writing homework on Factors Influence a Consumer to Select Restaurant in the UK.

Need help with my writing homework on Factors Influence a Consumer to Select Restaurant in the UK. Write a 10000 word paper answering; Restaurant selection has without any doubt become an established art as of these days. While consumers seemingly exclaim that the quality of prepared food and the type food are the critical variables for restaurant selection or rejection for that question, there might definitely be an overwhelming number of other less significant choice variables. This line of reasoning may in addition to the former one, prove to be an unquestioning component of the deciding factors in determining the final reflection on restaurant selection for the British consumers. In a very significant contrast to what used to be the norms in the early days of the restaurant in Britain, when getting fed was supposed to be the one and only explanation for hungry consumers to visit commercial eating places in the United Kingdom, consumers of the present age have acquired different moods and tastes and accordingly, rummage around for restaurants or dining places where they could get a more than fair to middling opportunity in order to comply with the requirements of their specific penchant and palate. In sequence to putting adequate light on the subject of restaurant selection and the motives and driving factors that move British consumers, there is a dire need to furthermore look into and discuss another major and very much relevant topic which is. dining out. Selection of a Restaurant is no doubt very much related to the subject of Dining Out. Everyone needs to eat out and enjoy. There is a considerable population in Britain that actually loves to go and eat out in restaurants, cafes, fast food outlets and even bars, taverns, and inns. For some consumers though, it is a leisure activity that usually takes up all of their time and more often than not, their amounts of money too. The specific comportment, in which Britons dine out today, is evermore changing and before we could even start taking into account the ins and outs of modern day restaurant dining, it is important and interesting to understand how the actual practice got underway.&nbsp.

Write a paper on ethnicity in film

I need some assistance with these assignment. ethnicity in film Thank you in advance for the help! This film was significant on a number of levels. It was a major Hollywood release budgeted that brought in a box office of 23 million dollars and yet it managed to honestly depict the events of a highly politically charged event. It also examined the complexity seeking self identity in a group long persecuted in examining a character played by Val Kilmer who was at odds with his native heritage preferring to deny its existence and through the events of the story showed the self discovery of racial pride and identity of this character. This paper will explore the issues and themes raised by the film as they relate to the depiction of native culture. It will examine how the film showed the fight for ethnic identity in the face of outside pressures that are often hostile. This illustration of the complex nature of racial identity and political context are further heightened by the political context of the story. It will also highlight how the quest to depict native American ethnicity on film is still occasionally marred by stereotypes.

The quest for identity for the protagonist is the main theme of the story. Val Kilmer’s character Ray Levoi is of part Sioux descent and at the onset of the film he strongly denies his heritage. He does not talk about his heritage to his superior played by venerable actor and playwright Sam Shepard. He is shown to have become mainstream with his fashionable haircut and designer sunglasses and formal clothing. His initial contact with the people of the reservation his shown to be officious and unfamiliar. Grahame Greene’s character,Walter Crow Horse who plays the town sheriff. does not like the intial presentation but something in him senses the inner conflict in the character. There is a marked tension in the character who is referred to as the Washington Redskin”” in hushed tones to refer to both his heritage and to his remarkable success in the bureau up to that point. With his succesful mainstream background Ray Levoi’s character sees the events of the crime that he is sent to investigate through the official outlook of his boss. Slowly through the Graham Greene’s character he awakens to his own heritage.

After the intial presentation of the character there are series of events and individuals that slowly change his perspective on the purity of his own reasons for being there. The intitail reason for trip to the Reserve by the FBI is to capture Jimmy Looks Twice a chararcter who is believed to have murdered some FBI agents and is on the lam in the reservation. Apart from the steady tutelage of the town sherrif it is the idealisitc young teacher, Maggie Eagle Bear who appears to do the most to sway the protagonist’s thinking. She is sincere and intelligent and she speaks to him of the real injustices that are going on in the reserve. The look at the poverty on the reserve is not spared in Apted’s honest cinematography. She speaks to him at an educated level which he has come to respect from his own successes but unlike him she has not turned her back on her heritage. More than this, Ray’s character sees her clear kindness and lack of rancor and it moves him.

research paper on the managerial aspects b2b e-commerce.

