Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement

I’m trying to study for my Health & Medical course and I need some help to understand this question.


Assignment: Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement

As a nurse, how often have you thought to yourself, If I had anything to do about it, things would work a little differently? Increasingly, nurses are beginning to realize that they do, in fact, have a role and a voice.

Many nurses encounter daily experiences that motivate them to take on an advocacy role in hopes of impacting policies, laws, or regulations that impact healthcare issues of interest. Of course, doing so means entering the less familiar world of policy and politics. While many nurses do not initially feel prepared to operate in this space effectively, the reward is the opportunity to shape and influence future health policy.

To Prepare:

  • Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources.

The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid; 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement)

Part 1: Legislation Comparison Grid

Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Comparison Grid Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed.
  • Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill.
  • Identify the target populations addressed by the bill.
  • Where in the process is the bill currently? Is it in hearings or committees?

Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement

Based on the health-related bill you selected, develop a 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement that addresses the following:

  • Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position.
  • Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples.

Using the Reaction Watch database, identify a study that has been retracted in the Nursing discipline recently. Summarize the ethical misconduct – in other words, why the study was retracted. What was the potential harm that the findings could have or resulted in?  Did the author(s) face any consequences?

I don’t know how to handle this Social Science question and need guidance.


Watch the video ( available in youtube, video title: Rethinking Research Data | Kristin Briney | TEDxUWMilwaukee ) and,


Read the two articles about the ethical issues that can and do arise in research that is publicly shared. The last link is to a website called “Retraction Watch.” This website consists of a searchable database on research in all disciplines that has been retracted due to fraud (fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism), as well as other types of ethical misconduct.

What A Massive Database of Retracted Papers Reveals about Science Publishing’s ‘Death Penalty’ (Links to an external site.)

Viewpoint: Why So Many Scientific Studies Are Flawed and Poorly Understood (Links to an external site.)

Retraction Watch (Links to an external site.)


Let’s start this discussion with your opinion. If publishing research results is a form of advertising, as mentioned in the video, does the responsibility of researchers end once they have published their findings?

Using the Reaction Watch database, identify a study that has been retracted in the Nursing discipline recently. Summarize the ethical misconduct – in other words, why the study was retracted. What was the potential harm that the findings could have or resulted in?  Did the author(s) face any consequences?

Create a presentation (maximum of 20 slides with detailed speaker notes) for senior leadership in which four organizational leaders analyze the impact of a health care organization’s new safety and quality dashboard.

I’m working on a Health & Medical exercise and need support.


Create a presentation (maximum of 20 slides with detailed speaker notes) for senior leadership in which four organizational leaders analyze the impact of a health care organization’s new safety and quality dashboard. Include an analysis of what the new metrics mean and how they will inform departmental activities for the next quarter.”Being in a position of leadership is the most important job of any health professional anywhere along the continuum of care” (Ledlow & Coppola, 2013, p. 3). Leaders and ultimately the boards of directors of health care organizations are accountable for the safety of those they serve.” National quality organizations and regulatory bodies … are growing in their emphasis on leadership accountabilities for safe, reliable care as well as excellence in the experience of care” (Youngberg, 2013, p. 39).With this emphasis on leadership accountability for the delivery of safe, high-quality health care services, health care leaders need to be able to drill down on what exactly safety and quality mean in the health care environment. Likewise, they also need to be able to design measures that help to ensure their organizations are able to deliver those kinds of outcomes. Read Measurement Perspectives [PDF] to examine key elements related to this issue.In this final course assessment, you will have a unique opportunity to examine a health care organization’s safety and quality dashboard from the perspective of four organizational leaders. You will explore each leader’s specific interests regarding patient safety and quality. In particular, you will have the opportunity to perform a more in-depth analysis of the dashboard, the type of analysis a quality director might perform to further the organization’s safety and quality objectives.

