Session with Career Services

Your final paper will be due during week 14/15.

This is not an assignment that is due this week. This is posted only for your review and to begin preparing for the final project. The instructions for your final paper will be as follows:

Part I

Answer the following questions:

  • Did you participate in the session with Career Services? If not, did you listen to the recording of the session?
  • Did you submit your resume to your Career Services Advisor for review?
  • Have you secured an internship for the Winter 2023 semester? If so, have you submitted the Internship Contract to the Career Services Office for approval.
  • Have you registered for the Winter 2023 semester?

Please provide answers to these questions as the first portion of your final paper.

Part II

Select one of the below noted topics and develop a two page paper on the topic including:

  • What is your selected topic?
  • Why is this topic an important consideration for the Human Service Internship?
  • How does this issue potentially effect students participating in a Human Service Internship?
  • Are there potential effects to the client population you may service during an internship? If yes, what are those effects? How can they be resolved or prepared for?
  • What preparation does a Human Service student need to make, prior to starting the internship to address this issue/problem/topic?


Topic A – Writing and Reporting within the Human Service field

Topic B – Developing Cultural Competence

Topic C – Vicarious Trauma and Self Care

This paper should be no longer than two (2) pages. Part II of the paper is about research so APA format is a must. APA format requires in – text citations, Reference Pages, and page headings with page numbers are required. 7th edition APA format information can be found on the Monroe College Library electronic site. Link to Monroe College Library guides Monroe College Library Guides

Describe the concept of mindfulness

Describe the concept of mindfulness.

How does this behavioral treatment differ from others in this school of therapy?

What are the strengths of the mindfulness-based treatments?

What are its weaknesses?

How does acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) use mindfulness principles?


Be specific with examples from the reading material to support your position.  Your response should be a minimum of two (2) pages submitted in an APA format. 

Bilateral hamstrings tightness affect posture

2. How might bilateral hamstrings tightness affect the posture and movement of the lumbar spine in the standing position? Discuss your response in detail.
3. Explain at least two common injuries in your given area of interest, using proper terminology as well as lay person terminology for the injury. For example if you are interested in the active population (IT Band Syndrome, bursitis, Piriformis Syndrome, muscle strains, etc.) or in the elderly population (hip pointer, osteoarthritis, fractures, cam/pinser lessions, etc.)

The origins of the company

This discussion is about the origins of the company, its key personnel, and employment opportunities.  Most of your material will come from independent internet-based research.

Answer this question in about two paragraphs: Biography of founder/founders of Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG)

Organization serving vulnerable children

As a member of the Executive Team for an organization serving vulnerable children, you have been tasked to prepare a report summarizing the development of a program to support these children. Your task as an experienced manager hoping to convince others to address the problem is to prepare an Issue. The brief should be between 4-6 pgs in length (not including bibliography); single spaced with one-inch margins using a 10–12-point sized font. It is to be presented in a format that clearly outlines content marked with headings for the following sections:

Topic: Dual Status Youth also known as Crossover Youth

Nature of the Problem: facts on the nature of this problem, (incidence, prevalence, special needs of this population)

Risk Factors: the individual, familial and community risks that have contributed to the problem,

Policy Implications: relevant policy initiatives or laws around the problem,

Case for Support: why it makes sense (and cents) for the community to support this population and fund programs to support the problem,

Collaborating Systems: other systems that may also be serving these children,

Protective Factors: the protective factors that may be lacking in the families of these children,

Program Models: at least three program models or evidence-based interventions to improve the outcomes for these specific children and families in the child welfare system,

Current Resources Available– resources already available to address the issue and support the population, and

Prevention: discuss ways that the problem could have been prevented from affecting children altogether.

Resources to get started:

Also, there are several resources attached including examples of a brief.

Case review of a client (Lisa)

Please see attachment for addtional information.

This assignment provides an opportunity for students to complete a thorough case review of a client (Lisa). Students will assess Lisa’s case through a case study that provides several vignette’s regarding Lisa’s experience child welfare and substance usage. This case study illustrates the journey made by Lisa, a parent involved in the child welfare and addiction treatment systems. Students will follow Lisa through treatment program interviews and subsequent treatment, having to meet deadlines, and her recovery process with typical challenges and a relapse.

Lisa’s story illustrates clinical issues, observations and decisions made by child welfare and addiction professionals, confidentiality processes and procedures, and decision points related to her children and competing requirements.

After reading Lisa’s Case Study (attached), please adhere to the following guidelines:

For this assignment, students will be expected to answer a series of questions that correspond to each stage of Lisa’s progress through the substance abuse child welfare system. These questions can be found at the bottom of every page of the case study.

Please be sure that your answer for each section is supported with peer-reviewed resources or course literature. Also, please remember to integrate course material throughout your answers.

