Create a thesis and an outline on The Psychology of Education. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Psychology of Education. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The study mainly purposes to assess the importance of the core curriculum for children’s learning and analyze some of the factors within the school context, which might undermine or enhance that learning.

In attempts to offer the highest quality of learning, the core curriculum for children’s learning should take play and technology into consideration. “Technology should be integrated into the early care and education curriculum as developmentally age-appropriate, as well as when used to supplement and/or enhance the curricular activity” (New Mexico Early Childhood Higher Education Task Force, 2011). For technology to be integrated into the early childhood curriculum, the early childhood teachers must be familiar with how technology offered may support opportunities for young children. This includes the modeling and teaching of ethical practices that come with technology. When it comes to playing, the curriculum should be designed in a way allowing children to play and relax their minds after every lesson or two. However, as much as the play is taken into account, the lessons should not be too much with a given academic day. What makes technology a core element in a child’s learning curriculum is that the ongoing convergence of technology is the driving force of contemporary society (Rocci, 2010).

Entertainment is yet another part of the core curriculum of a child’s learning stage in life. However, a curriculum that indulges so much into this might end up transforming the learning institution into caretaking rather than educational (Kenway & Bullen,&nbsp.2001). The entertainments include watching animations and comedies and watching magicians. All these must be limited within a specified time span so that it does not get to be too much for brain development. The significance of entertainment in learning is that most entertainments have got some lesson to be learned in the end. Besides that, entertainment also induces creativity.

Censoring Helsinki (2004) the core curriculum for children’s learning entails language teaching, playing, exploration, and engaging in physical activities.