1. A Case Study in Negotiation

PAPER #3: Negotiation
A Case Study in Negotiation. Using the text, Getting to Yes, you will analyze a negotiation you
have personally experienced in the last 12-18 months. A Case Study asks and answers a key
question connected to your topic with supportive evidence, observations and finally
recommendations. A well-written case is something someone else can look at and use an
example to support their position on a given topic. It is informative, creative, tells a story and
invites the reader to consider the evidence presented to shift a perspective or enlarge one’s
learning. Follow these steps:
Step 1: TITLE: Create an engaging title for this Case Study.
Step 2: KEY QUESTION/ CHALLENGE TO OVERCOME: You will create a key question that
this case study will attempt to answer. It may be a negotiation challenge to overcome, a
specific aspect of this negotiation that needs further analysis. It may connect to the
complexity of negotiation or how the keys to principled negotiation are the solution to
becoming more successful at negotiation. Whatever your question is (and it can be 1-3
sentences), make sure that it gets answered by the end of your case study. Here are
some examples to get your thinking activated but feel free to create your own.
• What barriers does a 20-year old face when negotiating with an elder and how
can they overcome them?
• How does one’s culture affect the negotiation process of buying a car?
• In what ways do women and men negotiate differently?
• How do I safely express my emotions in a negotiation with my parents?
Step 3: INTRODUCTION and BACKGROUND: Briefly explain the details of this
negotiation (who was involved, when, what the negotiation was about, what exactly
was said or done in the negotiation). Provide important details that will help the reader
fully understand the nature of the events surrounding the negotiation.
STEP 4: ANALYZE & PROVIDE SOULTIONS: Analyze the negotiation using the framework
of the 4 keys of principled negotiation (as outlined in the textbook), discuss the
following questions in your paper:
o how could you separate people from the problem?
o what are the keys interests v. positions for each party in this negotiation?
o what options for mutual gain are available?
o are there any objective criteria that could be used in this negotiation?
o what might a win-win-solution look like for all parties involved in this

Step 5: CONCLUSION: Make sure your conclusion summarizes and answers the key
question/ challenge to overcome that you posed at the beginning of this case study.
Also include the key 1-2 things might you would recommend the reader do in future
negotiations to achieve a win-win successful outcome.

Using the text, Have a Nice Conflict

DETAILS: Each assignment will reflect an actual conflict, accountability conversation and
negotiation that each student has personally experienced in their own life, preferably in the
last 12-18 months. If you are having a challenge with this, please talk to the professor well in
advance of the deadlines to discuss your options.
Plagiarism, ghost-writing and sloppy APA adherence are simply unacceptable for a 4th year
University course. If you are struggling with your assignments or do not understand the
requirements, it is your responsibility to get clarity and assistance before the assignment is due.
LENGTH: Students will complete three (3) 7-9 page analysis and reflection assignments based
on each of the three frameworks studied throughout the course and applied to three personal
conflicts you have experienced in the last 12 -18 months.
FORMAT: Use APA 7th edition style including 12pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1-
inch margins, page numbers. APA formatted sub-headings in a paper are an excellent way to
organize your ideas and let the reader know where your ideas are moving next (HINT!) Be sure
to structure your paper as follows: a title page (1 page), reference page (1 page) and 5-7 pages
of quality analysis and reflection = 7-9 page paper.
CITATIONS & REFERENCES: Each assignment will have 6-8 in-text citations using at least three
(3) different academic sources:
• a minimum of 3 from the original textbook, and
• a minimum of 3 from other course material or approved academic resources.
• Non-academic sources may be used to support your work, however blogs, social media
outlets, Wikipedia, Buzzfeed, Dictionaries, etc. are NOT acceptable sources for these
6-8 references (so you can use other quotes, blogs, etc. but they do not count towards
this requirement).
PAPER #1: Conflict
Using the text, Have a Nice Conflict, analyze a personal conflict you have experienced in the
last 12-18 months. Follow these steps:
Step 1: EXPLAIN: Briefly EXPLAIN the conflict (who was involved, when, what the issue
was, what exactly was said or done to create the conflict.)
