research paper on benefits of family nights and strong bonding.

Need an research paper on benefits of family nights and strong bonding. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. For instance, at dinnertime, families encourage discussions between children and parents. Moreover, some families opt for a game night or where parents ask their children to participate in fun tasks. Over the past fifteen years, studies have confirmed that family nights have significant impacts on the physiological, mental, and spiritual nourishment of all members of the family. In addition, family members are connected to good behaviors of children such as self-confidence, reduced rate of substance abuse, depression, and teen pregnancy.&nbsp.

One of the major benefits of the family night is the time one spends on bonding. Family bonding time is the quality time members spend together. Many people call it a wise investment because when one spends time with his or her family, he or she learns something new about the other person that helps build a strong bond. No matter the mode of frequency that one chooses such as games or a night out, quality time is spent with the family. Children appreciate every moment of it. Family night is vital because it acts as a catalyst for parenting. In most cases, children always look forward to the time they can spend with their parents. A regular schedule of events helps in building strong relationships. This not only helps in bonding but also in learning children’s challenges and talents (Catch Box, 2015).

Family nights keep children out of danger. According to the statistics given in the graph below, a trusting family relationship results in children’s improved learning and less substance abuse. Teens with little time for bonding with their parents. for instance, two or fewer family dinners per week, are likely to involve in drug abuse such as tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol&nbsp.than those with frequent family dinners. Those who have regular family nights are less likely to try these substances in the future or engage in the bad company of friends.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Write a 16 pages paper on inclusive education in mainstream politics.

Write a 16 pages paper on inclusive education in mainstream politics. The definite advancement of the movement on inclusive education is evidenced through declarations, gatherings, statements and various actions taken by governments across the world in the last century. The issue of inclusive education is characterized by deep-rooted conflicts, dilemmas, and contradictions. “Inclusive education should be seen as an attempted resolution of a dilemma that is fundamental to mass education systems: the dilemma of commonality and difference. Put simply, such systems have to offer something recognizably common – an ‘education’ – to learners who are recognizably similar, while at the same time acknowledging that those same learners differ from each other in important ways and therefore have to be offered different ‘educations’ (Dyson & Millward, 2000). It is now universally accepted by think groups and policymakers that children with a disability or learning difficulty will ultimately be a part of the mainstream, hence their participation in the mainstream is earlier the better and an early start in mainstream schools is the best preparation for an integrated life. Some of the major milestones in opinion building on bringing inclusive education in the mainstream of policymaking activities include The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( UDHR, 1948 ), International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination ( ICEARD, 1965), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( ICCPR, 1966), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ( ICESC, 1966), Convention on the Rights of the Child ( CRC, 1989) and Salamanca Declaration, 1994. The Salamanca Declaration under the overall framework of UNESCO has been particularly noteworthy and it is worthwhile looking at some the key declarations which are given below: Every child has a fundamental right to education and must be given the opportunity to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of learning. Every child has unique characteristics, interests, abilities and learning needs, education systems should be designed and educational programs implemented to take into account the wide diversity of these characteristics and needs,&nbsp. Those with special education needs must have access to regular schools, which should accommodate them within a child-centered pedagogy capable of meeting these needs, Regular schools with this inclusive orientation are the most effective means of combating discriminatory attitudes, creating welcoming communities, building an inclusive society, and achieving education for all. moreover, they provide an effective education to the majority of children and improve the efficiency and ultimately the cost-effectiveness of the entire education system” The successive British establishments were seized with issues associated with the shift in economy from traditional to knowledge work, especially the Labour party when it regained power towards the end of the previous century. Peter Drucker said in 1980 that the center of gravity has sharply shifted from manual work to knowledge work in the world of work. The British leadership could see the need for a different focus in educational policy and its deployment.

