strategic management (vision mission statement)

I need some assistance with these assignment. strategic management (visionmission statment) Thank you in advance for the help! “A mission statement has long been argued to lead to better performance by aiding strategy formulation and implementation. Empirical evidence to support this argument is however lacking in the literature. This has led to a considerable waning of managerial confidence in mission statements in recent years” (Sidhu 2003). Mission statements are exactly what they sound like: missions that tell what a company is doing. When companies carefully define what they are doing and how they are going to get there, they simply perform better than other companies that compete within their industry.

Also essential to success is the development of a company’s vision statement, upon which the company’s mission statement is based. The vision simply entails what a company wishes to become in the future. An example of a vision could include a new online dollar store wishing to take over a certain percentage of the market share in its industry (Heathfield 2007).

According to Heathfield, “A vision is a statement about what your organization wants to become. It should resonate with all members of the organization and help them feel proud, excited, and part of something much bigger than themselves. A vision should stretch the organization’s capabilities and image of itself. It gives shape and direction to the organization’s future. Visions range in length from a couple of words to several pages. I recommend shorter vision statements because people will tend to remember their shorter organizational vision” (2007).

Heathfield offers two examples of vision statements in her article on the topic. The first one is from Westin Hotels and states, “Year after year, Westin and its people will be regarded as the best and most sought after hotel and resort management group in North America.” The second is from the HR Association of Greater Detroit and States, “To be recognized and respected as one of the premier associations of HR Professionals” (2007).

The Piercy and Morgan Models

According to Piercy and Morgan, all mission statements should reflect four key concepts. The first is organizational philosophy and refers to what a company’s management desires the company to accomplish and represent. The second is product market domain, which details where and how the company will operate. The third is organizational key values, which define the behavior and skills of company employees and representatives. The last is critical success factors, which define what strengths a company must possess in order to be successful in their particular industry (Piercy and Morgan 1994).

Using the aforementioned concepts, Piercy and Morgan developed four models that assist in formulation of a company’s mission statement. Each of these models has its own advantages and disadvantages. The different types of mission statements that they defined were global mission, organizational mission, market mission, and no mission (Piercy and Morgan 1994).

Each type of mission statement is different in at least one key way. Global missions take both internal and external factors into mind and is all-encompassing of the concepts on which the four models are based. “An organizational mission’ is one that emphasizes internal values only, such as organizational beliefs and philosophy. A ‘market mission’ is one which focuses on the definition of the market and critical success factors in the market place.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses learning orientations and growth in smaller firms.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses learning orientations and growth in smaller firms. There are different types of organizational learning, according to Klimecki and Lassleben they identify two types the reactive orientation that is characterized by caution, aversion to risk taking and experimentation, the other type is proactive orientation that is based on future needs of the organization.

However the distinction made in this study is passive orientation and active orientation, passive orientation is the lower level learning while the active orientation is the higher level learning. Under the lower level learning scholars have identified single loop, adaptive and incremental levels of learning, while under the higher level learning we have double loop, generative and transformational levels of learning,

The scale used in this study included the zero loops which meant no learning, the single loop which is similar to adaptive learning as identified as learning aimed at dealing with changes in a new and better way and finally the double loop similar to generative learning which moves beyond the adaptive learning and is aimed at building a different perspective for both the organization and individuals.

Data used was cross sectional and collection was done by mailing questionnaires and a total of 174 questionnaires were returned from the industrial and commercial manufacturers whereas 126 questionnaires were returned for the business services sector.

According to the results for the machinery manufacturing centre there was a statistically significant of the correlation between learning orientation scores and high sales growth this is evident in that F= 4.15 P= 0.007 compared to lower learning orientation scores associated with higher sales growth F= 4.64 P = 0.004.

Therefore higher learning can be associated with high sales growth according to this research, firms should therefore adopt learning in order to enable them survive and grow, changes should be initiated in order to develop new skill and new ways of working. Learning should be aimed at improving the organizations current state and therefore should be both passive and active orientation.

The mailed questionnaires may have been biased in that the respondent may overstate or overstate the scales, the best method would have been a face to face interview in order to rectify and avoid any biasness. The sample selection would have been a random sample from a population obtained from the registration of firms other than a cross sectional sample.


The research considers the size of the firms as indicated by the number of workers and also considers the type of firm in the analysis of the relationship between growth of a firm and the level of learning. The research has contributed to organizational studies in that it demonstrates the importance of learning to an organization in terms of growth. It is evident that the higher the level of learning the higher is the rate of sales growth.

The research has strength in that it considers development of small firms which is in contrast to previous research that concentrated on the growth of large firms. It considers small firms in that they are the ones that require growing in future in order to increase job opportunities and avoid closing down in case of increased competition.