Step 2: ANALYZE & EVALUATE: ANALYZE & EVALUATE the conflict using the core
principles of anticipate, prevent, identify, manage and resolve (as outlined in the
textbook). Include the following as you reflect, analyze and evaluate the conflict:
• SDI & Motivational Values
o Discuss your MVS, how does your unique colour show up in this conflict?
Where do your strengths or weaknesses show up in the conflict?
o What about the other person/party – what might their motivational value
system be? Please give an example.
o What do you think were the intentions or motivations of the other
person/party? What were your primary motivations or intentions in this
conflict? Provide an example to illustrate.
• Was the conflict resolved?
o If YES à explain the resolution and evaluate the result.
o If NOà discuss what you could do to resolve it or even if it can be resolved.
§ Provide examples to support your ideas.
Step 3: RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on what you have learned in the book, online
lectures, activities and your own SDI assessments, answer the following in your
1. What 1-2 key things did you learn about yourself as you look back at this
2. What 1-2 key things might you did differently in future conflicts?
PAPER #2: Accountability
Using the text, Crucial Accountability, you will be making some key discoveries about areas
that you both succeed and struggle with in keeping yourself and others accountable. Follow
these steps:
Step 1: READ THE TEXT & TAKE THE ASSESSMENT: After reading the textbook, take the
Self-Assessment Survey (Appendix A, pp. 247-251) and review your results. The survey is
divided in the seven chapters of the book that cover the crucial accountability skills (five
questions each). You will need to read each chapter in order to understand your results
and the process of holding healthy accountability conversations. You will be handing in
your completed Self-Assessment Survey worksheet in a separate Moodle dropbox for
the professor to review before you complete your paper AND you will be attaching the
same document to this paper as Appendix A: Self-Assessment Survey
Step 2: ANALYZE & EVALUATE: Choose TWO (2) of the SEVEN (7) areas where you
scored the most “YES” answers and observe, analyze and reflect on those specific areas.
Consider answering the following in your submission:
o Summarize the key points the authors make in the textbook in these two
specific chapters. Share examples and citations to support your statements.
o What does this score mean to you about your ability to hold yourself or
others accountable? Discuss.
o Does it accurately reflect some areas of weakness in your accountability?
Discuss and explain your answer with examples from your life.
o Consider how your MVS shows up in the area of accountability. Include any
insights you may have about SDI results and your Crucial Accountability
Survey results.
o For each of these 2 accountability areas you wrote about, make 2
recommendations how you can improve your accountability to yourself and
others as you navigate bad behavior and broken promises in your
work/home/school/ life relationships. For example, if you are evaluating,
“Describing the Gap”, what two recommendations can you make for yourself
in this specific area to improve your ability to describe the gap when holding
an accountability conversation. Do this for both of the sections you are

Step 3: RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on what you have learned from the textbook,
online lectures and activities answer this question à Why do you think accountability is
an important leadership skill – personally and organizationally? Provide support,
citations and an example or two to support your thinking from all course material to
date and other outside sources as applicable.
PLEASE NOTE: You will be handing in your completed Self-Assessment Survey worksheet in a
separate Moodle Dropbox for the professor to review before you complete your paper
AND ALSO you will be attaching THE SAME COMPLETED DOCUMENT to this p

The daily simple returns of a stock

A. Suppose that the daily simple returns of a stock in one week were -0.4%, 0.8%, 1.3%, -1.5%, and 0.9%. What are the corresponding daily log returns? What is the weekly simple return of the stock?

B.  Please list out three types of Moments of a Random Variable and briefly explain why they are important for financial data.

C. The data file assignment_1.txt contains stock returns for “ge” (general electric), “vw” (value-weighted market returns), “ew” (equal-weighted market returns), and “sp” (Standard Poor composite index). The time span of the data ranges from Jan 1940 to Sept 2011. Please do following work within R/RStudio environment. 

(a) Compute the sample mean, standard deviation, skewness, excess kurtosis, minimum, and maximum of each simple return series.



(b) Transform the simple returns to log returns and redo part (a).

(c) Test the null hypothesis that the mean of the log returns of “ge” stock is zero. Use 5% significance level to draw your conclusion.

