Briefly describe two methods for measuring metabolic rate.  What method would be most appropriate for an animal living free under natural conditions?

1.  Briefly describe two methods for measuring metabolic rate.  What method would be most appropriate for an animal living free under natural conditions?

2.  Briefly describe two examples of physiological, ecological, or pharmacological consequences of the relationship between body size and metabolic rate.

3.  Describe the relationship between temperature and metabolic rate for an ectotherm.  (In other words, what happens to metabolic rate as environmental temperature changes?)  Don’t worry about explanations here, just describe the shape of the relationship.

4.  Why is torpor more commonly found in small endotherms, rather than larger ones like bears?

5.  What is the proposed explanation for the calorigenic effect of feeding, and what experimental evidence supports that explanation?

6.  Briefly describe the process of digestion of triglyceride fats.

write an article on law ethical issues

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on law ethical issues Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Law Ethical Issues Law Ethical Issues The aspect of moral conduct within the public service area is inevitable. The people concerned are always on the screen, keenly being observed by the general public. It is clear that, the public strives to point out the mistake as soon as they occur in this area. Nevertheless, the most screened areas of the public service are the law enforcement and the courts. The expectation of the citizens about ethics in these two areas is always above the average. In other words, the public views the courts and the law enforcers as immortals who are not supposed to make any errors at all times. However, this is not always the case. Some of the moral issues that are recurrent in these two areas are. corruption, brutality towards the prisoners, controversial killing through either wrong sentencing or shooting by a police officer, drugs conspiracy between the court officials, the law enforcers and the criminals (Vazquez, 2007). In this case, the drugs disappear from the evidence custody. Moreover, there is inadequate investigation of the case by the law enforcer, which leads to wrong court judgment.

It is clear that some of these morals issues referred to in these two areas are, as a result, of recklessness and indiscipline. Others are due to the dilemma and long term relationship. Some of the breaches are due to lack of skills or even pressure, which affects their reasoning capability. The only necessary measures to address corruption would be, to ensure there is a regular transfer of the officials. This process will give them no room to establish a relationship with local people (Vazquez, 2007). Enough time should be providing for the investigations. More than one department of law enforcement should be pulled in carrying out the study of a given case. Regular training of the officers and discipline drills should be carried out on prisoner handling. Furthermore, clear guideline as to when the firearm is to be used should be appropriately described. Review of judgments delivered by the court should also be carried out by the superiors to confirm that no law has been breached. Finally, since the victims of the moral issues in these two areas affect the general public, the authority should involve the public in disseminating information with regards to officials’ misconducts.

Work cited

Vazquez, J., Granado, J., & Boex J. (2007)&nbsp.Fighting corruption in the public sector. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Create a thesis and an outline on The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. [The [The [The “The Death of Artemio Cruz” by Carlos Fuentes To many Mexicans, the Revolution of 1910 is the great and inescapable fact in their country’s destiny and their own personal identity. A second conquest of the land and the past, it was the climax of four centuries of turbulent history and the adumbration of all that had happened since. The revolution did more than topple the paternal dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz: It tore a nation apart with fratricidal strife and put it together again in a strange new way that continued to disturb and puzzle its citizens.

At the beginning of the novel, the reader finds the elderly Artemio Cruz, who has recently awakened on his deathbed and cannot even bear to open his eyes in the midst of his intense pain and agony. However, there is “una fuga de luces negras y circulos azules” (Fuentes 9) beyond his closed eyelids that forces him to open one eye and see, in turn, the fragmented reflection of his own face through the uneven sequins on his daughter Teresa’s purse. “Trato de recordarlo en el reflejo. era un rostro roto en vidrios sin simetria, con el ojo muy cerca de la oreja y muy lejos de su par, con la nueca distribuida en tres espejos circulantes” (Fuentes 10). This encounter with his fragmented reflection is symbolic of his lived experience, which informs the reader’s experience, throughout the novel. it is a startling encounter with the various fragments of the self, in addition to the fear, panic and ultimately, the truth that such an experience entails. Thus, it is not difficult to deduce that the three voices signify the fragmentation of the narrator. However, the reader is still left to wonder how the psyche has divided, what each voice means, and how the three are related. In some ways, the situation can be compared to the aftermath of the Civil War in the United States, where for decades Americans tried to see their fraternal conflict in perspectives of cause and consequence. The author rejects Mexican life of his time but at the same time uses it in his novels to test his sensuous powers and dramatic vigor. The country he writes about is not the land that tourists see or a land of tradition. it is the country of art, a place and people transformed by compelling imagination into something rich, strange, and meaningful.

