Create a a thesis and an outline on Understanding Behaviors for Effective Leadership.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Understanding Behaviors for Effective Leadership. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Much of history is recorded through the lives of famous leaders. Names such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Clara Barton, Mahatma Gandhi, Golda Meir, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela symbolize major eras of social upheaval that have had immense repercussions. Most young people today aspire to become leaders in school, athletics, entertainment, politics, industry, the military, medicine, or some other area of endeavor (Howell, 2005). The stakes for the leaders of our future are rising rapidly and daily. The demands on the role in both public and private sector, the attention from the media to the problems we face, and the increased complexity of the world with globalization and galloping technology make leadership infinitely more difficult. The game has changed — dramatically. Strange new rules have appeared. The deck has been shuffled and jokers added. Never before have American business, education, medicine, social welfare, and the government faced so many challenges. There is a mood out there that must be termed dyspeptic -perhaps even murderous — toward institutional leaders. It’s part of the American paranoid style. But it has been exacerbated by scandals, media attention, and questions about character. Uncertainties and complexities abound. There are too many ironies, polarities, confusions, contradictions, and ambivalences for any organization to understand fully. The only truly predictable thing right now is unpredictability. Most of us grew up in organizations that were dominated by the thoughts and actions of the Fords, Taylors, and Webers, the fathers of the classic bureaucratic system. Bureaucracy was a splendid social invention in the nineteenth century, as the ideal mechanism for harnessing the manpower and resources of the Industrial Revolution. Today many organizations are reconsidering the macho, control-and-command mentality that is intrinsic to that increasingly threadbare model. They are looking to leadership that is empowering, that invites participation, that is flexible and responsive to the realities of life (McShane, & Glinow, 1999).&nbsp. As we begin, we must raise several cautions about leadership. First of all, leadership can be a heady experience. Learning about it, pursuing it, and encouraging it can take one on a dangerous power trip. If the purpose of leadership is, as we posit in this book, to take a stand for what one believes and to bring it forth into reality, then leaders must have a check on their ambition. In the leaders we admire, ambition is always balanced with competence and integrity. This three-legged stool upon which true leadership sits — ambition, competence, and integrity — must remain in balance if the leader is to be a constructive force in the organization rather than a destructive achiever of her or his own ends. Effective leaders continually ask questions, probing all levels of the organization for information, testing their own perceptions, and rechecking the facts. They talk to their constituents. They want to know what is working and what is not. They keep an open mind for serendipity to bring them the knowledge they&nbsp.need to know what is true. An important source of information for this sort of leader is knowledge of the failures and mistakes that are being made in their organization.

Write 3 pages thesis on the topic the development of canadian television.

Write 3 pages thesis on the topic the development of canadian television. As the twenties came to a close, Canadian political elite became increasingly concerned that the commercial messages and entertainment-driven values from American radio stations that freely drifted across the border were eroding Canadian culture. The most popular radio show in Canada was the American produced situation comedy Amos n’ Andy. In 1929 the Liberal government of Mackenzie King commissioned three men to study and report on the state of broadcasting in the country, beginning a relationship between the state and the media that has not weakened since. The three were Sir John Aird, a banker, Charles Bowman, a journalist with the Ottawa Citizen, and Augustin Frigon, an engineer at L’Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. The commissioners studied virtually every form of radio broadcasting in existence during the year of the investigation.

By the time Aird delivered his report, the Liberals were out of the office and a new Conservative Prime Minister, R. B. Bennett was in control. It was up to Bennett to decide which form broadcasting would take in Canada. Like King, Bennett was deeply concerned that American influence, especially its views on liberalism and republicanism, would soon dominate Canadian thinking. But in spite of his own concerns, he did not opt for a pure system of public broadcasting. Instead, his government founded the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC) with a mandate to both build and operate stations and to produce programming for its own outlets, as well as the private sector. The concept proved unworkable.

Badly injured politically by the Great Depression, Bennett was out of office in 1935, and King returned with a vision for a stronger and more Canadian oriented public broadcasting system. The King government essentially threw out Bennett’s legislation and created the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in 1936. The CBC was to own and operate stations, produce programming for both itself and the private sector, but, above all, it was to act as a regulator for the private sector which remained subservient, but intact.

