Overweight, Underweight, and Obesity

I’m stuck on a Health & Medical question and need an explanation.


Please explain the question more than you need to Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Overweight, Underweight, and Obesity

On a daily basis, we can witness individuals with too little or too much body weight. While the latter has become a more common occurrence over the past years, both scenarios cause concerns for our health – short-term and long-term.

  • Chapter 9 of your course text defines the following terms: underweight, overweight, and obese.  Explain the implications of each of these conditions on our health. What are the health risks of having too little body fat, and conversely, what are the risks of having too much body weight?
  • Using Figure 9-2 from Chapter 9 of the course text as a reference, explain how mortality is impacted by underweight and overweight status. What preventive measures can we take to prevent underweight and overweight issues in our society and maintain a healthy body weight?
  • Report two actions or programs, that your community or state has implemented to address underweight, overweight, and/or obesity.

Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and a minimum of one additional scholarly source. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers. Each peer response should contain 100 words at a minimum.  Compare your peers’ community measures for preventing underweight and overweight challenges to those you researched.  How are they different? Share an example of how you maintain a healthy body weight.

Stress Management for Dummies Analytical Review

I don’t know how to handle this Health & Medical question and need guidance.


Book Review

  • Choose a book related to stress/stress management.
  • Include citation: Identify author(s), date, title, publisher, etc
  • Review should be between 5-8 pages long
  • What do you consider to be the main strengths, features, strategies, or themes of the book?
  • What do you consider to be the main weaknesses, omissions, biases of the book?
  • Why did you select this book?
  • How does it relate to stress or stress management?
  • How does it relate to health?
  • What did you like best about it?
  • Will it help in your professional life? How? Why?


Soft Skills Presentation

I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study.




Soft skills are a crucial element when functioning as part of a health care team and delivering quality care to patients. It is essential to incorporate soft skills into your daily routine as a healthcare professional.

For this assignment, pick (5) soft skills that you feel are important to incorporate into practice in your chosen career. Be sure to consider the PRICE of Success when you are choosing your soft skills. You will need to define each soft skill and describe why you think each skill is important and how you plan to incorporate it into your daily practices of patient care or interaction with patients and/or coworkers.

Create a PowerPoint Presentation that outlines the soft skill and how it is incorporated into practice (each item must be on its own slide) for each soft skill you choose. Include either a voiceover presentation (minimum 5 minutes) or speaker notes in each slide as if you were presenting this to the class (a minimum of 100-150 words in the speaker notes per slide).

For each soft skill, discuss the following:

  • definition of the soft skill
  • how you plan to incorporate it into your daily practices of patient care or interaction with patients and/or coworkers.


  • Use PowerPoint
  • Include a title slide
  • Include images that represent each soft skill
  • Make sure that each slide is clearly labeled
  • Use the notes area of the slide to use as speaker notes (script) as if you were presenting the slide to an audience/class
  • Minimum of 14 slides (see suggested setup)
  • Include slide transitions
  • Make sure the design is professional and the text is readable.
  • Spell check.

Suggested setup:

  • Slide 1 – Title Slide
  • Slide 2 – Introductory Slide
  • Slide 3 – Soft Skill 1 (defined)
  • Slide 4 – Soft Skill 1 (incorporated into practice)
  • Slide 5 – Soft Skill 2 (defined)
  • Slide 6 – Soft Skill 2 (incorporated into practice)
  • Slide 7 – Soft Skill 3 (defined)
  • Slide 8 – Soft Skill 3 (incorporated into practice)
  • Slide 9 – Soft Skill 4 (defined)
  • Slide 10 – Soft Skill 4 (incorporated into practice)
  • Slide 11 – Soft Skill 5 (defined)
  • Slide 12 – Soft Skill 5 (incorporated into practice)
  • Slide 13 – How these soft skills relate to P.R.I.C.E. and how you will use P.R.I.C.E in the profession
  • Slide 14 – Summary/Conclusion

Note: You can use the attached template below as a starting point or create your own.

Discuss the pros and cons of whistle-blowing. 3. What are the key guidelines for blowing the whistle?

I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


Case Study, Chapter 16, Whistle-Blowing in Nursing

A student nurse asks a faculty member to explain whistle-blowing. The student nurse wants to know the work conditions that would have to be met before whistle-blowing occurs, as well as situations in which whistle-blowing is clearly indicated. The faculty member reviews key concepts with all members of the class.

1. Being a whistle-blower takes great courage and self-conviction because it requires the whistle-blower to avoid groupthink. Analyze how groupthink affects the process of whistle-blowing.

2. Discuss the pros and cons of whistle-blowing.

3. What are the key guidelines for blowing the whistle?

Data Collection Worksheet

I don’t understand this Health & Medical question and need help to study.

Your final assignment for this course (referred to as the Final Project) begins in Week 3 with the completion of a Community Needs Assessment. This project builds by sections during Weeks 3, 6, 8, and 11. It is important that you select a health topic in Week 3 that you will be able to write about at length during the four weeks you are developing your project. This week, you begin your Community Needs Assessment Final Project by completing an analysis of your local community to identify the top health problems.

Community Needs Assessments are used by health care administrators, decision makers, and policy makers to identify health inequities and to ensure that health care resources are maximized for health improvement. A Community Needs Assessment describes the health and welfare of the priority population, identifies the major health risk factors, and the top health problems, and helps to identify the next steps to address these factors.

