research paper on all the king’s men.

Need an research paper on all the king’s men. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism. All the King’s Men opens with the visit of Governor Stark and his group in a small town in their state. The novel then recounts the humble beginning of the governor, how he has risen from poverty to power through his fortune in politics. Stark’s entry into the political arena is facilitated by a trick of fate. Gaining statewide popularity after an accident in his hometown, he was asked to run for governor. Realizing that he was only being used in order to split votes for one of the other candidate, he backed out and began campaigning for the candidate he was supposed to take vote from. This puts him in the spotlight facilitating his entry to the world of politics in the next election.

The narrator in the story, Jack Burden, is a reporter assigned to cover the campaign and governorship of Stark. From this responsibility, he ends up being Stark’s right hand, aiding him in unveiling the “dirty secrets” of the latter’s political enemies. Thus, Jack becomes instrumental in forcing Stark’s enemies into submission through bribery, threats, persuasion, and other “dirty works.” This job leads to his discovery of the flaw of Judge Irwin whom he looked up to as his second father and whom he regarded as perfect. This event triggered a chain of events including Adam Stanton’s acceptance of a lead job in Stark’s hospital and Anne Stanton’s affair with Stark.

Towards the end of the story, Stark has fallen prey in his own scheme. His enemy, MacMurfee has threatened to publicize that Stark’s son is a father of an illegitimate child. This is supposed to bar Stark from running for senator. However, Stark used Jack to persuade Judge Irwin to make MacMurfee back out. Realizing that it is better to die than to live up to his past and submit to the blackmail, Judge Irwin committed suicide. Jack then learns that Judge Irwin is his biological father. Desperate to be a senator, Stark gave the hospital contract to MacMurfee even though this was cancelled when the former’s son became paralyzed in a football game. Adam Stanton was angered at the discovery of the affair of Stark and his sister Anne. Thus, he killed Stark even though it also cost him his life. Jack later married Anne and wrote a novel about the confederate soldier.

All the King’s Men largely mirror the tenets of the American political culture. It is irrefutable that this nation upholds that the government is answerable to citizens, who may change it through elections (Dye 25). In the novel, Stark become so obsessed with his power as a politician that he devoted much of his time and money in making his enemies’ submit to him by discovering their “dirty secrets.” He recognizes that if these flaws were made public, the voting population will respond negatively to their campaigns. This strongly highlights the fact that even though politicians control the society, the sole decision of who will reign still rests on the citizens.

In one aspect, this also mirrors the prevalence of classical liberalism which is central in American political culture. Classical liberalism holds the dignity of the individual and their rational ability to control their own destinies. In the case of the politicians, it is their dignity and reputation which dictate the length of their stay in the office.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic implementation of environmental management system.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic implementation of environmental management system. Christopher Sheldon & Mark Yoxon have made seminal contributions in this field and have laid down in a readily intelligible jargon-less manner all that management needs to know and do to implement an effective EMS. (Sheldon, Christopher & Yoxon, Mark, 1999)

International Standards Organisation had first put forward in 1996 ISO 14001 EMS standards which have been further updated in 2004. (International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), 1996) Though it is accepted worldwide to be the common standard, it has no legal mandate, that is, if a company does not implement these standards, ISO per se has no authority to force its implementation. But governments all over the world have passed laws and issued guidelines (Environmental Protection Department, 1995) urging and ensuring that refineries do indeed follow them. The consumers and end-users are favouring those companies who are actively trying to reduce environmental pollution, so it is becoming increasingly beneficial for oil refineries to implement EMS.

But many of those who are actually working on the shop floor are not aware of the extent of pollution an oil refinery causes. The wastewater generated during the refining process teems with both organic and inorganic pollutants so much so that it cannot be directly released into a flowing river or sea without causing an environmental catastrophe of sorts. A lot has been written on how this wastewater needs to be treated and experts are of the opinion it requires both time and a lot of wastelands to prepare a wetlands system which consistently reduces the level pollutants in the wastewater generated during refining. (Muhammad, 2006). Consultants the world over feel the entire rank and file of an organisation need to be involved in this process and for that, there is the need of assigning this responsibility to a person belonging to senior management to ensure availability of unhindered co-operation from all departments and corporate funds. It is a common trend to call such a person “Green Manager”. (Corporate Environmental Management Section, 1996) . Dow Chemicals Pacific has its Environment, Health and Safety Director as its Green Manager. Marks and Spencer have appointed its Director of Corporate Affairs as its Green Manager.

