Compose a 500 words assignment on t&m-wk7.

Compose a 500 words assignment on t&m-wk7. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Personality Tests Assignment Specialty Area My specialty area will be an educational setting such as aclassroom.Specialty Area Where Administering A Personality Test Would Be AppropriateMy friend is facing problems designing classroom activities because all the children in the classroom have a different personality which makes it difficult for her design classroom activities and there are some children who are facing adjustment problems but is unsure. Type of Personality TestI would administer the Five Factor Personality Inventory-Children (FFPI-C) because the inventory has been specially designed to measure the personality traits and dispositions of children.

The tool measures “agreeableness, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness and emotional regulation” in children (Klingbeil, 2009). Thus, she would be able to understand the different personality traits that the students have and design the classroom activities accordingly. Furthermore, it will also help in the identification of the children at risk for adjustment problems and take appropriate measures. Ethical IssuesThe information that is collected through the administration of the FFPI-C should be kept private and confidential.

The children should be able to withdraw themselves and their data any time during or after the research. Furthermore, there is an issue whether the parents of the children should know about the results of the personality tests or not (Lefaivre, Chambers & Fernandez, 2007).ReferencesKlingbeil, D. A. (2009). Test review: a review of the Five Factor Personality Inventory-Children. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 35(1), 61-64.Lefaivre, M., Chambers, C. T., & Fernandez, C. V. (2007). Offering parents individualized feedback on the results of psychological testing conducted for research purposes with children: ethical issues and recommendations.

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 36(2), 242-252. Assignment 2Pennie you are using Myers-Briggs test for the purpose of personal development and leadership training among the members of Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The purpose for which you chose this particular test is quite apt because the test basically investigates areas such as group dynamics, leadership training and personal development. On the other hand, it would have been much clearer if you had mentioned the four personality traits that the test measures.

These include “extroversion and introversion, sensing and intuition, feeling and thinking and judgment and perception.” These traits should have been mentioned because it would have helped the reader to better understand the purpose of using Myers-Briggs in a group setting (Ford-Martin, n.d).Even though, administering Myers-Briggs in a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is quite appropriate, but you can also use it in an organization where teams are established to fulfill organizational goals.

The employees’ personality traits can be evaluated using Myers-Briggs test after which the teams would be made accordingly. This will help in bringing people with different personality traits together and achieve the organizational goals through a combined effort (MBTI: Type at Work, n.d).As you suggested that the test will help individuals understand themselves better, and become better able to deal with their strengths and weaknesses. I would like to add to this by suggesting that by administering the test among the members of PTO, the individuals would not only be able to judge the strength of their preferences but they would also become aware of their personality types which would help them choose their career paths or any other activity they want to indulge in accurately (Sample, 2009).

ReferencesFord-Martin, P. A. (n.d). Myers-Briggs type indicator: definition, purpose, precautions, description, preparation, normal results. Retrieved October 19, 2010, from Type at Work. (n.d). The Myers-Briggs Foundation. Retrieved October 19, 2010, from, J. (2009). Myers-Briggs type indicator. mbti. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from

pdfAssignment 3Rorschach TestTATDifferences- The test comprises of 10 white cards.- The cards have black ink, black and red ink or multi-colored ink.- The inkblots are random designs.- The cards are shown in a specific order.- The subject is asked what each card might be. (Lilienfeld, Wood & Garb, 2001)- The test comprises of 30 cards with numerous black and white and grayscale pictures. – The pictures have some vagueness but have certain features that offer a story.- The subject is asked to create or construct a story for each of the card that they are given.

– There is no specific order to follow in the showing of the cards t the subject.(Lilienfeld, Wood & Garb, 2001)Similarities- Projective test- Make use of pictures to understand the subject’s unconscious – Considered unscientific(Lilienfeld, Wood & Garb, 2001)- Projective test- Make use of pictures to understand the subject’s unconscious- Considered unscientific(Lilienfeld, Wood & Garb, 2001)Overall Discussion of When It is Appropriate To Use Each Test: The Rorschach test is basically used to project information about an individual’s personality and emotional stability (Berson, 2009).

The Rorschach test is frequently used in courts and parole hearing for character evidence and can also be used as a technique of detecting psychological disorders (Berson, 2009).&nbsp.Similarly, TAT also evaluates personality but cannot be used in clinical diagnosis . It is frequently used in individual assessments of candidates for hiring in fields involving a high degree of skill in interacting with other people and/or ability to deal with with high levels of psychological stress such as law enforcement, military leadership positions, religious ministry, education, diplomatic service, etc (Lilienfeld, Wood & Garb, 2001).

MMPIMyers-BriggsDifferences-The test is used in discovering personality structure and psychopathology.- No theory behind the development of MMPI.- Verbal inventory- Basically determines psychological preference in how individuals look at the world and make choices.- Has been constructed to apply a theory, thus, the theory has to be understood to appreciate MBTI.- Written test(Ford-Martin, n.d)Similarities- Objective test- Structured questionnaire- Objective test- Structured questionnaire(Ford-Martin, n.d)Overall Discussion of When It is Appropriate To Use Each TestThe MMPI is frequently used by clinicians to evaluate and diagnose mental disorders.

The test is generally used to solve legal cases related to criminal defense and custody (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, n.d). It is also used to assess the success of numerous rehabilitation programs such as substance abuse programs (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, n.d). It can also be used in screening, evaluation, selection of candidates for a job (Peterson & 1990). On the other hand, the Myers-Briggs test is basically used for personal growth and training. It has been used successfully in organizations for employee development and organizational enhancement (Information about personality types, n.d). It is particularly useful in developing teams, resolving conflicts, employee training, etc.

It can be used for improvement in the areas of career guidance, interpersonal relationships, in an educational setting and especially in counseling (MBTI: Type at Work, n.d).ReferencesBerson, C. (2009). Do psychologists still use Rorschach tests? Slate. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from, P. A. (n.d). Myers-Briggs type indicator: definition, purpose, precautions, description, preparation, normal results. Retrieved October 19, 2010, from http://health. about personality types. (n.d). Retrieved October 25, 2010, from, S. O., Wood, J. M., & Garb, H. N. (2001). What’s wrong with this picture? Scientific American. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from Type at Work. (n.d). The Myers-Briggs Foundation. Retrieved October 19, 2010, from http://www. Multiphasic Personality Inventory. (n.d). Retrieved October 25, 2010, from http://www.cps., G. W., & Clark, D. A. (1990). The use of the MMPI as a measure of personal adjustment in career counseling. Journal of Career Development, 16(4), 297-307. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from http://www.springerlink.