prepare and submit a term paper on A Concept of Positive and Negative Social Identity.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on A Concept of Positive and Negative Social Identity. Your paper should be a minimum of 2250 words in length. As a comprehensive insight that thoroughly explicates upon the complexity of the human psyche, the implications of the social identity theory are valuable in exploring how intergroup affiliations that are rooted in various reasons can aid the development and communication of human beings as they react to being a part of a particular group. Thus, the social identity theory, in its very core can be viewed as a bridge between the individual and the wider society that certainly sheds light upon the complexities of human associations and relationships, whether these relationships are deemed as positive or negative. According to Ellemers, Spears and Doosje (2002), the construct of social identity is closely related to the self because the notions of social roles and social interactions are present within the realm of an individual’s perception and how he/she wishes to process a specific scenario or situation. Additionally, when the idea that the self is a pivotal force in the creation of one’s social identity is highlighted through the means of concurrent interindividual processes it is also important to establish the fact that the creation of the self is reliant upon group processes as well, such that the influence of one phenomenon cannot be isolated from the other in a given scenario. With regard to this observation, Ellemers, Spears and Doosje (2002) postulate that it is only fair to state that group processes and group affiliations indeed hold the capability to impact how an individual’s self is developed, shaped and nurtured throughout a given period of time.

The background of research that has been conducted on social identity theory and other associated models has led to the derivation of a concept of positive and negative social identity that can be necessarily defined as an outcome of ingroup relationships.&nbsp.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses the doctrine of precedent can be considered both a blessing and a curse.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses the doctrine of precedent can be considered both a blessing and a curse. At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the concept of common law began to emerge. An internal system of courts was set up, with each community sharing the same laws. Judges traveled to the communities and followed the same rules, therefore making the laws enforced throughout common to all.

To provide consistency between the communities, if a judge was making a decision about a case, and there was a case of the same nature that had been decided by a judge before it, they would be resolved in the same way, with the same ruling.

That meant that the first judge to make a ruling on a particular case had made a law that judges in following cases (which were of the same nature) were obliged to follow. This still applies within the Australian legal system today. Courts are bound (within prescribed limits) by prior decisions of superior courts within the same State or Federal hierarchy. This is collectively known as the ‘Doctrine of Precedent’.

Judicial law is a large part of the Doctrine of Precedent. It is named judicial law because it is a law made by judges, which is to be followed by judges in subsequent cases. Whether or not a case is binding, is determined by two things. whether the preceding decision comes from a judge that is in an equal or higher rank than the judge deciding the case (this given the Latin term stare decisis, which means ‘stand by decided’), and whether the relevant legal principles of the preceding case are the same or similar to the case in question.

When dealing with precedent, judges and lawyers have to be able to break previous judicial decisions into two parts. the relevant legal principles that are binding, and the rest that is not binding. The part that is binding is given the Latin term ratio decidendi, which means ‘reason for deciding’ and the part of a judges decision that is not binding is given the Latin term the obiter dicta, which means ‘incidental things said’ and only has an incidental bearing on the case.

The Doctrine of Precedent gives judges the power both to reuse past decisions and rephrase past decisions. As a consequence of these powers, new laws can be made.

An example of a judicial precedent is the case Donoghue v Stevenson (1932). (Tufal, 1996) In which a decomposing snail was found in the bottom of a ginger beer bottle. The House of Lords found that a manufacturer owes a duty of care to the consumer to provide products that are safe. This case set a huge precedent for common law that is still relevant today, and the context of the word ‘product’ has been used not only in food products but also in cases including motorcycles and underwear.

There have always been, and still, are many critics who do not believe that judges should have the power to make laws. There are many convincing arguments both for and against the use of the Doctrine of Precedent in Australia.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses the doctrine of precedent can be considered both a blessing and a curse.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses the doctrine of precedent can be considered both a blessing and a curse. At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the concept of common law began to emerge. An internal system of courts was set up, with each community sharing the same laws. Judges traveled to the communities and followed the same rules, therefore making the laws enforced throughout common to all.

To provide consistency between the communities, if a judge was making a decision about a case, and there was a case of the same nature that had been decided by a judge before it, they would be resolved in the same way, with the same ruling.

