Compose a 1750 words assignment on mode of communication after cochlear implantation.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on mode of communication after cochlear implantation. Needs to be plagiarism free! The communication mode is a frequently examined educational variable with relation to post-implant benefit. there are two communication mode approaches, oral communication (OC) approaches and total communication (TC) (Geers, 2002). There has been a lot of controversy as to which approach is better. Proponents of the OC approach maintain that dependence on speech and audition for communication is not only critical for achieving maximum auditory benefit, but the constant use of auditory input to monitor speech production and to comprehend spoken language gives the required practice for optimum benefit from a cochlear implant (Geers, 2002). Oral communication uses various methods like a cued speech approach (use of manual cues to complement lip-reading) or the auditory-verbal approach (lip-reading is discouraged and child learns to make use of whatever auditory information is available through his or her sensory device to understand speech) (Geers, 2002).

Proponents of the TC approach believe that for a child with severe-to-profound deafness, a greater benefit will be obtained when some kind of manually coded English accompanies speech, and the use of a sign system facilitates the easy assimilation of language through the unimpaired visual modality (Geers, 2002). Following this, the child can associate what is heard through the implant with signed representations of language in order to support spoken language development (Geers, 2002). Total communication also uses various methods like programs relying heavily on signed input with less emphasis on speech and English syntax or programs that emphasize speech, audition, and lip-reading with careful adherence to English syntax and morphology (Geers, 2002).

Osberger et al., 1994, aimed to explore the relationship between communication mode and speech intelligibility in children who used oral or total communication.&nbsp.&nbsp.