Create a thesis and an outline on Planning and Developing a Resort.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Planning and Developing a Resort. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. PLANNING AND DEVELOPING A RESORT Planning the basic and the most important of any business to run successfully. Even in the international business management

Planning is one of the most important principles of management.

A resort is place for those who escape the busy life schedule and wish to have an adventurous weekend to relax, to wind down in the luxurious guest rooms with commanding views of ocean. A resort is a place where one comes over for fresh air, a treat to any one with greenery all around. It can be an interesting place to spend holidays, to relax, to enjoy with friends and rejoice.

A resort can be planned to develop in an area which is far away or the out skirts of the city, which has scenic beauty, which has vast area as much as thirty acres.

It must be able to accommodate any number of customers with out giving a congestive look.

Selecting a country like India or Switzer land would be an ideal place both financially and also while considering nature.

Setting a target is a vital part for resort planning. A ten million US$ per year would be an achievable target.

It must avail customers with introductory offers like if they take annual membership they can get free entry into gym.

Also resorts must be developed in places where weather is pleasant and presentable and suits all types of people who come to enjoy their vacation.

Capital invested should be forty percent of the self-investment and the rest of the capital should be acquired from other financial sources like state owned financial organization or private organizations.

Once if the resort is a big hit and is full with memberships the designing of the facilities in the resort should be in manner that will not be congestive for the members.

Advertising plays a crucial role in developing the resort and keeping up its reputation.

A resort is equipped with a wealth of relaxing and recreational offerings throughout.

A spacious garden

A swimming pool

A hall for parties

Hotel & Lodging and Boarding

A lobby for sitting and Lunch.

A Disco Tec with attached pub.

To make the resort a dream vacation which gives little retreats to our eyes.

A small bird sanctuary or animal section for Time pass.

A flowers garden or Butterfly park for nature enthusiasts.

A tot-lot for playing little kids.

A small pond with aquatic animals such as Dolphins, Swans etc.

A sand park that has play tools for children.

A place hosting a rural look with grass and huts and ethnic pots.

A resort can also be equipped with a spa where women can get refreshed and relaxed.

As a special feature it can also present a Horror-Show room with skulls and Skeletons to scare the Adults just for fun.

The garden can be decorated with sculptural architectural beauty.

It can also embrace the customers with Golf Court. Special Holiday packages are offered for families and newly wed couples.

Special benefits can be offered to those who apply for membership.

Imagiantive layout for a resort


Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. (2006) development hetelier. [online].

emergency response to nuclear disasters & incidents

I need some assistance with these assignment. emergency response to nuclear disasters & incidents Thank you in advance for the help! Mutation of humans and animals, deaths of plants and infection of various species resulting in an entire food chain getting irrevocably poisoned, severely erosive acid rain, contamination of the water cycle and air as radioactive particles diffuse into the surrounding regions are some of the many devastating effects that disrupt the ecosystem of our planet.

Although the construction and operation of nuclear power plants are closely monitored and regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), accidents at these plants are possible due to flaws in the design of the power plant, human error of the operators and electrical engineers involved, etc. The worrying thing about these power stations is that when something goes wrong due to human error or a fault not fixed, an irreversibly massive accident can occur destroying many kilometers of area in its vicinity, contaminating it almost forever. The magnitude of its effects is determined by the amount of radiation released from the explosion, wind direction and speed, and weather condition. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945) nuclear bombings, two of the most famous nuclear accidents at these power stations occurred at the Chernobyl reactor 4 (Ukraine – 1986) in the former Soviet Union and the Three Mile Island (US – 1979) reactor 2 in the United States.

Categorized as the most intense nuclear disaster ever, the Chernobyl nuclear explosion (1986) destroyed the unit in its entirety and released an incredible amount of radiated fallout, into the environment resulting in about 600000 deaths due to radiation exposure as revealed by IAEA and WHO studies with 56 direct deaths off the explosion. The 4000 cancer deaths due to exposure to nuclear carcinogens are just a meager part of the expected 100000 fatalities. The after effects of this nuclear power plant disaster were Nuclear rain in places like Ireland as the radioactive fallout traveled over an extensive geographical area spreading all through Western Europe in just a span of 1 week resulting in contamination in large areas of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. Four square kilometers of pine land forests turned brown and died in addition to numerous animal deaths and the remaining badly poisoned with thyroid and reproductive problems, now known as the ‘Red Forest’. However, later generations did not suffer these problems. About 336000 people’s evacuation, resettling due to this tragedy and the horrendous large scale loss of life and lifestyle pose nuclear power catastrophe as one of the most irreversibly destructive threats in this contemporary society of technological development where precautions and safety measures direly need to be adopted to avoid a bigger loss.

. nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease

I need some assistance with these assignment. nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease Thank you in advance for the help! It is evidently clear from the discussion that food is not only important for the maintenance and development of an individual, but also in the performance and reproduction of life. It has been estimated that during a person’s entire lifetime, a person consumes approximately 30 tonnes of food on proportion in professedly endless dietary categories. However, as digestion takes place, the food is broken down into basic nutrients necessary for the well being of the individual. Therefore, it is safe to assume that food is chemistry. In the process of digestion, the mixture of chemicals present in the food is broken down into four basic categories: nutrients, non-nutritive naturally occurring components (which include antinutritive and natural toxins), man-made contaminants and additives. Taking that into consideration, it is safe to say that nutrients make up for more than 99.9% of the food contents. Nutrients can be classified into carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, and minerals. These constituents are referred to as macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients can be described as primary sources of strength and building elements for humans, whereas micronutrients, on the other hand, are only required in comparative volumes. Micronutrients can be obtained in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and are still essential in ample amounts to ensure proper performance of all body cells. Furthermore, micronutrients such as water do not necessarily provide individuals with energy. The majority of micronutrients are critical nutrients for life processes, often synthesized by the body. For that reason, these necessary nutrients can be received from the food that we eat. Most significantly, macronutrients are constituent and indispensable ingredients of our diets, often found in carbohydrates, water, fat, and protein.

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Kids Who Are Exposed to Verbal Abuse and Personality Disorders.

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Kids Who Are Exposed to Verbal Abuse and Personality Disorders. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The need for more visible research that will reach physicians who provide the bulk of front line health care is underscored by failure to give even passing mention to the well-documented link between adult depression and childhood abuse in a recent review on depression in the New England Journal of Medicine” (Springer et al). Although national guidelines issued over Depression in Primary Care in the year 1993 are other quite comprehensive (“Depression in Primary Care”), yet they do not discuss the significance of abuse experienced during childhood as a risk factor. Discussion of the relationship between childhood abuse and personality disorders is also omitted in a range of reviews done over anorexia nervosa, fibromyalgia, and functional somatic syndromes in different high-impact and prestigious medical journals in the recent years (Springer et al.). Lack of awareness of this relationship among physicians caring for adults suffering from an outcome of childhood abuse saps the physicians’ ability to make appropriate patient referrals and elicit an abuse history. Research providing evidence in favor of the long-term damages caused by sexual, emotional, and physical abuse on children has expanded in recent years (“Understanding the effects”).&nbsp.

One way in which maltreatment and abuse experienced during early stages in life alter the ability of an individual to positively relate to and interact with others is by alteration of the neurochemical balance inside the brain. Severe deprivation during childhood indicates that the ability of the brain to use serotonin that plays a role in the production of feelings of emotional stability and well-being may be permanently altered as a result of such maltreatment (Healy). The brain of a child grows and develops as a result of their interaction with the environment.

Create a thesis and an outline on Part 1 3000 word lit review part 2 2000 word research proposal.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Part 1 3000 word lit review part 2 2000 word research proposal. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. These falls have led to serious injuries in the elderly such as fractures of the hip and other skeletal parts (Daley & Spinks, 2000. Tinetti, et al., 1997). Falls have also led to lowered confidence and a fear of falling that has caused persons to remain sedentary, putting them at risk for other illnesses (Fortinsky et al., 2004). Studies have sought to ascertain the factors that contribute to falls in the elderly, and of these, most have been connected with strength and balance (Lord, Ward & Williams, 1999. Gardner, Robertson & Campbell, 2000).

Problems with strength and balance have been shown to be the major contributors to the instability of the elderly (Rubenstein, 2004. Gardner, Robertson & Campbell, 2000). Strength and power reduction are characteristics of ageing that lead to a loss of functional balance and confidence (Hunter et al., 2004). In fact, balance depends on an intricate interaction of several of the body’s systems: musculo-skeletal, nervous, vestibular, and visual (Gauchard et al., 1999. Lemmer et al., 1999. Carter et al., 2002). Both strength and balance can be thought of as having a bearing on the body’s the ability to maintain posture, and posture can be defined as the proper positioning of each body part in relation to another (Pajala et al., 2004. Lord, Ward, & Williams, 1996). The somatosensory system is responsible for providing the central nervous system with information about the body’s position through proprioceptors contained inside the muscles (Anderson, 2002. Islam, 2004. Lord, et al., 1996). Yet the functioning of these balance components is shown to decline with age (Lord et al., 1994. Thelen et al., 1996. Judge, 2003).

