write an article on dying religions of the world

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on dying religions of the world Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! As the report declares The great numbers of religious beliefs found among the people living in the contemporary world testify of the divergence of religious views found in the world today. The believers of the various religious beliefs have organized themselves into different religious groups hence the emergence of denominations, sects, and sub sects among others which originate from the mainstream religious beliefs. With the proliferation of the religious beliefs, various reactions from the wider society and especially from the believers in the mainstream religion have emerged.

From the essay it is clear that following doctrines taught to the believers in the religious organizations and other factors, there has been a great shift in the trend and the rate of growth within the religions of the world with some religions showing a positive growth while others have displayed negative growth- the number of followers diminishing with time. The following discussion is about the world religions which are dying with time and the causes attributed to their dying. The believers in this religion practice monotheism and the belief that God has continually sent prophets with a revealed word for the people. Some of the prophets they believe to have been sent by God include Adam, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and Siyyid ‘Ali-Muhammad among others. The followers of this religion have for a long time acted as targets of heavy persecution by a number of countries with a particular note to Iran.

submit a 250 words paper on the topic Draw Entity Relation Database.

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Draw Entity Relation Database. A) Given the following table, normalize to 3NF where PK=Primary Key and FK = Foreign Key. Hint: 2nd normal form problem

Part Number (PK)

Warehouse (PK)


At this point, the location attribute is dependent on the Warehouse (PK) only and not on Part Number (PK). It also means that a non-prime attribute is dependent partially on the key attribute, which would fall under the second normal form. After 2NF is normalization the relations would be as follows:

Part Number (PK)

Warehouse (PK)

B) Given the following table, normalize to 3NF where PK=Primary Key and FK = Foreign Key. Hint: transitivity problem

Employee ID (PK)


Dept Location

At this point, the Dept is dependent on Employee (PK) and Dept Location is dependent on Dept which arises a transitivity problem. It can be solved as follows.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on financing of student transportation in private schools.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on financing of student transportation in private schools. Needs to be plagiarism free! The Board of education is given the mandate to reject applications for transport financing in the event that applications are made poorly. On the other hand, there is a maximum student number that can be covered by and district board. This implies that when the optimum number has been reached then all other applications will be rejected.

Additionally, in the event that a private school is applying for transport funding yet, it only deals with special children, then the board of education is mandated to reject their application. Similarly, if a school provides only vocational training or it provides only technical skills, then they are not eligible for state funding.

When student’s residential areas are over twenty miles away from the school, then they may not necessarily get access to State funds. The Federal States also require that children meet certain age criteria in order to enroll for the program. For instance, in the State of New Jersey, children who are between kindergartens and age twelve are eligible for transportation services provided by the District in elementary schools.

It should be noted that it is not mandatory for private schools to receive funding from their respective District school boards. But they have the option of utilizing other options available for them. For instance, it is not mandatory for a private school to receive funding in the event that their residents are located beyond two and a half miles and two miles for high schools and elementary schools respectively.

There are also cases in which a school is located out of State but may wish to get funding from a school district Board. This is only permissible in the event that the school is located in a county with a third class rating. Additionally, funding may also be granted to those individuals who are found in counties that have a population greater than eighty thousand. However, this population may not exceed one hundred and twenty thousand people as put forward by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (2007).

Some private schools maybe not for profit organizations. Such schools are also not mandated to receive transport funding but may gain access given the fact that most of them are have tax exemption status. However, not for profit institutions are usually required to display solid evidence bout their status. This is done by bringing an affidavit that will act as a form of evidence.

There are also cases in which some schools have met all other criteria enlisted above but happen to be located twenty miles away from their schools. The legislature normally examines such schools on an annual basis. Once they find that these people meet the right criterion then they may&nbsp.get funding for transportation services. For example, if a school is located in counties chosen by parliament, and those students live around thirty miles away from their homes, then they are eligible for student funding.

prepare and submit a term paper on Financial Services Marketing in Barclays Bank.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Financial Services Marketing in Barclays Bank. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. Pricing is a very integral part of marketing. Decisions about price are those which determine profitability (Stephenson, 2005). It is also one of the factors which determine whether the customer will actually acquire the product or service. Customers base their purchase judgments based on price (Stephenson, 2005). Pricing of financial products is one of the most crucial decisions. Some of the most common pricing strategies used by marketers include both cost-based strategies and non-cost-based strategies (Winston, 1986).