  • References

    Ledlow, G. R., & Coppola, M. N. (2013). Leadership for health professionals (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Youngberg, B. J. (2013). Patient safety handbook (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Analyze the quality and performance improvement activities within the health care organization.
      • Recommend evidence-based actions to improve a selected measure on a health care organization’s safety and quality dashboard.
    • Competency 2: Explain the risk management function in the health care organization.
      • Analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a risk manager.
    • Competency 3: Analyze the importance of patient safety in health care.
      • Describe how a health care organization chooses the metrics to include in its safety and quality dashboard.
      • Analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a patient safety officer.
    • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
      • Assess senior leadership’s role in setting a health care organization’s strategic safety and quality objectives.
    • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
      • Create a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free presentation on a leadership team’s assessment of an organization’s safety and quality dashboard that is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
      • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


    To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:


    Your organization has just updated its safety and quality dashboard. Please review the Vila Health Mercy Hospital Safety and Quality Dashboard [PDF]. Note: You do not need to create a dashboard for this assessment. You are simply being asked to work with the one provided.The CEO has asked each of the organizational leaders below to prepare a joint PowerPoint presentation. In it, they are to prepare a set of slides outlining their analysis of how the new numbers will inform their particular activities for the next quarter. The organizational leaders include:

    • The quality director.
    • The patient safety officer.
    • The risk manager.
    • Senior leadership.

    Because of the quality director’s critical role in implementing the organization’s safety and quality strategic objectives, this individual will open the presentation and provide additional background about how the new dashboard was developed. This individual will also close the presentation. Use the following outline to organize your presentation. Be sure to include the introduction and conclusion and address all the questions listed under these headings. Also be sure to address each role and the corresponding questions.

    Introduction (3–4 slides)
    • What is a safety and quality dashboard?
    • What role do safety and quality dashboards play in helping health care organizations drive their strategic safety and quality objectives?
    • How do health care organization determine what they want to measure? Be sure to consider:
      • Pressures from regulators, payors, and the industry.
      • Self-identified improvement areas. For example, one organization’s safety and quality dashboard may highlight patient falls because its rate of falls is higher than the national average. This may also have resulted in increased costs to the organization.
    • What CQI tools did the organization use to obtain, measure, and report data?
    • What was the quality improvement team’s role in addressing the reported measures?
    Quality Director (2–3 slides)
    • Which metric on the dashboard would draw the quality director’s attention the most?
    • What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
    • What three recommendations to leadership would help to address this metric?
    • What (if any) quality models could be used to increase the quality of patient care and outcomes for this metric? Consider PDCA, Six Sigma, Lean, Hoshin Kanri planning, et cetera.
    Patient Safety Officer (2–3 slides)
    • Which metric on the dashboard would draw the patient safety officer’s attention the most?
    • What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
    • What role does the patient safety officer play in improving this metric?
    Risk Manager (2–3 slides)
    • Which metric on the dashboard would draw the risk manager’s attention the most?
    • What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
    • What role does the risk manager play in improving this metric?
    Senior Leader (1 slide)
    • What is the role of senior leadership (for example, CEO, COO, president, senior VP) in driving safety and quality improvement initiatives?
    • What next steps might senior leadership take given the dashboard findings and the quality director’s three improvement recommendations?
    Conclusion (2–3 slides)
    • Which regulatory agency(ies) may be concerned about the findings in this dashboard?
    • Why would regulators be concerned about these findings?
    • Why are safety and quality dashboards important for monitoring key metrics in health care organizations?

    Your slides need to be concise and offer main ideas in bulleted format. Use the speaker notes to expand upon your findings as if they were the transcript of your presentation for the leadership team.In the health care environment, it is unlikely for a presentation and speaker notes to be in APA style. Do make sure they are concise, organized, clear, and free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do make sure they address all the required headings and all of the questions under each heading.Your senior leaders will want to know the sources of your information. Be sure to cite your sources in APA style in your speaker notes.


    • Presentation length: Your presentation should be a maximum of 20 slides, including title and reference slides. Format your title and reference slides according to APA format.
    • Speaker notes: Be sure to include these with your slides. They provide an opportunity for you to expand on the information you are highlighting in your slides.
    • Number of references: Cite a minimum of two references.
    • Scoring Guide: Please read the scoring guide for this assessment so you understand how your faculty member is going to evaluate your work.

Prepare an issue analysis of an incident that occurred in a health care organization and create a leadership action plan (8-10 pages) that will help to address the specific incident but will also help to drive safety and quality improvements throughout the organization.

I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?


Prepare an issue analysis of an incident that occurred in a health care organization and create a leadership action plan (8-10 pages) that will help to address the specific incident but will also help to drive safety and quality improvements throughout the organization.

In this third assessment in the course, you will assume the role of a newly promoted quality manager at your local hospital. This role requires you to address deficiencies by improving organizational culture, providing leadership oversight, and cultivating staff relationships within the organization. While you have many priorities in this new role, one of your first is to analyze a recent incident that occurred within the organization and to create a leadership action plan with recommended strategies and tactics to address not just the specific incident, but to drive safety and quality improvement throughout the organization.

