Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses intricacies of media studies according to marxist analysis.
Among all the theories and applications of media studies, one of the leading theories is Marxist Media Theory. In most countries especially Britain and European nations, media followed the Neo-Marxist approach in the period of the late 60s to early 80s. The inventors of Marxist media theory were Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. They believed that the material world (i.e. natural phenomena and method) helps to lead human thoughts. With the help of this perspective, Marxism then ascertains social awareness as determined in institutions such as culture i.e. art and media. This theory describes the role of mass media in the replication of the status quo with the help of liberal pluralists who highlight the role of the media in endorsing freedom of speech. On the other hand, the growth of Neo-Marxism in the field of social science has been symbolized in part as a response against ‘functionalist’ models of society. With the help of the historical materialist viewpoint, Marxist analysis of media starts by analyzing the means and relations of production under contemporary capitalism (Chandler, “Marxist Media Theory”).
In keeping with the notion of Marxist analysis, this essay aims to divulge certain intricacies related to the allied notion by evaluating two of the key magazines of Time Warner, a leading media conglomerate i.e. Golf Magazine and Fortune Magazine. One of the famous sports magazines in the world is Golf Magazine. The owner of this magazine is Time Inc. It was published for the first time by Universal Publishing and Distributing in the year 1959. This magazine is one of the important associates for all the golfers, which facilitates to develop their skill levels as well. On the other hand, the other leading magazine of Time Warner conglomerate is Fortune which is essentially a global business magazine. This magazine was initiated by Henry Luce in 1930. It is especially known for its annual features, ranking companies by revenue (Golf, “Golf Magazine”).
Marxist analysis is derived based upon the notion of Marxism, which refers to a theory along with social movement engrained in the notion that society is primarily the history related to class struggles.