The basic responsibility of a Green Manager includes:

Ensuring all employees receive adequate training to implement EMS guidelines at their workplaces

Ensuring in the gradual reduction of Environmental liability resulting in a better public image and, in some cases, reduced insurance premiums

Ensuring cost savings through better-monitored consumption of raw materials and power and properly harnessing the benefits of consequently reduced levels of waste management

Remaining aware and taking benefit of all governmental incentives available for organisations conforming to environmental guidelines

Opening and maintaining channels of communication with all levels of staff to inform the progress and status organisational complicity with environmental legislations and inviting suggestions from them (Welford, R. & Gouldson, A.

Write 20 pages thesis on the topic purpose and mission.

Write 20 pages thesis on the topic purpose and mission. The mission of the proposal is to gain an in-depth understanding and visibility of the marketing concepts. The mission is accomplished and is reflected in the documentation of the report. It does it through three main parts: the first part of the paper includes the product, its equipments and its features evaluate the target group sufficient for this business. The external factors influencing the success of the travel agency. The ways of segmentations, such as demographics, geographic, psychographics and behaviors were applied in order to define the target group. The second part designs a market research study and establishes possible demand and consumer needs for the proposed travel agency. This includes the type of data to be collected, the target population, sample size and method of data collection (quantitative, qualitative). The third part evaluates how the demand patterns for promotional mix(advertising, direct sales promotion) the scheduling and the budget involved in opening the venture and also recommendations were given how those variations can be managed effectively. Finally the report makes short conclusion, by highlighting the scope and limitations of a travel agency in such a place.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses art.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses art. ENGLISH QUESTION I don’t totally agree with Gottfried when he wrote that the “new American we see on the road now has the mentality of a hoodlum and the backbone of a coward” (534). Although I admit that I personally encounter similar incidents of reckless drivers on the road, I believe that the number of good drivers far exceed the bad ones. It would be difficult to conclude that all Americans are becoming “Rambos on the road.” Such cases must first be investigated and analyzed. The said drivers might be suffering from certain conditions in their lives thus they become impatient and rude. If their psychological and socio-economic background are to be considered, they might be victims who need help and not to be judged unfairly. There is always a reason behind every action and not all reasons are evil.


Binge drinking is defined by the text as “to drink to the very limits of one’s endurance” and “when one drinks enough to risk health and well-being” (528). Studies assume that the reason why college students engage in binge drinking “may have something to do with today’s instant-gratification lifestyle” (529). It used to be a “guy thing,” a sort of a male bonding, but later females are getting into it. They may be ignorant of the fact that alcohol is a poison despite its pleasurable effect on the drinker. Due to the negative consequences of binge drinking, school authorities have tried several means of discouraging students from indulging in it such as: information drive and seminars during freshman orientation, creating an alcohol-free setting, banning alcohol in campus events and activities, and even “unleashing campus raids and encouraging police busts” (531).

Literature cited: (Note: Please supply the author, year, title, place of publication and publisher).


Art mirrors the society in which it came from. The portrayal of the human form and figure, for instance, reflects the social, religious, philosophical and political values of the time of its creation.

The following examples are evidences of the varied cultures that produced them. First is the Statue of Khafre (281). It is an example of a sculpture that reflects the Egyptian society. Art was an essential aspect of their spiritual beliefs because Egyptians believed that the pharaoh’s spirit was immortal so they created artistic dwellings such as human figures carved in stone for the enduring spirit to live after the death of the mortal body. Then we move to Myron (306) of the Greeks, who worked almost exclusively in bronze making some statues of gods and heroes and mostly athletes. There is greater boldness of pose and a more perfect rhythm in his work. Then there are examples from the Romans: the Head of Constantine the Great (325) that depicts the Roman leader who is best known for being the first Christian Roman Emperor by putting an end to institutionalized persecution of Christians in the Empire. He is revered under the title “The Great” for his contributions to Christianity. Justinian and Attendants (333) which is one of the most studied mosaics of the Byzantine church of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy. The mosaics were completed in 547 AD, shortly before the consecration of the church. and the Annunciation to the Shepherds (343) showing one shepherd looking up in awe and another shielding his eyes as two angels greet them and then announce that the Christ child has been born in Nazareth.

Each of the figures are distinct of each era and society in which they belong. The Egyptians are very meticulous about the designs, with the adornment of the head and body. The Greeks are focused more on the bare human body without much emphasis on the expression of the face. The Romans show some clothing on and touches of Christian religion. However, it seems that in all instances art is more patriarchal since many of the art works depict males.