Although the CBC was designed to act as an outlet for Canadian ideas and Canadian programming, radio dials remained tuned to stations south of the border. In fact, the CBC itself carried a significant amount of U.S. programming to help pay its bills. American influence also extended to the stage, film, dance, and music worlds, as well as to publications on a myriad of themes. As the Second World War came to a close, government officials began to realize that the CBC alone could not encourage or preserve what “produced in Canada” culture existed. As a consequence, the government called upon Vincent Massey, brother of the actor Raymond Massey, to conduct an inquiry into the state of the arts in Canada. In 1951 the Massey commission concluded with the now-familiar “the Americans are taking us over” theme. The commission concentrated its investigation on the state of the arts but did note that newspapers were critical actors in the dissemination of knowledge in any given country. In reference to radio, Massey concluded that the medium had three critical functions: to inform, to educate, and to entertain.

In spite of Massey’s warnings, American influence in Canada continued unabated. This was assisted in part by the 1948 arrival of television in the United States, four years prior to the opening of the first Canadian station in Montreal. Following a pattern established in radio some three decades previously, television dials in Canadian cities began to lock on to U.S. channels. It was hardly a rebellion against nationalism. In fact, when the dust began to settle over the question as to whether loyal Canadians would reject American broadcasting, the issue had really become one of variety. It remained to be seen whether or not the CBC should remain the dominant provider of broadcasting products in Canada. The answer was a firm no.

Yet another commission had been looking into the business of broadcasting in Canada. Robert Fowler delivered his report to the government on March 15, 1957. It was here that the principle of a single broadcasting system consisting of both public and private participants first saw the light of day. Although Fowler felt that private broadcasters, in general, had to be forced to deliver a good product or lose their respective licenses, he also conceded that the private sector, in spite of having existed in a subordinate position for twenty years, had refused to go away. To this end, Fowler added one more condition to the purpose of broadcasting, essentially creating a vehicle for advertising. His most dramatic recommendation was the removal of the regulatory powers of the CBC, which he felt should be seated in a neutral body. In 1958, the federal government acted on his proposal and created the first independent regulatory agency, the Board of Broadcast Governors. Within months, the new agency opened the way for private, independent television stations to take to the air. It was the beginning of the alternate development in Canadian television which would see the emergence of Canadian Television as the country’s first privately owned and operated system.

prepare and submit a term paper on Behaviors in Adolescents after Playing Violent Video Games.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Behaviors in Adolescents after Playing Violent Video Games. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. Among those video games being played, Wei (2007) cites a statistics that 64% of games rated “E” for “everyone” contain some kind of intentional violence, either an act causing injury or death to another character, and games rated in more violent categories obviously contain even more graphic or problematic images. &nbsp.In light of these developments, Wei (2007) set out to systematically study the attitudinal and behavioral effects of playing violent video games among China’s 200 million adolescents, and whether gender plays a moderating role in these effects. Ultimately, the author detects negative effects of exposure to violence in video games, including greater tolerance of violence, lower empathetic attitudes, and higher levels of aggression.

Wei (2007) puts forward four hypotheses, the first (H1) being that Chinese adolescents who have a higher exposure to violence in video games will be more attitudinally supportive of violence and, in the second hypothesis (H2), those same adolescents who have a higher exposure will be less attitudinally concerned with others. Behaviorally, according to the third hypothesis (H3), those adolescents with higher exposure to violent video games will exhibit higher levels of aggressive behavior. Fourth (H4), with respect to measuring gender differences, male adolescents will spend more time playing video games, and fifth (H5), generally have a higher level of exposure to video game violence than female adolescents. The author of the study sought to evaluate the validity of these hypotheses using a purposive sample and a scaled measure of attitudes and behaviors.

