Create a 15 pages page paper that discusses the illegal diamond trade of sierra leone.

Create a 15 pages page paper that discusses the illegal diamond trade of sierra leone. Charles Taylor, the leader of insurgents in Liberia, runs a non-state entity known as “greater Liberia”.3 He does not have any official identity, but he maintained trapping of gold, diamond and hardwood. He has support from port city of Buchanan and a strong tie with several other trading partners. This insurgence has given rise to criminal activities which are being referred as “crime disguised as war”. 4 The insurgency got integrated and has resulted to complex criminal networking.5 Along with exploitation of natural resource, other criminal activities such as drugs, money laundering and many other illegal activities are growing at a faster rate. The war state in Sierra Leone made the life of civilian people disastrous. This leads to humiliation for people who get caught in between the warring parties and as a result human residential areas get deserted. On the other hand the town and cities are getting flooded with Internally Displaced People (IDPs) who are living in overcrowded outskirts. The resource based conflict in Sierra Leone is non-ending because some of the people involved in such conflicts are getting benefitted. Such situations create easy access for resource smuggling. If someone undergoes an in-depth research for the factors which were actually responsible for the present conflict in Sierra Leone, the following three main reasons will emerge out:

These are:

The main cause behind the war was closely associated with the competition for resource (mainly diamond). This strengthened with the passage of time.

The conflict was directly linked with collapse of the state and emergence of non-state criminals with small arms.

The war was never restricted to a single state, rather it was a regional problem and no state boundaries could actually restricted illegal trading of these resources.6

Different non government organizations are coming up to provide help to those people who are suffering the most from such resource conflict. They are also campaigning against trade conflict that is getting worst day by day in Sierra Leone.

The innocent civilians are the one who suffered most from such a war state.

write an article on cyanide as ecosystem toxic chemical threat

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on cyanide as ecosystem toxic chemical threat Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! People exposed to large quantities of cyanide may experience health effects such as low blood pressure, loss of consciousness, respiratory failure resulting in death, convulsions, and slow heart rate (Wilder, 19). However, people who survive this deadly gas over a long time may experience or develop heart and brain damage. Human beings get exposed to this deadly chemical by breathing air, eating contaminated food, drinking water, or touching soil contaminated with the cyanide. It gets into the soil, water, or air through industrial or natural processes. However, people who do not work in cyanide related industries get exposed to the chemical when they associate with cigarette smokers.

People exposed to the deadly chemical need to move to areas where they will receive fresh air to reduce the possibility of death because of the exposure. The movement should be in relation to the origin or source of the chemical. move outside the building if released inside the building and whereas when released outside, get away from the scene. However, when the option of moving from the area is not possible, one should lie on the ground as low as possible to minimize inhaling a lot of cyanide gas (Barber & Vaughan, 4).

In case one gets exposed to the chemical he should remove the clothing and seal them in a plastic bag and inform the health officers when they arrive. Moreover, when the eyes are itching or experiences blurred vision, one should rinse using plenty of water for 10 – 15 minutes. Cyanide in the skin should be thoroughly washed using soap and water. Further, whenever the chemical is swallowed, one should never induce vomiting or take fluids but should seek medical care as soon as possible (Edwards, 4). Cyanide poisoning is treated using specific medicine in conjunction with supportive medical care in a hospital.

act as an administrator, address the challenges of employee recruitment and retention of health care professionals.

for this assignment you will act as an administrator, address the challenges of employee recruitment and retention of health care professionals. Additional subtopics may include trends in the nursing workforce, shortage of primary care physicians, staff turnover, retention, and staffing patterns.

After identifying your topic,

TOPIC-As an administrator, address the challenges of employee recruitment and retention of health care professionals. Additional subtopics may include trends in the nursing workforce, shortage of primary care physicians, staff turnover, retention, and staffing patterns.

choose a health care organization in your area. This organization may be small or large and may provide single inpatient health service or multiple outpatient services; it is your choice. Consider your topic in light of the leadership of this organization and research the challenges and successes it has faced in managing operational effectiveness. You are welcome to use as many research methods as possible to obtain information for your organization and its managers (e.g., web-based resources, electronic articles, or personal interviews). The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be to complete your project. THE HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION WILL BE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MEDICAL CENTER.