Need an research paper on the managerial aspects b2b e-commerce. Needs to be 14 pages. Please no plagiarism. The most effective method of discussion and understanding the multitudes of studies conducted on sales and marking the inclusion of theories and technology would be in the fact that we must first divide the process into manageable segments. Those pieces include divisions between retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers and through corporate operations. The vast majority of the literature would be concentrated from the year 2000 through to the present, more than likely as advances in computer and other electronic technology has managed leaps and bounds in both affordability and availability. This is especially true for markets across the country. The several research pieces brought into this literature review would in fact be between the years 2000 and 2006 and would focus on the ability for technological innovation of E-commerce and its effects on supply chain management to enhance sales and marking in a variety of sales and marking settings in general and specifically on the industry of security relating to E-commerce. (Mentzer, 2001) One recognizable difference would be in the fact that literature which remains in the time span since the turn of the century would, in fact, be the speed, the accessibility and the overall development of systems and the internet itself. (Nissanoff, 2006) These elements, as they become more and more integrated into daily life outside of the consumers must be both understood by management and integrated into their sales and marking processes and procedures to keep the potential customers as well as the managements current in their information capacities.

Write an article on speech

I will pay for the following article Speech. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Speech Let’s look at how experience economy helps in industrial growth. The first way that experience economy helps in industrial growth is by facilitating trade. International trade is a way to achieve a higher standard of living and improve the per capita income and GDP growth for all trading nations.

Due to a steady increase in population and also over consumption the demand for food products may increase sharply and might slowly replenish. Rather than more industrialization and production, consumer modernisation in the experience economy is a solution. In the digital market, consumption is dematerialized.

Branding is a key element in the experience economy. Branding provides long term value to companies. Larger companies with established brands could use outsourced products rather than manufacturing them and could sell the products with the help of advertising and branding efforts. Companies that create more brands offer more values to the customers.

Next, let us turn our attention to branding. Branding is a process of value creation among the various stakeholders groups. It helps an organisation to keep its employees motivated and associated, it helps vendors and partners to create a positive image and establish relationship and most importantly it helps to create a positive image among the target consumer groups in order to motivate them for their purchasing and repeat purchasing decisions. It has affected the economies in various ways. The small companies and manufacturers are largely impacted by the branding efforts of large companies. The purchase decisions of consumers are largely impacted by branding. Companies take their branding decisions very seriously as any wrong decision may kill the brand. Many a time when any crisis comes many prestigious companies have adopted different strategies to maintain their brand name. For instance, Johnson and Johnson responded to depreciation in its product-tampering crisis by recalling and replacing its products, which turns around the situation. Branding and the activities of a company are closely related. For example, it affects human resources in that organizations with better brands are able to attract more employees because employees feel privileged to work in prestigious organizations.

Next, let’s look at research. To be successful in any marketing business, research has to be done before writing a business or marketing plan. There are two kinds of research – quantitative research and qualitative research. Qualitative research involves understanding and explaining social phenomenon. Quantitative research includes survey methods.

Feasibility study enables the developer to assess the product being developed. The three kinds of feasibility studies are economic feasibility, operational feasibility, and technical feasibility. Economic feasibility refers to the assessment of benefits or outcomes. It compares the cost of developing the product to the benefits from the product. Operational feasibility refers to the assessment of the feasibility of the product to be operational. Technical feasibility involves assessing the technical support required.

The marketing plan is also very important because it underpins financial support, management of the available resources like operation and finances, credit from suppliers, and promotion and marketing.

Point-form to support the speech


How experience economy helps in industrial growth



Feasibility study

Marketing plan

How experience economy helps in industrial growth (for para 1 to 4)

Trade standard of living, per capita income, and GDP growth

Modernization increase in population outstrips increase in food products

Add value through branding

Branding (for para 5)

Branding is a process of value creation among the various stakeholders groups.

It has affected the economies in various ways.

Companies take their branding decisions very seriously as any wrong decision may kill the brand.

Branding and the activities of a company are closely related.

Write a paper the nature of crime

I need some assistance with these assignment.

I need some assistance with these assignment. the nature of crime Thank you in advance for the help! Therefore according to this theory low self control will increase the possibility of a person committing a crime, self control is achieved during early age when a child is socializing, poor parenting will lead to low self control to a child in future while strict and proper parenting will lead to high self control to a child.