Wei (2007) studies the effects of video games in China because systematic studies of this kind had not been conducted in Asian cultures and because it adds to the growing global literature on the subject by generalizing the effects of video games to other cultures, rather than looking exclusively within the United States.

obsessive-compulsive disorder, its symptoms and treatment

I need some assistance with these assignment. obsessive-compulsive disorder, its symptoms and treatment Thank you in advance for the help! OCD is proved to have genetic, biological, and psychological factors combination as the reason. Neurochemists connect OCD with abnormalities in serotonin and dopamine balance while genetics claims that the disorder can be inherited. There is some evidence that OCD is often misdiagnosed and mistreated as it is usually accompanied by chronic depression, bipolar disorder, and other types of anxiety disorder. A combination of several approaches, such as cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, and medication therapy, is utilized for OCD treatment and gives positive results for most patients. Counseling is directed to exposure of the patients with OCD to repetitive rituals for their further responses prevention and challenging obsessive fears and ideas. Medication includes a course of serotonin reuptake inhibitors which show high efficacy in the treatment of the symptoms of OCD.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that is diagnosed in 2-3 percent of the adult population on the planet. The most obvious symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder can be logically divided between compulsive behavior and obsessive ideas and thoughts. Patients with OCD often have daily rituals such as washing hands several times an hour in order to prevent infection or arranging things symmetrically. Patients also can check something permanently or count in any stressful situation. The inability to perform these rituals makes a patient feel uncomfortable and anxious. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder can even feel that some catastrophe can happen if they fail to perform their daily rituals (Jenkie, 2004). Additionally, patients with OCD are affected by intrusive and recurrent thoughts, images, feelings which they cannot avoid and which become obsessive if patients do not perform any of their rituals (Bystritsky, 2004)

OCD is a severe chronic impairment.

writing homework on Smoking during Pregnancy.

Need help with my writing homework on Smoking during Pregnancy. Write a 750 word paper answering; The introduction is not very clear. There is quite a lot of information there but this reader found that it had to be re-read several times to assure that it was understood. It does create interest in the study and there is a good reason for the target audience to read it. It just needs to be better organized and more succinct. The problem was stated twice and in a clear manner and it very clearly important to nursing. This about turning patients and preventing pressure ulcers. It is definitely a caring, patient advocate type of problem. A qualitative approach could have been used here but the quantitative approach makes more sense and the result would lead to a process change.

The study question, “does repositioning alternately 2 hours in a lateral position and 4 hours in a supine position reduce the incidence of pressure ulcer lesions in comparison with repositioning every 4 hours in patients lying on a pressure-reducing mattress” In looking at this in PICO statements, it meets the needs of a research question and the literature review is consistent.

The synthesis of the literature review was quite well done, organized, and easy to understand. This reader has some questions as to whether it is up to date as many of the articles were written between 1992 and 1996 and this particular research was conducted in 2006. There have been many changes in nursing and nursing process since the 90’s so this reader is concerned that there may have been better research out there. There is definitely reason after this research to continue to study this problem in an effort to solve it.

Conceptual Framework

The key concepts are well defined and well organized as is the framework of the study. There is also a good description of how the randomization was done and the methods used to frame and carry out the work


This a well-conducted and well-written study though in places such as the introduction, it is wordy and unclear. The information is there but is cumbersome to read.

This abstract is more succinct though it is more in narrative form than the quantitative study. It does clearly summarize what is in the study.


The introduction is short and really does not say much. It does talk about some of the recommendations that have been made by other researchers and how those recommendations tie into this study but overall it does not tell me what to expect of the study.&nbsp.

write an article on birth order

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on birth order Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! According to Sulloway, birth order has a strong influence on major personality traits. He claims that firstborns are less agreeable, less open to new thoughts, more socially overriding and more conscientious as compared to the lastborns. Sulloway believes that firstborns have the ability to influence several things in their families given that their parents provided them with the chance to make a notable impact in the family before the others. This means that they have the ability to dominate a social setting especially if the members present are their younger siblings. They have that perception that what they say is more superior and deserves respect hence carry out their operation with a sense of command. Firstborns rarely agree with what their juniors propose. they prefer their presumption to be adopted. This aspect generates the idea that firstborns have a superiority complex. Lastborns tend to open up to new ideas and are more likely to agree with various suggestions. This could be because they grew up while getting various views about life from their siblings and family members. Often, lastborns are subjected to a scenario where they are supposed to follow the footsteps of their firstborns and other siblings. Because society expects the firstborns to act as role models to their siblings, they tend to be more conscientious about all they do. They fear messing around because it paints a bad picture and makes them lose respect from their juniors.

