dentify, discuss, and compare the roles of members assigned to a crisis team.


Consist of a minimum of 14 double spaced pages of written content (not including title page, images, charts, abstract, table of contents, and or reference pages). The paper will address the following topic:


Identify, discuss, and compare the roles of members assigned to a crisis team. As a minimum include (a) negotiators, tactical team members, and health care/mental health professionals. Please make sure to discuss (in specifics) what each brings to the team and how they can or and should be used.


Note: This paper is directly linked to the following course learning objective:


CO8: Extrapolate the role that health care professionals, hostage negotiators, and tactical team members play in successfully dealing with crisis and hostage situations


This paper must have at least 10 references from primary sources, for example the weekly readings, peer-reviewed journals, etc. Use of newspapers, news magazines, and similar periodicals must be kept to a minimum but a fine for background material. Students are encouraged to use the APUS online library in order to utilize peer-reviewed journals to the maximum extent possible.


Web sources should be evaluated based on the site sponsor, among other things, such as: How long has the site existed? Is there sufficient information to judge credentials, authenticity, credibility, and bias? Are facts supported by cited sources? Is the material published only on the web? Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.


This research paper must be written using American Psychological Association (APA) style. In part this must include the following: (b) Times New Roman style, (c) 12-point font, (d) double-spaced, with (e) 1 inch page margins all around. For general guidance see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.