submit a 500 words paper on the topic Finance Concepts.

Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic Finance Concepts. Personal Finance Concepts A company’s asset is defined as anything it owns that has the potential to produce future economic benefit. Assets can either be in company’s possession or the company has right to take possession of (“Assets,” 2005). Asset accounts may include current assets and fixed assets. Current assets comprise of liquid assets such as cash, marketable securities, receivables and inventories. On the other hand, fixed assets include property, plant and equipment intended to be used for the operations of the company. Intangible assets, which include patents, trademarks and reputation among others, may also be lumped as an asset account. (Brealey, Myers & Marcus, 1995)

As part of a team meeting, this paper evaluates which transactions listed below would have an escalation effect on total assets.


1. A company receives a cash investment from the owner.

2. A company makes a cash purchase for a building site

3. A company pays cash on accounts payable.

4. A company purchases machinery for a plant and signs a promissory note in payment.

5. A company’s owner withdraws cash from the business for personal use.

6. A company receives cash from a customer on account receivable.

7. A company sells land for an amount equal to the cost of the land in a cash transaction.

8. A company borrows money from a bank.

Based on the list above, the transactions which would result in an increase in the total assets of a business are as follows:

Transaction #1 – A company receives a cash investment from the owner.

When a company receives an additional infusion of cash from the owner, the total asset specifically the asset account is increased. This is accompanied by a corresponding augmentation in the stockholders’ or owners’ equity.

Transaction #4 – A company purchases machinery for a plant and signs a promissory note in payment.

This transaction will result in the increase in total assets due to the increase in the property, plant and equipment (PP&E) account. In this regard, the company’s liability will also increase due to the issuance of the promissory note which is tantamount to a promise to pay specified amount at the stipulated terms (Meigs & Meigs, 1986).

Transaction #8 – A company borrows money from a bank.

Similar to the initial transaction, the company’s total assets particularly the asset account increases as it receives the money loaned from the bank. With this transaction, the company’s total liability also increases since an obligation to pay the bank loan arises.

Note that the other transactions do not result in an increase in total assets due to the reasons summarized as follows:

When a company makes cash purchase for a building, there is no movement in total assets because amount in cash account is just transferred to another asset account which is building or PP&E account.

When a company pays cash on accounts payable, total assets particularly the cash account decreases because there is an outflow of cash used to settle accounts payable.

Similarly, when a company’s owner withdraws cash from the business for personal use, cash account, which is an asset account, decreases because cash is used to pay for owner’s personal expenses.

When a company receives cash from a customer on account receivable, there is no movement in total assets because only asset accounts, i.e. cash and accounts receivable, are equally debited and credited, respectively.

In the same way, when a company sells land for an amount equal to the cost of land in a cash transaction, there is no change in total assets because increase in cash account is just equally offset by decrease in asset account for land or PP&E.


“Assets”. Wikipedia. (2005). Retrieved August 18, 2005, from

Brealey, R.A., Myers, S.C., & Marcus, A.J. (1995). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. Mc-Graw Hill Inc.

Meigs, W.B. & Meigs, R.F. (1986). Financial Accounting. Mc-Graw Hill Companies.

Write 16 pages thesis on the topic development of urban civilization and form.

Write 16 pages thesis on the topic development of urban civilization and form. As a type of community, the city may be regarded as a relatively stable awareness of population, together with its “varied environments, social arrangements, and supporting activities, occupying a more or less discrete site, and having a cultural importance that differentiates it from other types of human settlement and association. In its elementary functions and rudimentary characteristics, however, a city is not clearly distinguishable from a town or even a large village.” (Britannica, 2006)

It was no accident that the earliest of man’s fixed settlements originated in the rich “subtropical valleys of the Nile, the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Indus, and the Yellow Rivers or in such well-watered islands as Crete.” Such regions gave encouraging ecological issues making town living comparatively simple.

