Define and identify the four nation gangs that operate in the United States. Provide the history of Asian gangs in America.

  • Define and identify the four nation gangs that operate in the United States.
  • Provide the history of Asian gangs in America.

I need these two question answered and Use appropriate references and citations in assignments where required and according to the ASA academic style. Please make sure The post is accurate, original, and relevant, teaches us something new of academic value (beyond material provided in the assigned text), provides sociological analysis, and is well written. Ten point comments add to the overall class discussion and stimulates additional thought about the issue under discussion. The post must be at least 325 words (in the text of the post) in length and include a minimum of at least one properly cited academic reference (academic book or journal article other than the assigned materials). This reference should be a recent publication. Be sure to use the ASA format when citing references in-text and end of text (Bibliography) Also each question is 325 words each.