This theory applies to age, race and gender, a research done to determine the age crime relationship showed that the age variable for certain crimes supported the theory in that the age was a direct result of low self control depending on level of socialization.

There also exist differences among races and ethnic groups because of the difference in supervision among this groups, but the races and ethnic groups do not directly determine crime instead it is the amount of socialization by parents that determine the occurrence of crime.

Thank you in advance for the help! Therefore according to this theory low self control will increase the possibility of a person committing a crime, self control is achieved during early age when a child is socializing, poor parenting will lead to low self control to a child in future while strict and proper parenting will lead to high self control to a child.

This theory applies to age, race and gender, a research done to determine the age crime relationship showed that the age variable for certain crimes supported the theory in that the age was a direct result of low self control depending on level of socialization.

There also exist differences among races and ethnic groups because of the difference in supervision among this groups, but the races and ethnic groups do not directly determine crime instead it is the amount of socialization by parents that determine the occurrence of crime.

research paper on the problem of snails in a suburban garden.

Need an research paper on the problem of snails in a suburban garden. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Running Head THE PROBLEM OF SNAILS The Problem of Snails in a Suburban Garden The Problem of Snails in a Suburban Garden

When I started my organic garden in the suburb, it was a barren wilderness. Water

being scarce, the ground had been baked hard by the relentless sun. The first thing I did was to

plant some shade trees. Then I dug a shallow pit for compost. I put all the kitchen and garden waste in the pit and covered it with soil, turning it occasionally.

In three years, the garden had become green and luscious. Birds like the robin, the hummingbird

the barbet , and the crow pheasant were constant visitors to the garden besides the honey bees,

and chipmunks. The permanent residents – the frogs, sunbirds and lizards lived in

harmony with each other until the aliens came.

Nobody recognized the future threat to our ecology when we first saw those pretty, cream

striped chocolate shells moving slowly in the cool parts of the garden. These Giant African

Snails or GAS had been introduced into our environment through someone’s carelessness.

At first they did what snails are supposed to do- eat rotting leaves. Quite soon they found that

the fresh green leaves of the lily and the cabbage taste better than rotting leaves. Even when we

saw our lily leaves full of holes , we did not recognize the looming catastrophe. Soon the lilies

and most of the vegetable plants had vanished from the neighborhood gardens. When the snails

started attacking the fruit trees , we woke up to the reality. Then the matter became worse- the

snails started breeding in thousands. Our local birds did not seem to fancy the snails- perhaps

because they were too fastidious..

Having no natural predator, and being able to eat anything, the population of the GAS

increased tremendously in our suburb. Whenever I went for an evening walk, I could

commonly see snails crossing the roads, scaling the walls or climbing trees. The roads were full

of squashed snails which had come under automobile wheels. And how they ate! After they ate

through the dahlias and daisies , they started on the tomatoes and the lettuce. In no time at all the

neighborhood gardens were in shambles. Our garden paths were criss crossed with shiny snail

slime. Experts in camouflage, they disappeared in the morning.

Achatina Fulika, the Giant African Snail (GAS) is a land snail which is much bigger than the

native snail. It has a conical chocolate shell with cream stripes. It can be as big as a man’s fist

and is a voracious eater. It hides in cool,dark places and crevices during the day and is very

active during the night. Being a hermaphrodite, it reproduces rapidly. The eggs are translucent

cream balls , laid under compost heaps or fallen leaves. The Department of Primary Industries

and Fisheries of Queensland, Australia describes them as” difficult to eradicate”, Snail collection

and baiting is recommended as the most effective control measure.

At the emergency meeting of the Residents’ Association , we decided to tackle the snail

menace on a war footing. The civic body sprayed chemical pesticides on all the infested places,

overcoming the protests of the local organic gardeners, but to no avail. We set fire to our

compost heaps hoping that breeding pests would be destroyed, but the critters hid elsewhere.

Who said snails are slow

Although a small percentage of the pests was killed, the rest continued to haunt our gardens. I

hunted them by night. My method was simple- whenever I saw a snail I would drop a big stone

on it and listen for the satisfying crunch. The elimination level was around 1%,and this method

had its obvious drawbacks in our snake friendly environment. Some of my friends tried the

herbal route to elimination of the pests and failed .Spraying eucalyptus extracts , and ringing

the plants with copper wire did not help either. Pouring salt over them killed the plants too.

