Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: Are E-cigarettes Healthier Than Normal Cigarettes. This essay stresses that there are several positive aspects of using E-cigarette.

Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: Are E-cigarettes Healthier Than Normal Cigarettes. This essay stresses that there are several positive aspects of using E-cigarette. One of the positive aspects of E-cigarette is that it delivers lower level of toxins that that of conventional cigarette. Toxins may be lower but it still contains some which provide the taste of using normal cigarette. The smoking of normal tobacco contains huge number of chemicals. Some of the chemicals are still unknown. But still all of the contained chemicals are harmful and dangerous. E-cigarette contains less harmful chemicals such as vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and other flavored chemicals. The ratio of chemicals provided in E-cigarette is much less than that of chemicals in normal cigarette.

This paper makes a conclusion that E-cigarette is much healthier than that of normal cigarettes. Regardless of being healthier device, it also has some shortcomings which can cause severe harm to human beings. E-cigarette has lower quantity of toxins than that of conventional cigarettes. Normal cigarettes pollute the environment with harmful chemicals. But the use of E-cigarette reduces the amount of harmful chemical emission. This is due to the fact that it releases water vapor which contains fewer amounts of injurious chemicals. It is cheaper option and provides same experience as that of normal cigarettes. The usage of E-cigarette delivers huge threat to the children. It can be easily accessible with the help of internet and mall kiosks E-cigarette is as dangerous like normal cigarettes.