Create a thesis and an outline on Social Support, And Work-Family Conflict.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Social Support, And Work-Family Conflict. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The analysis explores the extent to which work/life balance matters, the extent to which it is being achieved and the factors that determine perceptions of work/non-work conflict, including the state of the psychological contract between employer and employee, work involvement and organizational support. The potential impact of work/non-work conflict on organizational commitment is examined, and the policy implications for employers considered.

Corporate leaders understand that employees’ work and family lives rarely inextricably linked. They always have been but today, with increased pressures in both domains, the overlap and the challenges created are increasingly obvious and complex to resolve. Solving the paradox seated in an organization’s need to be optimally productive and the individual’s need to find quality time to meet domestic responsibilities, to establish, maintain and grow relationships and to relax and recharge, is the great challenge of the new millennium. Most managers have yet to overcome the conundrum for themselves let alone help employees resolve it in their lives.

The prospects for easing the work/ life imbalance dilemma lie, at least in part, in establishing what is creating it. ‘Know thy enemy’ and so forth. Enemy number one must surely be the ‘time distribution imbalance’ trap – consistently committing too much time to work where this is having a detrimental impact on personal life.

However, the concept of ‘work-life balance’ means different things to different people, and there are always shades of grey. What is an imbalance to one person is perfectly acceptable to another? In addition, commercial realities cannot be ignored. Somehow, the needs of key customers and/or other stakeholders must be met or they will take their patronage elsewhere.