Consider the elements of a quality Pre-K language and literacy learning center. For your discussion, consider the following points:  What criteria will you use when setting up your center?


Literacy is such an important part of any Early Childhood classroom.  Although children use and expand their literacy in almost every activity and curriculum area in which they participate, creating a child-centered language arts area focuses on the importance of literacy as a central core of the curriculum.

The Assignment

Consider the elements of a quality Pre-K language and literacy learning center. For your discussion, consider the following points:

  • What criteria will you use when setting up your center?
  • What literacy materials would be present?
  • How can you connect the language/literacy center to the other centers present in the classroom?
  • How does the center support the emergent reading and writing development of the children?
  • How will you, the teacher, support the skills that need to be learned in the center?

What are your society’s traditional expectations for men? How much pressure do these expectations impose?


Students are expected to write their initial post no later than Wednesday of the week and respond to two colleagues’ posts by the end of the assigned week (Sunday)

The discussion forums are not optional, nor are the discussion forum responses.
Active participation in weekly discussions is essential. Active participation requires the student to develop a substantive initial posting for each weekly discussion assigned by the instructor. The students may state their opinions in the post, but they must have resources to support their assertions. Agreeing or providing an opinion is not a sufficient response to the discussion.

Discussion forums initial response

The student initial discussion forum posting must be a minimum of 200 words and include in-text citations and references. This citation and reference may not be course materials. The student must list their reference source at the end of the posting. All posts must be posted directly to the forum do not post any responses as an attachment. Complete citations and reference must meet the standards of the APA style.

Discussion Forum Peer Responses

The student must respond to the discussion of two of their peers. The responses to peers also need to be substantive that will contribute to the discussion by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and present supportive material related to the topic. Generic responses to a peer’s discussion post are not sufficient and the student will not receive full credit for that response. We expect students to build on ideas and add to the body of knowledge by conducting limited, peer-reviewed research. If the student post before or after the due date/time, he or she will not receive credit. The grades for the discussion forum initial and peer responses will be graded according to the rubric. Please check grammar and spelling before submitting a discussion post.


How Coronavirus Turned Telemedicine into the New Face of Healthcare

Telemedicine 1200 words due 9/29/2020 How Coronavirus Turned Telemedicine into the New Face of Healthcare

1. 200 words Provide summary of the video from the link above

2. 200 words provide pro of telehealth in the care setting and situation depicted in the video.

3. 200 words provide disadvantage of using telehealth in the setting and situation depicted in the video.

4. 200 words How can telehealth enhance client outcome?

5. 200 words Research a pear reviewed article regarding the use of tele, summarize the information you have learned regarding the article and telehealth.

6. 200 words Construct 4 questions regarding telehealth and the impact on healthcare

Use subheadings APA format and at least four reference

 Analyze the documentary “Generation Like” based on the following questions:  How is your social media use has been different than your parents?  What can Baby Boomers and Generation X learn about teenagers from their “likes” on social media, concerning the concepts of engagement, influence, and building trust in the workplace? 

Film Analysis II: Generation Like (Due on 30 September 2020, Week 2, 20 points)

Analyze the documentary “Generation Like” based on the following questions:

  • How is your social media use has been different than your parents? 
  • What can Baby Boomers and Generation X learn about teenagers from their “likes” on social media, concerning the concepts of engagement, influence, and building trust in the workplace? 


*This is a 4 – full page (for graduate students) writing assignment that must adhere to APA formatting style. Remember to use a variety of references to strengthen your argument points. Save your work in Word document. Submit your paper through the title link on Blackboard. APA 7th Edition guidelines apply to all writing assignments. Specified page numbers exclude the title and references pages.



Identify and describe three specific mnemonic techniques you learned about and explain how each of these mnemonic devices may be applied to studying for an exam, a speech, lists, or other information.



Mind Tool’s ( website on memory techniques and mnemonics will help you apply the concepts taught in Chapter 6 to improve your own memory. This reviews the underlying principles of effective mnemonic systems then introduce several specific mnemonics and apply them to the remembering names, dates, telephone numbers, and so on. You may also access the website, Improving Your Memory through Mnemonics.

What to Do:

Visit the website listed above; read the first article, Memory Techniques (start here), and then choose three other articles/links to read. Then answer the questions below (assume a short essay format and means typed and double spaced). You will be graded on the thoroughness and completeness of your responses.