Pre-urban growths that covered the means for urban life also comprised such features as “traditionalism, a power structure, and a form of economic as well as social organization.” Traditionalism put in the reception and broadcast of what had worked in the existence of the crowd and was consequently “right” and to be kept. New value directions and beliefs may also have influenced the route of urbanization, although their significance is still extremely speculative. Before 1800, improvements in agricultural and manufacturing methods had allowed a remarkable attentiveness of creative activity close to the sources of mechanical power-water and coal. A subsequent association of population was hastened by the excellence of the steam engine and the dominance of the factory over pre-industrial business association. Under provisions of “belt-and-pulley” authority broadcast, urban application was a means of:

(1) Reducing the costs of conquering resistances in transportation and communications and

(2) Maximizing interior monetary systems of extent and outside economies.

A strange convergence of profitable, geographic, and technical issues in Britain guided to far-reaching transforms in such planned movements as textiles, transport, and iron, even though the educational and social requirements for industrialization were not exclusively present in any one nation,. Britain became “the workshop of the world” and London its “head office.” (Britannica, 2006)

Urban Planning

Urban planning and redevelopment is planned at satisfying communal and financial purposes that go further than the corporal shape and arrangement of buildings, streets, parks, utilities, and other parts of the urban environment. Urban planning takes effect principally during the procedures of administration and needs the relevance of specialized methods of “survey, analysis, forecasting, and design.” It may hence be expressed as a public society, as a legislative utility, or as a scientific career. Each feature has its own thoughts, narration, and theories. Together they blend into the attempt of contemporary civilization to figure and progress the surroundings within which growing amounts of civilization squander their lives: the city.

For several centuries throughout the middle ages, there was small structure of cities in Europe.

Write 16 pages thesis on the topic development of urban civilization and form.

Write 16 pages thesis on the topic development of urban civilization and form. As a type of community, the city may be regarded as a relatively stable awareness of population, together with its “varied environments, social arrangements, and supporting activities, occupying a more or less discrete site, and having a cultural importance that differentiates it from other types of human settlement and association. In its elementary functions and rudimentary characteristics, however, a city is not clearly distinguishable from a town or even a large village.” (Britannica, 2006)

It was no accident that the earliest of man’s fixed settlements originated in the rich “subtropical valleys of the Nile, the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Indus, and the Yellow Rivers or in such well-watered islands as Crete.” Such regions gave encouraging ecological issues making town living comparatively simple.

Pre-urban growths that covered the means for urban life also comprised such features as “traditionalism, a power structure, and a form of economic as well as social organization.” Traditionalism put in the reception and broadcast of what had worked in the existence of the crowd and was consequently “right” and to be kept. New value directions and beliefs may also have influenced the route of urbanization, although their significance is still extremely speculative. Before 1800, improvements in agricultural and manufacturing methods had allowed a remarkable attentiveness of creative activity close to the sources of mechanical power-water and coal. A subsequent association of population was hastened by the excellence of the steam engine and the dominance of the factory over pre-industrial business association. Under provisions of “belt-and-pulley” authority broadcast, urban application was a means of:

(1) Reducing the costs of conquering resistances in transportation and communications and

(2) Maximizing interior monetary systems of extent and outside economies.

A strange convergence of profitable, geographic, and technical issues in Britain guided to far-reaching transforms in such planned movements as textiles, transport, and iron, even though the educational and social requirements for industrialization were not exclusively present in any one nation,. Britain became “the workshop of the world” and London its “head office.” (Britannica, 2006)

Urban Planning

Urban planning and redevelopment is planned at satisfying communal and financial purposes that go further than the corporal shape and arrangement of buildings, streets, parks, utilities, and other parts of the urban environment. Urban planning takes effect principally during the procedures of administration and needs the relevance of specialized methods of “survey, analysis, forecasting, and design.” It may hence be expressed as a public society, as a legislative utility, or as a scientific career. Each feature has its own thoughts, narration, and theories. Together they blend into the attempt of contemporary civilization to figure and progress the surroundings within which growing amounts of civilization squander their lives: the city.

For several centuries throughout the middle ages, there was small structure of cities in Europe.

Write 10 pages with APA style on Managing Customers and Quality.

Write 10 pages with APA style on Managing Customers and Quality. Services include scientific and specialty consulting as well as all aspects of engineering, construction, operations and maintenance.