date           ge            vw            ew            sp
19400131      -0.061920     -0.024020     -0.019978     -0.035228
19400229      -0.009901      0.013664      0.029733      0.006639
19400330       0.049333      0.018939      0.026168      0.009893
19400430      -0.041667      0.001196      0.013115     -0.004898
19400531      -0.197324     -0.220314     -0.269754     -0.239541
19400629       0.061667      0.066664      0.066550      0.076591
19400731       0.067460      0.032230      0.036805      0.031062
19400831       0.011152      0.023962      0.023221      0.026239
19400930       0.043382      0.023028      0.037207      0.009470
19401031       0.007117      0.029705      0.049218      0.039400
19401130      -0.048057     -0.016348     -0.001669     -0.042419
19401231       0.007605      0.006811     -0.018789     -0.002828
19410131      -0.003774     -0.040505     -0.007317     -0.048204
19410228      -0.003788     -0.014839     -0.019409     -0.014896
19410331      -0.008365      0.009599      0.014308      0.004032
19410430      -0.104651     -0.053065     -0.057382     -0.065261
19410531      -0.012987      0.013858      0.010105      0.004296
19410630       0.143860      0.058683      0.066908      0.053476
19410731      -0.015504      0.059519      0.130139      0.054822
19410830       0.031496     -0.000463     -0.007180     -0.008662
19410930      -0.016031     -0.007494     -0.020448     -0.009709
19411031      -0.133333     -0.051786     -0.062030     -0.068627
19411129      -0.032579     -0.019367     -0.034209     -0.042105
19411231       0.022749     -0.046728     -0.081886     -0.045055
19420131       0.018779      0.007158      0.130814      0.013809
19420228      -0.041475     -0.024149     -0.017579     -0.024972
19420331      -0.077885     -0.065655     -0.052240     -0.067520
19420430      -0.026455     -0.043145     -0.046260     -0.043695
19420529       0.086957      0.061047      0.028879      0.063969
19420630       0.049000      0.025482      0.025086      0.018405
19420731       0.014493      0.034877      0.046405      0.031325
19420831       0.009524      0.018656      0.028304      0.007009
19420930       0.050943      0.026300      0.047557      0.026682
19421031       0.068182      0.067688      0.101294      0.064407
19421130      -0.004255      0.002500     -0.013177     -0.013800
19421231       0.054701      0.050416      0.035554      0.051668
19430130       0.114754      0.073303      0.168551      0.071648
19430227       0.047794      0.059920      0.130930      0.050621
19430331       0.055439      0.062077      0.112136      0.052727
19430430      -0.023490      0.006903      0.035466      0.000864
19430529       0.044674      0.057158      0.084513      0.044866
19430630       0.055263      0.016911      0.010979      0.019818
19430731      -0.081761     -0.046205     -0.064335     -0.054251
19430831       0.013699      0.012986      0.003373      0.010274
19430930       0.056757      0.024527      0.034867      0.023729
19431030      -0.058065     -0.012218     -0.003943     -0.013245
19431130      -0.047945     -0.058529     -0.088584     -0.075503
19431231       0.071223      0.063623      0.098730      0.058984
19440131      -0.010169      0.018072      0.045949      0.015424
19440229      -0.041096      0.003686      0.013018     -0.002532
19440331       0.035000      0.024417      0.041526      0.016920
19440429      -0.003484     -0.016341     -0.029289     -0.012479
19440531       0.010490      0.050955      0.066135      0.040438
19440630       0.061592      0.056171      0.104935      0.051012
19440731      -0.016447     -0.015151     -0.012724     -0.020801
19440831       0.016722      0.015927      0.030082      0.008655
19440930      -0.010526      0.000191      0.000252     -0.003120
19441031       0.036913      0.002504      0.000953       .      