That meant that the first judge to make a ruling on a particular case had made a law that judges in following cases (which were of the same nature) were obliged to follow. This still applies within the Australian legal system today. Courts are bound (within prescribed limits) by prior decisions of superior courts within the same State or Federal hierarchy. This is collectively known as the ‘Doctrine of Precedent’.

Judicial law is a large part of the Doctrine of Precedent. It is named judicial law because it is a law made by judges, which is to be followed by judges in subsequent cases. Whether or not a case is binding, is determined by two things. whether the preceding decision comes from a judge that is in an equal or higher rank than the judge deciding the case (this given the Latin term stare decisis, which means ‘stand by decided’), and whether the relevant legal principles of the preceding case are the same or similar to the case in question.

When dealing with precedent, judges and lawyers have to be able to break previous judicial decisions into two parts. the relevant legal principles that are binding, and the rest that is not binding. The part that is binding is given the Latin term ratio decidendi, which means ‘reason for deciding’ and the part of a judges decision that is not binding is given the Latin term the obiter dicta, which means ‘incidental things said’ and only has an incidental bearing on the case.

The Doctrine of Precedent gives judges the power both to reuse past decisions and rephrase past decisions. As a consequence of these powers, new laws can be made.

An example of a judicial precedent is the case Donoghue v Stevenson (1932). (Tufal, 1996) In which a decomposing snail was found in the bottom of a ginger beer bottle. The House of Lords found that a manufacturer owes a duty of care to the consumer to provide products that are safe. This case set a huge precedent for common law that is still relevant today, and the context of the word ‘product’ has been used not only in food products but also in cases including motorcycles and underwear.

There have always been, and still, are many critics who do not believe that judges should have the power to make laws. There are many convincing arguments both for and against the use of the Doctrine of Precedent in Australia.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels. We all share one world therefore it is of no wonder that we find people who share the same grievances with us. They may have different memories of the painful past, yet we find security upon knowing that somebody shares the same heartache that we have been into, lest that somebody had found peace against all the odds. No one can escape grief in a blink of an eye.

The book supports the idea that healing a wounded heart requires enough time that its scar leaves a trace of that painful past “How many years pass before the difference between murder and death erodes Grief requires time. If a chip of stone radiates its self, its breath, so long, how stubborn might be the soul? If sound waves carry on to infinity, where are their screams now” It also took Jakob a sufficient time to be able for him to accept the realities that had happened to him and his family.

He had grieved over his sister’s loss that he finds himself even more miserable than he sees Bella in his wife’s personality – which he eventually thought that life with her is impossible. This situation concerns the lines “the responsibility of forgiveness on behalf of the dead. No act of violence has ever resolved The bond of memory and history when they share space and time. Every moment is two moments.” It is with his wife that every moment is two moments for it is with spending time with his wife that Jakob feels spending it with his sister as well. Therefore he had come into a realization that ” to remain with the dead is to abandon them” Jakob thus chooses to live at present, see the beauty and the pleasures that the present bring by leaving his past behind, which means leaving Alex to give honor to his sister’s memories and to look at forward to brand new memories he could keep in the future.

Living harmoniously at present does not mean burying the memories of the past. It is accepting it and living with it, turning the other side of the stone into a meaningful and memorable past gaining more wisdom and strength out of that painful past. Pain is a common emotion that one feels whenever he has lost someone, or have gone through a dreadful past. However, with grief, one finds the beauty of life itself. “Then Jakob said: ‘Perhaps the electron is neither particle nor wave but something else instead, much less simple – a dissonance – like grief, whose pain is love. We think of weather as transient, changeable, and above all, ephemeral. but everywhere nature remembers. Trees, for example, carry the memory of rainfall. In their rings, we read ancient weather-storms, sunlight, and temperatures, the growing seasons of centuries'” These lines are just examples that grief could bring to a person. It allows us to see every privilege that we have been granted. In pain, our eyes are opened up to a world with so much to look forward to.