This assessment differs from the first assessment in that with this assessment, as the quality manager, your focus is broader. Rather than focusing only on identifying specific actions the organization can take to remedy a particular incident that occurred, you are concentrating on what steps you will take as the quality manager to influence the organization’s leadership to cultivate a fair and just culture. You will determine what departments, what leaders, and what personnel you will collaborate with to improve quality for the whole organization. In this type of culture, safety is at the forefront of everyone’s job and all associates welcome the opportunity to highlight issues—without fear of reprisal—so that they can be addressed at a systemic level throughout the organization.

You may find it useful to review the short document CQI Importance and Features [PDF] as you gather your thoughts about the key elements you want to include in your assessment, Issue Analysis and Leadership Action Plan.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
    • Apply the IHI Triple Aim to develop a health care leadership strategy that focuses on optimizing health care system performance.
    • Propose evidence-based leadership strategies that will help to establish a safety and quality culture.
    • Propose evidence-based leadership and collaboration strategies to enlist the aid of key organizational leaders in establishing a safety and quality culture.
    • Determine opportunities to enlist the governing board’s aid in fostering a fair and just culture.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
    • Write a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free issue analysis and leadership action plan that promotes a culture of safety and quality and is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
    • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:

  • Select one of the three incidents from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation you completed in Assessment 1. These are common incidents you are likely to encounter in the health care field. These included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. You may select one of the incidents you worked with in the previous assessments or select another one. Pick one that holds the most interest for you.
  • Consider these analysis questions once you have selected the incident on which you will focus:
    • What information do you possess about the issue? (Note: You may not be able to answer all of these questions; just include the information you know.) Consider:
      • Who was involved?
      • During what process (clinical, communication, operational) did the issue occur?
      • When did the issue occur? During a particular shift? On a particular day? During peak hours? Under certain clinical circumstances?
      • Where did the issue occur?
    • What additional data about the incident would you like to collect and analyze?
    • Which best practices may not have been adhered to that may have contributed to the issue? (Note: This information will prove useful to you as you complete your analysis and leadership action plan.)


Write an analysis and leadership action plan for the issue you selected that will enable you to address the issue on an organization-wide basis. Please make sure to include all of the following headings and answer all of the questions underneath each heading.

Issue Summary
  • How would you summarize the key elements of the incident that occurred?
  • What is your goal in addressing the issue?
  • Which two to three key items will be your focus? For example, you may elect to focus on nursing staffing levels if being short staffed in nursing is contributing to compromises to patient safety.
IHI Triple Aim
  • What is the IHI Triple AIM?
  • How does the IHI Triple Aim apply to this specific incident?
  • What IHI Triple Aim elements will you incorporate into your organizational improvement strategy?
  • What is culture?
  • Why is culture a critical organizational priority for safety and quality?
  • Based on the knowledge you have about the selected issue, what do you know about the existing organizational culture?
  • What are some of the evidence-based strategies you are considering you could employ to cultivate a culture of safety?
  • Which key departments need to be directly involved with the corrective action process?
  • What is your rationale for selecting these departments? For example, you may want to involve nursing because many of errors involve nurses and obtaining their buy-in is critical to achieving the organizational priority.
  • Which specific senior leader, front line staff member, and clinical expert will you include in your action plan and hold accountable for implementation?
  • What are the implications of not engaging with all departments toward making safety and quality top of mind?
  • How might you involve other departments in addressing the specific issue and the cultural issue?
  • Which specific leaders within the organization could assist you in addressing this issue and in making patient safety and quality top of mind throughout the organization? Examples for you to consider include the chief nursing officer, the chief medical officer, the patient safety officer, et cetera.
  • What role do you expect these leaders to play in addressing the specific issue and the issue of culture?
  • What best practices would you employ to enlist their aid in the improvement effort?
  • What role does the organization’s governing board have in terms of quality and safety in the organization?
  • How could you enlist the governing board’s aid in your improvement initiative?
  • What additional information could you provide them to increase their involvement in the organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts?
Leadership Action Plan
  • What are three evidence-based actions you recommend that would help to solve the incident that arose?
  • What are three evidence-based best practices you recommend to address the issue on an organizational level?
  • How will you summarize your analysis of the incident and your leadership action plan?