There must be a theoretical support section in which students must compare and contrast TWO theories and provide a through explanation and rationale for why one of the theories works best to support their work with the client. Please remember that you should specify the concepts and propositions from each theory that support, explain, and assist in your work with the client. Theories include: Respondent Learning theory, Operant Learning theory, Cognitive-Behavioral theory, Attachment theory, Psychosocial theory, Person-Centered theory, Genetic theory, Ecosystems theory, Small Group theory, Family Systems theory, Organizational theory, Racial Identity Theory, Ego Psychology, Trauma Informed Theories.

Please remember to integrate at least SIX peer-reviewed resources (outside of course material) to support your answers. Relevant course readings: Whitelaw-Downs, S. Moore, E. & McFadden, E (2009). Child Welfare Services and Family Services: Policies and Practice (8th ed) Boston, MA, Allyn and Bacon.; Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2015). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice. John Wiley & Sons.; and Boyd-Webb, N. (2011) Social Work Practice with Children. Guilford Press, NY.

Differentiate static and dynamic risk

Factors that Influence Addiction Assignment

  • Differentiate static and dynamic risk and protective factors of addiction.
  • Explain how physiological and psychological factors influence the initiation, maintenance, abstinence, and recovery from chemical and behavioral addictions.

Have you ever wondered what makes one person become addicted to a substance while others, who use the same substance, do not? Every person has risk and protective factors that influence their thoughts, feelings, behavior, and physiology. These factors interact with genetics, internal traits, and social and environmental influences (Social Determinants of HealthLinks to an external site.) to make it more or less likely that someone will become addicted.


Respond to each of the following prompts. Responses to each prompt must be substantive (about 2 pages single-spaced). Be sure to clearly number your responses. Your paper does not need to be in APA format but your references should be included in APA format. Please use both in-text citations and a reference list at the end. This article by Stone, Becker, Huber, & Catalano (2012) may help you get started.

  1. Explain how useful (or not) static factors and dynamic factors can be from a treatment
  2. You are a school counselor or nurse. Research ways you could implement strategies, programs, or interventions at your school that would promote dynamic protectivefactors for your students. Describe: 1) the protective factor you will target, 2) the intervention and how you would implement it, 3) and what outcome you expect. You must cite at least one academic reference using APA formatLinks to an external site..
  3. You are an addiction counselor in a probation office. Research ways you could implement strategies or interventions for your caseload that could help mitigate dynamic riskfactors for substance use among your probationers. Describe: 1) the risk factor you will target, 2) the intervention and how you would implement it, 3) and what outcome you expect. You must cite at least one academic reference using APA formatLinks to an external site..


This assignment must be your own original work. Please do not copy and paste sentences or paragraphs from any resource, even if you include a citation, it is considered plagiarism to not write in your own words. Submissions are reviewed by UniCheck plagiarism checker. Your similarity index must be below 20%. If plagiarism is detected you may be dismissed from the class. You don’t want to take that risk.


Forecasting with econometric models

I think there is a belief that the only way to do forecasting is with some econometric
models or mathematical models—I would say that is not the case. Admittedly you need
data to make some projections about the future (exactly whether we are addressing the
near-term or long-term future is not always clear). Anticipating, projecting, forecasting are
part of policy-making. If we anticipate (based on available data) a big surge in senior
citizens as an age cohort as a percentage of the overall population, then we need to
address issues of caring for them before that day arrives. If we can document population
trends moving to a certain area or state, that previously was not well populated, then
addressing population-related problems before they hit is simply good policy foresight.
Notice, that this type of thinking is not requiring an econometric model or a mathematical
model—but it does require being able to look at data and use it in ways that can help with
reasonable forecasting. This first assignment addresses readings that raise issues associated
with forecasting—an introduction to the issue.
Based on these readings how do you look at forecasting.
1)  should be double-spaced and a minimum of five pages
2) I do want you to discuss specifics from the readings. Notice that you can begin to look
at different aspects of forecasting, such as using demographics

