Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses history of the australian aboriginal people.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses history of the australian aboriginal people. However, what appears to be clear is that the first Aboriginal settlers colonized what is now Australia between 30,000 and 80,000 years ago via what is now Papua New Guinea or what is now Indonesia (Australian Aboriginal History, 2002. Siasoco, 2006).

In 2001 the population of aborigines and Torres Straits Islanders was 366,429, approximately 1.9% of the Australian population as a whole and slightly more than the estimated aboriginal population of 350,000 at the time of European colonization in the late 18th century. At the time of the European invasion, there were 500-600 distinct groups of aborigines speaking about 200 different languages or dialects [at least 50 of which are now extinct] (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 2006). Although culturally diverse, these groups were not political and economic entities and lacked class hierarchies and chiefs. These aboriginal people were hunter-gatherers who lived in small family groups of 15or 30, called bands. Bands were the basic residential and economic unit (Siasoco, 2006. Arrernte Culture, 2006).

Despite their variety and differences, the aboriginal people possess several unifying factors.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic drugs hormones and the brain.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic drugs hormones and the brain. The model must be broken down into observables or assigned qualitative or quantitative attributes or measurable elements that can be tested (Belzung & Lemoine, 2011). In determining the validity of the animal model, the most important criteria are the reliability and predictive validity of the model system that are relevant to the independent and dependent measures. Henn, Edwards & Muneyyirci (1993) points out that the independent variables include the construct, etiological and face validity (p 150). Emilien, G. (2002) offers an additional criterion that is relevant for the dependent variable includes the convergent and face validity of the variable. All the animal models used in understanding psychiatric disorders mimic psychiatric syndrome through establishing homology between animal behaviour and disorder to be modelled. The signs and symptoms associated with the particular psychiatric disorder are enumerated and ability of experimental manipulation in order to induce homologous changes in test animal behaviour is determined (Emilien, 2002). The animal models consist of the independent variable and dependent measures that will assess the effects of manipulation to induce the abnormality. Predictive validity and reliability are necessary and sufficient criteria for justifying the use of such models in conducting scientific research in psychiatric disorders.

Reliability refers to the stability and consistency with which the variables are observed while face validity independent variables refers to the phenomenological similarity between the behaviour of the animal model and specific symptoms of the human disease or disorder. The consistency of the independent variable is measured by the ability to manipulate the independent variable with high precision and reproducibility of the phenomenon under similar conditions since this is critical in any scientific study (Emilien, 2002). The validity of the animal model in studying psychiatric disorder is another criteria that should be met and there are several types of validity that include predictive, convergent, discriminative, etiological and face validity. The purpose of the model is to enhance understanding of psychiatric disorders in human population and only valid scientific observables are the correlations thus the model must lead to accurate prediction (Menard & Treit, 1999, p 593).

Write 2 pages with APA style on Health Fair.

Write 2 pages with APA style on Health Fair. There were interesting things to note about grouping. Most of them seemed to group up with ages and some were girl, boy matched but in general, it was groups of kids that looked athletic together and groups of kids that tended toward education together and then the obese kids either alone or with someone else that was obese.

The group of adolescents seemed to be the ones most likely to tease each other. Some of them were having problems with their skin and some of the girls were developing physically. There were a few that were trying to act macho or stand out and several of them were already using piercings and colors in their hair.

The special needs of children were different. There were three of them. One of them needed constant supervision and the other two went from booth to booth with limited supervision.

This age group was a little confusing. They seem to span many years when there are just a few. It certainly is a time when they are beginning to want to be just like each other or totally different from each other.

Booth and/or Activity

Dental health is what this writer participated in. The questions that were asked at the booth were how many times should you brush your teeth every day and how many times should you floss How often should you go to the dentist.

I, personally did not learn a lot about this topic because dental health is extremely important to me so I try to stay on top of what I should be doing. I did not have any remaining questions for the same reason. Dental health is definitely important to this age group. It is important from the emergence of the first teeth. This is when these children will establish lifetime habits that will save their teeth in the future and help to keep them generally healthy.

The materials were good in the sense that handing out the toothbrushes caught their attention and was a good thing. However, the blackboard was too full of information, and because of that and not having enough toys to get their attention, we lost some of them.

Health Fair

The health fair was fun for several reasons. I had a great time conversing with the kids and hearing what they think about some of the things there. I enjoyed seeing them learn and being involved in that process. It was fun giving out toothbrushes. It was also great to be so involved in a community effort.