It was the boys of our suburb who came up with a ‘Final Solution’ They suggested to us

that they would find the snails and destroy them for a consideration. Every afternoon

the boys would hunt in the nooks and crannies of our gardens and catch the creatures and dunk

them in buckets of detergent solution. Finally, the infestation seemed to be under control.


But our relief was short lived.. There was another outbreak of GAS next month.

Collection and dunking of snails became our common evening entertainment. My

friend Ram Hegde in India advised me to try a bio-pesticide made by mixing yoghurt and neem

powder. This seemed to work although slowly. Soon, the snails started disappearing. Shiny snail

trails became a thing of the past.


I realized that the birds had started eating the snails. The crow pheasant especially seemed to

enjoy a meal of escargots. Empty snail shells began to appear everywhere. Soon the Giant

African Snails disappeared from our neighborhood, leaving the environment permanently

altered. They have not appeared since.


Works cited

“Exotic plant pests-Giant African snail”.Queensland Governament .Department of Primary

Industries and Fisheries.

Write a paper on personal diet and activity plan

I need some assistance with these assignment. personal diet and activity plan Thank you in advance for the help! Running head: PERSONAL DIET Personal Diet and Activity Plan You’re The following two pages of literature discuss my personal plans to improve upon my health and my physical well being. I have learned through this course that dedication and willingness by the individual is necessary to achieve desired results following a personal diet and activity plan. I conclude with pointing out what my long term goals are and how I am going to encourage myself to stay on a path that will allow me to have a good quality of life and feel good about myself as well.

Personal Diet and Activity Plan


Proper diet and exercise is imperative to have in life if one is going to feel totally complete, in a positive way, about their inner self and outward appearance to themselves and to others in society as well. In order to stay focused on a diet plan one has to have the drive and dedication to make a difference in their life which is something that I have learned through this class. I have adapted to the facts that I have to set personal goals for myself in order to achieve the desired results I would like to see both physically and mentally in my body.

The Three Most Important Points of Knowledge on Nutritional Habits I have Acquired

I have definitely learned that the nutritional choices I make can either make me feel proud of myself for following a proper nutrition plan or they can make me feel very negative if I choose the wrong types of food for consumption. Not only do the wrong food choices make all the difference in a person’s well being but the time of day that a person eats, the quantity, and where it comes from matters as well. For instance, I’ve found that I do better if I have foods that are packed with a lot of the essential vitamins that my body needs rather than grabbing a croissant on my way to class in the mornings. If I eat a healthy bagel with a small amount of cream cheese on top and a glass of orange juice then I have more energy and I feel far healthier than eating something from a fast food restaurant.

Also, I’ve learned that when I feel low on energy grabbing a candy bar and quickly drinking a cup of coffee or getting a coke from the vending machine is not the proper answer. It is far better for me to get a granola bar and have a glass of apple juice because these keep my energy reserves built up where as coffee and candy only deplete my energy quicker and I crash from exhaustion far more than if I don’t go this route nutrition wise.

My Implemented Plan to Maintain a Healthy Weight

In order for me to be able to maintain a healthy weight I have devised my own personal way of meeting my goals. I have calculated that applying at least an hour of exercise into my daily agenda will help me to burn the excess calories that I find I consume while running errands or studying late. Also, I minimized sweets and am now only allowing myself one candy bar or sweet item a week. I still allow for granola bars and light snack bars at times but I have incorporated more fruits and vegetables into my diet plan. Also, I have switched from eating white bread to going to all wheat. This cuts down on the amount of sugar I am getting from bread alone. So I would assume that the plan I have chosen would be a moderate one with light exercise, no aerobics needed, and properly managing the foods that I eat, specifically targeting my intake of sugar and bread products.

The Desired Outcomes

I think if my family see’s me changing my own eating habits and exercising more regularly then it will encourage them to do the same things. Also, the food that is brought into the home will be different so this will allow for other family members to see that there are healthier choices to choose from which have just as good of taste quality or even better. Eliminating junk food I think is a good idea for not only myself but for those I care about so if I don’t buy it then it won’t be there to digest. Also, since my plan includes cooking with healthier oils, less fried foods and more baked ones, and a lot more fruits and vegetables then everyone is going to benefit, not only myself. This is a very positive attribute of this plan because it can change people’s lives that I care about as well.