To maintain its success in existing markets and to enter new markets, JE needs to re-evaluate its current marketing mix. This report will discuss the current situation in this regard and redefine JE’s objectives due to changes in clients’ needs and expectations. To achieve this, the external and internal environment of the company is examined for potential influences that could lead to changes within the organization that will result in customer expectations being fulfilled. The services provided by JE and it’s positioning in the present market is also looked at. The resulting strengths and weaknesses in addition to the opportunities and threats will be identified to ultimately provide strategies to compete globally and take advantage of existing opportunities. These objectives are SMART as per table 1.

As a broad-based technical professional consulting firm, JE offer a complete range of services to help our clients maintain a competitive edge in their respective markets. From feasibility studies to operations and maintenance (O&M), we customize our services to meet clients’ business and project goals. Our global network of technical experts work under a boundary less, seamless philosophy so that clients’ receive the best, most economical project or program solution, worldwide. JE offer its services worldwide therefore more prone to be affected by external influences. It works in different social set-ups and so it needs to understand different culture and society. Technological innovations and its inclusion in services of JE play a very crucial role in providing best of services. Services provided by JE have to be economically prudent. Economic conditions of different countries in which JE operating as well as countries economic policies play a crucial role in JE success. Presently environmental factors are the major cause for concern in every country and almost for every project to be started. So JE policies and its commitment for health, safety and environment keep it in front of others. Finally the political situation and political decision-making plays an important role in almost every part of the world and it affects JE’S policies also. Working in global set-up JE has to deal with different political situation and ability to deal such situations decides the growth of the organisation.

Basically external and internal environment and influences for any organisation could be appropriately discussed with the help of Porter’s Model (Johnson and Scholes, 2006).

Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model, which is described below:

Porter explains that there are five forces that determine industry attractiveness and long-run industry profitability.

Write 4 pages thesis on the topic antropology.

Write 4 pages thesis on the topic antropology. This is evident in the disparate species of Manzanita shrubs, which thrive, in different altitudes. Another one of the isolating mechanism is behavioral isolation in which potential mates converge but refuse to mate, as they prefer individuals from their own species as evident in the mating rituals of the albatross. This is in contrast to mechanical isolation where mating and copulation is attempted but sperm transmission does not occur. The two-lipped flower, a species of sage, found in California is an example of this (Calow 379-380).

2. Define cephalic index and explain how it originally was used in an ethnocentric manner. Define eugenics and explain two specific ways (one human, one nonhuman) in which it can be used in a non-ethnocentric manner. Explain the relationship between polytypic, continuous variation and the vitamin D hypothesis.

The cephalic index was used to determine the intelligence of a person or her behavior based on the measurement of the skull or the cranium. The size of the cranium determined the superiority of the race. Proponents of Eugenics utilized this idea to forward race improvement through government control on marriage and family. The principles of eugenics can be used in non-ethnocentric manner, as to prohibit the marriage of two groups of populations that increases the possibility of genetic diseases (Jurmain and Nelson 118). In dogs or other mammals, such as race horses the principles can be applied for stronger breed. Yet, eugenics limits the freedom of the genes to function freely (Jurmain and Nelson 112). Polytypic species is composed of one population of species and homosapiens are one of them. Phenotypic variations are evident among humans as they exhibit differences in skin color for instance base on the environment or circumstance in which they live. One of these hypotheses the lightening of the skin color in higher altitudes, which cause the body to generate more Vitamin D said to prevent diseases such as rickets (Jablonski 585 – 623 )

3. Explain how the Hardy-Weinberg theory is related to both polymorphisms and balanced polymorphisms. Explain how the terms prions and BSE are related to the terms vector and pathogen.

The Hardy Weinberg theory or equilibrium is one of the main theories in population genetics, which also states that relative gene frequency stay constant from generation to the next. This is based on a mathematical model. This theory is related to polymorphism, as this is typified by the constant equilibrium with disparate alleles of the genes which at unvarying relative frequencies in a certain population. Prions are like pathogens because they result to diseases such as the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Hence BSE is a prion, which could be transmitted through a vector, contact or bite of an animal.

