Write 3 pages thesis on the topic contract law assignment 4.

Write 3 pages thesis on the topic contract law assignment 4. Contract terms of employment could change due to changed economic circumstances, or to bring about improvements in working conditions3. Materially changed circumstances are always admissible especially for the benefit of children.

Contracts could be changed if there is an absolute change in the law4that occurs during the course of contract. If the other party becomes seriously ill, permanently incapacitated, called for military services or dies5 contract could be frustrated. If the contract depends on a certain state of affairs which alters, contracts could be frustrated6. Commercial purpose of contract could be frustrated if unalterable circumstances take place7. It also can happen if the main object of contract becomes void subsequently8 and the circumstances should be acceptable to Court.

Fred and George have won the contract together for the installation of water system and this makes both of them bound by contract9. Still there is a contract between George and Fred and George defaults his side of it by delaying the work. Fred tries to accomplish his side of contract, but fails to do so, after doing three quarters of the work because he had to honour another contract. Fred has to be paid by George as he has done a lot of his share of work and it is George’s delay that made Fred leave the job for honouring another contract. Still George and Fred are liable for completing the water system to the third party and here their liability is equal. Fred can claim payment from George for the work he has done. If he could prove that it was George’s delay that caused him trouble, he might be able to get damages from George via Court. Still he will be liable to honour the first contract of completing water systems and will be forced to do so10. If water systems claim damages from the two of them for delay, Fred too may have to pay the damages, though he could have a lesser share of it, if he succeeds in proving that George defaulted his contract with him as well as with water systems. Not paying Fred would go against George and will give more strength to Fred’s argument and Court might take a lighter view of his abandoning one quarter of the work under changed circumstances of contract which clearly redeems Fred for non-payment and delay by George. This could be taken as self-induced frustration. Fred also will be paid for the contract completed as it could be considered as ‘substantially completed’ and it entitles for a payment of services and goods, though it will be compared with the work NOT done.


Presuming that the illness of the parties could be traceable to the sandwiches and fault lies with Harry, his defence will be weak. He might be able to prove that the meat was contaminated not through his fault, but was supplied to him in contaminated state and he was unaware of it, whereby the fault will be divided between the meat supplier and Harry. If he could not prove that and if the contamination is due to his fault (meat supplier might prove that other meat of the same category is not faulty), he will be liable for the sickness caused to the parties. Ian’s garden getting neglected might not cause much harm to Harry.

Write a 2 pages paper on word of mouth in marketing.

Write a 2 pages paper on word of mouth in marketing. For instance, in marketing movies, word-of-mouth feedback can make or break the movie, that is why producers take particular care of screen-testing the movie for any possible tweaks they could do render in reference to initial feedback generated. This ensures that once the movie is released to the general public there is a much bigger chance for positive word-of-mouth amongst viewers. It is powerful, influential, and best of all it is something that not even the best-funded PR machine could buy. It levels the playing field for the lower-budgeted films and gives them a chance against the big-studio blockbusters which abound.

Of course, there are certain circumstances where other types of communication are more effective than word-of-mouth communication. While it is probably the most influential type of communication, it is not all-encompassing. For instance, it is highly unlikely that the typical consumer would rely on word-of-mouth for very big purchases such as cars and houses. While word-of-mouth may be a factor, the sheer enormity of the product’s cost would necessitate that the consumer would check out the product himself and view a formal sales presentation to give them a better idea of the intricacies of the product. No one will go out and buy a car just because their friend or officemate said it was “great”. Not with that type of money involved.

Another situation where word-of-mouth does not hold is for highly technical products such as new, groundbreaking medicines. Consumers would need a personal presentation from a medical representative or browse through detailed, well-placed advertising in order to reach a well-informed decision. They would not be risking their health on unfamiliar medicines just because their friend thought it was great. This carries significant ramifications that even the magic of word-of-mouth cannot skirt past.