19441130       0.016181      0.016456      0.023183      0.003912
19441230       0.015287      0.041224      0.069303      0.035074
19450131      -0.018987      0.019194      0.043353      0.014307
19450228       0.096774      0.064282      0.086339      0.061618
19450331      -0.043529     -0.038728     -0.056802     -0.046154
19450430       0.086957      0.077474      0.088844      0.087977
19450531       0.011429      0.018630      0.030017      0.011456
19450630      -0.027684      0.003422      0.036565     -0.003331
19450731       0.020528     -0.022095     -0.035068     -0.020053
19450831       0.086207      0.061123      0.065928      0.057981
19450929       0.032275      0.048051      0.062646      0.041908
19451031      -0.023256      0.039018      0.064522      0.030322
19451130      -0.018519      0.054546      0.097574      0.032432
19451231       0.038275      0.011763      0.024073      0.009889
19460131       0.057592      0.063309      0.094677      0.069700
19460228      -0.051980     -0.057852     -0.066906     -0.069467
19460330      -0.009922      0.058716      0.057922      0.046296
19460430      -0.023936      0.042899      0.052109      0.037611
19460531       0.087193      0.039864      0.054749      0.022388
19460628      -0.039599     -0.039140     -0.048887     -0.039103
19460731      -0.015789     -0.025465     -0.040842     -0.025502
19460830      -0.080214     -0.063922     -0.075327     -0.072940
19460930      -0.077907     -0.100202     -0.135552     -0.101502
19461031      -0.057325     -0.014164     -0.011814     -0.008021
19461130      -0.054054      0.001200     -0.002634     -0.011456
19461231       0.036429      0.050925      0.046908      0.042945
19470131       0.090592      0.015128      0.030197      0.023529
19470228      -0.038339     -0.011577     -0.007105     -0.014687
19470331      -0.045847     -0.017058     -0.030425     -0.016850
19470430      -0.021127     -0.047868     -0.081680     -0.038893
19470529      -0.010791     -0.009997     -0.037321     -0.008916
19470630       0.044364      0.053652      0.057096      0.052595
19470731       0.073944      0.041240      0.061670      0.036160
19470829      -0.036066     -0.017509     -0.017166     -0.027919
19470930       0.004082     -0.004419      0.005783     -0.013708
19471031       0.000000      0.024614      0.033156      0.021178
19471129      -0.041096     -0.018306     -0.029305     -0.028516
19471231       0.032857      0.030189      0.023863      0.020680
19480131      -0.038462     -0.037266     -0.016276     -0.039869
19480228      -0.050909     -0.043439     -0.059451     -0.046971
19480331       0.115709      0.082763      0.095843      0.077143
19480430      -0.031250      0.037775      0.040151      0.026525
19480528       0.204301      0.074581      0.087630      0.078165
19480630      -0.011310     -0.000177     -0.012534      0.002996
19480730      -0.069909     -0.050421     -0.053733     -0.053166
19480831       0.032680      0.003854     -0.001818      0.007571
19480930       0.000000     -0.029544     -0.042785     -0.030056
19481030       0.083333      0.060056      0.053201      0.067786
19481130      -0.118343     -0.090626     -0.106320     -0.108223
19481231       0.057047      0.032202      0.013703      0.030508
19490131      -0.016077      0.003043      0.017749      0.001316
19490228      -0.058824     -0.029464     -0.041302     -0.039422
19490331       0.065972      0.041521      0.059309      0.030096
19490430      -0.023102     -0.017866     -0.031490     -0.021248
19490531      -0.050676     -0.027440     -0.043168     -0.037313
19490630       0.003559      0.003093     -0.007713     -0.002114
19490729       0.068345      0.055845      0.062022      0.062147
19490831       0.003367      0.026592      0.026020      0.011968
19490930       0.010067      0.031831      0.043249      0.023653
19491031       0.006734      0.031224      0.039025      0.029525
19491130       0.070234      0.018842      0.009400      0.001247
19491231       0.078125      0.052102      0.070120      0.043587
19500131       0.047478      0.017283      0.040293      0.017303
19500228       0.048159      0.014635      0.016102      0.009971
19500331       0.012973      0.012198     -0.001770      0.004065
19500429       0.045946      0.040257      0.047443      0.045113
19500531       0.018088      0.043689      0.033185      0.039292