“History is amoral: events occurred. But memory is moral.

write an article on Behaviour and Cognitive Therapies According to Psychotherapy.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Behaviour and Cognitive Therapies According to Psychotherapy. It needs to be at least 3500 words. The National Minimum Data Sets (NMDSs) for Mental Health Care is a set of mental healthcare-related data factors that have been agreed for collection each year by Australian State and Territory governments. A fundamental strength inherent in any NMDS is that all data element definitions have been agreed in detail by the Health Data Standards Committee and the Statistical Information Management Committee to make sure that they are consistent with national health data standards. This provides a mechanism by which the data set can attain high levels of internal consistency and comparability. Mental disorders are real and disabling conditions that are experienced yearly by one in five Australians. The prevalence of mental illness among racial and ethnic minorities is generally similar to that for whites but disparities exist in access to, availability of, and quality of mental health services. While they are very common and disabling, 80-90% of mental disorders are also treatable because research has enabled us to recognize, diagnose, and treat these conditions. However, of those with diagnosable mental disorders, fewer than half of adults and only one-third of children get help. Stigma interferes with access and treatment, as do financial barriers and cultural nuances of both patients and physicians. Generally, minority communities who are more likely to experience mental disorders than whites, have more stigmas regarding mental illness and are less likely to seek early treatment. Indeed, these communities more likely tend to be misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed, and undertreated.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses how unicief has changed the perception of children.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses how unicief has changed the perception of children. Children have been given particular attention in the world.&nbsp. This is due to the fact that for a long time now, society has been neglecting children and in some societies, the rights of children have been glossily ignored. The UN has made strides in protecting the rights of children and therefore it has created a separate body UNICEF which is given the mission of looking at the welfare of children.&nbsp.

It is in the sense that children are the inheritors of the world. A society that does not take care of its tomorrow is doomed to become extinct in the future. The main responsibility that any parent takes is to bring up a&nbsp.&nbsp. child who will inherit the world and leave it a better place than we have been able to build it. Therefore it is important to bring up children in a way that they feel a part of the world.&nbsp.

For a long time, children have been treated as less equal beings in society.&nbsp. They have been exposed to all forms of abuse regardless of the future that any community is molding. This has had an effect on the generation that inherits the society as it has come to adopt the same social life that it has been exposed to when still young. It has been shown that children who are exposed to abuses are likely to result in the same means when they grow up since they come to adopt it as the accepted way of life. (Your Rights, 2008)

Children have not only being abused in society but also in the family set up.&nbsp. Discrimination of children has been one of the forms of abuses that have been used against children. In this regard access to family, resources have been dictated by the cultural beliefs and the values that are attached to some sexes. In many societies, males have been given preference over females due to the values that are attached to them. In India history has it that millions of females are still killed when young as they are considered a burden to society. Wives all over the world have been divorced as they don’t bear their husband the preferred child.&nbsp. The fact that we have fails to recognize the rights of each and every child right from the family set up has been the main cause of the lack of observance of children rights in the society.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses has or can the west be a chance for islam.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses has or can the west be a chance for islam. They were naturally inspired by what they had known and experienced in their countries of origin”

The democratic society that reigns in America makes major concessions and overtures to all forms of religious practices including education. However, one must address the obvious differences in the social doctrines of Islam and America. Whereas, America has the continuity of a successful democracy, Islam is subject to changes made by approved ulama (scholars). These scholars are often from the Middle East therefore, making changes that suit and reflect foreign sentiments towards American society. These

factors have been a major contributor to the rise in terrorist affiliations amongst Western Muslims, as foreign Sheikhs and Mullahs have used aggression to permeate the social fabric of those who form the modern doctrine of Islamic jurisprudence and education in the Middle East. From there, this contaminated doctrine guides the societal pursuits of American Muslim groups. This catalysis effect has caused groups like Al Qaeda who represent the Wahabi sect of Islam which is made up of a minority of 10% of Muslims worldwide to have a dominant influence on what is taught in western madrassahs because of their significant influence in the Middle East that has been projected across over 60 nations abroad. These problems are greatly increased by the strategic alliance that seen Al Qaeda and their fellow Wahabi scholars join forces with Shia and Sunni scholars in the Middle East which represent the leadership of over 80% of Muslims worldwide. This reality brings serious questions to mind as to how to prevent terror from emanating from the Islamic curriculum of western Muslims who either brought this type of doctrine to America from overseas or seek guidance from those who are influenced by the same. Terror based Fatwahs have always benefited from these types of parameters that continue to control the ‘Islamic education’ in the west.

