CRJ 301 Module 6 Check Your Understanding
Directions: Answer the questions below and cite examples from the textbook or this module’s required Web resource. Your written responses should be at least two paragraphs composed of five to seven sentences and should utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
1. List the eight points needed for a drug to be listed under one of the schedules in the Uniform Controlled Substances Act.
2. Explain the difference between external and internal possession of drugs.
3. Discuss the issue of illegal manufacture and selling of alcoholic beverages.
4. Discuss public drunkenness.
5. Define extortion.
6. Discuss blackmail.
7. Discuss bribery.
8. Discuss the difference between nonfeasance and malfeasance.
9. Discuss the Controlled Substances Act.
10. How did our nation’s view of drug control begin?