Lastly, word-of-mouth may help but is not the only relevant tool in launching a political campaign for a general election. Given the broad base that needs to be reached and the national implications of such an event, word-of-mouth is often relegated to the sidelines as candidates pour millions of dollars in advertising and in hiring state organizations to make personal campaigns on their behalf. Before casting one’s precious vote, naturally, they would want to see a candidate’s stand for themselves in a more detailed manner other than their buddy saying “He’s great, vote for him”. To rely completely on word-of-mouth on such a pertinent socio-political issue would be a terribly unwise and ill-informed decision. This all the more underscores the fact that while word-of-mouth is a powerful juggernaut, it does not cover all bases and there are numerous situations where different types of communication should be utilized for maximum effectiveness.

Create a thesis and an outline on Social Support, And Work-Family Conflict.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Social Support, And Work-Family Conflict. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The analysis explores the extent to which work/life balance matters, the extent to which it is being achieved and the factors that determine perceptions of work/non-work conflict, including the state of the psychological contract between employer and employee, work involvement and organizational support. The potential impact of work/non-work conflict on organizational commitment is examined, and the policy implications for employers considered.

Corporate leaders understand that employees’ work and family lives rarely inextricably linked. They always have been but today, with increased pressures in both domains, the overlap and the challenges created are increasingly obvious and complex to resolve. Solving the paradox seated in an organization’s need to be optimally productive and the individual’s need to find quality time to meet domestic responsibilities, to establish, maintain and grow relationships and to relax and recharge, is the great challenge of the new millennium. Most managers have yet to overcome the conundrum for themselves let alone help employees resolve it in their lives.

The prospects for easing the work/ life imbalance dilemma lie, at least in part, in establishing what is creating it. ‘Know thy enemy’ and so forth. Enemy number one must surely be the ‘time distribution imbalance’ trap – consistently committing too much time to work where this is having a detrimental impact on personal life.

However, the concept of ‘work-life balance’ means different things to different people, and there are always shades of grey. What is an imbalance to one person is perfectly acceptable to another? In addition, commercial realities cannot be ignored. Somehow, the needs of key customers and/or other stakeholders must be met or they will take their patronage elsewhere.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on history and culture of medieval italy

Compose a 1750 words assignment on history and culture of medieval italy. Needs to be plagiarism free! For more than four centuries Italians were struggling to preserve their identity. Italy cannot be referred to it as merely the geographic unity, it is the national identity shaped and modified by culture of Medieval Italy which evolved into the nation known as “Italians” to the world today.

From the early medieval ages, Italians were different from their neighbours. They preferred to live on the tops of the hills, while the Romans lived in the valleys (Hodges 47). Based on the interpretation of the medieval monastic sources, hilltop villages evolved along with the Italian life out of the introduction of the monetary economy in the 9th century. This transformation has led to the process of incastellamento – the foundation of castelli on the top of the hills. Notably, Italian cities had the tendency not to grow, but to reduce as well. Unlike many other Italian urban centres, Florence’s growth has declined in the 7th and 8th centuries, while Rome and Milan became the centres occupied only by aristocracy. Rural estates and houses of aristocracy were built in the distinct towns.

Hodges continues that “the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 6th century led to the rural communities of the peasants reshaping the landscape and defining their own rules” (48). The economy activity in rural regions was insignificant and there is the evidence that town and country were truly separated in economic, social and political life. Even though Italy was the distinct community with common heritage, culture was embraced by only a handful of intellectuals – Dante, Petrarch, historian Guicciardini, and few others.

Write a 6 pages paper on what extent has immigration affected british national identity.

Write a 6 pages paper on what extent has immigration affected british national identity. British citizens under British Nationality Act 1981 and those Commonwealth citizens who had the right of abode before 1 Jan 1983[when the 1981 Act came into force] have the right of abode and are not subject to immigration control. Those who do not have this right require permission to enter and remain in the United Kingdom which is given in accordance with the Rules.

Since 1988, the United Kingdom has accepted about 50,000 immigrants per year for settlement under the terms of the Immigration Acts. About 25 percent of these came from India or Pakistan, and about 50 percent were wives and children of people already established in the United Kingdom.

It is now considered widely without any doubt that the English national identity is under considerable stress at the present time in political as well as cultural degradation of Englishness. Lots of changes have been taking place in the United Kingdom because of the other nations people have started to define their identity and determine their destiny in separation from the United Kingdom English people have not been accorded the same privilege. and moreover most of the immigration started settling mainly on English shores rather than those of Scotland or Wales.

