Compose a 1250 words assignment on the value of integrating sexual orientation issues with family.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on the value of integrating sexual orientation issues with family. Needs to be plagiarism free! Whether sexual minorities and their families are mentioned in a lecture or merged throughout the content of the course in a whole semester, the decisive choice to focus the attention of students on the actual experiences of individuals whose sexual orientation deviate from those of the mainstream population is crucial for a number of bases (Bauman & Sachs-Kapp, 1998). First, emphasis on these concerns is in agreement with a teaching principle that stresses the general richness of human experience (p. 42). Differences in sexual orientation should be regarded no less vital to an individual knowledge of human development that is diversity in family structure, social class, ethnicity, or race (Espelage, Aragon, Birkett & Koenig, 2008). Moreover, almost all people, irrespective of their own sexual orientations, will intermingle with transgendered, bisexual, gay, lesbian individuals sometime throughout the course of their lives.

Lastly, courses in family studies provide a particular prospect to educate students about sexual orientation since it is vital to family life (Getch, Branca, Fitz-Gerald & Fitz-Gerald, 2001). The objective of this essay is to determine and analyze particular problems that have been discovered concerning the integration of aspects of sexual orientation into the family studies course. These involve: (1) avoiding generalizations. (2) students’ lack of exposure to and experience with truthful information about sexual orientation. and (3) prejudiced attitudes among students.&nbsp.