The Death of Artemio Cruz is more limited in its presentation of this theme than Fuentes’ previous work. The book is somewhat flawed by a bewildering cross-chronology, in which the points of view constantly shift and intermingle, and by the varied stylistic effects. In the end, however, the novel rises above its faults in its compelling picture of one man’s life and the relation of that life to the years of disorder and change that had conditioned the course of twentieth century Mexican history. The central figure is again a force in the land, a millionaire who has climbed to his position of wealth and power by violence, blackmail, bribery, and brutal exploitation of the workers. Through the novel, like a refrain, runs a reference to the time just before Lorenzo went off to fight in the Spanish war when father and son took a morning ride toward the sea. By the end of the novel, Artemio’s story fulfills all that it promised to a young boy, one man’s journey with no real beginning or end in time, marked by love, solitude, violence, power, friendship, disillusionment, corruption, forgetfulness, innocence, and delight. There is also in this story the depiction of how a man’s death is joined to his beginning.

Fuentes employs three voices in the narrative. The first is the third person, used to present in dramatic form the events of Artemio’s life as they are pieced together in past time. The second is the “I” of the present, as the old man lies dying, shrinking from the decay of his body, and taking fitful account of what is going on around him. The third is a vatic presence never identified that addresses Artemio as “you.” This, perhaps, is the unrealized Artemio, the man he might have been.

The Death of Artemio Cruz is a divided book, terse, chaotic, passionate, and ironic. Too much has been made, undoubtedly, of Carlos Fuentes as one of Mexico’s angry young men. In spite of his Marxist beliefs, he is essentially a romantic, and he possesses an exuberant, powerful talent. Aside from the surface effects of undisciplined but compelling style, Fuentes’ writing is strikingly clear and unhackneyed, even in translation.

Works Cited

Fuentes, Carlos. The Death of Artemio Cruz. 1962. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991.

financial analysis

I need some assistance with these assignment. financial analysis 334 Thank you in advance for the help! Ratio Formula Jones Smith Liquidity Ratio Current Assets/ Current Liabilities 150/100 5 187.5/75 = 2.5 Acid-Test Ratio Current Assets- Stock/ Current Liabilities

150-50/100 = 1

187.5-75/75= 1.5

Coverage Ratio

EBIT/ Interest Expense

193/8 = 24.124

126/21 = 6

Fixed Assets Turnover

Sales / Net Fixed Assets

1250/350 = 3.57

1000/250 = 4

Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit / Sales

500/1250 = 40%

400/1000 = 40%

Net Profit Margin

Net Profit / Sales

92.5/1250 = 7.4%

52.5/1000 = 5.25%

a) Given the ratios, we can clearly see that the position of Smith Company and Jones Corporation from the lens of ratio analysis. If we look at the liquidity ratios which tell us how much current asset does a firm have to pay-off of its short-term debts. In the case of Smith Corporation, the company has around $2.5 to pay-off every $1 of debt. This shows that company has no problem in paying off its debts. The position of Jones Corporation is also good and it will have no problem in paying off its debts. Since, both firms can pay-off their debts easily given the situation let’s now eliminate the illiquid current asset factor from our ratio calculation. In this case, if subtract the stock from current assets, still both companies can pay off their debts quite easily as their Acid-Test Ratio is equal to or greater than 1. This shows that to pay every single dollar of debt the company has the backing of adequate current assets. However, if we look the firms through the lens of Interest Coverage Ratio and if our debt commands interest from the company than, we can clearly see that Jones company can cover much higher rates of interest. As a result, Jones Corporation won’t default and will be able to pay all its debts and hence a short-term loan should be made to Jones Corporation given the two different scenarios. However, one must also state that if our loan does not command any interest, then this loan should be made to Smith Corporation.