4. Explain the difference between acclimatization and adaptation, giving one example in humans for each. Explain Bergmann’s Rule and Allen’s rule and how they are related to high altitude and ossification of epiphysis/diaphysis. Define biocultural evolution, explaining both the example of lactose intolerance and sickle cell anemia for this term.

prepare and submit a term paper on Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Meta-Analysis.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Meta-Analysis. Your paper should be a minimum of 1000 words in length. 1. What is the magnitude of the effect of EMLA cream on VE and IV pains 2? Is the effect size of EMLA cream on VE and IV pains moderated by the following variables: study publication date, sample age, sample size, sample health status, anatomical puncture site, duration of application, method of pain measurement and research design (Fetzer,2001).Research question 1 is the direct and useful clinical question as it encourages/discourages clinical use of EMLA in VE & IV whereas question 2 tends to encourage/discourage such use via evidence on several other variables important among them being sample size, sample health status, premedication, anatomical puncture site and duration of application. The topic had immediate relevance for the nursing profession as both IV &VE are widely practiced nursing techniques. While the substantial agreement was achieved on the coding of the substantive variables, methodological variables, and miscellaneous variables. resolution of disagreements was not elaborated and two raters were not identified.

2 The meta-analysis&nbsp.

2 The meta-analysis clearly defined the inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting primary studies. The databases used by the reviewers were identified and were appropriate. All of the keywords were identified and were adequate. The reviewers documented the use of adequate supplementary efforts to identify relevant studies, including non-published studies.

The Sample

3 The search strategy yielded an adequate sample (number) of studies-19. Though it was not clearly stated if the sample size in each included study was adequate nevertheless there was substantial agreement on ‘sample size’ methodological variable. The reviewers did not attempt to contact the original researchers for additional information. For instance, several studies failed to report test statistics or raw data, in these cases conservative estimates of study outcomes were made from the provided raw data. The rationale for excluded studies was clearly provided.

4 Quality Appraisal

5 A quality index for each study was calculated based on the criteria used by Beck (1995). Reviewers did not indicate that all reviewed primary studies were of high methodological quality though they coded 8 methodological variables and two raters had 97% agreement on the coding of such variables. Interrater agreement percentages were reported for all categories of the coded variables but the resolution of disagreement(though minor )was not reported. The methodological comparability of the included studies was specified by means of coding 8 methodological variables as above and coding agreement thereupon. As the inclusion criteria were well defined to have comparable clinical situations and since the coding of substantive variables.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: History of Correction in America.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: History of Correction in America. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Another facility of correction known as Bridewell was constructed in 1775 that was placed in New York City Hall Park although it’s the independent war interrupted its construction. New York State Legislature in 1788 enacted a law to construct another correction facility named Almshouse and named twelve commissioners to oversee the construction.

The commissioners began the department of correction in New York and they opened the first state prison in 1788 known as Greenwich State Prison. In 1817 another correction facility known as Auburn was opened which expanded in 1821 by opening a new wing.

In 1951, the institution for insane criminals was established on the Auburn prison ground. This was an idea of a group of reformers that thought they would start child savers by sending city children to live with farm families. Their idea brought about the establishment of the New York Juvenile Asylum. Almshouse Department was replaced by the New York City Department of Public Charities and Correction in 1851. The department took control of the city’s public welfare and correctional institutions.

(Whitehead, Pollock and Braswell, 2003)

Ludlow Street Jail also is known as New York Country Jail was established in 1862 and in 1863 another jail was built in Manhattan known as New York City’s Fourth District Prison. This became the 57th street jail that was part of a court complex. Another correction facility named New York City’s Seventh District Prison was established along Manhattan city’s west side in 1865.

New York City was authorized by the State Legislature to separate the Department of Public Charity and Correction in 1873. This separation brought about the Public Charities Division and the Correction Division. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children was established after the division and it prohibited the confinement of children at Almshouse.

prepare and submit a term paper on Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. &nbsp.A difference is also observed if the condition onsets in premenopausal women, they respond to the antipsychotic drugs in a better way as compared to the postmenopausal women and also when compared to males. However, the difference observed in both of the genders is attributed to the hormonal composition and psychosocial factors. Estrogen is considered to play a protective role in females as it influences neurotransmission, as well as neurodevelopment. Women displaying the condition of schizophrenia also display hypoestrogenism or antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia (Canuso & Pandina, 2007). The present article highlights the difference in the display of characteristics of the condition by both the genders and its implications in day to day life.