The representative art works mentioned above are indeed reflections of the societies that produced them. History is better understood if we look at the art pieces that were produced in each generation. The more we study them, the more we are linked to our past and the more we appreciate our forefathers through their works.

Literature Cited:

Fichner-Rathus, Lois. Understanding Art, 8th Ed.

(Note: Please supply the year, place of publication and publisher).

prepare and submit a term paper on Personnel Managent.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Personnel Managent. Your paper should be a minimum of 1000 words in length. People constantly converse about salary and pay issues. No matter how many times they where asked not to argue their remuneration and other workforce issues at work, they still do. Thus, grouping alike positions with similar duty and control into pay ranges, usually makes sense. Nothing influences confidence as much as individuals who feel they are underpaid in relationship with others based on their involvement and that of other related jobs.

A good pay is considered when both employee and employer agrees on the terms and benefits. Mutual negotiation is done. An organisation that proposes better than average benefits may pay less salary and still have motivated, contributing employees. If the health plan fees go up and you maintain to pay the cost, this is the identical as pay in the employees’ pockets. The variety of benefits offered, and the cost to the employer, is a significant constituent of any wages approach. The biggest fault organisations make is failure to correspond the worth of the benefits offered.

While people consider every organisation can profit from industry comparison studies, if conducted by reputable organisations, the big question is whether it is competitive within the local market for most of the positions. Study the salary assortment for related positions and job descriptions. The job description is predominantly significant for comparisons but usually harder to find for evaluation. Establish whether employees are competitive with similar positions with organisations of similar size, sales, and markets. Find companies in the same business, particularly in the area or region that is an extra good evaluation source. The substitute is to use the wages scheme to create disgruntled, grumbling, unhappy people.

Paying a gratuity or bonus that is determined independently based on the worth of the goals consummated and the person to the organisation. The organisation can give all workers the same bonus, based on group goal achievements, across the board. Also, use profit sharing in which a portion of company profits is paid out equally to every person who was in employment during the time. Ways to deal with bonus, as part of the generally pay system, are restricted only by thoughts. It is recommended that bonus structures that are fair, consistent, and understandable, communicated up front, and tied to measurable, achievable goals. The better the shared picture of what comprise eligibility for a bonus, by the organization and the employee, the more likely the bonus will result in employee enthusiasm and accomplishment. An organisation that offers better than standard payback may pay less salary and still have motivated, contributing employees.

A job applicant parley his salary with a small company. His potential salary, from legitimate market pay studies, ranged from $120,000 to $210,000. The potential employer, because of its size, needed to settle at the low end. the candidate, of course, sought the higher end. During the negotiations, the candidate cited six market pay studies, which added to the complexity of the discussions. Market pay studies recognized by the potential employer, however, convinced the candidate that the company’s offer was worthy, though not necessarily what the candidate desired. The company and candidate settled at $170,000.

Market pay studies are significant for establishing impartial and fair reimbursement within your organisation.

Public Transportation in the UK.

I will pay for the following article Public Transportation in the UK. The work is to be 16 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The fact that the value chain reflects upon the overall process of the business in a given industry as argued by Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes (2003) justifies the arguments in the previous sections that the information management system focusing on the ticketing and dynamic pricing will help accomplish efficient primary activity processing in the target market. From the arguments presented in this essay, it is clear that the efficiency in the railway industry is a critical element that is being affected by various macroeconomic factors. The PEST analysis also revealed that the railway industry possesses certain strengths like mass transportation, the geographical area covered, etc that can be used for the benefit of the business process itself. The SWOT analysis revealed that the efficiency in the target market can be increased through the efficient use of live finance information dynamically in order to fix the price for a certain journey between two given stations as argued by Dominic Fenn (2005). The review on the financial information system and the value chain also confirmed that the deployment of the system would not alter the system drastically but actually increase the operational efficiency of the system thus increasing the effectiveness of the system. Thus to conclude this report it is clear that the implementation of the Financial information system will help accomplish operational efficiency and increase the performance of the railway network as a whole.

Create a thesis and an outline on Asian Indians Community of US.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Asian Indians Community of US. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Then, there are other Hindu important festivals Holi, Durga Pooja, Ganesh Chathuri which I celebrate with the rest of Hindu community while Christmas, Id, Easter, Hanukkah etc with the global community that resides in United States.

