Compose a 1250 words assignment on the correctional education administrators.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on the correctional education administrators. Needs to be plagiarism free! Education in prisons provides many unique advantages to both inmates and prisons. For example, prison education programs provide an opportunity for the facility to keep inmates occupied and engaged. These programs also foster improving individual skills by socializing inmates with other inmates and teachers (Mentor, 115). All of these factors can contribute to better levels of order and security within the facility. On the outside, prison education programs are empirically linked to reduced recidivism rates and enhanced opportunities to acquire work upon release. Given thousands of inmates are released from prison annually, the role of prison education programs in reducing recidivism rates and improving social conditions is a vital component of the reentry process (Mentor, 112).

From the contemporary perspective, although the number of inmates participating in educational programs has increased, there has been a steady decrease in the percentage of inmates involved in educational programs primarily because budgets are not keeping pace with the growing correctional population. Even though expanding prison programming can eradicate issues with reentry and reconviction by addressing gaps in inmates’ education and poor health, there exists a decline in prison programs. Correctional education advocates are seeking ways to show policymakers that education reduces recidivism, and thus is more cost-effective than increasing the prison population. One of the ways to demonstrate the effectiveness of prison educational programs is through qualitative research, measuring perception and attitudes of prison administrators and prison staff toward the effectiveness and usefulness of these programs.

From the qualitative research perspective, a combination of interviews and surveys constitutes a useful approach for the researcher because from one side it limits the amount of influence a researcher may have on the responses provided by respondents, while on the other side it allows gathering more individual description and assessment of the programs. Simultaneously, given that data on correctional education programs are sparse and inconsistent, interviews will allow for more reliability, despite variations in prisons by the district.

Write a 5 pages paper on individual design

Write a 5 pages paper on individual design. As I reflected upon the ways and means by which I may achieve this simultaneously straightforward yet complex task, I found that I had two possible options. The first, which I immediately dismissed as a non-option, was for me to hold off until all designs were finalized, following from which I could design my furniture piece around them. This was an unrealistic notion since group members were committed to the same deadline and were I to wait until the last moment, not only would I be holding the group project back but, in essence, would not be leaving myself enough time to work on my design. The second option, therefore, imposed itself upon me as the only feasible one. As per this option, I had to remain within the boundaries of our selected logo and slogan, ensure that my furniture piece, in and by itself, complement and communicated the said logo and slogan, not to mentioned the ambience which we, as a group had decided upon. Added to that, I had to go through the relevant academic literature on the topic for the purposes of easing the task at hand through the provision of a guideline for furniture design and design ideas.

As I was reading through the said literature and browsing through the Internet, I discovered that the concept of design detail was extremely important. A designer is not supposed to just focus on the overall appearance of the piece but must pay particular attention to every detail which contributes to the said appearance and which contributes to the functionality of the piece and the extent to which it satisfies its objectives.

My piece (couch, sofa, chair, seating area) had to satisfy a number of objectives. It had to be inviting, comfortable, easy on the eyes, and in sync with the entirety of the lounge. The rationale behind the mentioned objectives is that the seating area has to be comfortable enough so as to encourage patrons to spend longer periods of time in whirlpool. It also has to be inviting and warm in order to motivate patronage of the place. In other words, I rationalized the listed design objectives as being integral to the promotion of Whirlpool as a comfortably, friendly and warm place where patrons cannot only be assured of quality service but of an ambience which helps them to unwind and relax.

Additional objectives emerged from a consideration of the Lounge’s theme, logo and slogan. Whirling, soothing water dominated the aforementioned and hence, it had to be somehow communicated through and integrated within the design of my piece. Whirls and swirling lines can do so and therefore, the structure of my piece included the stated just as the pattern include swirl images. It did so, however, in a subtle way so as to communicate the message without screaming it out loud, potentially disturbing and annoying visitors and distracting them from the entirety of the lounge. In other words, design subtlety was motivated by the imperatives of my piece fitting in with the rest and of forming part of a whole and of ensuring that it did not stand out from the rest.

By adhering to the above stated guidelines and objectives, my furniture piece ultimately became part of a whole and combined with that whole to communicate the Lounge’s theme.