Following a personalized diet and activity plan is not as hard as some people make it out to be. I feel very strongly that I can stick to my regimented plan due to the will power and the dedication I have within myself to make this possible. For other members of my family, of course it is going to be up to them to take up this initiative so they can feel better about themselves as well.

prepare and submit a term paper on Bringing Home Global Rules.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Bringing Home Global Rules. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. As fundamental human rights and freedoms are inherent in all humankind and find expression in constitutions and legal systems throughout the world and in the international human rights instruments (Kirby, 2005), invoking international human rights law in domestic courts, therefore, merits special consideration. As Kirby write, “In most countries whose legal systems are based upon the common law, international conventions are not directly enforceable in national courts unless their provisions have been incorporated by legislation into domestic law. However, there is a growing tendency for national courts to have regard to these international norms for the purpose of deciding cases where the domestic law – whether constitutional, statute or common law – is uncertain or incomplete. While it is desirable for the norms contained in the international human rights instruments to be still more widely recognized and applied by national courts, this process must take fully into account local laws, traditions, circumstances, and needs.” There are many impediments for direct application of international human rights law, factors like state sovereignty, the dualist view on the relationship between international law and municipal law and implementing legislation. However, there has been an interesting development where jurist and human right activists are identifying themselves with a unified international community (Barak-Erez, 2004). This trans-judicial communication is seen not only in the application of international norms but also in the recourse to comparative law, particularly in the area of constitutional law.&nbsp.When a treaty is ratified, although it becomes binding on Australia in international law, it does not become part of the law of Australia unless it has been given the force of law by statute (Gibbs). Except in the case of a treaty of peace, which obviously can affect the rights of enemy aliens, a treaty not incorporated by statute does not affect the rights or liabilities of Australian citizens. Although the principle has been consistently stated by courts of the highest authority, it is subject to some important qualifications. One of them was introduced by the decision of the High Court in Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v. Teoh. Ah, Hin Teoh was a Malaysian citizen living in Australia under a temporary entry permit. He was convicted of drug offenses and sentenced to six years imprisonment. His permanent entry permit was refused and it was ordered that he be deported. However, the fact that his children lived in Australia gave the case an interesting twist. The Court (McHugh J dissenting), considering the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, declared it the best interests of the children would be a primary consideration. Teoh’s Case has been an example for many Federal Court deportation cases. Incidentally, it is the sole example of the pervasive effects of international law on national law. The Australian Constitution neither mentions international law nor the role such norms should play in the interpretive process (Williams and Hovell, 2005). While earlier drafts of the Constitution incorporated greater reference to the relationship between international treaties and the domestic legal system, these were removed from the version that was enacted.&nbsp.

writing homework on The Image of Jesus by Scorsese and Young.

Need help with my writing homework on The Image of Jesus by Scorsese and Young. Write a 500 word paper answering; Both Scorsese and Young imagine their Jesus characters as workmen with love interests, who grow in their self understanding. Compare and contrast with each other and the biblical accounts.

In the Gospels, Jesus is sometimes called “the Son of Man” and some other times called “the Son of God.” Herein lies the supreme mystery of Godhood manifesting itself in our midst in flesh and blood. Jesus was both God and man at the same time, which is a paradox in itself. But the more intriguing question is what percent of Jesus was God and what percent was man. According to Christians, this question is not valid because they believe Jesus was 100% God and at the same time 100% man. However, this is logically untenable. Something cannot be black and white at once, someone cannot be both infallible and fallible at the same time, or omniscient as God and ignorant as man together. Hence, it would be more plausible to imagine Jesus essentially as man, but possibly endowed with a core of Godhood.

This is what films such as “The Last Temptation of Christ” (1988) and Jesus (1999) have done, and very admirably too. The attempts of both Martin Scorsese and Roger Young was basically to resolve the paradox of Jesus’ humanity and his divinity. The thing that immediately strikes us about their portrayal of the central character of New Testament is that here is a Jesus we can more easily identify with and relate to. In the Bible, Jesus appears as an “avatar” – as Godhood descended upon earth. Though even in the Bible, Jesus does not perform any earth-shattering miracles, comports himself in a humble manner and often appears frail and vulnerable, but because of the connotations that have accrued over the ages, it is impossible to view the Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament, even before he becomes Christ, as anything but God walking in our midst. Whereas in these movies, we see a more human side of Jesus, here Jesus is an authentic man searching and gradually ascending his way to Divinity. The Bible glorifies Jesus to the status of ultimate Godhood, while the movies humanify or rehumanify Jesus.