But it is difficult at times, when we face discrimination at work place or called with funny names for our complexion, accent etc. However, these discriminatory acts were rare before 9/11 and even after the terrorist attacks on Twin Towers. we haven’t been victim of any serious racism or prejudice compared to what our fore parents encountered when they moved first to the United States in early 1900s.

The history of my community, Asian Indians, goes back to early 20th century when the first group of Indians from the province of Punjab arrived in America and worked as millers and farmers in California and Washington. They were mainly “Sikhs”-followers of Sikhism, a religion originated by Guru Nanak. They faced much difficulties and racist attacks because of their illiteracy and poor English-speaking skills. Associations such as Asiatic Exclusion League made serious efforts to prevent further immigration and property ownership of Indians.( Vinay Lal, 1999)

The Sikhs were followed by large number of Indian students who demanded Indian independence overtly. They even formed their own political party to promote and forward their political ideas and demand for Independence. However, America who was strong and old ally of British, saw it as conspiracy of the Germany to overrule the British power in India-a colony within the British Empire. Thus organized attacks were made on these Indian students and successful prosecution of Indians took place.

To add to the woes of Indian community, in 1923 the Supreme Court of United States ruled that Indians were ineligible for citizenship of the United States and that citizenship was only reserved for “whites” with European origins. They were also subjected to the Alien Land Law which prevented them from owning and leasing land and forced them to transfer their lands to the white Americans. As a result, the number of Indians sharply dropped from 10,000 in 1914 to 1,476 in 1940 in California alone.(Vinay Lal, 1999)

But different Indian organization in America continued to fight for their rights to immigration and naturalization. By 1946, President Truman returned the right to immigrate and naturalize through Luce-Celler Act 1946. (“Indian American”)

After that, Indians actively participated in politics fighting for the end of British power in India. The most prominent among these politicians was Dalip Singh Saund who was also elected for US House of Representatives from California in 1956 and was also reelected for a 2nd and 3rd term. (“Indian American”)

Soon the number of Asian Indians grew well above 175000 (1975) and they demanded for minority status within American population. The Census Bureau declared them as a new category of minority group known as “Asian Indians”. However, the conditions and performance of the existing Indian community wasn’t impressive, to say the least.

submit a 3250 words paper on the topic Is mobile marketing the future of advertising.

Hi, need to submit a 3250 words paper on the topic Is mobile marketing the future of advertising. By definition, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a new competitive weapon and way of companies to draw maximum benefits from one shot. In other words, it is a concept designed to give users of the marketing mix an opportunity to make use of all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing a unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation (Kortler 2002). Varey (2001) considers integrated marketing as a paradigm shift towards more personalise, customer-oriented, technology-supported marketing systems.

Under this new approach, it is recommended that different communications channels used by the company to communicate with prospective customers and customers be integrated. Such an action will result to a clear, consistent and compelling message about the company’s product and services. The effect of which will be glaringly reflected on the sales record subsequently (Kotler. 2005). Integration of a company’s marketing communication activities can avoid confusion and disaffection in the minds of consumers and buyers, offering a comfortable identity to customers and staff (Kotler. 2005). As marketing has shifted to a more one to one direction, marketers have employed different methods to get to their target markets. Mobile advertising is fast becoming the order of the day (Baker 2007). The current revolution of information and communication technologies is changing our business environment drastically: new technologies influence the way we organize our work and the environment in which we compete, introducing new rules and new relative powers among incumbents, newcomers and even entire markets. This complex, evolving environments are referred to as New Technology Playgrounds (Ace 2001).

Against this background, this paper seeks to answer the following questions

Is mobile marketing the future of advertising’

What are the variables that motivate companies to use mobile advertising’

How do mobile marketing differs from the other advertising methods’

What has been the trend in mobile marketing in the last five years’

What proportion of the advertisement budget is allocated to mobile marketing’

1.1 Objectives and Purpose of Study

This paper focuses on the growing trend of mobile marketing as a new way of advertisement. In particular, the paper seeks to analyse and evaluate if mobile marketing represents the future direction of advertisement. Other objectives include

To examine the salient features of mobile marketing as compared to the other advertisement method.