Exercise interventions of the form of proprioceptive and strength-training exercises have been cited as having the ability to reverse or slow many of these effects of ageing. In fact, it has been strongly suggested by research that older persons who are physically active display better sensori-motor and balance skills than their inactive counterparts (Toulotte et al., 2003. Lemmer et al., 2000. Hunter et al., 2004). Though many researchers have studied the combined impact of these exercises on functional balance, much needs to be researched on the impact each has individually on functional ability. Further than that, what studies have had to say on confidence levels of the elderly following intervention is also of importance and has often been overlooked.

Veteran researchers such as Lord et al. (1996) and Brown et al. (2002) have demonstrated the benefit of these exercises, yet without separating them to isolate the effects of each. Other research done by Gauchard et al. (1999) has performed this separation, yet without the use of clinically tested interventions. Still others have employed good interventions and measures, but implemented exercises for far too short a period to achieve truly significant results (Carter et al., 2001). It is the purpose of this study to further critique the literature explored on both types of therapy for the prevention of falling in the elderly. It will consider exercise interventions that employ both resistance and proprioceptive activities in an attempt to locate areas in which definite conclusions have been achieved, as well as to locate areas in which improvements can be made to achieve better results.

submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Business Strategy of Shell Group.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Business Strategy of Shell Group. When Shell has diversified into other businesses, such as petrochemicals and renewable energy, the former is a natural extension of its involvement in oil, while forays into renewable energy forms are quite negligible to the company’s overall investment and assets pie. And yet, Shell by starting to invest in cleaner, non-hydrocarbon energy will be one with among with first mover advantage, in terms of technology and know-how should the time come when such energy forms become affordable for the market, and thus, profitable, for the company.

Today, Shell, operating in 140 countries, with revenues of US$318.8 billion in 2006 makes it the third biggest multinational corporation in the world and with profits of US$26 billion, the second most profitable – has stuck to its main business of exploration of oil and gas, that serves the downstream sector of the industry, including its own operations in production, processing, transportation and marketing (Royal Dutch Shell, Wikipedia entry, 2007). Shell’s total oil market share as of 2004 stood at 11.6% and which in combination with those of other oil majors such as ExxonMobil, BP (British Petroleum), TFE (TotalFinaElf) and Chevron Texaco control almost 60% of the world’s oil and gas markets (The Energy Insider, July14, 2004).

The group seeks to capitalize on what it calls its current business strategy of “more upstream and profitable downstream” which basically sees that it would continue to look for and pursue sources of gas and oil all over the world while it considers the demand side covered by the growing appetite for oil by the developing countries, especially Asia Pacific ( 2007).&nbsp.Honed by 100 years of experience in oil and gas exploration, with its technological expertise, Shell’s viability on both ends of the supply chain remains due very much to the continuing demand for energy. This is the reason why Shell, despite the giant mergers that occurred in the oil industry remains very much profitable.

Since oil, a fuel whose sources could be depleted anytime and only found only in certain parts of the world – its supply has been subject to political forces that companies engaged in oil production naturally must build economies of scale to recover high costs of investment. At the end of the supply chain, markets are expanding in developing economies especially China which has only begun its manufacturing stage of development in which oil and gas are necessary fuels. Thus for a corporation with an international scope of operation like Shell, vertical integration remains a viable strategy. In recent decades, however, the Shell Group responded to the changes in the industry by focusing to maintain its foothold on the upstream, while downstream operations were relatively restructured to give way to a focus on core competencies.&nbsp.

The Shell Group’s unshakeable and steady hold on the upstream portion of the petroleum industry despite the changes in the oil industry was due largely to its supplier strength and its ability to negotiate the terms of potential barriers to entry.

Create a thesis and an outline on As You Like It by William Shakespeare.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on As You Like It by William Shakespeare. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. No matter what or who else changed, Rosalind stayed her own funny, sensible, realistic, intelligent and integrated self, a great heroine. She epitomised the words in Sonnet 116 thus:

The discussion that follows aims to support the contention that while transformation was necessary for some lovers involved, and did indeed strengthen and enrich them, without Rosalind, this would not have occurred. she was a major catalyst.

As the most vital and important character, Rosalind’s love and circumstances deserve to be examined first. Though living on sufferance and in sadness, she had wit and intellect, and her strength of character was evident in the common sense expediency of her response to banishment.