Details are everywhere. They are born out of the materials or the construction process used.

Write 13 pages with APA style on European Tourism Marketing Research Information.

Write 13 pages with APA style on European Tourism Marketing Research Information. According to WTO was due to the decrease in pent – up travel demand which was brought about by the 2001-2003 period. It was in this period where terrorism was at its prominence especially with the bombing of the World Trade Center in the United States thereby forcing people from postponing their travel. When the fear had somewhat waned, there was an influx of travel demand which has been slowly been dissipating leading tourism experts to dampen their expectations for the year 2007.

The United Kingdom is experiencing a demographic shift from married life to being single as shown by the rise in the number of independent singles. According to the World Tourism Market Report, single-person households accounted for almost 30% of all households in the UK for the year 2005. Over the past 25 years, the average age of first marriage has increased significantly rising to 28 years for women and 30 years for men in 2005 as compared to the age of 22 for women and 24 for men in the 1980s. Without a doubt, singles now represent a major consumer group in the UK.

What is important to recognize in singles is that their lifestyle is now characterized by a focus on career and busy social life. When it comes to holidays, therefore, many singles are looking for a wide variety of leisure services and activities that offer relaxation or help to alleviate stress created by day-to-day living. Furthermore, career-minded singles are more inclined to spend their higher-than-average disposable income on treating themselves, rather than on family life. This presents a high return on investment potential for those targeting their travel products and services at this growing consumer group.&nbsp.

According to the Euromonitor World Tourism Market Report 2006 report, tourism operators need to bear in mind that in order to appeal to a wide consumer base of single holidaymakers, they need to respond to the financial, social and emotional needs and interests of those who holiday alone. It is recommended that due to the prevailing social stigma associated with being unattached travel operators should focus their offering on safety, socializing and providing a unique experience to those who travel solo.

As singles continue to dominate UK society, the phenomenon of holidaying alone is becoming popular. The singles market, therefore, represents one of the most potentially profitable and as yet undeveloped areas of the UK tourism industry. Singles, for example, are more inclined in adventurous holidays and extreme sports so hobbies, such as trekking, surfing, bird watching, horse riding or yoga, as well as spa retreats and exotic city breaks, are all niche markets which would do well to cater to the needs of single travelers.

The consumer base of single travelers can be split into two different groups. On the one hand are independent travelers seeking thrills, and new, liberating experiences to contrast with their high-stress workload. On the other hand, however, there are those looking to potentially find a partner, using holiday operators as a form of dating agency. A specialist ‘singles’ travel operator can easily cater to both target markets.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic swallowing.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic swallowing. It is anticipated that this review will contribute to the self-learning of the author, as well as extending on insights and understandings of dsyphagia within the literature at this present time.

The trigeminal nerve is the largest of the cranial nerves. It is very important in swallowing due to its afferent control of general sensation to the face, teeth, gum, muscles of mastication and the anterior two thirds of the tongue (Miller, 2006). Its efferent control is of the muscles for mastication. Innervating the tensor velar palatine, the trigeminal is partly responsible for the flattening and tensing of the soft palate. Innervations of the extrinsic laryngeal muscle results in the nerve’s support for the upward and anterior movements of larynx.

The facial nerve’s main function is its motor portion. although, its afferent portion is involved in taste sensation from the anterior two thirds of the tongue (Miller, 2006). It provides motor innervations to the sublingual and submaxillary salivary glands. More specifically, it is involved in swallowing by regulating the lip sphincter and the buccal muscles, which allows food to be held inside the mouth and also assists in pulling the larynx up and back.

The glossopharyngeal (GPN) is composed of the lingual branch of the GPN (GPN-li) and the GPN-ph. Its sensory portion transits inputs from the posterior third of the tongue, the velum and the pharynx, which includes the tonsils (Miller, 2006). The glossopharygeal nerve gathers sensation from the fauces, the palatine tonsil, upper pharynx, and the back third of the tongue. Sensory fibers carry taste information from the posterior one third of the tongue. Afferent input is received from receptors located in the larynx and these are carried primarily to the superior laryngeal nerve, also known as the cough center of the medulla. The motor portion communicates outputs to the middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle and also innervates the stylopharyngeal muscle, which, together with the palatopharyngeus muscle (X nerve), elevates the palate. The stylopharyngeus muscle dilates the pharynx laterally and contributes to the elevation of pharynx and larynx.