Remember that health care is an evidence-based field. You will need to cite a minimum of two credible references to support your analysis and action planning process.

In addition, in the health care field, your analysis and action plan would not typically be written in APA format. Do ensure that it is clear, persuasive, concise, organized, and without errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do provide citations and title and reference pages in APA format. Other leaders in your organization are going to want to know what sources you relied on to prepare your analysis and action plan.


  • Length: Your incident analysis and leadership action plan will be 8–10 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • APA Format: Your citations and title and reference pages need to be in APA format. The body of your analysis does not need to be written in APA format. It does need to be well written, include the headings specified in the instructions, and address the questions listed under each heading.
  • Scoring Guide: Please review this assessment’s scoring guide to ensure you understand how your faculty member will evaluate your work.Prepare an issue analysis of an incident that occurred in a health care organization and create a leadership action plan (8-10 pages) that will help to address the specific incident but will also help to drive safety and quality improvements throughout the organization.In this third assessment in the course, you will assume the role of a newly promoted quality manager at your local hospital. This role requires you to address deficiencies by improving organizational culture, providing leadership oversight, and cultivating staff relationships within the organization. While you have many priorities in this new role, one of your first is to analyze a recent incident that occurred within the organization and to create a leadership action plan with recommended strategies and tactics to address not just the specific incident, but to drive safety and quality improvement throughout the organization.This assessment differs from the first assessment in that with this assessment, as the quality manager, your focus is broader. Rather than focusing only on identifying specific actions the organization can take to remedy a particular incident that occurred, you are concentrating on what steps you will take as the quality manager to influence the organization’s leadership to cultivate a fair and just culture. You will determine what departments, what leaders, and what personnel you will collaborate with to improve quality for the whole organization. In this type of culture, safety is at the forefront of everyone’s job and all associates welcome the opportunity to highlight issues—without fear of reprisal—so that they can be addressed at a systemic level throughout the organization. You may find it useful to review the short document CQI Importance and Features [PDF] as you gather your thoughts about the key elements you want to include in your assessment, Issue Analysis and Leadership Action Plan.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
      • Apply the IHI Triple Aim to develop a health care leadership strategy that focuses on optimizing health care system performance.
      • Propose evidence-based leadership strategies that will help to establish a safety and quality culture.
      • Propose evidence-based leadership and collaboration strategies to enlist the aid of key organizational leaders in establishing a safety and quality culture.
      • Determine opportunities to enlist the governing board’s aid in fostering a fair and just culture.
    • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
      • Write a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free issue analysis and leadership action plan that promotes a culture of safety and quality and is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
      • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


    To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:

    • Select one of the three incidents from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation you completed in Assessment 1. These are common incidents you are likely to encounter in the health care field. These included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. You may select one of the incidents you worked with in the previous assessments or select another one. Pick one that holds the most interest for you.
    • Consider these analysis questions once you have selected the incident on which you will focus:
      • What information do you possess about the issue? (Note: You may not be able to answer all of these questions; just include the information you know.) Consider:
        • Who was involved?
        • During what process (clinical, communication, operational) did the issue occur?
        • When did the issue occur? During a particular shift? On a particular day? During peak hours? Under certain clinical circumstances?
        • Where did the issue occur?
      • What additional data about the incident would you like to collect and analyze?
      • Which best practices may not have been adhered to that may have contributed to the issue? (Note: This information will prove useful to you as you complete your analysis and leadership action plan.)


    Write an analysis and leadership action plan for the issue you selected that will enable you to address the issue on an organization-wide basis. Please make sure to include all of the following headings and answer all of the questions underneath each heading.