  1. Identify and describe three specific mnemonic techniques you learned about and explain how each of these mnemonic devices may be applied to studying for an exam, a speech, lists, or other information. (Be sure to explain this information in your own words.)
  2. Next, develop and describe a mnemonic to help you remember key concepts/vocabulary for the following essay questions. In order to receive full credit, you must come up with your own mnemonics for each. (The intention is for you to practice developing your own mnemonics. You will only receive credit for creating the mnemonic, not simply answering the question.) a. Identify and describe the two types of LTM information. (Chapter 6) b. Explain both the repressed memory and false memory controversies. What is the difference between a false memory and a repressed memory? Why may they be confused? (This one might be tricky, but figure out what will be meaningful to you)

Assignment Format:

  1. A paper about 2 pages long, not including any reference section
  2. Typed and double spaced, with Arial (10 point font) or Times New Roman (11  or 12 point font) and 1-inch margins
  3. Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors – and indent the first line of each paragraph.
  4. Provide in-text citations and reference any of your sources using APA format


Essay II Reading Material: Pink-collar recession’: how the Covid-19 crisis could set back a generation of women

Essays II (Due on Friday, 2 October, Week II, 20 points)

*Each week, you will submit one critical summary of the assigned readings 4 – full page for graduate students (excluding the references page).

The first quarter of the paper should be a brief summary of the article. The rest of the paper should be your critique of the article (what do you agree and/or disagree with and why/why not). Be sure to offer evidence that supports your argument points then add to it with ideas of your own. Remember to cite evidence that contradicts your stance and then argue against that evidence to strengthen your position. Save your work in Word document. Submit your paper through the title link on Blackboard. APA 7th Edition guidelines apply to all your assignments.

Essay II Reading Material: Pink-collar recession’: how the Covid-19 crisis could set back a generation of women

Essays II (Due on Friday, 2 October, Week II, 20 points) *Each week, you will submit one critical summary of the assigned readings 4 – full page for graduate students (excluding the references page). The first quarter of the paper should be a brief summary of the article. The rest of the paper should be your critique of the article (what do you agree and/or disagree with and why/why not). Be sure to offer evidence that supports your argument points then add to it with ideas of your own. Remember to cite evidence that contradicts your stance and then argue against that evidence to strengthen your position. Save your work in Word document. Submit your paper through the title link on Blackboard. APA 7th Edition guidelines apply to all your assignments. Essay II Reading Material: Pink-collar recession’: how the Covid-19 crisis could set back a generation of women

Essays II (Due on Friday, 2 October, Week II, 20 points)

*Each week, you will submit one critical summary of the assigned readings 4 – full page for graduate students (excluding the references page).

The first quarter of the paper should be a brief summary of the article. The rest of the paper should be your critique of the article (what do you agree and/or disagree with and why/why not). Be sure to offer evidence that supports your argument points then add to it with ideas of your own. Remember to cite evidence that contradicts your stance and then argue against that evidence to strengthen your position. Save your work in Word document. Submit your paper through the title link on Blackboard. APA 7th Edition guidelines apply to all your assignments.

Essays II (Due on Friday, 2 October, Week II, 20 points)

*Each week, you will submit one critical summary of the assigned readings 4 – full page for graduate students (excluding the references page).

The first quarter of the paper should be a brief summary of the article. The rest of the paper should be your critique of the article (what do you agree and/or disagree with and why/why not). Be sure to offer evidence that supports your argument points then add to it with ideas of your own. Remember to cite evidence that contradicts your stance and then argue against that evidence to strengthen your position. Save your work in Word document. Submit your paper through the title link on Blackboard. APA 7th Edition guidelines apply to all your assignments.

Essay II Reading Material: Pink-collar recession’: how the Covid-19 crisis could set back a generation of women

Updating the business network After downloading a new version, you can update the business network with the new version of your smart contract software.

BLCN532 Lab 5

Maintaining the Business Network



In this lab, you’ll explore how to deploy updated network components.