The thing I didn’t like was that there were not enough children and they weren’t allowed enough time there to really participate in the learning they might have had. Something other than the drinking glasses, though the kids had fun, might have been more age-appropriate. The drinking glasses probably should be used for the 14-15-year-old age group. In the future, the kid’s time for the field trip should be increased and we should provide more toys for them to learn with.

With the way this age group has changed over the last few years, we might provide something on prevention of putting a tattoo on as well as getting it off. Piercing and how to have it done correctly to prevent infection is good also.

This was a very interesting occasion and I would want to be involved again. This is a group of children that are already beginning to make up their minds about things but are also still impressionable and what we do to get them on the right road happens here. They build habits and become more healthy individuals. We might have something on exercise fun, not regimented but what things are fun, maybe even the use of the WII programs for kids that are inactive and fun snacks that are healthy. I enjoyed it and I will be sure to participate again.

Write 4 pages thesis on the topic langston hughes poems analysis.

Write 4 pages thesis on the topic langston hughes poems analysis. The poem unrolls just as simply as the solution, sounding as natural as if the words were spoken in conversation. if not for the line breaks, it would read like prose.

Later, he wrote the darker and angrier poem, “The Same,” which also discusses the plight of people of color, but now the scope is larger and the hope for peaceful transition is fainter. The offense is no longer so petty as being made to sit in the kitchen when company comes. Instead, he points out that to be black anywhere in the world is to be “Exploited, beaten, and robbed, Shot and killed” (Lauter 1615) and it is no longer a matter of not being seen clearly. Now he understands that the cycle of violence is not simply a misunderstand, but part of a vast economic system that represses minorities “For the wealth of the exploiters-” (Lauter 1615).

This poem uses repetition and lists to make its point about exploitation. He repeats the place names where people are being oppressed by different industries, and he repeats the lists of currencies for which they are oppressed. The word that is repeated most often in this poem is “blood,” which sets the tone. The image is that of blood being stolen from the poor. It currently runs into the coffers of the rich, but he suggests that it should more appropriately run into “the deep channels of Revolution” (Lauter 1615) and the poem becomes a call to revolution. The voice tells “the Red Armies of the International Proletariat Their faces, black, white, olive, yellow brown, Unite” (Lauter 1616) showing a shift in tone from earlier work.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Look into descripton.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Look into descripton. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. “Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you might just land on a star What the old and wise people say about life’s circumstances shaping a person’s perspective and attitude towards life is true. I have had a difficult childhood, adolescence and adulthood, but in spite of this difficulty, with the help of psychology and self help books, I persevered and became who I am today – a responsible and mature woman, and soon, I hope, a clinical psychologist. Now as I begin a new chapter in my life – as an aspiring candidate for the John F. Kennedy University’s Doctor of Philosophy program, I can’t help but be excited of how this journey will help me realize my personal and professional goals.

Growing up in a Muslim-dominated country such as Iran has affected my personal views significantly. Being a member of the minority, the non-Muslim group, had motivated me to use my skills and knowledge to help others cope with similar personal, environmental and social challenges. Now, as an adult I want to be of service for people who have difficulty expressing themselves when the opposition’s voice is too loud, I want to devote my time helping those who can’t help themselves. During university, I became a tutor and teacher’s assistant for the opportunity to help students cope with the changes that entering university usually causes. My dedication to my job and in helping others was not unrecognized by my peers and superiors. as such I received several appreciation awards. In the future, I still see myself devoting more and more of my time educating people on how to help themselves.

A Ph.D. from the JFK University will surely help me achieve this personal goal. As a Ph.D. student, I will be given the opportunity to explore and research human behavior extensively. This opportunity can help me hone my skills in dealing with people, specifically those underprivileged.

The environment of my childhood and adolescence had instilled in me a strong passion for achievement. As a non-Muslim in Iran, I pushed myself to do better. As an immigrant to the United States, I mastered the English language. As a university student, I received the Golden Key Honor Society Award, Laureate Program Award and Provost’s Honors. Moreover, I graduated with a GPA of 3.97 which earned me summa cum laude honors. These achievements show that I have a strong commitment with my professional objectives.

Professionally, I aspire to be one of the best clinical psychologists in the country. I want to be a clinician, evaluator and supervisor exhibiting world-class work ethics and standards. Being in the JFK University’s Ph.D. program will expose me to a rigorous training unparalleled anywhere else. This unparalleled training is what I need to be the best in the field. During all this time, I also hope to contribute to the development of psychology as a science. Being the best is important for me to be able to achieve my personal goals – helping the underprivileged who are usually the children. My travels all over Europe and Africa made me experience first hand the sufferings of children. Anyone who saw what I saw will always be moved to do something. My ‘something’ begins with my John F. Kennedy University journey.