    Issue Summary
    • How would you summarize the key elements of the incident that occurred?
    • What is your goal in addressing the issue?
    • Which two to three key items will be your focus? For example, you may elect to focus on nursing staffing levels if being short staffed in nursing is contributing to compromises to patient safety.
    IHI Triple Aim
    • What is the IHI Triple AIM?
    • How does the IHI Triple Aim apply to this specific incident?
    • What IHI Triple Aim elements will you incorporate into your organizational improvement strategy?
    • What is culture?
    • Why is culture a critical organizational priority for safety and quality?
    • Based on the knowledge you have about the selected issue, what do you know about the existing organizational culture?
    • What are some of the evidence-based strategies you are considering you could employ to cultivate a culture of safety?
    • Which key departments need to be directly involved with the corrective action process?
    • What is your rationale for selecting these departments? For example, you may want to involve nursing because many of errors involve nurses and obtaining their buy-in is critical to achieving the organizational priority.
    • Which specific senior leader, front line staff member, and clinical expert will you include in your action plan and hold accountable for implementation?
    • What are the implications of not engaging with all departments toward making safety and quality top of mind?
    • How might you involve other departments in addressing the specific issue and the cultural issue?
    • Which specific leaders within the organization could assist you in addressing this issue and in making patient safety and quality top of mind throughout the organization? Examples for you to consider include the chief nursing officer, the chief medical officer, the patient safety officer, et cetera.
    • What role do you expect these leaders to play in addressing the specific issue and the issue of culture?
    • What best practices would you employ to enlist their aid in the improvement effort?
    • What role does the organization’s governing board have in terms of quality and safety in the organization?
    • How could you enlist the governing board’s aid in your improvement initiative?
    • What additional information could you provide them to increase their involvement in the organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts?
    Leadership Action Plan
    • What are three evidence-based actions you recommend that would help to solve the incident that arose?
    • What are three evidence-based best practices you recommend to address the issue on an organizational level?
    • How will you summarize your analysis of the incident and your leadership action plan?

    Remember that health care is an evidence-based field. You will need to cite a minimum of two credible references to support your analysis and action planning process.In addition, in the health care field, your analysis and action plan would not typically be written in APA format. Do ensure that it is clear, persuasive, concise, organized, and without errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do provide citations and title and reference pages in APA format. Other leaders in your organization are going to want to know what sources you relied on to prepare your analysis and action plan.


    • Length: Your incident analysis and leadership action plan will be 8–10 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.
    • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.
    • APA Format: Your citations and title and reference pages need to be in APA format. The body of your analysis does not need to be written in APA format. It does need to be well written, include the headings specified in the instructions, and address the questions listed under each heading.
    • Scoring Guide: Please review this assessment’s scoring guide to ensure you understand how your faculty member will evaluate your work.


Healthcare Law and Ethics Concerns Annotated Bibliography

I’m stuck on a Health & Medical question and need an explanation.

I need help with my current events and my blogs for Law and Ethics concerns in the medical office. My expectations is at least three paragraphs and some details inside those paragraphs. It is for my legal and ethics class Mast 1010.

Current Event 2-

The goal of the current event assignments is for you to become familiar with how applicable Law & Ethics is to your daily life. You will be turning in a total of four current event assignments (one for each Module) over the semester (due dates for each are on your course syllabus), related to a topic (chapters) we are currently covering.

Include a link of your news article along with the name of the news website, title of article, author, and date article was published. If you do not include a copy of your article with the required information on it, your assignment will not be accepted. Summary of article: Using your own words summarize the key points (address the five W’s: what, where, when, who and why) of the article so that the reader has a clear understanding as to the scope of the article. Do not just copy word for word from your article, this is plagiarism! What Law & Ethic topic does this article reference? The article that you have chosen should correspond with a topic that we are currently covering. Clearly state how your article is related to the topic. How does this article affect you personally? All events affect us in some way. Be creative and open your thoughts to how current events are related to you (e.g. socially, ethically, emotionally, economically, etc.) How will this current news affect future generations? Make a prediction about how lives will be affected 20 – 30 years from now by this current event.

Articles should be chosen from reputable sites and articles should not be published earlier than the year 2017.

Current 3-

The goal of the current event assignments is for you to become familiar with how applicable Law & Ethics is to your daily life. You will be turning in a total of four current event assignments (one for each Module) over the semester (due dates for each are on your course syllabus), related to a topic (chapters) we are currently covering.

Include a link of your news article along with the name of the news website, title of article, author, and date article was published. If you do not include a copy of your article with the required information on it, your assignment will not be accepted. Summary of article: Using your own words summarize the key points (address the five W’s: what, where, when, who and why) of the article so that the reader has a clear understanding as to the scope of the article. Do not just copy word for word from your article, this is plagiarism! What Law & Ethic topic does this article reference? The article that you have chosen should correspond with a topic that we are currently covering. Clearly state how your article is related to the topic. How does this article affect you personally? All events affect us in some way. Be creative and open your thoughts to how current events are related to you (e.g. socially, ethically, emotionally, economically, etc.) How will this current news affect future generations? Make a prediction about how lives will be affected 20 – 30 years from now by this current event.