19500630      -0.066497     -0.057935     -0.075737     -0.058040
19500731       0.013774      0.016118      0.050635      0.008479
19500831       0.038043      0.050699      0.051892      0.032511
19500929       0.007330      0.048804      0.055013      0.055917
19501031       0.023684     -0.001109     -0.005504      0.004113
19501130       0.000000      0.028518      0.031622     -0.001024
19501230       0.057218      0.057703      0.084545      0.046130
19510131       0.095477      0.058239      0.076248      0.061244
19510228       0.025229      0.014434      0.011586      0.006464
19510331      -0.008949     -0.020949     -0.033890     -0.018349
19510430       0.016018      0.049613      0.040814      0.048131
19510531      -0.033784     -0.022624     -0.024919     -0.040571
19510629      -0.002331     -0.025324     -0.044929     -0.026022
19510731       0.059242      0.071166      0.063332      0.068702
19510831       0.067114      0.045082      0.047438      0.039286
19510928       0.041929      0.009177      0.023631     -0.000859
19511031      -0.083503     -0.022397     -0.023609     -0.013758
19511130      -0.004444      0.005923      0.007185     -0.002616
19511231       0.075893      0.034898      0.015248      0.038899
19520131      -0.021008      0.016906      0.017491      0.015566
19520229      -0.053648     -0.024983     -0.020650     -0.036454
19520331       0.088435      0.045586      0.028864      0.047721
19520430      -0.037975     -0.048900     -0.044936     -0.043086
19520529       0.046053      0.032874      0.024515      0.023156
19520630       0.067086      0.039283      0.030728      0.046102
19520731       0.001988      0.011482      0.010652      0.017628
19520829       0.001984     -0.006584      0.000056     -0.014567
19520930       0.013861     -0.018991     -0.015160     -0.019577
19521031      -0.015810     -0.005456     -0.011717     -0.000815
19521128       0.128514      0.058795      0.055644      0.046493
19521231       0.046263      0.031210      0.022641      0.035464
19530130      -0.051546     -0.001342      0.024706     -0.007151
19530227       0.000000     -0.001711      0.012031     -0.018196
19530331       0.003623     -0.013417     -0.010486     -0.023552
19530430       0.027372     -0.027474     -0.024027     -0.026493
19530529       0.024867      0.007141      0.005896     -0.003249
19530630      -0.005199     -0.016655     -0.031671     -0.016300
19530731       0.031690      0.025329      0.017571      0.025269
19530831      -0.034130     -0.044092     -0.051874     -0.057778
19530930       0.045936      0.003053     -0.011005      0.001286
19531030       0.114334      0.047090      0.037834      0.050964
19531130       0.108729      0.028267      0.021317      0.008965
19531231      -0.011173      0.000768     -0.015444      0.002019
19540129       0.062857      0.052460      0.071683      0.051189
19540226       0.079301      0.017482      0.013576      0.002684
19540331       0.074720      0.037251      0.029150      0.030210
19540430       0.153216      0.042851      0.016373      0.048998
19540528      -0.047667      0.031569      0.043151      0.032909
19540630       0.185942      0.011477      0.012275      0.000685
19540730      -0.043478      0.050368      0.071989      0.057172
19540831      -0.056818     -0.022516     -0.009175     -0.034003
19540930       0.063855      0.064304      0.044308      0.083138
19541029      -0.037143     -0.016211     -0.006860     -0.019499
19541130       0.086053      0.095289      0.092199      0.080808
19541231       0.030601      0.055263      0.087724      0.050818
19550131       0.064171      0.006994      0.014124      0.018066
19550228       0.047739      0.031280      0.042781      0.003549
19550331      -0.042686     -0.001122      0.000530     -0.004897
19550429       0.065657      0.032281      0.022598      0.037726
19550531      -0.018957      0.011856      0.007814     -0.001317
19550630       0.034300      0.065800      0.034694      0.082300
19550729      -0.035294      0.020283      0.008001      0.060687
19550831       0.034146      0.004250      0.005764     -0.007813
19550930      -0.049057     -0.002034     -0.007751      0.011348
19551031      -0.065000     -0.025728     -0.017815     -0.030456
19551130       0.149733      0.071558      0.055257      0.074870
19551230       0.083721      0.016437      0.022836     -0.000659
19560131      -0.060606     -0.027987     -0.020746     -0.036500