Finally, develop a management training program that includes relevant guidelines and information to combat the issues identified in the selected topic, as well as recommendations for managers to more effectively lead health care organizations. Your training program should be in the form of a 20 to 25 slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding title and reference slides) that includes comprehensive speaker’s notes (i.e., at least 150 words) for each slide. Utilize at least three to five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library and two to three current, scholarly web sources (total of five to eight references required). All sources must be cited according to APA style. Your presentation must be engaging and relevant to your audience. Lines of text on a slide will not be sufficient for this project. It should contain at least five images, graphics, and/or multimedia that communicate your training clearly to your audience.


Write a 2 pages paper on the civil rights movement: 1920 and 1950.

Write a 2 pages paper on the civil rights movement: 1920 and 1950. While there were militant protests, mainly led by the NAACP under the direction of WEB DuBois, much of the movement was directed at celebrating African-American culture. Faced with segregation and the legal denial of the right to vote African-Americans turned to their own community for support. The Harlem Renaissance brought forth writers and artists that defined the African-American culture and popularized black art, music, and literature. This would form the backbone of future organizations that were based on black culture.

The 1920s were ushered in with a nation that was tense from the riots of 1919 and African-American leaders were faced with the task of framing the new movement. The goal of the New Negro movement was to codify a set of ideas that would organize the African-Americans as a group with a common cause. Racism was rampant in many parts of the country as groups such as the Ku Klux Klan violently intimidated African-Americans from gaining any political power. While there were attempts to rise up against the violence, the goal of the movement was to define and organize the African-Americans as a cohesive political and social unit.

During the 1920s a large number of African-Americans migrated from the South to the industrialized North and brought with them the political strength of numbers. While the 1920s focused on defining what it meant to be black in America, by the 1950s, they had gained enough political strength to launch large scale protests and demonstrations. By 1950 the civil rights movement was able to bring the issue of inequality into the justice system resulting in decisions such as Brown vs. Board of Education that overturned a century of injustice. The concentration of black voters in major cities enabled the movement to become more focused and more militant.

In conclusion, the civil rights movement of the 1920s celebrated African-American culture while the movement in the 1950s emphasized constitutional rights. The artistic movement of the 1920s helped define the race and was instrumental in creating a cohesive group that could organize to work for their rights. The civil rights movement was faced with violent racism in the 1920s and the goals of the movement were to stem the atrocities and organize the race. As the movement evolved into the 1950s, concentrations of black voters in the major cities gave the movement the power to protest, access to the justice system, and a greater commitment to the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution.

theological anthropology

I need some assistance with these assignment. theological anthropology Thank you in advance for the help! We shall thus consider that which is common to all faiths in terms of morality and then proceed to take this a step farther and liberating it from the traditional perspectives to encompass a broader view of humankind.

In seeking to understand the morality of any given actions, it is helpful to use some sort of compass in which to judge any action as purely moral or not. In order to not bias the discussion to any one faith, we will apply a method that virtually anyone will be able to accept yet does not invoke the singular nature of any one faith. The most general and acceptable rule of this nature that has ever been attempted is to be found in Kant’s categorical imperative. The categorical imperative would denote a requirement that is absolute and unconditional and whose authority must exert itself in all circumstances. According to Kant, we can distill the categorical imperative into three basic precepts: 1) Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. 2) Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means. and 3) Every rational being must so act as if he were through his maxim always a legislating member in the universal kingdom of ends. That is to say, any moral law that can be considered as a categorical imperative is one in which you can will it for everyone and is not limited to any person or group of people. what applies to the prince must also apply to the peasant and vice-versa. Next, we must focus on deontological ethics by necessity since to do otherwise would allow actions for expediency and outcome rather than the morality of the actions themselves. Each and every other person must be treated as an end and not a tool. in other words, there can be no inhuman use of human beings as tools to accomplish a goal. They themselves are the goal since the morality of an action cannot be separated from its application to every human being and in no way can this be interpreted as using one human being fore the benefit of the other. Lastly, this law must be considered as one in which all human beings, barring none, act as equals in enacting this law as a means of harmonizing the moral kingdom, thus bringing about a state of perfect moral equality among all humankind.