Darwinian conflicts include parent-offspring conflict, sexual selection, sibling-sibling conflict, differential parental investment and preference of older sibling because of infant transience. Sulloway portrays massive admiration for Darwin’s approach to birth order. He indicates that every child in the family has to establish a niche and try to secure a potentially beneficial relationship with the family members. In sexual selection, children tend to compete over their mates. Each individual will want to relate well with each other but will also want to emerge the most favourable and outstanding over the others. For instance, a family with three boys, each of them will want to be seen as the best male out of the group. Parents tend to have unequal attention towards their children. Some will receive more attention while others become almost insignificant. The parents might not really realize natural occurrence that is why the lastborns receive more attention since the parents claim they are protecting them from intimidation from the older siblings.

Write 7 pages with APA style on Alzheimers disease and Its Neural Correlates.

Write 7 pages with APA style on Alzheimers disease and Its Neural Correlates. Several studies have tried to understand the disease by utilizing the method of neuroimaging since neuroimaging is extremely accurate. Most of the studies have concentrated on understanding the reasons behind the delusions that are elicited. Ismail et al (2002), presented a review paper where 23 such studies have been thoroughly reviewed. Majority of the studies have concluded right-sided pathology with special emphasis on the frontal lobe.” Left-frontal predominance and release, secondary to right-sided pathology, may create a hyperinferential state resulting in the formation of delusions” and such imbalances that arise in normal neural networking has been associated with the delusions. Different neural substrates have been shown to be associated with delusional problems such as paranoia and misidentification. Trail-Making Test on 20 subjects showed that executive functioning is impaired in patients with AD (Hunt et al,2011). Positron emission tomography along with neuropsychological testing established that different TMT tests could be correlated to glucose metabolism primarily in the frontal lobe.

One of the major problems that have been associated with the disease is a language problem. Scientists have tried to identify the relation between neural correlates and the problem of languages such as naming and fluency. Several studies had been conducted on subjects to understand the phenomenon and Melrose et al (2009) conducted an experiment on 60 patients with potential Alzheimer’s diseases to help associate the disease to language impairments. The subjects were assessed using the Boston naming Test with FAS and semantic fluency. Phonemic cueing was used for extra words that had been stated. The results revealed that owing to hypermetabolism in the inferior temporal lobe region, subjects were unable to name a particular object. however, it was seen that when the phonemic cue was used there was higher metabolism in the inferior frontal gyrus, superior frontal lobe, left temporal and occipital areas leading to better performance during naming. Semantic problems could also be related to hypometabolism in the inferior frontal gyrus. Hence, the language problems that have been associated with the disease is related to the growing compromise between the frontal regions and the temporal regions.

prepare and submit a term paper on Role of the Family in the Prevention of Eating Disorders.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Role of the Family in the Prevention of Eating Disorders. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. Apparently, the food is thereafter removed from the body through vomiting, starving, exercise as well as other methods such as through laxatives (Bulik et al, 2005).

While the family and the family factors may play a significant role from the onset of the eating disorders, it is not the only reason that predisposes a person to suffer from eating disorders. The question that arises is what role the family can play in the prevention of eating disorders (Stockman, 2009). To answer this question, we must appreciate that the family must be involved in the prevention of the eating disorders before they set in or they turn for the worse.

Eating orders are caused by many situations and events that make the person at risk of suffering the condition and this includes filial relationships or genetics amongst other causes (Jacobi et al, 2005). The eating disorders will lead to problems of body image in the society, which places much emphasis on the beauty, and the physical perfection of the body. Mostly, the adolescent girls are very self-conscious of their body and the fact that a person has an undesirable body that does not resemble the perfect physical shape make them involve in dietary regimes that may cause eating disorders (Shoebridge and Gowers, 2000). Once the eating disorder sets in, the affected person loses weight rapidly in the case of anorexia while the person suffering from bulimia stops eating soon after starting which may call for the intervention of the family in the prevention of this phenomenon.