19560229       0.073733      0.039532      0.033613      0.034687
19560329       0.100858      0.068175      0.051383      0.069255
19560430      -0.031434      0.005093      0.003827     -0.002063
19560531      -0.070994     -0.049186     -0.039964     -0.065730
19560629       0.074236      0.037157      0.021712      0.039159
19560731       0.047131      0.050753      0.039967      0.051522
19560831      -0.039139     -0.030342     -0.018161     -0.038064
19560928      -0.079430     -0.049677     -0.035938     -0.045464
19561031       0.066964      0.007221      0.007063      0.005072
19561130      -0.008368      0.004611      0.005277     -0.010970
19561231       0.025316      0.034934      0.023122      0.035271
19570131      -0.107884     -0.032051      0.003613     -0.041783
19570228       0.030233     -0.018698     -0.023299     -0.032648
19570329       0.060948      0.024087      0.022499      0.019649
19570430       0.087983      0.045059      0.025909      0.036953
19570531       0.053254      0.036599      0.022263      0.036948
19570628       0.033708     -0.005107     -0.006747     -0.001265
19570731       0.018248      0.008920      0.005610      0.011400
19570830      -0.064516     -0.050003     -0.050190     -0.056147
19570930      -0.070881     -0.057622     -0.052982     -0.061920
19571031       0.004158     -0.041099     -0.065213     -0.032060
19571129       0.078675      0.025457      0.021027      0.016074
19571231      -0.047985     -0.037450     -0.049129     -0.041467
19580131       0.022358      0.049905      0.106481      0.042761
19580228      -0.041750     -0.014125     -0.011845     -0.020624
19580331       0.002075      0.033787      0.035918      0.030852
19580430      -0.010438      0.030773      0.030171      0.031829
19580529       0.008439      0.024569      0.039475      0.014963
19580630       0.012552      0.029507      0.031729      0.026083
19580731       0.047917      0.044915      0.054168      0.043103
19580829       0.011928      0.019090      0.029878      0.011867
19580930       0.045187      0.048638      0.052239      0.048377
19581031       0.032197      0.027500      0.032975      0.025370
19581128       0.023853      0.030526      0.042114      0.022404
19581231       0.130824      0.052872      0.038790      0.052020
19590130      -0.009569      0.009199      0.041502      0.003804
19590227       0.027375      0.011294      0.028112     -0.000180
19590331       0.026646      0.004509      0.012223      0.000541
19590430       0.027650      0.037947      0.025714      0.038781
19590529      -0.025411      0.019499      0.008206      0.018927
19590630      -0.009202      0.000564      0.004149     -0.003579
19590731       0.012461      0.034193      0.030062      0.034890
19590831       0.007692     -0.012437     -0.014839     -0.015039
19590930      -0.030534     -0.044885     -0.045760     -0.045638
19591030       0.023772      0.015682      0.023206      0.011252
19591130       0.134675      0.018454      0.015040      0.013213
19591231       0.087312      0.028015      0.021177      0.027625
19600129      -0.137453     -0.066354     -0.039202     -0.071464
19600229       0.046784      0.014202      0.008478      0.009171
19600331       0.009777     -0.012847     -0.024876     -0.013899
19600429      -0.013908     -0.015330     -0.019730     -0.017528
19600531       0.008463      0.033982      0.025546      0.026853
19600630       0.037762      0.023039      0.021609      0.019524
19600729      -0.082656     -0.022708     -0.019598     -0.024772
19600831      -0.028065      0.032258      0.037948      0.026121
19600930      -0.101824     -0.058620     -0.059524     -0.060393
19601031      -0.005111     -0.004797     -0.023230     -0.002429
19601130       0.027397      0.048489      0.046495      0.040270
19601230       0.000000      0.048457      0.037495      0.046273
19610131      -0.048658      0.063879      0.082048      0.063156
19610228      -0.074074      0.036972      0.060130      0.026870
19610330      -0.001905      0.030583      0.049888      0.025536
19610428      -0.057692      0.005664      0.009487      0.003843
19610531       0.057143      0.025810      0.041572      0.019139
19610630      -0.011583     -0.028499     -0.042415     -0.028846
19610731       0.045276      0.029924      0.011517      0.032797
19610831       0.067797      0.026883      0.021358      0.019623
