discipleship in mark
I need some assistance with these assignment. discipleship in mark Thank you in advance for the help! As Jesus was walking beside the lake, a big crowd came and he started his teachings to them. As he continued the walk, he saw the son of Alpheus, Levi siting at the booth of the tax collectors. He asked him to follow. Levi left what he was doing and followed. That day, he ate at Levis house with tax collectors and sinners. When the Pharisees saw him they asked the disciples why he was eating together with sinners. Jesus responded to that by telling them that he did not come for the righteous but the sinners.
Jesus and the disciples came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, collected with a big crowd, were coming out of the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus, was sitting by the wayside pleading for help.  .When he got that it was Jesus, he began to shout so that Jesus, Son of David, could have mercy on him2.  .Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more. Jesus told them to leave the blind man. Jesus then asked what he wanted. He needed sight. Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
The main factor that is brought out by Jesus as the key hindrance and difficulty in discipleship is wealth. Jesus had a lot to say in regard to discipleship and wealth. The main themes that he brought about making discipleship to be difficult is due to distractions, foolishness, hindrance and testing of the hear3t. In terms of foolishness, there was consideration of wealth and forfeit his life. In the book of Mark there is reasoning on what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit His life, foolish .is storing treasure for self. not being rich toward God that wealth distracts a disciple from true priorities.
According to the gospel of mark, cares that are given to the world, delight that one has on the riches of the world and desires for things will choke the word that a disciple is to deliver to the people. . From this there is difficulty for the rich to enter heaven as there is hindrance in the faith by wealth. Wealth is a difficulty in discipleship as tests the heart. . In the gospel of mark, an example is given where a poor widow contributes more than a wealthy person as they contribute out of abundance but not the faith that they have in the word. . In the gospel in Mark 7:9-13, supporting extended family financially is affirmed.