b) If we look at the profitability condition of the two companies, we can clearly see that Jones Corporation is more profitable. This can shown by the companies greater net profit over sales ratios as compared to Smith Corporation Ratios. In the light of these ratios, Jones Corporation is earning around $7 on every $100 worth of sales. Similarly, Smith Corporation is earning $4 on every $100 worth of sales. This clearly proves that Jones Corporation is more profitable despite both the firms earning relatively the same amount of fixed assets turnover. This profitability is going to translate into heavy dividends and earn a greater return on investment than if Smith Corporation’s stock is bought. Hence, from the light of Ratio Analysis, one can easily conclude that investing in Jones Corporation is going to be more profitable and hence their stock should be bought.

writing homework on Side Effect Film Psychoanalysis.

Need help with my writing homework on Side Effect Film Psychoanalysis. Write a 3000 word paper answering; The film is a contemporary society’s model of psychoanalysis from its presentation of the common knowledge preserved by different groups of people in the society for use in executing heinous crimes. The study highlights the advantages that Emily, the film’s main character adopted in order to commit a murder on her husband, a practice that relates to contemporary society through the rise of criminal offenses and the use of medical reviews in identifying the victim’s mental state.

Psychoanalysts identify that people’s history is currently suffering the threat of fragmentation and the impact might result in a complete erosion of the values and ethical concerns instilled in the society’s past. Therefore, the film’s influence in the viewers’ psychoanalytical perceptions about the existence of a cultural theory that compels individuals to develop plans that might draw them towards the achievement of different objectives despite the negative consequences that their actions might influence to the third parties. The film narrates Emily’s warm reception of her husband from prison as a necessary thing (Brown 2014, p. 6). Further, the viewers perceive the friendly nature of Emily as ideal since every human being seeks the affection of their kith or kin as vital in the development of positive views. However, the controversial outcome of Martin’s release and his subsequent reunion with his wife and mother begins when his wife starts to show controversial behavioral practices. For instance, Emily is seen driving her car against a wall in an attempt to commit suicide. The film’s storyline shows the character’s subsequent composure to seek medication with Dr. Jonathan Banks rather than with her previous doctor, Victoria.

The film narrates that Emily’s distress emanated from her husband’s involvement in tax fraud activities that prompted him to serve a sentence.

Write a paper on key characteristics of Australian media

I need some assistance with these assignment. key characteristics of australian media Thank you in advance for the help! In the land down under, Australia also has its own way of letting the media operate. Whether it is in the form of electronic, print, PR, or media from the internet, Australian media adheres to its general guidelines. Publicly funded media companies in Australia are the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), which broadcasts on television, the internet and the radio for free, as it strongly broadcasts public service. Other major players in the industry of broadcasting are: Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd., Australian Associated Press, John Fairfax Holdings, The Seven Network, APN News and Media, and many others shape the characteristics of Australian media in a way that media’s most important public role is largely dependent on the game played by private corporations. Its increasing difficulty in being well regulated is affected by several factors including technological developments, ownership, and control structure where media conglomerates follow the globalization trend and the contractual relationships between suppliers or information and entertainment and its viewers (Sampford & Lui 2004, p. 86-87).

