Db bibl | BIBL 104 – Survey of Old & New Testament (D) | Liberty University

 select two threads you wish to reply to and address your classmates’ thoughts and ideas. The goal of these two posts is to build on the material provided by your classmates. Thus, responses that simply affirm the thread material are not sufficient. The content of each reply must reflect an excellent knowledge of the textbook reading and interact with both the thread and relevant chapter material. You must support your thoughts and ideas by implementing at least one significant quote from Everyday Bible Study. Each response post should be at least 200 words in length. 

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2 days agoJill Loppnow $12 SummariesCOLLAPSE

Live out what you learn

The Bible is full of information and guidance when it comes to living each day for the Lord. This can include how to act towards our family, friends, strangers and even enemies. Waking up each day and asking ourselves, what are we to do, to be , to pursue, and to learn from our mistakes can be a start. Pastor and Bible scholar Daniel Doriani expresses that, “these questions are related to one’s duty, one’s character, one’s goals, and one’s ability to discern the truth” (Everyday Bible Study, p. 176). To understand how to answer these questions can be discussed in a bible study or with your church community to help you understand.

Genre: The Law

Laws are given for us to abide by and follow, if these laws are broken then there are usually negative consequences. When God sent the Israelites to travel to the “Promise Land”, he gave them a set of laws to take with them. The Israelites were to take these laws and follow them as they settled into their new land. “Behind every law is a timeless principle that will connect the Israelite culture with our contemporary culture” (Everyday Bible Study, p. 186). Jesus’ death will result in a set of new laws to follow. These new laws by God will give grace and mercy because he sent his only son, Jesus, to death and forgive our sins. 

 Jesus in the Bible

As readers of the Bible, we have to remember that this story is not about the birth or death of Jesus, but more so God’s work to rescue and redeem his children through the sacrificial death of his only son Jesus. When reading the bible we are to look for Jesus in the stories that are of the sinners, the poor, and the sick. With this we are to redeem ourselves by becoming like Jesus, become righteous in God’s eyes. “We begin to look for ways that the redemptive acts of God in the old testament point forward to the redemptive act of Christ in the New Testament” (Everyday Bible Study, p. 172). 

Meaning of the Bible

 There is a certain order that some material needs to be followed. The bible is no different, and “when students are patient and the follow the proper order of bible study, finding the meaning of a given verse or passage is typically no difficult” (Everyday Bible Study, p. 161). This chapter explains the strategies and steps on how to successfully understanding the meaning within the Bible. Joining a bible study and talking out the books or verses with other believers can also help a student understand what he or she is reading or studying. Because the bible is not written in a certain order, it is best to follow the ten steps provided in this Chapter. 

Cartwright, J. & Hulshof, C. (2019). Everyday Bible Study: Growing in the Christian Faith (2nd ed.). B&H Academics

2nd person to respond 2

2 days agoHannah Fout DB Forum 2- $12 Dollar SummariesCOLLAPSE

16: How to Use Multiple Translations of the Bible

When looking at different translations, you can be certain that the wording will be different. However, the meaning is all the same. Different translations help highlight specific emotions in the passage where synonyms are used. When I think of translations, I think of them as different point of views. Comparing and contrasting the same passage of scripture with several translations (formal, functional paraphrase) helps you zone in on the important parts that may not have stood out otherwise. In doing this, there are five tips to keep in mind (1) staying simple, (2) several translations (3) choose translations from formal and functional and/or paraphrase, (4) choose a base translation (preferably functional), (5) color-code the who, what, where, when, why, and how.

31: How to Live Out What You Learn

Application is the goal to live out the message the passage presents. Three approaches to this are: (1) “examine a series of nine questions as they relate to the numerous relationships of your life” (2) “application is the creation of an application narrative” (3) “compares the needs of the biblical passage and my personal needs to the answer provided by God that meets my needs” (p. 176). “The Everyday Bible Study” addresses Daniel Doriani’s four-question method: the question of duty, character, goals and discernment. “When we properly apply a passage of Scripture, we are letting God speak to these desires” (p.179)

32: How to Study the Old Testament Genres: Law

Studying the Law helps bring insight to how the Israelites lives, which is important to remember as we do so. Everything was connected to the Mosaic or old covenant. When Jesus died, He replaced the old covenant with the new which is between God the Father and God the Son. “The Everyday Bible” puts it this way, “In the new covenant, God fulfills both parts of the covenant, as God the Son is the representative for all of humanity” (p. 184). “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood” (Luke 22:20). Paul asserts in Romans that Christians aren’t under the old covenant but the new!

34: How to Study the Old Testament Genres: Wisdom and Poetry

 It’s really important to focus on the who, what, when, where, why and how questions when studying the Wisdom and Poetry books. With these books we tend to read through them and grab a nice verse instead of really understanding what it is talking about. Understanding who is talking, who the text is about, what’s going on, when was it written, where was it written, why di the writing feel the need to put the pen to paper and how did it all occur? Poetry can be hard to understand in itself, but when we dive in and really understand it we can learn amazing things.