Use of Z-Test in Psychological Research

Directions for Z-Test DRAFT & FINAL Z-Test Writing Assignments Version 3


  1. You will turn in two versions of this paper:  the DRAFT version and FINAL version.
  2. You will turn in an electronic version of the DRAFT and FINAL version of your paper.
  3. Both the FINAL and DRAFT versions of the paper are worth 50 points, for a total of 100 points, or 10% of your grade.
  1. I will make edits to the draft version of your paper and return those edits to you in a timely manner.
  2. You will incorporate my written feedback into the final version of your paper.
  1. A LATE draft or final paper will result in an automatic 25-point deduction.
  2. Use the sub-headings and title that are given in the template below for your writing.  Do not alter the format or the text of the titles or sub-headings.  Do not remove the bolding from the headings.
  1. The purpose of this assignment is to get experience writing on a statistical topic, write according to an outline, and to describe the use of the Z-Test in psychological research.
  2. Consider your writing assignment as a take-home test. Do not work with any other student on the paper.
  3. Use double-spacing between lines (not 1.5-line spaces or fewer).
  1. Use 1-inch margins all around.
  2. Use 12-pt. font: Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma.  Do not use Times Roman—it is too hard to read.
  3. The DRAFT paper should be no shorter than 1,250 words.  The FINAL paper should be no shorter than 1,250 words.   Check the number of words in your writing.  Longer is not necessarily better.  Papers which are too long or too short will be downgraded.  Please see the rubric available for this assignment.
  4. Don’t quote and don’t copy (plagiarize) any material from any outside source.  You must write using your own words.  Quotes are extremely rare in psychological writing—DO NOT use QUOTES.
  5. Always save a copy of document for yourself as an attachment to an email (or somewhere).
  6. Do NOT use a right justified margin.  A right justified margin is one in which all the letters align on the right side.  Use a ragged right margin—in which the words do not align on the right side.  Here is more information about ragged right margin:

  1. Include your name and class section (i.e. Section 20, 40, or 50).


Ask yourself whether you have:

  1. Corrected the grammar, spelling, punctuation
  2. Improved wording and deleted unnecessary words
  3. Do the sentences flow from one to the next?  Do not just answer questions.
  4. Reword to delete any quoted material
  5. Are all paragraphs indented?
  6. Is the material factually correct?
  7. Did you read through the paper to catch errors and improve readability?
  8. Does the paper sound as though it was written quickly and unfinished?


Here is the rubric, or scoring rules, for both your DRAFT and FINAL paper.  Each paper is worth 50 points for a total of 100 points across both papers.


Paper Rubric for DRAFT and FINAL Version

Accuracy & Content
Computations Correct
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Description of concepts easy to understand
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Covers all content requested
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Defines statistical terms, includes formula(s)
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Demonstrates mastery of material
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Writing Ability
No quoting or plagiarizing
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Reread paper to correct easy to find mistakes
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Generally well-written and easy to understand
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Grammatically correct, such as the use of comma (,) semi-colon (;) and colon (:)
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Spelling, correct word use, use whole sentences and not phrases (sentence includes a subject and a verb)
4 pts

Above Average

3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pt

Not Acceptable

4 pts
Use the headings, bolding provided and correct type of font, double-spaced, font size
2.5 pts

Above Average

1.5 pts Average0.5 pts

Below Average

2.5 pts
Paper is not too long, not too short
2.5 pts

Above Average

1.5 pts Average0.5 pts

Below Average

2.5 pts
Overall paper looks neat and orderly
2.5 pts

Above Average

1.5 pts Average0.5 pts

Below Average

2.5 pts
Margins justified correctly
2.5 pts

Above Average

1.5 pts Average0.5 pts

Below Average

2.5 pts
Total Points: 50 for the DRAFT paper


Total Points: 50 for the HARD COPY FINAL paper


A LATE draft or final paper will result in an automatic 25-point deduction.




Note:  Use the template on the next page as the format for your writing.  Delete all the text above this point.  Delete all the instructions from the template. 



The Use of the Z-Test in Psychological Research

Your Full Name, Section XX


            –DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS–In this section, give an overview of what you will talk about below.  [Hint: write the paper and then go back and summarize what you told us in 4-5 sentences using different words.  Make it interesting for the reader.]

What is the Z-Test?

            –DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS–When is the Z-Test used?  What descriptive statistics are being compared in the Z-Test?  What are the two Z-Test formulas?  Define each of the statistical terms used in the Z-Test formulas.  What important statistical distribution is the observed Z-Test compared to—i.e., what is the name of that distribution?  What does “the Z-Test is significant” mean—is that a good thing or a bad thing? If the result is significant, what can be said about the difference between the means?  What is the probability value (i.e., the numbered value) that is associated with the small probability cut off?  Out of 100 chances how many chances is the small probability cut off (for example 10 chances out of 100 is a probability of .10)?  When you calculate the Z-Test is the result expressed as a Z-Score?

Application of the Z-Test

–DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FROM HERE–Below are four research studies in which a Z-Test is used to analyze the data.  Except for screenshots, you will use full sentences to describe the results.

Here are the sections you will use for each problem.

  1. Research Question and Independent and Dependent Variables

State the research question.  Indicate what the independent variable is and what the dependent variable is.

  1. Assign Numbers to the Correct Statistical Terms (Mu, Sigma, SD, n, and X-Bar)

Assign each number to the correct statistical terms.  You will use these statistical terms:  Mu, Sigma, SD, n, and X-Bar.   Remember to use full sentences.