Articles should be chosen from reputable sites and articles should not be published earlier than the year 2017.

Current 4-

The goal of the current event assignments is for you to become familiar with how applicable Law & Ethics is to your daily life. You will be turning in a total of four current event assignments (one for each Module) over the semester (due dates for each are on your course syllabus), related to a topic (chapters) we are currently covering.

Include a link of your news article along with the name of the news website, title of article, author, and date article was published. If you do not include a copy of your article with the required information on it, your assignment will not be accepted. Summary of article: Using your own words summarize the key points (address the five W’s: what, where, when, who and why) of the article so that the reader has a clear understanding as to the scope of the article. Do not just copy word for word from your article, this is plagiarism! What Law & Ethic topic does this article reference? The article that you have chosen should correspond with a topic that we are currently covering. Clearly state how your article is related to the topic. How does this article affect you personally? All events affect us in some way. Be creative and open your thoughts to how current events are related to you (e.g. socially, ethically, emotionally, economically, etc.) How will this current news affect future generations? Make a prediction about how lives will be affected 20 – 30 years from now by this current event.

Articles should be chosen from reputable sites and articles should not be published earlier than the year 2017.

Please write a 1-2 page reflection after watching each video clip stating your initial diagnosis with differentials using only what the clip provides.

I’m working on a Health & Medical exercise and need support.


Assignment (Due by Sept 26 at 1159 PM EST)

Please write a 1-2 page reflection after watching each video clip stating your initial diagnosis with differentials using only what the clip provides. Sometimes in practice we do not have all of the preferred information available and need to proceed with what we have available. List any symptoms that helped you to focus towards your diagnosis and why using the DSM 5. Clearly state what your diagnosis is. Then go ahead and list the differential diagnosis they are considering and give the rationale as to why they are considering those. What pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions would you recommend? Provide rationale and evidence to support your answer. Discuss treatment suggestions you have for this patient which may include medication suggestions with dosages, psychosocial and/or developmental considerations. (MO1, MO2, MO4, MO6, MO7) Include questions that you would want to ask to get more needed information and discuss how the timeline may be necessary to know for a specific diagnosis. As we know, timelines help differentiate disorders ;acute stress DO from PTSD, or schizoaffective versus schizophrenia, etc. To help ensure that you answer all of the required areas of the rubric structure your answers so the questions listed in the case studies are headings with your response under each question.


Differential diagnosis

Pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions

And so on..

. (MO7) *Pick one of the cases below and defend the diagnosis using criteria from the DSM 5 and continue the assignment as stated above.

Username: NKUNursing (case sensitive)

Password: NKUNursing0615 (case sensitive)


Video case assignments

Video case assignments

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferencesUse APA format to cite all references. Please include scholarly peer reviewed references published within the last 5 years. Use evidence based research to support your recommendations.
2.0 to >1.0 ptsExceeds Expectations

Used APA format correctly to cite all references. Scholarly peer reviewed sources and evidence based research used to support recommendations.

1.0 to >0.0 ptsMeets expectations

References are much older than 5 years old, not evidence based, or trouble with APA format.

0.0 ptsDoes not meet expectations

Did not use APA format or used outdated references or no references.

2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluationEvaluate each video clip stating your initial diagnosis with differentials using only what the clip provides. List any symptoms that influenced your decision to use your diagnosis and why. Discuss treatment suggestions you have for this patient which may include psychosocial, cultural, and/or developmental considerations.
3.0 to >1.5 ptsExceeds Expectations

Evaluated the video clip by making a diagnosis with the information provided. Included additional questions to ask, any differentials, and suggested a treatment plan to begin with this patient.

1.5 to >0.0 ptsMeets expectations

Reflection was basic and missing some of the recommended listing of symptoms, diagnosis, treatment suggestions, developmental, psychosocial, or other considerations.

0.0 ptsDoes not meet expectations

Did not provide a diagnosis or include a treatment plan for the case.

1 Discuss key regulations and regulatory entities/accreditation agencies. What is the role and purpose of regulations and accreditation agencies?

I need support with this Health & Medical question so I can learn better.


Discussion: The response to the facilitator’s original post should be a minimum of 250 words and must be supported by at least four scholarly sources from google scholar. References should include a scholarly source outside your textbook. References and citations are required for your initial and response posts.

1 Discuss key regulations and regulatory entities/accreditation agencies. What is the role and purpose of regulations and accreditation agencies?

