viewed. We’ve all read it and we DO NOT need you to rehash the plot, the major themes, etc… You should be engaging with this material in a way that reflects what you’re thinking about it. That’s what’s most important here.
  • Each entry should refer directly to the specific passage that you quoted from. You may want to relate this passage to another passage in the reading, or to a broader idea but the question needs to be based in the passage itself.
  • You will also be required to respond to at least one of your classmates’ reading responses. Be sure to engage in a meaningful, respectful way with their ideas. Don’t just say “I agree” or “that’s a bad idea.” Try to use your engagement as an occasion to produce new ideas. 

Reading responses are graded, and in order to receive full credit, they need to reflect careful reading and thinking. Reading responses that don’t demonstrate that you’ve done the reading will not receive credit. For instance, if you write, as a question, “Why did you have us read this?” or, “What other books did this author write?” or “What does the author want to say to us?” then you won’t receive credit. Be specific, referencing the reading/viewing material and engaging with it, and you’ll do fine.