Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Explain the difference in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how these two types of motivation can be involved in turning “play” into “work.”

Sick Around the World

Sick Around the World

Watch “Sick Around the World” (either at or at and answer the following questions:

  • What does “universal health care” mean? Which countries in the film have universal health care?


  • How do the British pay for their National Health Service? What, according to the film, might Americans not like about the British system?


  • Japanese citizens visit doctors three times more often as Americans, and have longer life spans and lower infant mortality than Americans. How do the Japanese pay for their health care system?


  • In Germany, the rich pay for the poor, the ill are covered by the healthy, health insurance continues with or without employment, and doctors, who are private entrepreneurs, make less money than they did before reform. Why will doctors in Germany accept less money? Should the rich pay for the poor when it comes to health insurance? Why or why not?


  • Taiwan designed its health care system in 1995, after looking at health care in 10-15 other countries. What do you think works well in the Taiwanese system?




  • Evaluate the U.S. health care system in comparison to some of the other systems explained in the film. How does the U.S. system compare, in terms of access, cost, and equity? Compare the U.S. on each dimension to at least two other countries. Do you think the U.S. should adopt universal health care? Why or why not?


Consequences of a market orientation







  1. List and describe briefly the consequences of a market orientation, as proposed by Kohli and Jaworski. Under what circumstances, specifically, might a market orientation not be related strongly to business performance (according to Kohli and Jaworski)?

  1. What is the “self-deceiving cycle,” per Theodore Levitt (’60)?  What is the error of analysis that many companies / industries commit?  If industries are not a goods-producing process, what sort of process are they, per Levitt?


  1. How do Narver and Slater (’90) reconcile their components of market orientation

with Kohli and Jaworski’s (’90) components of market orientation? (Be sure and

name the components in your answer.) Describe any reference, if any, that Kohli

and Jaworski make to studies by Narver and Slater.


  1. Why do Kohli and Jaworski (’90) not use the term marketing orientation? Name and discuss the environmental moderators of the market orientation – business performance linkage as discussed by Kohli and Jaworski (’90).


  1. Kotler and Levy discussed products, consumers, and marketing tools in terms of organizational marketing. How did they define products and consumers, and what marketing tools do they identify? What do they mean by “everything in an organization talks?” Do Kotler and Levy refer to marketing as an art, science, or both art and science?


  1. Summarize Neil Borden’s discussion of the “marketing mix.” What market forces bear on the “mix?”

Religion on ethical standards in the workplace

Assignment #7

Chapter 8


Real World Case



#3 Assessing his/her own values, attitudes, and beliefs as a member of the workforce.

#6 Understanding that sometimes conflicting values, attitudes, and beliefs held by employees, customers, suppliers, managers, owners/stakeholders, and members of the larger community.

#9 Discussing the impact of religion on ethical standards in the workplace and marketplace

#15 Analyzing specific ethical decisions made by businesses in the areas of human resources, marketing, accounting/finance, and production.


Having read Chapter 8, complete the following:

Review the “Cases From The Real World” presented in the chapter:

Page 241 The ADA and Verizon Attendance Policy; and

Page 243 The Abercrombie & Fitch Religious Discrimination Case

Respond to each of the Critical Thinking questions presented. Remember to consider the competencies: understanding the impact of religion on ethical standards in the workplace and marketplace and analyzing specific ethical decisions made by businesses. Explain so that your view regarding recognizing and respecting the rights of all is clear.



Assignment #7 will be graded on conveying a clear understanding of the topic, providing a clear discussion of such, as well as utilizing correct grammar.


Grade: 15% of total grade, along with accurate grammar.

Diminishing Returns is a concept


“Diminishing Returns” is a concept, or more precisely, an empirical finding that shows up in a variety of places in microeconomics. We first encountered it in the module on utility, and then again in this module on production and costs.

What do economists mean by “diminishing returns” to an input? What causes diminishing returns? Have you ever observed this principle at work in a job you’ve had? Describe how you’ve experienced this concept in the real world.


  1. Post your initial reply to the topic above by Thursday evening at 11:59pm.
  2. Read through the other entries and reply directly to at least two classmates by Sunday evening at 11:59pm.

Please make a substantive contribution to the discussion; short replies such as “I agree” will not earn full points. When you reply, make sure to use professional grammar and punctuation.

Develop a Community Outreach Program Proposal

Public Health Administration


Assignment 4: Community Health Outreach Program Proposal

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.

Course Objective for Assignment:

  • Develop a public health policy, policy statement, or program, applying concepts, principles, and practices of public health.

Read Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities

How to Develop Community Health, Patient Outreach Efforts

Culturally, the United States places great value on individual liberties, arguably more than any other nation on earth. This creates a natural tension between what may be beneficial for the general population and what may infringe on individual rights.

Pick a public health issue from the list you want to develop an outreach plan for

1. Alcohol-related harms

Alcohol Use and Your Health

2. Food safety

CDC and Food Safety

3. Healthcare-associated Infections

HAI Data

4. Heart Disease and Stroke

Heart Disease and Stroke

5. HIV

About HIV

6. Motor Vehicle Injuries

Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths

7. Nutrition, physical activity and obesity

Strategies to Prevent & Manage Obesity

8. Prescription drug overdose

Understanding the Epidemic

9. Teen pregnancy

Reproductive Health: Teen Pregnancy

10. Tobacco use

Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the United States

Develop a Community Outreach Program Proposal (Guidance for writing a successful Community Outreach / Education proposalCommunity Outreach by Dermatology Education (CODE)-example) to target the chosen topic. Make sure to consider who the proposal developer is, who is the target audience, the purpose of the proposal. The structure will be following similar guidelines but the content will differ. A proposal to the hospital Board of Directors will differ from a Grant Proposal or from a proposal for the local Government.

The Proposal should not be longer than 10-12 pages plus the title and reference, cover letter.  Make sure to provide supportive evidence where appropriate. Cite and refer it in APA 7th Edition. The section of Budget should offer suggestions for the funding sources but does not need to be developed in details.


Identify a social condition of a named social group

For various reasons, anytime the issue of race and ethnic relation comes up, some students are quick to shutdown the discussion by saying “Oh, but that is in the past.” Maybe so, but not in a sociology course. Just the same, in this assignment you are to look at the present–our immediate history making in say the last 20 years for your topic.

  • Identify a social condition of a named social group in the Race and Ethnic Structure in the U.S.
  • Explain why the social condition should be elevated to the status of a Social Problem. (See chapter 1 to refresh your memory)
  • Drawing on at least 2 empirical supporting evidence of the sources of the human condition, explain why the social condition should be elevated the status of a Social Problem.
  • Propose a policy solution to address the social problem, and how it would benefit the society.

2-3 paragraphs

1. Health care research

write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

  • Access 1 article from the online library related to health care research that is centered on improving health care outcomes and provide a summary.
  • The summary must include intentional usage of statistical terminology associated with the article.
  • Include a brief description of the terminology used within the research article.
  • Distinguish between the inferential and descriptive statistics discussed in the research.
  • How are inferential and descriptive statistics used to make health care business decisions on a daily basis?

Managed Care and Public Policy

Managed Care and Public Policy

Various types of managed care organizations have emerged due to forces imposed by the state and the federal governments, such as the HMO Act of 1973.  Address the following:

  • Evaluate the impact of one federal and one state-level public health policy.
  • Compare and contrast the ways each policy caused the managed care market to grow or retract.