Works Cited

Nichols, M. (2007). Get Motivated to Do More with Less. Business Week, Aug, 27, 2007, 1.

write an article on Judgement and Decision Making in Adolescense.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Judgement and Decision Making in Adolescense. It needs to be at least 2000 words. All these are neurological changes that gradually develop from adolescence to young adulthood. Adolescence is often seen as a challenging time for many young individuals as they navigate seemingly overprotective parents, social cliques at school, and more often than not partial confusion from the inner self. Many researchers have argued that if we are to create resiliency in the young group or the future generation to overcome these problems, the positive teenage development efforts should be focused on both decision-making and problem-solving. There are many factors that influence adolescents’ decision-making processes of this group of individuals including peer pressure, lack of experience, and brain development (Albert et al., 2009). Nonetheless, cognitive psychologists have developed various models and theories including classical conditioning theory, Heuristics and biases, and fallacies to help understand adolescent decision making. Likewise, they offer various approaches that can assist individuals in this challenging developmental stage to cope with pressure and make an informed judgment (Steinberg, 2008).

The process of decision-making and judgment in adolescence is a little bit complex and many times difficult to understand. In general terms, Decision-making and judgment can be regarded as the cognitive procedure that results in the choice or a belief in various alternative possibilities. According to Jacobs & Klaczynski (2005), decision making in adolescence is always influenced by “maturity of judgment” and this always proves to be a great challenge for reason individually or rationally. Their research further adds that “maturity of judgment” can be broken down into two sub facets: psychosocial factors and cognitive capacity. Cognitive capacity during adolescence is that aspect that “shapes the decision-making process,” and encompasses: “understanding (i.e., the ability of the adolescent to clearly information relevant to the decision) and reasoning (i.e., the ability of the individual to use given information logically to make a prompt choice).” In addition, cognitive capacity includes the processing of information, logical reasoning, and a time deliberative thinking (Rivers e al., 2008).

Compose a 750 words assignment on control mechanisms

Compose a 750 words assignment on control mechanisms. Needs to be plagiarism free! According to Long et al (n.d.): “Managers within bureaucratic control systems use primarily rules and regulations, hierarchical lines of authority, and job specifications to direct subordinates in their tasks”. Certain premises of the decisions on these matters are to be supplied in advance in the form of general rules or standards, and compliance with these standards is to be enforced by centralized units. All decisions for which standards have been prescribed are cleared with or reviewed by the appropriate centralized unit to assure compliance. One way of meeting control problems of this kind is to assign specialized administrative units in their particular area of specialization. A central office enforces the rules relating to the hiring, pay, promotion, and dismissal of personnel throughout the entire organization. The College School System determines special rules and standards in order to create a unified system of education and maintain a high level of service delivery (Medeiros, Barbosa, n.d.).

Also, the College School System uses some elements of clan and market mechanisms that help it to survive. Following Long et al (n.d): “Managers within clan control systems place relatively greater emphasis on the development and actualization of common values, traditions, and beliefs”. The College School System follows educational values and traditions which have a great impact on its decision-making and performance. These traditions involve equal treatment of all students and a high level of education, programs, and activities based on the human-centered approach and Christian morality. In some cases, The College School System can be seen in terms of market control mechanism when: ‘managers make decisions based on price considerations” (Long et al n.d.). Many private schools are driven by this control mechanism which helps them to maintain a high level of education and services.

The main advantage of the bureaucratic control mechanism is the structure of the control procedure. Control is exercised through the executive hierarchy itself. The main limitation (negative consequences) of clan and market control mechanisms is that the executive hierarchy itself does not know and cannot be expected to know enough about all the many areas of an organization’s activities to make sure that all these activities are being conducted according to the expressed wishes of those higher up in the organization, the chief executive, the legislature, or the public. The chain of accountability is maintained by assigning different parts of the review process to centralized units whose personnel then become specialists in securing high standards in their respective fields. The effectiveness of the clan mechanism can be explained by the fact that “the traditions and norms that clan system managers use to affect subordinate behaviors are best applied before tasks are commenced” (Long et al, n.d.). The effectiveness of market control is explained by output control targets which allow the organization to evaluate the work when it completes.

The bureaucratic control mechanism determines the structure of four functions of management based on hierarchical relations. All functions and decision-making are closely connected with each other following strict rules and procedures. An important element is a mechanism employed to see that the policies laid down by the body.



