Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Google An Entrepreneurial Juggernaut.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Google An Entrepreneurial Juggernaut. The whole technology industry has undergone an extreme makeover: this means that the industry has evolved into the development of better, and more sophisticated innovations, and development. Much has changed in terms of use and deployment much more creativity has required more integration of advanced knowledge and technology into the system and much more innovation will be required to maintain a business or a current system or organization to remain in the market and continue functioning (Parashar, 2007). Much research is needed, and a lot of platforms are going to change in order to accommodate many more advanced innovations. For all this to take place people have to be innovative, creative, change-oriented, persistent, risk-takers and should have a business entrepreneurial mind (Peter Skarzynski, 2008). The developers in several areas should be focused on a bigger goal as far as technology is concerned.

From the case studying done on ‘Google – An Entrepreneurial Juggernaut’, and the research done, a lot of factors should be considered when undergoing and exercising the business plan as an entrepreneur. These factors include:

This is the most critical element in business continuity. In one of the case studies, the Model T Ford example shows how innovation can cause changes in an already existing business. In the case study, the company that had operated for around five years made its first business debut when it first produced the Model T Ford. This is the same case in the Google industry in trying to beat its competitors as a search engine on the internet. In the Google case, the creators deployed new and better innovations. In coming up with better innovation, the developer has to analyze the existing models. Then the developer will look at the risks and demerits of the model and also of its competitors (Peter Skarzynski, 2008). After the analysis, the developer will plan on how to reduce or prevent negative results.