  1. Screenshot or Drawing of Formula Used and Numbers Assigned to the Formula

Write the formula for the Z-Test that you are using.  This can be done by drawing within your document or a screenshot of another document.

Remember, there are two versions of the Z-Test formula.  You use the one that is applicable to your specific problem.

You will use graphics (such as a screen capture) to write the formula you used and the numbers in the formula.  For each problem, your screenshot or drawing will include the formula that contains the numbers from the problem.  For example, this is showing the work for the problem used in class about stress and college athletes:




  1. Observed Value of the Test Statistic

Specifically state the value of the observed value of the test statistic in a sentence.  Only one sentence is needed.

  1. Small or Not Small Probability and Why

Find the observed probability for your observed value. State what the observed probability is and whether it is small or not small.  Why is the probability small or not small?

  1. Significant or Not Significant and Why

Determine whether the result is significant or not significant.  Why do you conclude that?

  1. Conclusion

Tell what the result of the study is in terms of the effect of the independent on the dependent variable.  Explain why you come to that conclusion.  –DELETE TO HERE —

Problem 1:   SAT Prep Program

A sample of 25 high school students complete a preparation program for taking the SAT test.  Here are the SAT scores from the 25 students who completed the SAT prep program:

434 694 457 534 720 400 484 478 610 641 425 636 454

514 563 370 499 640 501 625 612 471 598 509 531

The population average for SAT scores is 500 with a standard deviation of 100.  Did the students who took the SAT-prep course get a significantly higher SAT score than the general population to SAT test takers?

  1. Research Question and Independent and Dependent Variables
  2. Assign Numbers to the Correct Statistical Terms (Mu, Sigma, SD, n, and X-Bar)
  3. Screenshot or Drawing of Formula Used and Numbers Assigned to the Formula
  4. Observed Value of the Test Statistic
  5. Small or Not Small Probability and Why
  6. Significant or Not Significant and Why


  1. Conclusion and Why


Problem 2:   Parking Space Wars

A CSUSM student wondered about the differences in time to find a parking spot across the universities in San Diego.  The average time to find a parking space at all San Diego universities is 30 minutes.  A sample of 16 CSUSM students took an average of 25 minutes to find a parking spot at CSUSM with a standard deviation of 8.

  1. Research Question and Independent and Dependent Variables
  2. Assign Numbers to the Correct Statistical Terms (Mu, Sigma, SD, n, and X-Bar)
  3. Screenshot or Drawing of Formula Used and Numbers Assigned to the Formula
  4. Observed Value of the Test Statistic
  5. Small or Not Small Probability and Why
  6. Significant or Not Significant and Why


  1. Conclusion


Problem 3:  Covid Symptoms Predictor

A researcher wanted to compare the effectiveness of a new CT imagery technique for diagnosing Covid to standard laboratory method.  The population of standard Covid laboratory method yielded an average accuracy score of 80% with a standard deviation of 10.  In a sample of 16 patients using a new CT imagery technique, the average accuracy score was 84%.

  1. Research Question and Independent and Dependent Variables
  2. Assign Numbers to the Correct Statistical Terms (Mu, Sigma, SD, n, and X-Bar)
  3. Screenshot or Drawing of Formula Used and Numbers Assigned to the Formula
  4. Observed Value of the Test Statistic
  5. Small or Not Small Probability and Why
  6. Significant or Not Significant and Why


  1. Conclusion


Problem 4:  Dating App Comparison

The developers of a new dating app for college students wondered how it fared against the most popular app in the U.S.  Research indicates that Tinder is the most popular dating app among college students with an average favorability rating of 85%.  A new dating app called Binge was product-tested at CSUSM.  Twenty-five students participated in the product testing and their average rating of Binge was 81.5% with a standard deviation of 10.

  1. Research Question and Independent and Dependent Variables
  2. Assign Numbers to the Correct Statistical Terms (Mu, Sigma, SD, n, and X-Bar)
  3. Screenshot or Drawing of Formula Used and Numbers Assigned to the Formula
  4. Observed Value of the Test Statistic
  5. Small or Not Small Probability and Why
  6. Significant or Not Significant and Why


  1. Conclusion



–DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS–Briefly restate what you have stated based on all of the paper written above but use different words.  What did you learn from this assignment or what could someone learn from reading your paper?

Ethical perspective on PPI’s approach to safety

As a company, would you describe PPI as having an identifiable philosophy of moral values?  How do its policies contribute to this philosophy?

2.     Which ethical perspective best describes PPI’s approach to safety issues?  Would you say PPI takes a utilitarian, duty, or virtue-based approach?

3.     Regarding safety issues, how does management see its responsibilities toward its employees?  How do the attorneys see their responsibilities toward PI?

4.     Why does it appear that the ethics of PPI and its attorneys are in conflict?

Use a minimum of two outside sources. Be sure to include APA style citations and an APA style reference list