Vagus (X)

The vagus nerve (X) is the most dominant cranial nerve during the swallowing process. The vagus nerve is the major efferent for the pharyngeal constrictors and is the major afferent for the middle and inferior portions of pharynx (Miller, 2006). It supplies also main efferent innervations to the palatal muscles. Branches of the vagus nerve attach to muscles of the larynx and pharynx. It is also known as the nucleus ambiguous, and it innervates branchial arch muscles of the pharynx and larynx as well as the muscles of the upper esophagus and uvula. Branches also extend to the, glossopalantine, levator veli palatine and the palatoglossus muscles making it primarily responsible for palatal functioning. One of the motor nuclei transmits motor output to the pharyngeal constrictor muscles and in this way can completely control the intrinsic musculature of the larynx. Moreover, taste buds on the root of the tongue and on the epiglottis contribute special visceral afferent fibers to the superior laryngeal branch. General visceral afferent fibers convey sensation from the lower pharynx, larynx, trachea, and esophagus.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic mise-en-scene in classical hollywood narratives.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic mise-en-scene in classical hollywood narratives. During the golden age of the studio system in Hollywood, actors were rarely seen addressing the camera, and historical accuracy in terms of costuming and props often been pursued to an obsessive degree. The classic narrative style has been characterized as a cinema of the obvious where the ultimate sin lies in making the narrative incomprehensible. And yet, most of this conventional wisdom that pigeonholes a homogenized approach to mise-en-scene in the classic Hollywood movies don’t apply to one of the most commercially and critically viable of the film genres of the period that instituted contemporary perspectives on the methodology of Hollywood mise-en-scene.

Casablanca and Singin’ in the Rain may be the ultimate examples of how the idea that only one approach to mise-en-scene is representative of classic Hollywood narrative ideology. Both films are iconic examples of a traditional Hollywood studio production from the era when everybody involved in filmmaking was under contract to just one company. The studio executives, and not the director, determined the final result, which had to be created while facing obstacles such as star demands, daily rewrites, and an eye toward the bottom line of profits. As a result, both movies possess such typical Hollywood narrative elements as a protagonist, an antagonist, and a clearly defined plot that utilizes such narrative concepts as rising and falling action. The opening sequence follows the cinematographical template that marks most Hollywood films by commencing with a series of establishing shots and signals intended to promptly inform the audience of such necessary elements in mainstream storytelling as setting and time, pointedly eschewing irony and non-diegetic distancing devices. The opening sequence of Casablanca also serves the more subtle means of establishing ideology and lends credence to the suggestion that setting can “dynamically enter into the narrative action”. The exotic locale of the city of Casablanca with which the majority of filmgoers are doubtlessly unfamiliar is effortlessly exploited to heighten the sense of chaos and disorder that will shortly become vital to both the narrative and message that the movie is meant to convey.

prepare and submit a paper on the role of nursing in patience care.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the role of nursing in patience care. In respect of nursing Florence Nightingale, who was one of its most famous practitioners, d that “Nursing is an art, and if it is to be made an art, it requires as exclusive a devotion, as hard a preparation, as any painter’s or sculptor’s work, for what is having to do with the living body – the temple of God’s spirit It is one of the fine Arts. I had almost said the finest of the fine Arts” (Donahue. 1996).

Furthermore, nurses comprise the largest group of health care professionals and nurses operate from a unique disciplinary perspective and they view each patient as a person in relation to their environment and the social, economic, and political forces that shape this environment. This makes it imperative to recognize that a nurse’s duty consists of maximizing the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of patients’ health after giving due consideration to the infinitely complex environment that people live in.

Nursing is quintessentially the blending of an art and a science and nurse bring about healing by assisting patients and their families to investigate the different options available for promoting health. Nurses display an abundance of creativity, sensitivity and empathy. As a science nursing theory consists of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, etc.