To prepare for this Assignment

Consider the parameters of your geographic area. This is a population based project; please choose a city or county in your state – or country. You will complete and submit both sections of the Data Collection Worksheet Template provided in this week’s Learning Resources.

The Assignment

Complete Section One of the Data Collection Worksheet Template provided in this week’s Learning Resources. The data you enter on the worksheet should be based on a city or county – plus US data. (International students may choose a region of their country and compare this data to their country’s national data)
Compare your city or county data to the national data in the appropriate column. You will summarize these findings in Section Two.
Complete Section Two. Based on your analysis and identification of top health problems, choose one population health issue and reply to the questions/topics in this section

Develop a paper in APA format that details, in your own words, the main issue in the article and the impact that the issue has on health care.

I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study.

Using the library or other credible search tools, find an article within the past five years that is related to death and dying issues in health care. The article should come from a credible and scholarly source.

Complete the following:

Develop a paper in APA format that details, in your own words, the main issue in the article and the impact that the issue has on health care.
Research current best practices in health care management for dealing with death and dying.
Present and explain the best practices that you feel that health care managers would need to apply when dealing with the issue presented in your article.
Must be 3 to five pages in length
3 Apa formated references

Efficiency Through Data Driven Approach Research Paper

I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (750-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which the board will make its decision to fund your program or project. Include the following:

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative.
The target population or audience.
The benefits of the quality improvement initiative.
The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative.
The cost or budget justification.
The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Elderly and Disasters Discussion

I’m trying to study for my Health & Medical course and I need some help to understand this question.

Required Readings:
Required Readings:

connecting future evacuation to current recovery – saving the lives of older people.pdf


recommendations for best practices in the management of elderly disaster victims.pdf

Frail elderly as dis victims-Fernandez.pdf


Discussion Board :
1. Read the entire “Recommendations for Best Practices” paper. At the end of the paper – beginning on page 31 – there is an annotated bibliography that includes several relevant papers. Track down any two of those papers, read them and write a 250 word (max) summary. Note – Only one student can summarize any paper. First come, first served. Make your choice, stake your claim, post your intent to review the paper.

2. The Jenkins et al paper discusses “The Disaster Cycle” and “Issues for a Successful Recovery.” Choose one of those topics and research the literature to support what these authors have to say. Write a 250 word summary of the article you found.


*Type which 2 articles you are going to write about because I want to submit them first

Hospital System Worksheet

I don’t know how to handle this Health & Medical question and need guidance.


For this assignment, you will be creating a table in Microsoft Word that profiles the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Hospital SYSTEM and includes all required information listed below.

    • This is not an essay! Your report must be in the format of a well-designed table with appropriate headers. Note – in a well-designed table all rows and columns relate to each other. The use of color might help distinguish data categories as well. If you need assistance with how to create a table in Word, here is an article that might be helpful: How to create and customize tables in Microsoft Word. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
    • Your table should include all of the following categories of information, however feel free to add any additional information or detail you believe is important to your profile. Data should be annual:
      • I. General Information (for the system): name of hospital, year established, location, type (nonprofit, government, etc.), name of CEO, number of full-time physicians, number of full-time employees. Make sure to note source and include weblink.
      • II. Statistics (for the system): 1) number of beds, 2) admissions, 3) surgical cases, 4) outpatient visits, 5) emergency room visits, 6) number of residents in training (if applicable). Make sure to note source and include weblink.
      • III. Financial Highlights (for the system): 1) total operating revenue, 2) total operating expenses, 3) total operating income (i.e. operating revenue less operating expense should equal operating income), 4) payor mix by source (i.e. percent Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care & Commercial, Self Pay, etc. – should equal 100%), 5) charity care, 6) value of total assets, 7) total grant revenue.
        Make sure to include units so numbers reported are accurate (e.g. “in the thousands”). Inaccurately reported data serves no purpose. an external site.)Links to an external site.


Conduct research on the impact of Medicare over the past decade. Specifically look for recent literature on the Obama Administration Healthcare Act and its potential impact on Medicare programs.

Need help with my Health & Medical question – I’m studying for my class.


Conduct research on the impact of Medicare over the past decade. Specifically look for recent literature on the Obama Administration Healthcare Act and its potential impact on Medicare programs. Share your thoughts on what you find and future outlook. Compare your findings to those of fellow classmates’, with examples to support your opinion.

Peer Response


The Affordable Care Act was put into place in order to provide access to all Americans for health care, while simultaneously increasing the quality of care. Naturally, the Affordable Care Act has a direct impact on Medicare programs. Medicare began covering preventative services with no out-of-pocket expense, which helps individuals save money on preventative care and and brand-name drugs. The affordable care act also closed the Medicare part D “Donut hole”.

The Medicare Part D “Donut hole” is a coverage gap in the medicare part d prescription plans. This is “a temporary limit on prescription drug coverage, where the policy holder needs to pay a higher percentage of his or her medications after reaching this limit. Coverage then resumes after the individual reaches a higher level of out-of-pocket expenses, at which time the individual would automatically receive “catastrophic coverage.”” Also, more individuals that are on Medicare will now qualify for medicaid, which translates to you being dual eligible as long as you meet the income and eligibility criteria of medicaid.

The changes that Obamacare have been very good and have had positive impacts on all Americans, but i feel that it is only the beginning.

The ACA’s Impact on Healthcare. https://healthinsuranceguide.mymsaa.org/medicare/aca-impact/.