Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses r-urban development approach: responding to efficiency and sustainability.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses r-urban development approach: responding to efficiency and sustainability. Basically, one of the newly proposed approaches is the use of the R-urban strategy (Petcou and Petrscu, 2011).

Currently promoted throughout the different European cities, the concept of R-urban aims to create a local network that will link a series of urban activities through the use of the available land (Urban Tactics, n.d.). At first glance, the definition of R-urban may seem to be very complex. However, the concept of R-urbanization is generally pretty simple. First of all, one should be able to understand that R-urban planning focuses on how one should create a network of local and closed ecological systems that could support urban activities (R-Urban wick, n.d.). As such, the R-urban planners should be able to create efficient mobility that could support the nation’s economy, social, environmental, and cultural concerns (Petcou and Petrscu, 2011. Constantin PETCOU, n.d.. Urban Tactics, n.d.).

The concept of R-urbanization is more than the need to create easy access between urban agriculture, technologies, and industry to the place where people live (R-Urban wick, n.d.). In the process of attempting to integrate communities to fulfill the existing human needs, it is equally important on the part of the land developers and societal planners to incorporate the need to protect our ecological system (R-Urban wick, n.d.). Basically, the importance of protecting our ecological system is what makes R-urbanization sounds a little more complicated. As such, R-urban planners and developers should consider ways on how they can promote people’s quality of life by preserving the quality of soil and water as well as the need to prevent further degradation of our landscape and natural resources (Rurbance, 2013).

Therefore, among the few most effective strategies to promote renewability and sustainability in our environment is to include the need to incorporate the importance of promoting the practice of re-using, repairing, and recycling in R-urban planning (Constantin PETCOU, n.d.. R-Urban wick, n.d.). In the process of re-using, repairing, and recycling used materials, R-urban can play a significant role in reducing the risks of global warming as well as the long-term social and economic consequences of depleting our natural resources.