Critics of this approach tend to follow the consequentialist schools of thought, in which the ultimate goal is looked at and not necessarily the means to achieve it. This approach to morality is faulty in large part because it ignores a critical aspect that Kant himself did not make much use of, but which has increasingly important as we see people trying to follow a moral code and failing miserably. The categorical imperative seems admirable in theory, but unworkable in practice, so thus people often ignore the internal aspects of the requirements in favor of practical success.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Weaknesses of the Web Content of Senegal-Tourism Com Compared with Its Rivals’ Sites.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Weaknesses of the Web Content of Senegal-Tourism Com Compared with Its Rivals’ Sites. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. In the modern epoch, the Information and Communication Technology has a tremendous impact to the world economy in general and the local/national industry in particular (Fisher and McKee, 2008. United Nations, 2007). Via the media available in present-day ICT, expansion and transaction of international companies (i.e., MNCs) towards or from other foreign countries become more viable. The web page of Senegal-Tourism could be categorized as an example of ICT since it is a technology heavily employed for a certain purpose (i.e., commercial in nature). It must be noted, however, that Carlsson’s concept of ICT is strikingly broad. For one thing, Senegal-Tourism as website or software technology is far from being a “general-purpose technology.” Conversely, Paquette’s idea of ICT is more attuned to the Senegal-Tourism web page mainly because of its prominent relation or connection to such website in terms of strategy, medium, and communication resource.

In the long run, ICTs vitally require a kind of evaluation commonly called heuristic evaluation method. The concept of the heuristic evaluation was originally designed by Jakob Nielsen (Reeves & Hedberg, 2003). Mack and Nielsen (1994 as cited in Nielson, 1993) generally defined heuristic evaluation as a method of rigorously inspecting a “user interface design for usability.” Similar to conventional methodology, heuristic evaluation roughly consists of a well-defined set of principles. This set of principles widely varies from the particular type of heuristic evaluation method being used or employed.

In general, heuristic evaluation has ten basic heuristics, which are applicable to any type of software technology. three of the heuristic evaluation methods, to give few examples, are pluralistic walkthroughs, cognitive walkthroughs, and formal design analysis. The methodology called cognitive walkthroughs was mentioned by Nielsen, which he described as one of the two “[o]ther usability inspection methods.” Conyer extensively defined cognitive walkthroughs as a method utilized in order to “evaluate the ease of learning to use a product, particularly by exploration” (as cited in Reeves & Hedberg, 2003).

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Weaknesses of the Web Content of Senegal-Tourism Com Compared with Its Rivals’ Sites.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Weaknesses of the Web Content of Senegal-Tourism Com Compared with Its Rivals’ Sites. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. In the modern epoch, the Information and Communication Technology has a tremendous impact to the world economy in general and the local/national industry in particular (Fisher and McKee, 2008. United Nations, 2007). Via the media available in present-day ICT, expansion and transaction of international companies (i.e., MNCs) towards or from other foreign countries become more viable. The web page of Senegal-Tourism could be categorized as an example of ICT since it is a technology heavily employed for a certain purpose (i.e., commercial in nature). It must be noted, however, that Carlsson’s concept of ICT is strikingly broad. For one thing, Senegal-Tourism as website or software technology is far from being a “general-purpose technology.” Conversely, Paquette’s idea of ICT is more attuned to the Senegal-Tourism web page mainly because of its prominent relation or connection to such website in terms of strategy, medium, and communication resource.

In the long run, ICTs vitally require a kind of evaluation commonly called heuristic evaluation method. The concept of the heuristic evaluation was originally designed by Jakob Nielsen (Reeves & Hedberg, 2003). Mack and Nielsen (1994 as cited in Nielson, 1993) generally defined heuristic evaluation as a method of rigorously inspecting a “user interface design for usability.” Similar to conventional methodology, heuristic evaluation roughly consists of a well-defined set of principles. This set of principles widely varies from the particular type of heuristic evaluation method being used or employed.

