Consider the following quote by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, who believed that thought without language was impossible.

For centuries, people have believed myths and misconceptions about psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Modern psychological research has allowed us to correct some of these misconceptions. As a result, many people have changed their ideas about mental and emotional disorders. Think of a common misconception you have observed in society or in your personal experience. How could information from research be used to change people’s views of psychological disorders? How can this information help us to better understand people who experience mental and emotional disorders?

In a multi-paragraph essay, describe the misconception you observed and discuss how information from research could be used to change this misconception about psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Be sure to include details from class materials, readings, and research on psychological disorders to support your discussion.  300 words

Consider the following quote by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, who believed that thought without language was impossible.

“The limits of my language are the limits of my life.”

For more information on Wittgenstein and his analysis on the importance of language, watch the video Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 – 1951) The Limits of Language. Next, examine whether it is possible to think without using language. If  you believe it is possible, describe the primary ways in which a person  might enact so-called “language less” thinking. If you believe it is not  possible, describe what you foresee as major problems with language less  thinking.

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