19610929       0.065256     -0.019992     -0.029686     -0.019686
19611031      -0.013333      0.027435      0.020988      0.028323
19611130       0.064189      0.045381      0.046461      0.039347
19611229      -0.038095      0.000746     -0.003757      0.003225
19620131      -0.003322     -0.036179     -0.007807     -0.037876
19620228      -0.005000      0.019502      0.015405      0.016270
19620330       0.036851     -0.004669     -0.006241     -0.005860
19620430      -0.108943     -0.063452     -0.068134     -0.061970
19620531      -0.040146     -0.084680     -0.098186     -0.085990
19620629      -0.087452     -0.082632     -0.085125     -0.081838
19620731       0.115546      0.065504      0.064000      0.063562
19620831       0.032015      0.023414      0.037061      0.015284
19620928      -0.060219     -0.050154     -0.063830     -0.048207
19621031       0.060665      0.002184     -0.039528      0.004443
19621130       0.103321      0.110137      0.121176      0.101557
19621231       0.033445      0.011865     -0.025561      0.013492
19630131       0.019544      0.051848      0.089140      0.049128
19630228      -0.070288     -0.021931     -0.014477     -0.028852
19630329       0.032646      0.032917      0.012027      0.035464
19630430       0.055276      0.047439      0.026890      0.048520
19630531       0.066667      0.020051      0.032306      0.014327
19630628      -0.053571     -0.018030     -0.010383     -0.020198
19630731      -0.011076     -0.001718     -0.006304     -0.003460
19630830       0.043200      0.052684      0.042305      0.048749
19630930      -0.019939     -0.011898     -0.010373     -0.011034
19631031       0.055118      0.027708      0.012208      0.032218
19631129      -0.014925     -0.005549     -0.016139     -0.010539
19631231       0.062727      0.021736     -0.004228      0.024444
19640131       0.008608      0.025790      0.032092      0.026926
19640228      -0.025605      0.017207      0.025173      0.009865
19640331       0.025401      0.017636      0.025510      0.015167
19640430      -0.055874      0.004608      0.001004      0.006077
19640528      -0.016692      0.017403      0.007507      0.011452
19640630      -0.008642      0.015080      0.010411      0.016424
19640731       0.045455      0.020118      0.030161      0.018240
19640831       0.007496     -0.011266     -0.006038     -0.016230
19640930       0.070536      0.030480      0.038248      0.028718
19641030      -0.020979      0.008869      0.018821      0.008078
19641130       0.058571      0.003089     -0.000516     -0.005185
19641231       0.012686      0.003690     -0.012365      0.003909
19650129       0.065684      0.038646      0.071403      0.033156
19650226       0.005031      0.006947      0.032325     -0.001485
19650331       0.001752     -0.009715      0.015393     -0.014526
19650430       0.047739      0.033652      0.041560      0.034239
19650528      -0.008393     -0.004350     -0.005845     -0.007743
19650630      -0.067231     -0.051868     -0.083718     -0.048632
19650730       0.046936      0.016759      0.028633      0.013433
19650831       0.042341      0.030883      0.041844      0.022522
19650930       0.124492      0.031952      0.027420      0.032006
19651029       0.010684      0.029271      0.058679      0.027345
19651130      -0.038055      0.003065      0.046544     -0.008764
19651231       0.043077      0.013545      0.042981      0.008951
19660131      -0.027542      0.012122      0.064170      0.004869
19660228      -0.050109     -0.008621      0.028865     -0.017873
19660331       0.010550     -0.020923     -0.008889     -0.021815
19660429       0.049087      0.024837      0.046619      0.020509
19660531      -0.093580     -0.052539     -0.086024     -0.054140
19660630       0.025450     -0.010317     -0.004988     -0.016138
19660729      -0.100118     -0.012870     -0.016316     -0.013453
19660831      -0.109948     -0.075388     -0.100714     -0.077751
19660930       0.007647     -0.006958     -0.018161     -0.007004
19661031       0.122059      0.042294     -0.014385      0.047544
19661130       0.027523      0.017516      0.040725      0.003117
19661230      -0.090306      0.006210      0.017306     -0.001492
19670131      -0.007062      0.085530      0.172104      0.078178
19670228      -0.018492      0.010945      0.042368      0.001963
19670331      -0.008406      0.043384      0.058244      0.039410
19670428       0.117820      0.041609      0.041928      0.042239