Edmund Burke in his book,” The English National Character” says, “Over the Last- twenty- four years, journalists, intellectuals and politicians have continued to chart- and decry- the remorseless decay of British ‘National Identity’. They have also continued, if anything with mounting purposefulness, to try to reverse it. It seems, sometimes as if the only point on which the “Chattering Classes’ of all political and ideological stripes agree is that British national identity has diminished, is diminishing and ought to be increased.”[229]

It is believed that internationally increasing global capitalism is one of the reasons for mass immigration into the country. The England is known for its rule of empire, parliament and monarch, Protestantism, the welfare state social democracy are becoming less relevant in today’s world’s intellectual and free economy. The Scots and the Welsh are least bothered about the destiny of English. It is also can be said that English character like global ambitions and duties prevent them to be more stringent about the mixing with other nationalities.

Can a nation lose its identity due to its immigration from other nationality According to David Powell in his “Nationhood and Identity”, says “The experience of Britain in the modern world the rise and fall of the British Empire, the impact of two world wars, the changing relationship with ‘Europe’ [especially after 1945] further interacted with the domestic picture in a multiplicity of ways, some of which encouraged a transcending ‘British’ loyalty but which nevertheless added to the complexities of overlapping, even contradictory, identities and self image”. (10)


Write 13 pages thesis on the topic human resource management: effectiveness as determinants of firm performance.

Write 13 pages thesis on the topic human resource management: effectiveness as determinants of firm performance. The term ‘Human Resource Management’ is not very new to people all over. The growths of policies following this particular property have proved to be very successful. It is very effective in carrying out an individual’s quality to enhance his job skills. These policies have been able to succeed because of human resource management.

Based on theoretical work in the field of organizational behavior. human resource management is defined as: “It is a set of policies designed to maximize organizational integration. It comprises of a set of policies which are employee commitment, flexibility, and quality of work.”

The purpose of this research was to study and evaluate the importance of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management has moderated the relationship between turnover and manufacturing performance. Employees related to human resource management jobs help in understanding the psychology of the top managers as well as the subordinates. Congruencies in the set of policies and rules have boosted up the progress reports of a number of organizations. The problems concerning the different level workers are carried to the managers or top management through human resource managers. They are of great assistance in making things work smoothly in the organization and help in providing solutions to different problems.

The first results of the research have become apparent and all that needs to be done is to apply these strategies in the organization. It will be ensured that careful and well-planned measures are taken to guarantee the embedding.

Measuring of results:

An HRM employability portfolio will be maintained to evaluate the results of the applied strategies. This research will be carried out by RAO.

The innovation of approach to recruitment and selection:

New rent will be introduced and according to this employees will be hired for a career at UM for a more diversified job. The job will not be related to only their qualification in educational qualities. Emphasis will be laid on the leadership and management qualities.

Competence management:

Competence management means building up a strong relationship between the qualities and capabilities of the employees to cope up with the ambition, strategy, and objective of the organization.

Strategic training policy:

This policy emphasizes that all the training activities that will be conducted in UM, be registered. HRM tools will be used for this purpose. One of them includes the competence profile which will be developed on the national level.

Teaching career:

Search will be conducted to examine the desirability of training and career development opportunities. This opportunity will be offered to teachers, university lecturers, and university senior lecturers.

submit a 750 words paper on the topic The Roles of The Presidents.

Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic The Roles of The Presidents. Documented evidence available indicates that the administration of President Dwight David Eisenhower is considered to have been responsible for starting the war. His presidency is in fact looked at in two contexts, with the most prominent one involving the strategy he employed to wage the Cold War. He was intensely dedicated to the policy of containing socialism by deploying economic and military aid, forming defensive alliances, and finally by threatening to exercise U.S. military power (Jonathan, 2004). With the exit of the French from Vietnam, it is stated that Eisenhower decided to support the South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem believing to get some success in return. This was not to be the case

With this failure, Eisenhower knew that a destructive atomic war was in the offing. Although he wanted to avert this possibility as much as possible, he was on the other prepared to employ clandestine and deliberately misleading methods to achieve his nation’s national security goals (Jonathan, 2004). He had used the same strategy in Iran and later in Guatemala working through the Central Intelligence Agency. Although his party lost control of Congress, he won an overwhelming personal victory at the polls.