In general, heuristic evaluation has ten basic heuristics, which are applicable to any type of software technology. three of the heuristic evaluation methods, to give few examples, are pluralistic walkthroughs, cognitive walkthroughs, and formal design analysis. The methodology called cognitive walkthroughs was mentioned by Nielsen, which he described as one of the two “[o]ther usability inspection methods.” Conyer extensively defined cognitive walkthroughs as a method utilized in order to “evaluate the ease of learning to use a product, particularly by exploration” (as cited in Reeves & Hedberg, 2003).

Create a thesis and an outline on Budgeting-Different Approaches and Uses.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Budgeting-Different Approaches and Uses. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Often for a commercial organization which is both a manufacturer and seller budgets envelope all activities and in the discussions taken up in this paper, only such organizations would be cited. Due to their important lighthouse role to the business ships targeting to shore a decent profit mechanics of preparing various categories of budgets and their importance for decision-making managers assumes importance. This paper covers these two aspects primarily, taking adequate precaution to explain in detail, course, the important categories of budgets.

Budgets are drawn to assist in clarifying and attaining business objectives. These objectives can be varied but can be commonly listed as minimizing costs/controlling expenditures, increasing revenues, gaining a higher market share, improving spread/margins (through increased sales), etc. Therefore, a statement of identified objectives becomes important at the commencement of budgeting. Once these objectives have been set then the rest of the budget can fan out after a series of logical coordination. Subsequent to the statement of identified business objectives and determination of the budget period (say 1 week, 1 fortnight, 1 month, 1 year, etc), additional information need to be gathered in order to compile the budget. This information generally includes past and current performance data procured from profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and previous cash flow forecasts of the organization. In the case of a new business, peer studies can be important guideposts. To help new concerns, a good amount of classified data is published by various industry associations. Irrespective of the context this information can then be used to identify probable sales in a number of units and associated costs in the future. One approach to budgeting is to compile from scratch ignoring all previous historical data and current performance: this is termed as zero-based budgeting which can be risk-prone and should be taken up by those who have very realistic estimates of strengths of their concern vis a’ vis market demands. It is commonly observed that during the preparation of budgets certain figures are easier to state with confidence than others. For instance, costs fall in the former category while predicting sales falls in the latter category. The obvious reason for this is the fact that sales are affected by several probable factors (e.g. increase or decrease in demand, level of competition, changes in consumption pattern, technology, fashions, fads, etc). while costs are technically stated and determined by suppliers/government policies and remain relatively stable. However, these are to be stated preferably on some historical and comparable base. This paper would exhibit subsequently important functional budgets that follow from the statement of sales and cost objectives. however two important points need emphasis in respect to the process of budgeting-one, ideally the budgeting should be grass-root budgeting that is, not only should all the staff, including lowest rung, be involved in actual budgeting process by actively contributing to target setting but, two, the budgeting should also be accountable budgeting in the sense that the maximum number of staff should be tied up in accountable positions vis a vis the targets they helped in setting up.

prepare and submit a paper on why does campus rape remain an under-reported crime.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on why does campus rape remain an under-reported crime. Colleges and universities are normally hosts to a large number of women but the female concentrations in these areas are at a higher risk of rape and other forms of sexual assault than women in the general population or in other comparable age groups outside of these settings (Fisher, Cullen & Turner, 2000, p. 5).&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.

There is a clear need for more awareness programs intended to protect the young and vulnerable women who mistakenly believe they are safe when within campus grounds. On the contrary, there is a greater danger because of the closer proximity these women have with male classmates and school mates when they interact with them in dorms and on the school. A problem like this is usually hidden from the public view because some women victims often are reluctant to report these crimes committed against them for a variety of reasons. Some of them do not characterize these assaults as crimes resulting in misreporting of the true-crime statistics.

Embarrassment, reluctance to report and define a friend as the rapist or the sexual offender, blaming themselves for the crime and a lack of understanding the legal definitions of what constitutes sexual assault make these women hesitant to approach the proper authorities (ibid.). The prevalence rate is about 350 rapes annually per 10,000 female-student population which is an alarming rate indeed and has serious implications on how campus administrators need to make their colleges and universities safer for these young women. Campus rape and sexual assault are under-reported just like how prevalent school bullying is in the lower grades.