Ethics are moral principles and values that govern the actions and decisions of an individual or group. These serve as guidelines as to what is the fair and right thing to do. Customers have the right to be informed, and it is the marketers’ responsibility to ensure they are providing customers accurate and complete information about their products and services, i.e. they should disclose complete costs associated with financial services, but this is not always practised (Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, 2003).

Social responsibility is an important part of the marketing concept of any organization in any given industry. This is especially important for financial institutions since they serve the public. They need to not only focus on profits but also on society as a whole. At times it is possible for a company to satisfy its customers yet fail to meet social responsibility. Despite the fact that banks and other financial institutions play an active role in the society, they still manage to conduct practices that abuse the environment discriminate in hiring employees, manufacturing unsafe products or engaging in misleading advertising or labelling. At times these organizations are still focused on meeting their goals rather than meeting customer needs (Pezzullo, 1998).

In the article ‘Interest rate clustering in the UK financial services market’ (2008), Ashton and Hudson explain through empirical evidence the price and interest rate clustering practices used by retail banks.

In their study, they explain how financial services marketers capitalize on the difficulties customers face in recalling and processing price information. They do this to maximize their revenue from deposits made by customers.

writing homework on Doing Critical Management.

Need help with my writing homework on Doing Critical Management. Write a 3250 word paper answering; Ontology is the department of metaphysics concerned with the nature of&nbsp.Ontology is the department of metaphysics concerned with the nature of being. Ontological assumptions will, therefore, be completely influenced by faith.&nbsp.Such assumptions quite naturally form the basis of positivism and positivist approaches&nbsp.to business research. Positivism is the philosophical system recognizing&nbsp.only positive facts and observable phenomena. It naturally accepts.&nbsp.Epistemology is the theory of knowledge or grounds of knowledge. Thus,&nbsp.

epistemological assumptions form the basis of the approach to business research. Epistemological assumptions will challenge every ontological belief and will&nbsp.want to question every positivist approach of business research.&nbsp.While ontological assumptions will naturally believe in the goodness of a&nbsp.product or process, epistemological assumptions will want to interpret every aspect&nbsp.of the same. Ontological assumptions will not question the theoretical basis&nbsp.of a concept or a product or even a research process. The basis of such assumptions&nbsp.is good faith or simple faith in the goodness of the product per se,&nbsp.based on face value or usage. This represents a microcosm of ontological assumptions.&nbsp. People tend to assume a certain fact to be true just good or proper.&nbsp.

It can be so either by means of `rote’ or by way of peer pressure. Large scale acceptance&nbsp.of a certain product or concept or idea will influence this acceptance aspect&nbsp.of business research. There is no theory attached to a widespread acceptance&nbsp.– just the mere fact of acceptance.&nbsp.

Epistemological assumptions will want to get to the bottom of the matter and&nbsp.will raise questions about the theoretical basis of the assumption.&nbsp.

Epistemological assumptions begin with an inherent suspicion of the knowledge basis&nbsp.of the concept or product. They want to understand and interpret everything&nbsp.in a framework of methodology&nbsp.&nbsp.Conventional science is based on ‘rational positivist’ thought. This includes&nbsp.the presumptions that there is a ‘real world’.&nbsp. Data can be gathered by observing&nbsp.it This data is factual. It is truthful and unambiguous. The ‘post-positivist’,&nbsp.’interpretive’ philosophy, on the other hand, asserts that these assumptions are&nbsp.unwarranted, According to this philosophy ‘facts’ and ‘truth’ are a wild supposition&nbsp.and ‘objective’ observation is impossible, and that the act of observation-and-interpretation is dependent on the perspective adopted by the observer.