The love at first sight was mutual, but Shakespeare’s Rosalind/Ganymede showed how real, unsentimental true love, transferable over time and place, was more valuable than the silly, stylised concepts that Orlando first held. He was a figure of ridicule, dashing about pinning up poems and defacing the trees with his awful verses. Rosalind, Celia, Touchstone, Jacques, all laughed at his efforts, and Rosalind’s ploy to ‘cure’ him was a way to enlighten him as to the realities of true love, showing him how insincere he appeared. She told him that he seemed

“as loving yourself than seeming the lover of any other” (Act 3 Sc. 2 v. 401)

Once the wooing was agreed, Rosalind’s power was established. Though elements of homoeroticism are often quoted with regard to Orlando’s attraction to Ganymede (Johnston, 2001) and his willingness to engage with the boy as ‘Rosalind’:

“Fair youth, I would I could make thee believe I love (Act 3, Sc.2, v. 402),

a personal interpretation suggests that on a subliminal level, Orlando recognised Rosalind and acceptance of her ‘cure’ was an opportunity to woo her.

The mock wedding poked more fun at Orlando’s pretentious approach and allowed Rosalind to explain the real meaning of love. She thus expressed her philosophy while moving him towards a mature understanding, the beginning of his transformation.

“men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for

love.” (Act 4, Sc. 5, v. 109)

In driving home the message further, she caused him to question his beliefs in Romantic love, with the ideas of swooning and dying for the beloved, and to look at the reality she believed in.

“ are April when they woo, December when they wed.

submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Reducing Bullying in Schools.


Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Reducing Bullying in Schools. This essay aims at examining how and to what extent bullying can be reduced in schools.

The behaviour can include spreading of rumours, verbal abuse, face-to-face attacks, calculated and sustained exclusions, and the utilisation of technology to cause harm to someone (Rigby, 2011).

Bullying has many definitions according to different kinds of literature but all the authors agree on several keys that features in bullying, which is as discussed. Firstly, bullying is usually deliberate and is done with the intention to cause harm. Take the example of two friends teasing one another for fun. This is not bullying but if one intends to make the other upset, then the act is considered as bullying. Secondly, bullying causes a harmful result either physically or emotionally. Thirdly, bullying can involve direct acts such as physically kicking someone or indirect acts like spreading rumours. Fourthly, bullying is repetitive and persistent. It concerns repeated acts for example. recurring aggressive behaviours towards a student are considered as bullying but do not include isolated acts like a single fight. Lastly, there is an imbalance of power in bullying where the perpetrator usually possesses an advantage against the victim either due to age or due to physical strength (Department for Education, 2012).

In order to strategize and come up with effective methods of reducing bullying, relevant information on the types of bullying can assist in figuring out the best methods to address various types of bullying. Bullying can be either violent or non-violent. There are several types of behaviours that are considered bullying. The most obvious type of bullying is physical. It involves direct means or tangible ways of hurting other individuals. This can be seen when a student repeatedly beats another student and causes physical harm. Verbal bullying involves the use of indirect means such as name-calling to cause deliberate humiliation to another student, which results to emotionally suffering for the victim. Other ways of carrying out verbal bullying are spreading rumours and abusing the victim (James, 2010).

This essay aims at examining how and to what extent bullying can be reduced in schools.

The behaviour can include spreading of rumours, verbal abuse, face-to-face attacks, calculated and sustained exclusions, and the utilisation of technology to cause harm to someone (Rigby, 2011).

Bullying has many definitions according to different kinds of literature but all the authors agree on several keys that features in bullying, which is as discussed. Firstly, bullying is usually deliberate and is done with the intention to cause harm. Take the example of two friends teasing one another for fun. This is not bullying but if one intends to make the other upset, then the act is considered as bullying. Secondly, bullying causes a harmful result either physically or emotionally. Thirdly, bullying can involve direct acts such as physically kicking someone or indirect acts like spreading rumours. Fourthly, bullying is repetitive and persistent. It concerns repeated acts for example. recurring aggressive behaviours towards a student are considered as bullying but do not include isolated acts like a single fight. Lastly, there is an imbalance of power in bullying where the perpetrator usually possesses an advantage against the victim either due to age or due to physical strength (Department for Education, 2012).

In order to strategize and come up with effective methods of reducing bullying, relevant information on the types of bullying can assist in figuring out the best methods to address various types of bullying. Bullying can be either violent or non-violent. There are several types of behaviours that are considered bullying. The most obvious type of bullying is physical. It involves direct means or tangible ways of hurting other individuals. This can be seen when a student repeatedly beats another student and causes physical harm. Verbal bullying involves the use of indirect means such as name-calling to cause deliberate humiliation to another student, which results to emotionally suffering for the victim. Other ways of carrying out verbal bullying are spreading rumours and abusing the victim (James, 2010).