Only lately has campus rape and other forms of sexual assault inside school grounds gained prominence in the public consciousness because of such new terms like date rape and domestic violence. Although there are existing rape prevention and awareness efforts through seminars and information campaigns, these are often not enough to reverse this rising tide of sexual assaults on campus.

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Criminal justice administration.

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Criminal justice administration. Agree or Disagree Koorosh Moshtahedian Of Phoenix CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADMINISTRATIONCJA/460 Group# WH06BCJ10 Prof. JEFFREY THRIFT March 2, 2008

Proposition Agreed to

Proposition Number 5 “Most crime control ideas are based on false assumptions about how the criminal justice system works” (Walker, 2001) is a reasonable and fair assertion. The wedding cake model was the most impressive and simplistic manner of analyzing the criminal system. The Wedding Cake Model is a way to differentiate between different types of cases. The top layer consists of celebrated cases, the ones that are in the news and on television, usually because they are rare cases. The second layer includes serious felonies, such as murder and rape. (Walker, 2001) These are considered the real criminals among the courtroom work-group. The third layer is reserved for the less serious felonies, such as drug charges. These people are considered less dangerous and more of just losers in society. The fourth layer consists of all misdemeanors.

The Wedding Cake Model is important in understanding how the courts deal with routine cases. (Walker, 2001) Serious felonies will get Prisons terms, while less serious felonies and misdemeanors may get little jail time or probation. The three main factors that determine what a criminal’s punishment will be are: 1) was there harm or injury caused to the victim 2) Does the offender have a prior criminal record and 3) What was the relationship of the offender to the victim This last one is important because crimes committed against strangers get a more severe sentence than crimes committed against friends and acquaintances. The Wedding Cake Model would also be helpful when trying to explain the different approaches for reducing crime. (Walker, 2001)

This model is the best because it neatly compartmentalizes crime, thus leaving little to the realm of subjective thinking. Indeed, it is unconscionable that crimes committed against friends and acquaintances receive less harsh treatment. While that piece needs to be addressed by legislation, it cannot be answered by the model. (Walker, 2001) Conversely, one must also ask whether the categories provided by the cake are appropriate because again, we are still dealing with subjective thinking when it comes to deciding the level of severity of the crimes included in each layer.

Proposition Disagreed With

Proposition 2: “Waging War Is the Wrong Way to Fight Crime” Is simply elevating form over substance. (Walker, 2001) The fact of the matter is that there is no other way to combat crime except to wage war on it. It has transformed the very concept of policing and the place of crime in electoral politics. Schools, public health, and social welfare now overlap with the criminal justice system, reflecting the spreading logic of crime control. Perhaps most detrimental is the way this war has changed our society’s core conceptions of community and race. Nonetheless, should society not be entitled to safety (Walker, 2001)

Thanks to the criminal culture, gone are the days when faith and trust in each other was a trademark of the great American nation. Since human relationships have spiritual roots with such attributes as faith, love, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, service to each other, etc., the sociological problem caused by the crime factor is a fallout tragedy in human relationships with no end in sight. (Walker, 2001) This is precisely why waging a war on crime is necessary. Thanks to the child abuse and sex perverts, the simple joy of placing a stranger’s child in your arms just for the pleasure of holding and getting to know the child is gone forever.

The Internet has become a sex predator launching pad. Over 5000 of our children are kidnapped each year and most of them are never found. About 4% are found molested and murdered by some sex pervert and likely as not one who was recently released from prison. Thanks to the rapists, kidnappers and other criminal perverts, much of the joy of shopping by our mothers and daughters has turned into a trip of fear as our women get in and out of their car in the parking lots-never knowing when they have become a target for the lurking criminal predator.

Thus, society can find more confident in the man that wants to ignite and wage the war instead of the author here whom seems willing to cast blame, doubt and offers little if any assistance in a different solution. (Walker, 2001) This opinion is not based upon the experience of being an officer, sociologist or even a victim of a crime. Indeed this opinion is not at all based upon direct experiences but as the natural reaction to the daily accounts by media which describe how indeed, crime rates seem to rise.


Walker, S (2001). Sense and Nonsense About Crime and Drugs. Belmont, CA.