Schizophrenia is considered to be a varied set of many distinct ailments, which remain inadequately distinct but associated with widespread clinical characteristics. Three chief symptoms observed in the case of schizophrenia are positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Delusion and hallucinations are categorized under positive symptoms of schizophrenia and these are not related to the normal mental makeup of the individual. On the other hand, negative symptoms correspond to discrepancies in normal activities comprising rounded influence, impecunious language, antisocial conduct, and reduced enthusiasm. Cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia involve deficient operational memory and cognitive management of actions that frequently confirm to be enormously disabling. Existing antipsychotic drugs are effective only for positive symptoms and are found to be ineffective against the negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. Research studies reveal that both men and women are affected at an equal proportion by schizophrenia, however, males are found to develop the symptoms prior to the females. Moreover, the onset of symptoms of schizophrenia is more prevalent in females prior to males if they set at later stages of life indicating the fact that the onset of symptoms in both of the genders is age-dependent (Brunton et al., 2010).

writing homework on Is Russia a Normal Country.

Need help with my writing homework on Is Russia a Normal Country. Write a 1500 word paper answering; Shleifer and Triesman (2005) as a disclaimer state that they are not the first to use the term ‘normal’ in reporting the current state of Russia’s progress since the fall of communism. However, they fail to consistently define what normal is. Rosefielde (2005) in his rebuttal to the Shleifer and Triesman perspective point out that the definition put forth by the authors fluctuates between two definitions used interchangeably depending upon the point they are trying to make. According to Rosefielde, these two definitions are:

As Rosefielde points out the second definition is uncontested. The mid level income status is statistically documented and the second portion implies that anything is possible. The controversy of opinions lies in the first definition and that will be the definition of normal which will be used in our examination.

The first area to examine then becomes the status of Russia’s free market economy. As Rosefielde succinctly points out this is done by evaluating several factors: “the characteristics of ownership, property rights, rule of contract law, price determination, market entry, profit maximising, utility maximising, efficient equilibration, and state regulation responsive to popular will” (2005, 4).

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic the analysis on the success of tesco.

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic the analysis on the success of tesco. The success of an organization as argued by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller (2005) is mainly through the deployment of the 7Ps of marketing. In this section, a critical analysis on the Price, product, Promotion and Place elements of the 7Ps is presented as these are identified as the critical elements in reaching the customer. Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettit (2003) argue that although the marketing mix can be explained using the 7Ps, the four critical elements that form the marketing mix are the four identified above. The authors further argue that the Marketing Mix plays a vital role in the overall marketing communication strategy of an organization, as it is the marketing mix that provides input to marketing communication.

The TESCO Finest and TESCO Value of the own brand range of products sold by the organization along with the leading brands in the retail industry is a classical example for the organization’s success in the target market through an extensive range of products as argued by Sandrine Mac and Scott A. Neslin (2004). The fact that TESCO Plc presents a wide range of choice in every category of its products is the major element fuelling its success in the UK and global retail market.

1.1.2: Price: The company pioneers in selling its products at competitive prices mainly lower than its supermarket competitors in the UK as well as in its global locations as argued by Isla Gower (2004) who says that ‘the low price strategy of the organization without compromising the quality of its products is the key to its success in the UK retail market as the market leader’. Furthermore, the increasing awareness among the customers that quality need not be compromised with low price (Oliver Hupp and Ken Powaga, 2004) is the driving force for the organization in its continuous low price strategy.

1.1.3: Promotion: Promotion as argued by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller (2005) is ‘the key for increasing the sales in the retail industry and retaining the customers in the target market’. The fact that TESCO Plc has established itself as a brand in the retail industry through pioneering in promotions like combination sales, the event focused the promotion of products and above all market focused promotion by its stores targeting the local markets is the major element for its growth in the UK retail market along with its pricing strategy.

1.1.4: Place: Place or the location for an organization in the retail sector is a critical element for its success as argued by Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettit (2003). This is naturally because of the need for local knowledge in the target market that serves for the promotion of its products and above all the choice of products presented in the shop floor (David Olson et al, 1982). The fact that the local knowledge is the key for increasing sales in the target demography as an organization can increase its sales only through the process of identifying the customer needs and understanding the behavior of its target demography justifies that place or the location is a key element for the success of a retailer.