The family can play a vital role in the prevention of the eating disorders. this is majorly through the elimination of the factors that may lead a person to the eating disorders or the early treatment and detection of the disorder. This can be through the finding of effective ways of minimizing the pressures brought by the family or the society as well as the individual that makes a person want to be thin (Le and Lock, 2011). It may also involve the family striving to reduce the duration of an eating disorder through early detection and intervening to stop the behaviour before it degenerates for the worse.

prepare and submit a paper on data available on the trends in the prescription of drugs for children having behavioral disorders.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on data available on the trends in the prescription of drugs for children having behavioral disorders. The national and international standards on drug administration and prescription are referred to as benchmarks by researchers arguing for both points. However, it has been reported that there is a large gap in the information available on the safety and efficiency of drugs used in childhood. Several reasons are being attributed to this gap. It has been argued that the nonparticipation of children in clinical trials owing to ethical, financial, and resource-related reasons. Thus there have to be specific measures to ensure information for the optimal prescription of medicines for children with behavioral disorders.

There is enough data available to prove that there has been a marked increase in the prescription and administration of drugs to children. Specific researches focusing on children with behavioral disorders also highlight similar trends. (Zito et al., 2003) has concluded that the rate of psychotropic prescription in children has increased three times as compared with the rates of pre-nineties. A notable fact regarding this study is that it covered a very large sample size including almost a million children. The official records on drug prescription state that in the year 2002, alone 11 million prescriptions for antidepressants were issued for children less than 18 years of age. This notes an increase of 49% as compared with the rates of 1998 (Rigoni, 2004). Similarly, with the case of spending on psychological medicines, there has been a remarkable increase proportional to the increase in the increase in prescriptions. Connecting these two data, it can be assumed that most of the medicines which are prescribed are being administrated in children.

The spending on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is reported to have increased by 183% in between the time span of three years from 2000 to 2003. (Medco Health Solutions, Inc., 2004).&nbsp.&nbsp.

nature vs. nurture in intelligence

I need some assistance with these assignment. nature vs. nurture in intelligence Thank you in advance for the help! This suggestion became know as eugenics, “the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or repair the racial qualities of future generations, either physically or mentally.” Galton wanted to speed up the process of natural selection, stating that: “What Nature does blindly, slowly, and ruthlessly, the man may do providently, quickly, and kindly”.

Galton was convinced that “intelligence must be bred, not trained”. Such arguments have had massive social consequences and have been used to support apartheid policies, sterilization programs, and other acts of withholding basic human rights from minority groups.

In the heyday of eugenic IQ testing in the 1920s, there was no evidence for the heritability of IQ. It was just an assumption of the practitioners. Today that is no longer the case. The heritability of IQ (whatever IQ is!) is now a hypothesis that has been tested – on twins and adoptees. The results really are quite startling. No study of the causes of intelligence has failed to find a certain and often substantial heritability. What varies from study to study is the amount that can be attributed to heritability.

Evidence in favor of “nurture”

“Give me a dozen healthy infants & my own specific world to bring

them up in, & I’ll guarantee to take anyone at random & train him to

become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist,

merchant, chef & yes, even beggar & thief, regardless of his talents,

penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.”

– John B. Watson, 1924

This was a famous quote in the heyday of behaviorism when the child was considered to be a ‘tabula rasa’ (blank slate) onto which anything could be sculpted through environmental experience. This would be a 100% environmental view, but virtually no psychologists would accept such an extreme position today.

So, what can we say about nature vs. nurture as causal determinants of intelligence

A conservative, seemly safe position is that:

“In the field of intelligence, there are three facts about the transmission of intelligence that virtually everyone seems to accept:

1. Both heredity and environment contribute to intelligence.

2. Heredity and environment interact in various ways.

3. Extremely poor as well as highly enriched environments can interfere with the realization of a person’s intelligence, regardless of the person’s heredity” (Sternberg & Grigorenko, 1997, p.xi).

4. Although most would accept a causal role of genetics, the exact genetic link and how it operates is very far from being understood – another point that most psychologists would agree on. It is certainly not a single gene.