Compose a 1250 words assignment on the correctional education administrators.
Compose a 1250 words assignment on the correctional education administrators. Needs to be plagiarism free! Education in prisons provides many unique advantages to both inmates and prisons. For example, prison education programs provide an opportunity for the facility to keep inmates occupied and engaged. These programs also foster improving individual skills by socializing inmates with other inmates and teachers (Mentor, 115). All of these factors can contribute to better levels of order and security within the facility. On the outside, prison education programs are empirically linked to reduced recidivism rates and enhanced opportunities to acquire work upon release. Given thousands of inmates are released from prison annually, the role of prison education programs in reducing recidivism rates and improving social conditions is a vital component of the reentry process (Mentor, 112).
From the contemporary perspective, although the number of inmates participating in educational programs has increased, there has been a steady decrease in the percentage of inmates involved in educational programs primarily because budgets are not keeping pace with the growing correctional population. Even though expanding prison programming can eradicate issues with reentry and reconviction by addressing gaps in inmates’ education and poor health, there exists a decline in prison programs. Correctional education advocates are seeking ways to show policymakers that education reduces recidivism, and thus is more cost-effective than increasing the prison population. One of the ways to demonstrate the effectiveness of prison educational programs is through qualitative research, measuring perception and attitudes of prison administrators and prison staff toward the effectiveness and usefulness of these programs.
From the qualitative research perspective, a combination of interviews and surveys constitutes a useful approach for the researcher because from one side it limits the amount of influence a researcher may have on the responses provided by respondents, while on the other side it allows gathering more individual description and assessment of the programs. Simultaneously, given that data on correctional education programs are sparse and inconsistent, interviews will allow for more reliability, despite variations in prisons by the district.