write an article on Moral Dilemma of the Death of a Young Boy in Panama City.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Moral Dilemma of the Death of a Young Boy in Panama City. It needs to be at least 1250 words. We don’t want to be compelled to believe that our choices are bad. This is then that we are caught in a moral dilemma. Moral dilemmas are considered dilemmas because of a certain kind of conflict between the rightness or wrongness of the actions and the goodness or badness of the consequences of the actions. If doing what is morally right results in something bad or if doing what is morally wrong results in something good, the force of moral obligation may seem balanced by the reality of the good end. We can have the satisfaction of being right, regardless of the damage done, or we can aim for what seems to be the best outcome, regardless of what wrongs must be committed (Ross, 2005). An unthinkable dilemma could be observed in William Styron’s novel Sophie’s Choice wherein Sophie had to make a choice which among her two children should she give up the o the Nazi doctor. She had to make a choice in order to save one of them, other else both will be killed. This is such an impossible dilemma for a mother who loves her children so much. Whichever child she chooses, she would end up with a negative consequence, that is losing one of her precious children. Sophie did make a choice because she wanted to keep at least one of them, only to find out that in the end, none would be left to her. Like Sophie, we may be faced with similar situations, though not as worse. Just like practicing the so-called white lies, a person thinks that if he uses that for good, the end would also be good because human tends to go for the positive results no matter what the means may be. But there are cases when we should accept the bad consequences because we ought to do something right. It’s either we choose to do what is right and suffer the consequence or do wrong to achieve our desired outcome. Life situations, though, sometimes leave us with no choice. The crucial features of a moral dilemma are these: the person is required to do each of the two (or more) actions, the person can do each of the actions, but the person cannot do both (or all) of the actions.

prepare and submit a paper on advanced planning and scheduling on the manufacturer’s assembly facilities.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on advanced planning and scheduling on the manufacturer’s assembly facilities. This is a case of planning and scheduling for which primarily the concepts of application of Advanced Planning and Scheduling — APS that is a decision support tool have to be used. T facility’s almost entire (98%) production is bought by a single customer who needs to be shipped on every production day. This calls for zero downtime as the items have to be ready for shipment on a daily basis. However, there is a constraint of floor space for storing incoming parts and materials. The P facility’s entire production facility is bought back by the same customer hence the scheduling timing of both the facilities i.e. Printer and its Toner has to be optimized. In manufacturing, APS gives a methodology of concurrent synchronization of material and capacity with customer orders.

With APS to be used is also Lead Time Management, which is the time between the start of a process and its completion. In planning parlance, the lead-time is usually an estimated time. As the plant’s finished product consists of Printer and Toner, though different categories of products, one item is the consumable product of the other. For the printer, the toner is the consumable item and as such a printer will be of no use until it is loaded with the Toner. Hence the model of Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment — CPFR will be useful which provides customer level visibility across the supply chain in order to attain the inventory reductions, revenue lift and cost reductions which remain the final objectives of collaborative initiatives. The solution meets limited materials and production planning against controlled and uncontrolled demand plans to meet the normal goals of profitability, productivity, competitive customer lead times, and backlog levels. CPFR has the promise to deliver increased sales, organizational streamlining and alignment, administrative and operational efficiency, higher cash flow, and improved return-on-asset — ROA performance.&nbsp.

submit a 750 words paper on the topic Main Aspects Of The Supreme Court Operating In The USA.

Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic Main Aspects Of The Supreme Court Operating In The USA. The outcome of the case was the court vacated the state court’s decision and remanded the case for further proceedings.

Holding: Yes. It was appropriate for the Court to use the perception of the local public as the basis for judging whether the brochures were obscene or not since they were the ones who received the pictures and filed a complaint against it for they believe it was unnecessary and uncalled for since they did not request for those brochures to be delivered to them. , Cal. Penal Code 311.2 (a) states that an individual who knowingly sends out obscene material is guilty of a misdemeanor

Facts: The petitioner was a leader of Ku Klux Klan. The petitioner declared speeches which were aired on television. He was charged with violating Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 2923.1. The law stated that it was not within the confines of the law to teach terrorism or any criminal act and that it is also considered unlawful to organize a group or committee which aims to advocate syndicalism and promote acts of terrorism and crimes. The case was raised to the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court finalized the decision that Ohio Rev. Code Ann.