Apparently, broadcasting companies in Australia are characterized by having a highly concentrated media ownership structure brought about by cross-ownership. and this is one of the challenges that Australian media has to face. The ownership of a small media company has posed to be more complex than expected because the company establishes relationships with associations and other organizations which often belong under the same larger corporation resulting in a complicated intertwining of relationships. Due to this complication, cross-media ownership was decided to be given some limitations and so changes were proposed by the government in 1985, which created the Broadcasting Act of 1987 (Sheehan 2002, p. 4). This act limits the company’s audience reach and the types of media it can own. Sheehan (2002, p. 4) stated that this act would support “competition policy, discourage concentration of media ownership in local markets, and enhance public access to a diversity of viewpoints.” Broadcasting Act of 1988 was enacted for radio broadcasting media which basically carries the same principles regarding ownership and control. Moreover, the Broadcasting Act of 1989 contains amended provisions regarding cross-media ownership of radio and television licenses. The limit on this type of ownership in on who gains control over the company based on the number of shares of stock owned. The Act also provides for the succession or chain of companies to exercise control over (Sheehan 2002, p. 4). The Broadcasting Services Act of 1992 gives a description of media ownership and control in which the act provides for individual ownership and control, cross-media ownership and control, and subscription television broadcasting licenses for foreign owners (Sheehan 2002, p. 3).

Provide a 3 pages analysis while answering the following question: Australian Gas.

Provide a 3 pages analysis while answering the following question: Australian Gas. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Dividends during that time have grown from 52 cents per share to 63 cents per share (93 cents per share in 2005 which includes a special 30 cent dividend). That is approximately 5% dividend growth per year.

Earnings per share (excluding extraordinary items) during the last three years has grown from 73 cents per share in 2003 to 79 in 2004 and 84 cents per share in 2005 (the last year full figures are available), which is an average growth rate of just over 7% per year.

Underlying profit (excluding significant items) grew from $351 million to $386 million just over 6% growth for the year. EBIT remained steady at approximately 13.6% of funds employed. Total liabilities dropped from $3.4 billion to $2.6 billion a 22% drop. The debt to equity ratio dropped significantly dropping from over 40% in 2004 to approximately 27% in 2005.

The price to earnings ratio during the last three years has remained relatively stable as well. In February 2003 the stock was trading at about 10.00 per share and had earnings of 73 cents that gave it a P/E of approximately 14. In February 2004 the stock was trading at just over 11.00 per share and had earnings of 79 which kept the P/E very close to 14 and in February of 2005 the stock was trading at approximately 13.25 per share and had earnings of 84 cents. This caused the P/E to jump slightly to approximately 16 which was still well within the average P/E of other gas and electric companies.


There are a myriad of risk factors for this company, including (but not limited to): rates being set by the regulatory board that are not in line with company expectations, a vote by shareholders that halts the planned divestiture of AGL energy and AGL infrastructure into two separate entities, the ongoing environmental investigations and standards that need to be met and of course a more consistent weather pattern that lowers the demand for electricity or natural gas.

The rates that are currently being considered are in line with industry standards and though there are a number of rate revisions being considered by the regulatory commission the company feels that the recent trend has been for the governing board to take a light approach, not a heavy handed approach to rate increases. This bodes well for the company.

The divestiture of AGL energy into a separate entity is viewed by most experts to be a good decision and profitable for the shareholders. Recent surveys show that the majority of shareholders are planning to vote for the divestiture and subsequent merger at the shareholders meeting in October 2006.

research paper on behavior theory and human behavior explanation.

Need an research paper on behavior theory and human behavior explanation. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. Such as laws related to hereditary traits and the effects of hormones such as testosterone, all of which are necessary for influencing the behaviors of persons. As a scientific theory, behavioral theory stresses that humans learn and develop certain traits through experience. All the same, the theory has been instrumental in some psychological therapies where psychiatrists require an individual to change his/her negative behaviors and adopt positive ones.

Behavior theory is one of the widest theories that explain human behaviors, and how human beings develop and exercise these behaviors in life. In other words, behavior theory explains human development in acquiring behaviors as a response to the environmental stimulants or learning from others, and the way these behaviors have to manifest in such people. Behavioral theory has attracted interest from a wide range of scholars since the late 19th and early to mid-20th centuries. In fact, scientists later adopted behavioral theory to study the behaviors of animals and apply them to humans to establish the relationship between humans and non-humans in a detailed manner (Hergenhahn, 2009). Therefore, the behavioral theory is an instrumental study in psychology that explains why humans have to behave and how they systematically construct their behaviors and apply these behaviors in different life situations.

