Content analysis | Sociology homework help

1) Read sociologist Robin Williams’ American Values listand answer the questions: Do you agree with his list or not? Please be specific in your reasoning as to why his list does and/or does not resonate with you and your values. Finally, are there values in his list that contradict with any of the six characteristics of a democracy listed Which characteristics and how are they in conflict? Your essay must be 2-3 pages of content double spaced, 12 point-font, Times New Roman.

Please make sure that you construct and present your essay clearly. Your essay must contain the following components:

(a) Introduction: Introduce the major topic of the paper including some discussion of Williams’ list, and the overall purpose of the paper. Look to the rubric for more details.

(b) Claims and Supporting Evidence: In a couple of paragraphs, make sure you fully consider any contradictions you see (or the main ones) in Williams’ list with one or more of the six characteristics of a democracy.

(c) Analysis: Be sure to include an analysis of your own values in light of Williams’ and/or other values identified in the course readings so far, and analyze implications (e.g., as related to a real world phenomenon, for example)

(d) Summary/Conclusions: Clearly summarize your overarching conclusions.

Note: Please be sure you include an in-text citation for any sources you use for your paper using APA format, like this (Author, Year) and a Reference List.