President John F.

Escalation of the conflict.

President John F. Kennedy ascended into office with a conviction that America might and ought to shape the destiny of the world’s developing countries. Primarily, Vietnam was not one of his mental preoccupations. In fact Vietnam was not on his list of priorities nor was it either discussed as a key issue at the transition meeting during the take over from Eisenhower. But sometime in the middle of his administration when the Vietnam issue had become more urgent, Kennedy simply remarked that Eisenhower never uttered the word Vietnam (Sylvia, 2004). He never strongly condemned the Vietnam War, an indication that he aided in its escalation. In fact it is only one of his key advisers who is known to have spoken against the war.

President Kennedy started sending American forces to Vietnam in May 1961 and by the end of 1962, the military had received 11,300 US officers operating in South Vietnam, thus slowly escalating American involvement in the war. But towards the end of 1963, the war was still far from being over. This caused President Kennedy to organize the assassination of Diem of the South Vietnam regime. Before Kennedy was able to pull out 1,000 men from Vietnam at the end of the year as he had announced, was assassinated on November 22, 1963, having helped to escalate America’s military, political, and maybe psychological commitment to Vietnam (Jonathan, 2004).

Responsibility for America’s disappointment in the Vietnam War is most squarely placed at the feet of Lyndon Johnson. It was him following President Kennedy’s death in 1963 that increased America’s military involvement in Vietnam and it was also during his administration that most American casualties were suffered. It is even documented that on 28 June 1966, the United States started bombing petrol, oil and lubricants facilities in the North Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Haiphong, a move considered in many quarters as directed mainly against civilians (Jonathan, 2004).

submit a 750 words paper on the topic The Roles of The Presidents.

Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic The Roles of The Presidents. Documented evidence available indicates that the administration of President Dwight David Eisenhower is considered to have been responsible for starting the war. His presidency is in fact looked at in two contexts, with the most prominent one involving the strategy he employed to wage the Cold War. He was intensely dedicated to the policy of containing socialism by deploying economic and military aid, forming defensive alliances, and finally by threatening to exercise U.S. military power (Jonathan, 2004). With the exit of the French from Vietnam, it is stated that Eisenhower decided to support the South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem believing to get some success in return. This was not to be the case

With this failure, Eisenhower knew that a destructive atomic war was in the offing. Although he wanted to avert this possibility as much as possible, he was on the other prepared to employ clandestine and deliberately misleading methods to achieve his nation’s national security goals (Jonathan, 2004). He had used the same strategy in Iran and later in Guatemala working through the Central Intelligence Agency. Although his party lost control of Congress, he won an overwhelming personal victory at the polls.

President John F.

Escalation of the conflict.

President John F. Kennedy ascended into office with a conviction that America might and ought to shape the destiny of the world’s developing countries. Primarily, Vietnam was not one of his mental preoccupations. In fact Vietnam was not on his list of priorities nor was it either discussed as a key issue at the transition meeting during the take over from Eisenhower. But sometime in the middle of his administration when the Vietnam issue had become more urgent, Kennedy simply remarked that Eisenhower never uttered the word Vietnam (Sylvia, 2004). He never strongly condemned the Vietnam War, an indication that he aided in its escalation. In fact it is only one of his key advisers who is known to have spoken against the war.

President Kennedy started sending American forces to Vietnam in May 1961 and by the end of 1962, the military had received 11,300 US officers operating in South Vietnam, thus slowly escalating American involvement in the war. But towards the end of 1963, the war was still far from being over. This caused President Kennedy to organize the assassination of Diem of the South Vietnam regime. Before Kennedy was able to pull out 1,000 men from Vietnam at the end of the year as he had announced, was assassinated on November 22, 1963, having helped to escalate America’s military, political, and maybe psychological commitment to Vietnam (Jonathan, 2004).

Responsibility for America’s disappointment in the Vietnam War is most squarely placed at the feet of Lyndon Johnson. It was him following President Kennedy’s death in 1963 that increased America’s military involvement in Vietnam and it was also during his administration that most American casualties were suffered. It is even documented that on 28 June 1966, the United States started bombing petrol, oil and lubricants facilities in the North Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Haiphong, a move considered in many quarters as directed mainly against civilians (Jonathan, 2004).