The paper also aims at analysing mobile marketing trend in the last five years through an examination of the budget allocated towards mobile marketing.


write an article on penal station objectives

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on penal station objectives Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The first penal station was established at Newcastle in 1804 and the convicts were put to labor mining for coal and cutting cedar tree. However, with the settlements of the Hunter Valley with colonists, Newcastle was no longer as isolated as it was when it started. And so Port Macquarie was established, and Newcastle closed in 1824. However, Port Macquarie experienced frequent successful escapes, and following an inspection by Commissioner Bigge it was determined that other colony stations be created, and emphasized the need for these convicts to be separated and isolated from the remaining population. As a consequence the Governor of Brisbane developed a penal station at Moreton Bay in 1825. Norfolk Island was also reoccupied, having been abandoned in 1813. The worst criminals were sent to Norfolk Island, and those guilty of lesser offences were transported to Moreton Bay.

Meanwhile in Van Dieman’s Land a penal station was first established in 1822 at Macquarie Harbour, as it was more difficult to escape from. Unfortunately there were issues with access to the Harbour, and so convicts with minor offenses were sent to another penal station established at nearby Maria Island in 1825. Due to escalating cost though, Lieutenant-=Governor Arthur decided to develop another colony, an din 1830 Port Arthur was established on the Tasman’s Peninsula, and in the closing of Macquarie Harbor and Maria Island1.

There was a distinct awareness among the governors of the settlements at this time that there was a clear need to portray transportation as an “object of terror,” to enable effective and efficient deterrence to future criminal activity in Britain 4,5,6. Subsequently, governors incorporated into their policies, statements that would substantiate the concept of transportation as an act “worse than death”. Thus, one of the primary objectives of the penal stations, was to deter others from committing crimes.

Another primary objective was for the convicts to be given constant employment, preferably in hard labor4. This was to enable a rigid form of discipline among the convicts, and to provide supervisors and governors with a way to systematically and in a standardized way to oversee the incarceration of the convicts. By way of isolation from the luxuries that were available to the settlements it was anticipated that the third objective could be met, which was reforming of character. As such, it was expected that a number of the transported convicts would become rehabilitate through isolation1, hard labor and the habit making of discipline, as well as perhaps learning new skills such as agriculture, and so return to society as a contributing member.

1 Reynolds, J (1982) The penal stations of New South Wales and Van Dieman’s Land. p. 356

4. Shannon. (1968) J.T.

Write 9 pages with APA style on Reflection on Technology in Education.

Write 9 pages with APA style on Reflection on Technology in Education. But what if the facilitator of the class does not have the ability and skills of using these technological equipments Of course there will be a problem and it may affect the teaching sessions as it goes on.

The knowledge and skills of the educator regarding the subject matter is much appreciated but most probably if he is going to use equipments in teaching, assurance that he can facilitate everything that happens inside the classroom. Skills upon using such tools are very important. There will be a big failure in teaching without the knowledge of using it.

Schools of Education for Teachers include in their curriculums the disciplines that serve as the training ground so that their would-be-teachers will have a stand on their own in the future as they use these tools for teaching. There is the Educational Technology which is 3 units, where soon to be teachers are taught of how to use these equipments and also the proper ways of using them practically and of course on the main event of teaching. They undergo trainings and evaluation if they follow the instructions and can well manage their selves alone.

There are so many product of the new technology that has been improvised for learning purposes, and also it awakens the student’s attention because of this visual material shown for example in the PowerPoint presentation through the use of computer or by the picture projected on the over head projector on screen. Some schools are providing their students their own computer to be use when inside the classroom. Universities provides their own internet access centers for their pupils to have an instant access on the web for educational explorations only and some internet libraries.

The modern technology is very significant, especially in terms of providing current information and serves as the medium for communication. It is therefore necessary to integrate information and communication technology into general school education as a whole in order to ensure an all round education of up-to-date standard, especially in grade 3 and 4 for 13 to 14 year old pupils. The basic aspects of information and communication technology must be incorporated in all areas of 3rd and 4th grade curriculum (Stockhammer, 1992).

The strength of technology is often quick implemented into solutions. The author feels that there should not be unscrupulous use of technology. The quality of use of the computer tools is decided by which aspects are emphasized, and what pedagogical relevance they have. Sensible use of technology for tasks related to grade level and computer need to be used as tool to enhance a particular subject. Multi-disciplinary possibility of technology application includes writing, documenting, calculating, constructing and visualizing work. The pedagogical principle of learning can be followed by the practical use of hardware and software in schools, which will help create a favorable climate for reflections on one’s practical experiences and relating it to theoretical foundations thereof (Stockhammer, 1992).

The digital generation gap have the teacher struggle with the basics, while kids growing up in a tech savvy world can learn application with ease. This digital generation gap calls for on the job training of teachers in technology.