Lab Deliverables:


To complete this lab, you must create a Lab Report file and submit the file in iLearn. The Lab Report file must be a Microsoft Word format (.docx), and have the filename with the following format:


  • SECTION is the section number of your current course (2 digits)
  • STUDENTID is your student ID number (with leading zeros)
  • LASTNAME is your last name
  • FIRSTNAME is your first name

To get started, create a Microsoft Word document (.docx) with the correct filename for this lab. You’ll be asked to enter text and paste screenshots into the lab report file.


NOTE: All screenshots MUST be readable. A screenshot that I cannot read (i.e. cannot read the text you are capturing) will not count for any points.





SECTION 1: Downloading a new version and updating the business network


Step 1.1: Downloading a new version


Once your developers commit tested code changes to the main branch, you need to download the new version of your smart contract code.


  1. Find the command in Chapter 8 of the course textbook to Download a new version of the smart contract code.
  2. Copy the command and paste it into your lab report file.


Step 1.2: Updating the business network


After downloading a new version, you can update the business network with the new version of your smart contract software.


  1. Find the two commands in Chapter 8 of the course textbook to update the business network with the new smart contract code.
  2. Copy the commands and paste them into your lab report file.



You should have 3 commands your Lab Report File. (Yes, that’s it!) Save your file and submit it in iLearn as a file attachment for the Lab 5 assignment.

Congratulations! You have complete lab 5.

A toxic culture can not only be depressing and demoralizing to work on, but they also lead to employee turnover (and even harassment). 

A toxic culture can not only be depressing and demoralizing to work on, but they also lead to employee turnover (and even harassment).  New research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology about the “dark triad” has been interesting about some of the employee personality characteristics that can lead to these toxic cultures.   Read/watch these resources and share your thoughts on these questions:  What does a toxic culture look like in terms of employee behaviors?  What does it look like in terms of employee outcomes?  How can organizations combat a toxic culture?  What can we do in HR to fix this problem?


Describe Coach Bono’s basic assumptions regarding motivation.  That is, what are the underlying principles which guide (and have guided) Coach Bono as he motivates (and has motivated) student-athletes, professional players, and others?


View the following video. You can also access it by typing the following link into your browser:

Rather than give you a fictitious organizational situation, I am  asking you to apply your knowledge of human motivation to a real  scenario.  I call this a “living case” opportunity.  The Living Case  video will feature Head Coach John Bonamego (Coach Bono) of CMU’s Football Team.  The topic of the case is Motivation.  Coach Bono provides a presentation about his background and the principles he uses to motivate others based upon his coaching career from highschool  to college to the NFL.   After viewing his presentation, you will need  to address the four questions and requested descriptions below.  The  Living Case will be graded on an 80-point basis.


Here are the questions and descriptions required for the Living Case assignment.

  1. Describe Coach Bono’s basic assumptions regarding motivation.  That is, what are the underlying principles which guide (and have guided) Coach Bono as he motivates (and has motivated) student-athletes, professional players, and others?  (Points:  0 – 20)
  2. Describe the theories of motivation (based upon those frameworks of motivation presented in the text such as Maslow’s  Hierarchy of Needs, Goal Setting Theory, Expectancy Theory, Equity  Theory, the Job Characteristics Model, etc.) which best describe Coach Bono’s motivational actions. (Points:  0-20)
  3. Describe how Coach Bono  uses different motivational approaches for different types of people  (i.e., individuals) or situations (i.e., day to day practices, workouts,  or a game).  (Points:  0-20)
  4. From your personal perspective, describe several important lessons a new manager could learn from Coach Bono regarding how to motivate others to higher levels of performance.  (Points: 0-20)

Please provide complete and detailed answers to all four items.  A typical paper will be a minimum of 6 full pages  in length using doubled spaced text and normal one (1) inch margins.   There is no page limit for the written assignment.  Generally speaking,  “more is better.”  Make sure you provide specific and detailed examples  from the Speaker’s presentation and his/her answers to your questions  in addressing the above items.  It is required that you  reference material from the textbook and/or the recorded lectures to  support your assertions as stated in the paper.  You don’t have  to use any particular citation format.  For example you could say “On  page XXX in the text, Equity Theory is described as . . .”   I think  this relates to the Speaker’s approach to motivation as . . .”

Projects should be uploaded the submission link in Blackboard.   There are 80 total points possible for the living case analysis  assignment.

Follow the instruction above to complete the project. Save your work in Word. Upload and submit it via the title link by the end of Week 5.