Moreover, a nurse has to be analytical and very quick to respond to the unusual, because a nurse spends the maximum time with the patient in comparison to other members of the medical profession. Hence, a nurse has to be bestowed with critical thinking skills like self-reflection, querying, analysis, interpretation and evaluation (Dept of Nursing. 2006).

The duties that nurseshaveto discharge are bothdependent and independent. The dependant functions of nurses include duties that are performed consequent to the “orders of a licensed physician or dentist, including such duties as administering medications and changing dressings on wounds”. On the other hand, independent functions that nurse have to perform on the basis of their own professional judgment.

Examples of some of these duties are bathing patients, changing their positions to prevent cramps. placing patients in such positions as will prevent joint contractures, education people in respect of how to care for themselves and making available such information or advise as will help people to obtain proper and adequate nutrition. These all important functions of a nurse are controlled, in the United States, by the nurse practice act of the relevant state (Carruthers, Evalyn P. 2006).

Leukaemia is a variety of cancer that affects the blood cells. It comprises the sixth leading cause of death in males. Its causes are tentatively supposed to be exposure to nuclear radiation, smoking of tobacco and genetic factors. The main treatment is by chemotherapy. The aim of treatment is to reduce the cancerous cells to such an extent as will allow the production of healthy red blood cells. This is known as remission.

I have been a witness to this dread disease at close quarters. My father has leukemia and was in remission for 10 years. Suddenly, last year the cancer resurfaced, as it does in most patients above 65 years of age, and this has necessitated frequent admission to the hospital. At present my father is in Cornell Hospital undergoing treatment for blood infection.

There is a lot of pain, anguish, mental tension and other problems associated with such protracted illness. I have come to accept this. However, I noticed that the nurses at the Cornell Hospital were working wonders by their selfless service, which was always rendered with a smile and with great kindness. Many a time the nurse is like a beacon of light in the darkness of the misery that is the ward for the terminally ill. Nursing involves the setting up of compassionate relationships with individuals and their families. Nurses play a vital role in ensuring the best possible health of a patient. Sometimes they have to ensure a peaceful death to patients who are at the doorstep of death. It is not for nothing that a nurse is considered to be an angel of mercy. My observation of these nurses has inspired me immeasurably and has strengthened my desire to follow in their hallowed footsteps by becoming a nurse.

Works Cited

Carruthers, Evalyn P. “Nursing.” Microsoft Encarta 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA:

Microsoft Corporation, 2005.

Department of Nursing. 19 September 2006. Brock University.


Donahue M. P., (1996): Nursing the Finest Art. An illustrated history. Second edition.

Mosby – Year book. inc. USA. P 501.

Trends and Theories in Leadership.

I will pay for the following article Trends and Theories in Leadership. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Leadership is an important factor in well-functioning performance management systems. In the paper titled “Predicting Workplace Deviance from the Interaction between Organizational Justice and Personality”, the author Helene C, discusses the work-based learning model which is a take-off on the job training model. (Helene, 2005) This is an action-oriented learning model as far as picking up practical techniques in the course of everyday work goes. This also connects with the traits discussed above. This comes into play in the paper “When organizational justice and self-concept meet: Consequences for the organization and its members” by Johnson et al (2006). The key features of this model are its action-oriented approach to learning and the fact that it is based on a study program that reflects one’s role at work. This model is different from the standard models of training and development owing to the fact that it offers hands-on training at the workplace with special emphasis on the development of those skills in particular that have relevance to one’s growth in the role played currently. Other studies in this context include “Motivating Factors: Perceptions of Justice and Their Relationship with Managerial and Organizational Trust” by Hubbell et al (2005), and “Justice Expectations and Applicant Perceptions” by Bell et al (2004).