Complete: For this assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least four scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.

What is the advantage of Joint Commission accreditation? What’s the correlation between this accreditation and the one that accredits laboratory testing personnel? In general, how is accreditation obtained? Be sure to use at least four APA formatted references.

Importance of The Health Inpatient Occupancy Paper

I don’t understand this Health & Medical question and need help to study.

Understanding statistics for length of stay, bed turnover, occupancy ratio, etc. are important aspects of ensuring a functional, and profitable hospital that is able to serve patients optimally. Thankfully, there is software to compute this data, and even perform a certain degree of analysis. Even with this technology, however, it is important for health care managers to understand what is being calculated, why it is relevant, and how to use it.

Evaluation Title: Conclusions from Data

Assume the role of an operations manager at a small hospital.
Create a fictional data set.
Calculate the inpatient occupancy ratio based on your data. Show your work.
Explain why it is important for a health care manager to know the inpatient occupancy rate, and how that data can be used to make both clinical and business decisions.
Incorporate a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your explanation.
As an operations manager, you are often required to present data related to efficiency and profitability to the hospital’s Board of Directors. What data is important to highlight, and why?
Your completed assignment should be approximately 2 pages in length and should utilize at least two outside resources.

Wedding Program Management Capstone

Help me study for my Health & Medical class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Now that you have selected a project, you will begin to develop the “Project Charter” used to guide and support your work. In this assignment, you will leverage the Project Charter outline found in your textbook in Chapter 2, pages 42 – 45. Also, look at the example on pages 46-47 of Chapter 2. Your charter should resemble this example. Remember, you are creating your charter based on the project YOU selected in week one. Please review the Project Charter in the PMBOK found in the Herzing 24/7 Library.

All assignments should be completed in a Word document using correct APA formatting (Headers, one-inch margins, and double spacing, title page and Reference page, etc.). Please complete the essay in a Microsoft Word document. This assignment requires a minimum of 2 sources. Essays that are pasted into the Assignments area will not be accepted. Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Assignment File(s)
Please download and use this template for your charter.

BU345 Project Charter TemplatePreview the document [Word]

Evaluate public health policies and practices as they relate to legal and ethical implications for individuals and populations.

Can you help me understand this Health & Medical question?



  • Evaluate public health policies and practices as they relate to legal and ethical implications for individuals and populations.
  • Analyze health needs, disparities, and healthcare delivery systems within the context of cultural, social, legal, political, and economic forces.
  • Examine the structure of the U.S. legal system and government as it relates to ethics, law, and core principles of public health.
  • Assess current legal and ethical principles and the application of such principles in healthcare practice.
  • Analyze ethical and legal dilemmas that healthcare workers may encounter in the medical field.
  • Examine legal requirements for managing patient information, health information documentation, the release of information, and electronic health records.


You have recently been promoted to Health Services Manager at Three Mountains Regional Hospital, a small hospital located in a mid-size city in the Midwest. Three Mountains is a general medical and surgical facility with 400 beds. Last year there were approximately 62,000 emergency visits and 15,000 admissions. More than 6,000 outpatient and 10,000 inpatient surgeries were performed.

You have been asked by the CEO to create an intake packet for new patients that will help establish patient trust. Once you’ve created this packet, the CEO wants you to send an email to all hospital employees letting them know about the intake packet. You will also create a PowerPoint reviewing intake packet details for the hospital to post on its website to inform patients


This is a great opportunity to tie everything together that you have learned! Let’s break this up into 3 parts. Deep breath – it’s easier than it seems!

Part 1: Intake Packet

  • Create a New Patient Letter in a business letter format. (Here is a library resource for help writing a business letter.)
  • In the letter:
    • Explain the importance of ethics
    • Explain why each part of the packet is included and how the packet is to be used
    • Include a HIPAA/Confidentiality statement and a Privacy Pledge
    • Add a line at the bottom of the form for the patient to sign acknowledging receipt
  • On a separate page, include your reference list in APA format.

Part 2: PowerPoint

  • Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that explains the various elements of the new patient intake packet. (Here is a library resource for help creating a PowerPoint presentation.) Make sure to use the notes section below each slide to expand on the key points.

Part 3: Email

  • Write an email in a Word document that will be sent out to all hospital employees making them aware of the intake packet. (Make sure your email uses proper email formatting. (Here is a library resource for help writing a professional email.)