Most psychologists credit John B. Watson with the development of the school of behaviorism, which deals with the behavioral theory. However, behaviorism or the study of behaviors may not be credited to a single scientist but is a contribution and thinking of different scholars, with each scholar adding to the thinking of the previous one for several years until the school of behaviorism was developed (Hergenhahn, 2009). In other words, Watson was involved in extending the line of thinking to a higher detail than other scientists did, in formulating a school that was solid enough to explain the cause of behaviors in humans.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Google An Entrepreneurial Juggernaut.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Google An Entrepreneurial Juggernaut. The whole technology industry has undergone an extreme makeover: this means that the industry has evolved into the development of better, and more sophisticated innovations, and development. Much has changed in terms of use and deployment much more creativity has required more integration of advanced knowledge and technology into the system and much more innovation will be required to maintain a business or a current system or organization to remain in the market and continue functioning (Parashar, 2007). Much research is needed, and a lot of platforms are going to change in order to accommodate many more advanced innovations. For all this to take place people have to be innovative, creative, change-oriented, persistent, risk-takers and should have a business entrepreneurial mind (Peter Skarzynski, 2008). The developers in several areas should be focused on a bigger goal as far as technology is concerned.

From the case studying done on ‘Google – An Entrepreneurial Juggernaut’, and the research done, a lot of factors should be considered when undergoing and exercising the business plan as an entrepreneur. These factors include:

This is the most critical element in business continuity. In one of the case studies, the Model T Ford example shows how innovation can cause changes in an already existing business. In the case study, the company that had operated for around five years made its first business debut when it first produced the Model T Ford. This is the same case in the Google industry in trying to beat its competitors as a search engine on the internet. In the Google case, the creators deployed new and better innovations. In coming up with better innovation, the developer has to analyze the existing models. Then the developer will look at the risks and demerits of the model and also of its competitors (Peter Skarzynski, 2008). After the analysis, the developer will plan on how to reduce or prevent negative results.

Research paper on Colonisism.

I will pay for the following article Colonisism. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Colonism always takes place because of the colonising nation feels that it can exploit various benefits out of the colonial territory. For e-g British Empire in 1800s took control of the Indian Subcontinent via colonism because of the world famous spices that India was producing and because of their famous silk cloth. If they would have not done this, India would have become a richer and much powerful state than the British themselves. So, Britishers exploited India by taking these resources under their own control and then exporting them to other parts of the world earning huge amounts. Similarly, all other colonies we formed because the colonising nation felt the gains they could exploit by setting up their bases in those areas. Whether these gains be economic, political, social or whatever they be , all colonies were formed because of the incentive that were present there for the colonising nations.

To use cheap labour of the country to maximise efficiency and gain. For e-g Indian soldiers were not only used to protect India but during World War 2, Britishers sent them on war front representing The British Empire.

To create link with countries that borders with the colonised nation. For e-g When Britishers took over Indian sub-continent, they created links with Afghanistan and China. By these links they were able to create their own influence in Afghanistan and were near colonizing Afghanistan too.

To develop trade links with neighboring countries and increasing foreign trade with them this will earn revenue.

To use the natural resources of the colonized countries. For some countries are better suited for agriculture than others. Some are richer in natural resources such as oil. By having these countries under your banner, you own their resources as well. Hence, colonism leads to free use of such resources.

By using the infrastructural links that a colony has with its neighboring countries it can use these infrastructural facilities for their own purpose. For e-g Indian Subcontinent had good road networks with Afghanistan. Now whenever Britain wanted to export anything to Afghanistan, instead of using expensive ports and port taxes and other duties, they simply used these road networks as a mean to have their goods delivered to Afghanistan.

Apart from natural resources, skills and aptitudes of local population will be exploited by the colonizing nation.

In the end, one can say that this colonism reaps a lot of benefits to the colonizing country. These can be political, social or economic. From an ethical point of view colonism is never justified. But the wealth that it brings to the colonizing nation is enormous and also the economic incentives are massive.