Theory C: Justice and Performance

The modern-day organization depends to a great extent on the contribution and quality of its human capital. This has been connected with knowledge and information sharing and subsequently justice, by Ibragimova in the paper “Propensity for Knowledge Sharing: An organizational justice perspective” (2008). The human capital may be defined as that element of the organization’s operational sphere that is a living, breathing part of the activities that put the innate resources and factors of production into the application when dealing with baizes and justice. This theory connects with the above two theories in the following way: This application results in profits arising out of the activities of the human capital and the efficiency with which this resource carries out its tasks. This, in turn, has a bearing on the achievement of the organization’s goals. The paper “Organizational Justice and Black Applicants’ Reaction to Affirmative Action” by Cropanzano et al (2005), discusses this point. This also includes the hiring system as discussed by Bell et al in “Consequences of Organizational Justice Expectations in a Selection System” (2006).

For example, it has been found that due to the age-old institution of gender in the social sphere, the very response to leadership differs according to the sex of the person in the position of power. The top-level speaks of a completely different story. This is where the disparity between leadership styles comes in. To begin with, women take their position a lot more seriously than men. Their leadership style differs in the sense that even at their position, they strive to prove a point due to the inevitable social institution of gender segregations which have crept into organizations.

Write a 2 pages paper on theme & introduction.

Write a 2 pages paper on theme & introduction. Theme & Introduction Interpersonal communication has a profound impact on organizational performance and interaction between employees. The training and development program will aim to address interpersonal communication skills and ‘teach’ employees to use these skills at work.

Theme: How well do you know the people around you The aim of a day-long retreat is to create friendly and unofficial atmosphere and help employees to know each other better. Approach Training and development will involve games and workshops which improve interpersonal skills and knowledge of employees, and help them to overcome possible communication barriers. The theme “How well do you know the people around you’ will help to create a special context of communication because all communication is context bound. We can think of spatial, temporal, relational and sometimes organizational frameworks within which it is embedded. Employees will be divided into several families (mothers, fathers and children despite of their sex and age). The imagined place is a countryside. event – holidays, a picnic. ‘Plunged’ into this situation, the personal characteristics of the participants together with features of the shared situation act to shape the interaction that transpires and both may be influenced, to some extent, in consequence. Likewise, goals pursued are determined by personal and situational factors (Beebe, Masterson 2000).

This theme was selected for training program because many employees lack knowledge and practice of interpersonal communication. The goals people pursue are not always conscious, and indeed one feature of skilled performance is that behavior is often executed automatically. Once responses are learned they tend to become hard-wired or habitual. When employees know how to interact, they no longer have to think about actions such as how to start a talk and how to behave. Skilled behaviors must be interrelated, in that they are synchronized in order to achieve a particular goal. The main problem is that many employees know nothing about their colleagues, their families and habits which create additional communication barriers.

The main forms of training will involve games and exercises aimed to familiarize employees with their colleagues and developed interpersonal skills. For instance, during ‘observations’ game, the person watches others perform the skill, and also pays attention to other dimensions, such as the motivational orientation, values and performance standards of the actors, as well as how the repertoires used vary across target persons. The, he/she tries to explain his habits and actions. At the stage of emulation, the individual is able to execute a behavioral display to approximate that observed. The display is emulated but not replicated. For example, the style of praise used may be similar but the actual words used will differ.

This theme and approach were chosen because interaction is also co-determined by parameters of the situation within which individuals find themselves, including role demands and the rules that pertain. Each is personally unique, yet the respective roles offered by highly restricted situation mean that, regardless of the individuals involved, much the same sort of activity will be entered into by managers, on the one hand, and employees, on the other. Again, the implicit rules dictating how both parties should conduct themselves in these circumstances will, by condoning certain actions and condemning others, regulate the interaction that unfolds (McKay et al 1995).

A central premise of the retreat outlined is that, in interactive arrangements, participants are at one and the same time, in what they say and do, providing each other with information of relevance to decisions about the extent of goal attainment. Without such feedback, skilled interaction would be impossible but it can only be acted on if it is perceived. Personal perception, in particular, although inherently subjective, plays a pivotal role in interpersonal transactions.


1. Beebe, S.A. and Masterson, J.T. (2000) Communication in small groups: principles and practice (6th edn), New York: Longman.

2. McKay, M., Davis, M., Fanning, P. (1995) Messages: The Communication Skills Book. New Harbinger Publications. 2nd edn.