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The problems noted in the education section clearly present very serious concerns in regard to integration. What type of integration will take place (terrorist intent or democratic reciprocity) It would be extremely nave for one to suggest that a ‘Islamic education’ that is contaminated by those with terrorist intent will not make allowances for societal catalysis effects that are negative and potentially lethal in every sense of the word. It is imperative that western Muslims make significant strides in the way of achieving scholastic autonomy in order to protect their educational system, as this will prove to be a critical step in terror prevention in addition to setting a new precedent in regards to those who think that western Muslims are puppets of scholars in the Middle East.

prepare and submit a term paper on Harlem by Langston Hughes: Meditation or Threat.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Harlem by Langston Hughes: Meditation or Threat. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. The poet recognized the suffering and wasted potential, and the threat of violence in Harlem, as the peoples’ dreams were deferred. With the last line, he is issuing a warning that injustice and deprivation could result in that explosion.

Question 2. “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” Dylan Thomas: I have chosen this because it is full of a passion for life and refuses to accept that death is inevitable. The speaker wants to keep his father alive (it was written when Thomas’ father was dying), so it is his voice. His repetition of “Do not go gentle into that good night” and “Rage, rage against the dying of the light” at the end of alternate stanzas, is full of urgent, vibrant vitality. he is willing his father and all who are old, to remember the wonder of life and stay to accomplish more. He includes all kinds of men, “wise men”, “good men”, “wild men” and “grave men”, all qualities his father may have had.

I like the way opposites emphasize power and differences: “Light” and “dark”, “see” and “blind”, “gentle” and “rage” and the auditory and physical imagery in words like “forked” and “danced”, “sang” and “grieved” make the poem pulsate with movement and feeling. The themes of death and loss make the poet angry, and the images are like prizes offered to tempt his father to stay. He would accept anything from his father “Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears I pray” if only he would stay alive. Thomas rages against death as a waste of great potential for life in everyone.

Question 3. Poet v Speaker: The speaker in “Incident” is a little black boy, recalling a childhood memory, telling it from a child’s point of view, with simplicity. The poet was taken to live in Baltimore as a child, so his adult voice recalls the event in the present.

In “Those Winter Sundays” the speaker is a grown man, reminiscing on his childhood. He takes us back to memories of his father, expresses the emotions felt then and brings us to the present as an adult. Hayden lived in a situation where his father and mother fought and he was beaten, so he too is the speaker.

Theme: The theme of “Incident” is racism, stretching across the years from 1925 Baltimore to the time the poem was written. There is disillusionment and irony too, for at the end, although it is all he can remember, there is something there of having overcome the experience.

“Those Winter Sundays” is on the theme of family, and father/son relationships in particular. The speaker/poet looks back at how his father cared for his family, on his one day of rest and how this went unappreciated.

Tone: “Incident”, despite the simple childish rhyme, is ironic and the beginning and end of the poem add to this. It begins with “glee”, then the “Baltimorean” reacting with childish and adult prejudiced response, dispels that joy, and the ending that tells how this has had a lasting impact, “but hey, I am still here to tell the tale” almost, is the ironic twist in the stark racist reality.

Hayden’s tone is one of regret for failing to understand or appreciate his father’s love. He talked about “speaking indifferently to him”, but there are signs of danger too, “fearing the chronic waves of the anger of that house.” The regret is expressed in the final two lines, about “love’s austere and lonely offices.