Write 5 pages with APA style on Newspaper’s editorial evaluation.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Newspaper’s editorial evaluation. Bush’s repeated and emphatic claim that Hussein had already developed WMDs, which he possessed and was prepared to use-a bogus claim that the mainstream media, led by the Times’ own Judith Miller, largely accepted as an article of faith and bolstered with credulous reports based on faulty information.The purpose of this editorial article of the New York Times is to convince the audience that the revision of stance by the New York Times with respect to the Iraq War does not absolve them from the culpability of misleading their readers of their initial position. The editorial article attempts to show that the arguments expounded by President Bush that Iraq had nuclear weapons were not compelling. There are other ways to prove and investigate to determine if Iraq indeed had nuclear weapons.The argument appeared as an opinion piece in the New York Times and is written in a familiar style appropriate to that context. The style is formal and the author rarely adopted emotionally charged language, writing in a mostly composed, brief and judicious style. Its simplicity and clarity is a veritable proof of strength of the argument, since many readers will have varied views on the Iraq War. This text was written in a respectful way that will not annoy the key officials of the Bush Administration.The use of persuasive language is well-defined and well-chosen. The argument is neither bombastic nor incendiary in its approach of the subject matter. For instance, the use of the phrase “Iraqi WMDs as a “possibility” is a way of making the mistake of NYT stand on the Iraq War less horrendous.

The main argument has three premises. The first two premises present the stand of President George Bush, the UN Security Council, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the New York Times on the justification for the invasion of Iraq. The third premise focused on the change of stand by the NYT on the Iraq War brought about by the lack of physical evidence of the Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD). This is a positive premise since the article bases its argument on the subsequent UN reports on the presence of WMD in Iraq.

However, these three premises are still weak. They do not support the conclusion that NYT and US President George Bush are culpable for their stand.

Write an article on liberation theology and marxism

I need some assistance with these assignment. liberation theology and marxism Thank you in advance for the help! By contrast, Marxism is an earthbound ideology, content to reward or punish those in the here and now based on their support of the ideals of fairness, equality and the distribution of wealth. Both Christianity and Marxism are fundamentally concerned with promoting the general welfare and improving the lives of the vast majority of the world’s citizens, yet both have suffered as much damage to their credibility from followers as from opponents. The extreme and selfish proponents of these ideologies have severely undermined their cause through the organization of vast bureaucracies that leave precious little time for doing the real work of making lives easier. At the same time, both Christianity and Marxism have a long history of supressing dissident voices and violently repressing infidel movements. Marxist liberation theology as applied to Latin American countries that were systematically exploited first by and then for European, and later American, interests has long been viewed as an ideological threat to traditional Christian liberation theology.

write an article on industrial relation in usa

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on industrial relation in usa Paper must be at least 3000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The above makes it amply clear that after years of evolution since 1960 circa collective bargaining procedure in the US industrial relations sphere has been diluted in strength and scope. This systematic loss of power associated with collective bargaining in the US has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in the level of juridification of industrial relations at the workplace. As a result what is so obvious now is the fact that the US trade union power structures have eroded over the years with active manipulation by employers as against deregulations and voluntarism. The latter two concepts are used in the analysis on the subject by writers to articulate the historical process of evolution from the predominance of trade union determined activity since the early 1930’s. President Roosevelt’s New Deal did much to change the course of trade union domination. However the most important aspects in the US industrial relations sphere are related to the liberal ideology that places emphasis on individual entrepreneur’s talents. Thus there is very little emphasis on institutions like trade unions and concepts like collective bargaining.

The US society has been developing on exceptional lines such as the absence of a historical process of feudalism and aristocracy and above all a rapid social transformation process highly characterized by ethnic diversity and cultural homogeneity (Hurd, 2001). These developments apart there were some economic and political processes that helped the creation of a completely different set of rules and regulations governing employment and related practices. For instance form the early 1930’s a realignment of political forces in the US under Roosevelt generated a hither to unknown degree of interest in the individual entrepreneur’s ability to bring about the highest amount of good for both the individual employee and the society.

Thus the social transformation process almost overlapped the economic transformation process, thereby producing a host of positive implications for the whole society. The subsequent years especially 1950’s noticed a remarkable change in the labor laws. Each state in the country began to develop its labor laws on the same identical lines. This pawed the way for followers to adopt what the leading states introduced. As a result there was a clear polarization of forces within the business organization, viz. employees seeking to defend their rights through collective bargaining and employers seeking to concede less to the workforce (Boxall & Haynes, 1997). The ultimate result was that collective bargaining took a backseat while juridification of industrial relations became more obvious. Under this process of juridification labor contracts became more formal in legal applications. This in turn led to a gradual but sure process of erosion of employee rights in the work place. In fact rights were gradually replaced with obligations violation of which led to disastrous consequences for workers.

In other words the process of juridification of industrial relations in the US began to acquire a new dimension during this period.