During this first week, you will be developing the initial components for the first sections of your DNP Project Proposal. This week includes the introduction/background and problem description and significance.
During this first week, you will be developing the initial components for the first sections of your DNP Project Proposal. This week includes the introduction/background and problem description and significance. You will post this as your initial post, receive suggestions and questions from faculty and student colleagues, and then turn in the completed worksheet on Sunday. Once you receive the detailed feedback from your faculty member, make all necessary changes and copy and paste the content of this worksheet into the “DNP Project Template,” which is found in “Resources” under “Project and Practicum Resources” to build the Assignments in week 4 and 6.
Does Implementation of the Teach Back Method Decrease Congestive Heart Failure in Virtual Home Care Patients-
Place the title of your project as the heading of this section and it is not bolded. Start the introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest. Identify the purpose of the project paper and provide a preview of what the project paper will include. Indicate that the manuscript concerns an initiative to improve healthcare (broadly defined to include the quality, safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, cost, efficiency, and equity of healthcare). Note there is no heading that says Introduction. The paragraph or two following the title on the first page of your text is assumed to be the introduction and presents the background of the project. Your introduction follows the title of your paper (note it is bolded). You should identify the purpose of your paper and your final sentence should include a preview of what the paper will include. Remember formal papers are in the third person so avoid I, me, and we, etc. Refer to yourself as the ‘DNP student’ or the ‘DNP project manager.
(This section aligns with the DNP Practicum form ‘Practice Problem and Significance’ p.2)
Start this section with identification of the practice problem. In this section, please articulate the issue and its significance from a global, national, state, and local levels and within the practicum site.
From a global/nationwide perspective, how does the issue impact nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, the quality of care being provided, society (costs, healthcare policy, etc.), the patient/client (e.g., pain, suffering, quality of life, impact on income potential, etc.), the family, healthcare system (e.g., impact on cost or delivery systems). Discuss the incidence and/or prevalence and include the financial impact at a national, state and local level, if possible. You might discuss the impact on length of stay, readmission, home health care requirements, disability and/or mortality. Also, you should address any quality, safety, legal, and ethical implications. This discussion must be substantiated by citations from professional literature.
The same thing applies for the next section that describes specifically the impact of the problem within the practicum site. Address how the issue impacts nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, the quality of care being provided, society (costs, healthcare policy, etc.), the patient/client (e.g., pain, suffering, quality of life, impact on income potential, etc.), the family, healthcare system (e.g., impact on cost or delivery systems). Discuss the incidence and/or prevalence and include the financial impact if this data is available. You might discuss the impact on length of stay, readmission, home health care requirements, disability and/or mortality. Also, address any quality, safety, legal, and ethical implications. This discussion must be substantiated by citations from peer-reviewed journals, government websites, the World Health Organization, and practicum site data, if available.