The Last Temptation depicts a questioning, seeking, struggling and suffering Jesus. The film has offended many and caused quite a controversy, especially because of a scene showing Jesus in an act of sexual intercourse with Mary Magdalene as part of a reverie. It is understandable that many faithful followers of the Christ dislike associating too human-like tendencies and weaknesses to their God, nonetheless the Last Temptation is an honest and sincere attempt by Martin Scorsese (director) and Paul Schrader (screenwriter), based on the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, to bring out an all too human Jesus who eventually however triumphs against weaknesses and temptations, asserting his divinity on the cross.

While Scorsese’s Last Temptation has the intensity, Young’s Jesus has the breadth. This television mini series is truly epic in scope, taking 10 years to make. It brings alive the Bible stories, yet at the same successfully casting Jesus in a new dimension. Here Jesus evolves from being a simple carpenter to a spiritual leader and philosopher. This movie basically sees Jesus as a man of wisdom and a great teacher, not as the only begotten Son of God. The human aspect of Jesus clearly comes out in his relationships with Mary Magdalene, Joseph, his apostles, and his persecutors. The most important contribution of this movie is that it brings out a playing, dancing, laughing and loving Jesus, which is a truly refreshing perspective on the person half of humanity regards as the Savior.

Both these films inspire us to think over not only about the nature of Jesus, but also about the nature of human potential and possibilities. If Jesus was as human as any of us, yet if he could reach Godhood, perhaps so can we.

Write 16 pages with APA style on Models, methods and skills.

Write 16 pages with APA style on Models, methods and skills. This has been one for the primary focus of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) in the creation of The National Occupational Standards for Social Work in 2003. In their evaluation, for programs to serve their purpose, they have to be able to follow closely the people they are designed fro considering their needs and backgrounds (Lothian, 2001). These programs are not just part of social care and development but also are an important indication of how society values its citizens.

The Elders Team received a phone call from M requesting Time Out services for her mother so that M can herself go out because someone can be with mother Mrs. Z. In response to the request, a background history obtained from daughter on the phone. A schedule for a home visitation was scheduled to complete assessment and determine service plan for Mrs. Z.

Mrs Z was born in 1919 in a village in Poland, the youngest of a family of seven, most of who would eventually perish during the World War II. In 1940 she was taken to a labour camp in Germany where she had a pretty bad time. After the war, she came to England in 1945 and found work packing in a factory. A year later, in 1946, she married her husband who was a Polish ex-officer. They had three children and M was the oldest. M is a teacher and is living with Mrs. Z. At the time of the initial interview, it was found out that the husband died recently, about eighteen months ago.

Prior to the time of M’s call to the Elders Team, she said that her mother was always competent and hard working person with no particular problems. However, her mother’s behaviour has become her concern recently because of some changes in behaviour that she found puzzling and disturbing. For example, Mrs Z used to speak English very well, but now insists on speaking Polish in the house. Also, Mrs. Z used to go out about two to three times a week to visit the Catholic Church but now refuses to go out unless daughter is with her.

M thinks initially attributed her mother’s condition is due to loneliness following death of her father, but now thinks something is wrong with her mother. Mrs. Z has become increasingly dependent on M and often stands by the window to watch for her to return. She often makes a fuss when M wants to go out in the evening. She also has begun to express negative opinions regarding the neighbours and their neighbourhood.

As recent as six months ago, she has never complained about the neighbours and generally kept opinions, if any, to herself. However, she ahs repeatedly complained about the building work being done next door, which did cause noise and mess but no more than one would expected. Mrs Z in addition has complained that neighbours are harassing her and wants her to get out of the house. Mrs Z even gets worried about any post or leaflets that come to the letterbox. Mrs Z also suffers from high blood pressure and arthritis in both legs .She has poor mobility but manages to cook meals. Because of the reasons, she said she does not want to go out anymore. She thinks neighbours are making a hole in her bedroom wall which is why she has been sleeping downstairs instead.

M does not know what is wrong with her mother, but thinks perhaps neighbours may have somehow upset her.