In today’s culture, understanding what is truth and what is not truth is critical. It is also important to understand ‘truth’ from a scientific perspective in order to evaluate the information for facts to make a decision related to your own research. However, truth is not always clear and is dependent on accuracy and validity, two key terms discussed in the lectures.

In today’s culture, understanding what is truth and what is not truth is critical. It is also important to understand ‘truth’ from a scientific perspective in order to evaluate the information for facts to make a decision related to your own research. However, truth is not always clear and is dependent on accuracy and validity, two key terms discussed in the lectures.

In this assignment, you will be asked to evaluate the truthfulness of a statement(s) or concepts discussed in the media. Choose an article related to COVID-19 pandemic in the US that has recently published (i.e. over the past 6 months). It can be related to any aspect of the pandemic (the political response, the use of masks, development of vaccine, transmission rates, etc.). Specifically, you should address the following in your assignment:

1) Clearly state the over arching thesis statement of the article. (3 marks)

2) In 500 words (or less), answer the question: “Do you think this article presents the truth?” In your answer, discuss the ‘truthfulness’ of the thesis statement and the supporting arguments. You can use the information presented and discussed in the lectures as a starting point to help discuss the truth. Other resources (i.e. journal papers) can also be used to support your arguments. (8 marks)

3) How can accuracy and validity define the truth regarding the thesis statement of the article you have chosen? Be sure to discuss the various types of accuracy and validity. For instance, you can discuss the accuracy of the measurements, the definition of the variables, etc. You answer for this part of the assignment should be no more than 500 words (9 marks)

Please compose your answers in paragraph form.

research paper on british telecom.

Need an research paper on british telecom. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. In order to understand and evaluate them one needs to analyze the marketing position of British Telecom and assess the strength and weakness of its position in the market as well as opportunities that can be explored by the company and the threats which it should avoid.

Marketing. Strength. British Telecom is one of the largest telecommunication companies in the world and it holds a large share of the market of telecommunication industry. It possesses enough financial and economic resources to compete in the market, especially against new players in the niche where it operates. The company conducts an aggressive and effective advertising campaign in order to stay abreast of the current trends in the market and lure potential customers to use its services. The company has started a successful advertising campaign with Kris Marshall (the budget of the campaign is 40million GBP). Apart from traditional television advertising campaign British Telecom has recently shifted its focus on online advertising which will expand the pool of its customers. If one takes into account the fact that British Telecom intends to advertise its broadband services, then the move to concentrate on online advertisement is undoubtedly the step in the right direction as this type of advertisement campaign will target the potential customers of broadband services. Apart from the traditional national market, the company expands rapidly in the overseas markets as well. British Telecom operates in the Western European market as well as Scandinavian countries and nations of an ex-Communist block. It also provides services to the customers of Asia and Northern America. Rapid expansion in new developing markets reflects the high flexibility of the company.

Weakness. In spite of the fact that the company can operate successfully, only if it takes efficient steps to react to the changes in modern technology, it must not forget that it is a telecommunication company. One should try to concentrate on this niche of the market and not to expand rapidly in the market of online industry. if the company expands in other markets and starts providing too many services, unrelated to telecommunication market, it might entail “erosion” of its brand. Customers who now associate British Telecom with telecommunication company will not be able to associate this brand name with any particular industry and rather will have an association with multiple services if the company expands too rapidly in other markets. Overexpansion on other markets of other countries may reduce its market share in the United Kingdom and might require additional resources.

The large pool of existing and potential clients. Strength. The company has one of the largest pools of potential and existing customers in the telecommunication industry. The service of fixed exchange lines has been rising steadfastly since 2002, more robust growth was evident in the wholesale of ADSL end users of the British Telecom.