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Understanding lab tests.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Understanding lab tests. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Every Year nearly 1.5 million individuals in the U.S. suffer a heart attack (Acute Myocardial Infarction) and of these approximately 500,000 die. Ischemic Heart Disease is the principal cause of death in the U.S.”This can be achieved by adding cardiac biomarkers in the artillery. ECG is the primary diagnostic tool which is nearly 100% specific but sensitivity is only63-82%. Gold standard of investigation for detecting Acute Myocardial Infarction is CK-MB. Cardiac specific Troponin can be added to this for better results.

Coronary artery disease to a major degree is due to atheroma and its complications mainly thrombosis. Elevated LDL cholesterol is the single contributor of atherosclerosis LDLc, gets deposited in subendothilial layer of intima of the artery. This deposited LDLc can be removed from the site by HDL. But when triglycerides increases it is associated with decrease in HDL, this decrease in HDL cannot effectively remove LDL, thus helping atherosclerosis.LDLc as such cannot initiate inflammatory response. It needs to be oxidized, which is .brought about by free oxygen radicals. The rise in oxidized LDL in sub -endothelial layer increases the oxidized LDL in the blood and is a highly sensitive index of atherosclerosis. Oxidized LDLcauses release of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule from endothelial cells. This causes adhesion of monocytes to endothelial layer. Oxidized LDL also causes release of Monocyte Chemo Attractant Protein1 (MCP1) which facilitates entry of monocytes into sub endothelial tissue. Here they converted into macrophages .They absorb cholesterol to form foam cells. The oxidized LDL also gets absorbed on to the surface receptors of the scavenger cells. These foam cells accumulate beneath the sub -endothelial layer of the arteries to form fatty streaks. The foam cells then liberate some factors which cause migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells. these surround the foam cells and induce formation of collagen. The foam cells eventually die off liberating cholesterol in the cavity. Thus atheroma has a central core of cholesterol with a fibrous cap.


The free oxygen radicals cause endothelial dysfunction by inactivating released nitric oxide and inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis. The endothelial dysfunction contributes to atherosclerosis since normal endothelium releases nitric oxide which in turn inhibits VCAM. Diabetes, smoking, hyper tension, hyper homocysteinemia and increased LDL cholesterol all contribute to oxidative stress.

Thus atherosclerotic artery disease begins with a fatty streak on the blood vessel surface which may enlarge to form fatty plaque. The subsequent narrowing of the arteries may eventually lead to disruption of the plaque and to thrombus formation with further reduction of blood flow, thus paving the way for acute myocardial infarction. Complete obstruction of blood results in myocardial necrosis within 20 minutes with maximum irreversible injury occurring within 6 hours. So the restoration of blood flow to the damaged myocardium within two hours but not later than 6 hours can salvage it.



Lipid profile

Lipid profile is a group of tests to find out the level of LDL, VLDL, HDL, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, and T.Cholesterol / HDL ratio. This is used alone or in combination with other risk factors like age, gender, BP, smoking in Framingham score or along with other biomarkers in predicting the risk of a/c Myocardial Infarction.

This is a simple blood test .

writing homework on The EU Budget.

Need help with my writing homework on The EU Budget. Write a 2250 word paper answering; The main principle is that EU funding has to be utilised only when sharing resources looks sensible to the Union’s member countries. The EU’s yearly budget totals to around ‘130 billion. This is approximately 1% of the economic wealth yielded by the member countries every year.

The budget determines income and expenditure for the year, lists all the actions that are to be financed and also fixes total amount of money and staff obtainable for each. The budget also determines the amount of each payment and its authorisation. A ceiling on the expenditure limit is accorded by the member states’ governments and parliaments. The limitation at present is set at 1.24% of the Union’s gross national income.

The budget in the year 2008 has apportioned 45% of its total expenditure to make the EU economy more aggressive and lively. This year the EU budget has plans to narrow the space between the rich and the poor member states and regions. Agriculture is apportioned with 32% of the budget which is also a major area of expenditure. Rural development and environment takes 11% and the total cost for the administrative to run the EU works up to 6% of the total expenditure.

2. An upper limit for expenditure which is agreed by the member states’ governments and parliaments.