You will prepare and submit a term paper on DOES THE PRACTISE OF HRM GIVE ORGANISATIONS A COMPETITIVE EDGE. Your paper should be a minimum of 750 words in length. Business organizations has been apt in declaring their commitment in treating employees as valued assets and a source of competitive advantage yet empirically “organisational reality appears ‘hard’ with an emphasis on the quantitative, calculative, and strategic aspects of managing a head count” (Gill 1999).

Empirical evidences on the effectiveness of human resource management as a source of competitive advantage have been widely documented. During 1995, the study of Huselid conducted in almost 1000 US players in various industries concluded that “the magnitude of the returns for investments in high performance work is substantial.” Furthermore, “a one percent standard deviation increase in such practices is associated with 7.05% decrease in labour turnover, and on a per employee basis US$27, 044 more in sales, and US$18,641 and US$3,814 more in market value and profits, respectively” (Huselid 1995). This study has been one of the earliest and most extensive works linking HRM to actual business performance. The findings has been strongly supportive on the view that HRM provides companies with competitive edge because HR practices increased employees’ trust, job satisfaction, and commitment while eliminating work intensification and reducing stress.

In the United Kingdom, wide array of case studies have also been documented which strongly links HRM to organisational performance. In 1997, Patterson et al released the results of their survey utilizing 67 manufacturing industries. This has been published by the Institute of Personnel Development which is currently known as CIPD and highly quoted for its enlightening insights. The study has put forward the “importance of HRM as a driver of, and contributor to, improved performance” (Patterson et al 1997). It is also interesting to note that this study asserts that “HRM had a greater impact on productivity and profits than of other factors including strategy, research and development, and quality” (Patterson et al 19997). Going further, Patterson et al, uncovers that while 8% in variations from profitability is explained by R&D, 17% is explained by HRM practices. This is highly significant compared to the 2% and 1% garnered by the strategy and quality, respectively.

The study of Guest et al in 2000 also stresses the importance of human resource management practices in organisational performance. This research links specific human resource practices like job security, recruitment and selection, and training and development with performance outcomes including financial performance, quality, and productivity. It has been uncovered that 70% of the chief executives interviewed for the study asserts that their business strategy relied a lot on people as a source of competitive advantage (Guest et al 2000). On the other hand, less than half of them “felt that ‘people issues’ are more important than financial and marketing issues” (Guest et al 2000).

This particular research opens an important field for further queries.

Why Is the Only Good Indian a Dead Indian.

I will pay for the following article Why Is the Only Good Indian a Dead Indian. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Stereotypes derive from behaviours which may be observed in one, or a few members, of a particular group by members of another group.&nbsp. Instead of presenting those behaviors as having been observed in a minority, they are projected as being particular to the entire group and, indeed, as being immutable social and psychological characteristics.&nbsp. Over time, people come to believe these stereotypes as literal representations of an undeniable reality and, accordingly, perceive of and treat members of the stereotyped group from within the confines of these biased opinions.

The United States, despite its being a heterogeneous, pluralistic society with a supposedly liberal and multicultural society, is a virtual hotbed of stereotypes.&nbsp. &nbsp.There is hardly an ethnic, racial, religious or cultural group in the US which is not defined in accordance with a set of, often unflattering and negative, stereotypes. Indeed, as Slotkin (2001) maintains, the entire notion of the “melting pot,” let alone that of the “many as one,” is nothing but a myth (469).&nbsp. The various ethnic, racial, religious and cultural groups in the country have not melted into one another and are, most definitely, not one.&nbsp. They are separated by each group’s belief in its own difference from the others and by stereotypes which effectively determine the manner in which each group will be perceived of by the others. stereotypes which are ultimately founded upon the exaggerated representation of differences.&nbsp. According to Aleiss (1995) Among the many stereotyped groups in the United States, few have been so persistently perceived and treated from within the narrow, prejudicial and often erroneous confines of stereotypes as having been the American Indians/Native Americans.&nbsp. Following a brief overview of the biased views surrounding American Indians, the translation of stereotypes into actual practices shall be analyzed in relation to the military.&nbsp.&nbsp.