19670531      -0.093544     -0.039293     -0.008098     -0.052441
19670630       0.017733      0.026903      0.081958      0.017512
19670731       0.243165      0.049189      0.083251      0.045344
19670831       0.011574     -0.006282      0.006312     -0.011715
19670929       0.032265      0.034286      0.062963      0.032785
19671031      -0.054627     -0.027433     -0.020594     -0.029056
19671130      -0.017689      0.007902      0.000878      0.001065
19671229      -0.071789      0.033699      0.080465      0.026277
19680131      -0.084635     -0.036330      0.023902     -0.043848
19680229      -0.003983     -0.033624     -0.056118     -0.031223
19680329      -0.005755      0.005116     -0.011218      0.009400
19680430       0.109986      0.094148      0.143031      0.081929
19680531      -0.074055      0.027041      0.091309      0.011169
19680628      -0.021277      0.011527      0.016225      0.009120
19680730      -0.021739     -0.022024     -0.026210     -0.018478
19680830      -0.002963      0.018038      0.035918      0.011459
19680930       0.021100      0.044454      0.068808      0.038539
19681031       0.114370      0.009041      0.006913      0.007208
19681129       0.048684      0.058502      0.071994      0.047964
19681231      -0.051192     -0.033873      0.005896     -0.041617
19690131      -0.011984     -0.006711     -0.001688     -0.008184
19690228      -0.060377     -0.053640     -0.085728     -0.047374
19690328       0.066474      0.030506      0.020290      0.034444
19690430       0.059621      0.020526      0.003459      0.021476
19690529      -0.035806      0.005040      0.006262     -0.002218
19690630      -0.038196     -0.067387     -0.113404     -0.055577
19690731      -0.043056     -0.065172     -0.095823     -0.060178
19690829      -0.027576      0.051490      0.052175      0.040074
19690930       0.022687     -0.022590     -0.024618     -0.025024
19691031      -0.010294      0.055638      0.092413      0.044244
19691128      -0.047548     -0.032164     -0.055078     -0.035274
19691231      -0.024649     -0.019681     -0.066178     -0.018655
19700130      -0.066129     -0.073254     -0.038830     -0.076472
19700227      -0.025907      0.056706      0.040195      0.052693
19700331       0.055319     -0.004729     -0.023712      0.001453
19700430      -0.033898     -0.105318     -0.161963     -0.090483
19700529      -0.068421     -0.064346     -0.090524     -0.060967
19700630       0.026742     -0.051075     -0.073904     -0.050033
19700731       0.138889      0.074169      0.059258      0.073295
19700831       0.021138      0.050036      0.061617      0.044459
19700930       0.083121      0.047536      0.126098      0.032998
19701030       0.019259     -0.018208     -0.058604     -0.011400
19701130       0.027616      0.050448      0.003021      0.047447
19701231       0.069590      0.060723      0.081324      0.056766
19710129       0.057257      0.052030      0.136096      0.040477
19710226       0.089421      0.016913      0.047910      0.009074
19710331       0.041850      0.044778      0.056603      0.036796
19710430       0.097098      0.033332      0.027087      0.036288
19710528      -0.024415     -0.036409     -0.049435     -0.041558
19710630       0.019395      0.003119     -0.017240      0.000703
19710730      -0.121399     -0.040283     -0.053634     -0.041324
19710831       0.161592      0.042511      0.041159      0.036095
19710930      -0.002419     -0.005016     -0.004653     -0.006968
19711029      -0.052846     -0.040682     -0.057468     -0.041794
19711130       0.025751     -0.001262     -0.034150     -0.002547
19711231       0.053975      0.091257      0.117128      0.086179
19720131      -0.009980      0.028383      0.103892      0.018121
19720229      -0.022177      0.031349      0.041809      0.025303
19720330       0.071753      0.008722     -0.000951      0.005912
19720428       0.046422      0.005505      0.001231      0.004384
19720531       0.016636      0.016375     -0.018121      0.017275
19720630      -0.038545     -0.020896     -0.033775     -0.021821
19720731      -0.041825     -0.004254     -0.029488      0.002333
19720831       0.055556      0.035966      0.012252      0.034454
19720929       0.003383     -0.007671     -0.030725     -0.004861
19721031      -0.037665      0.008676     -0.013767      0.009317
19721130       0.068102      0.049764      0.051096      0.045617
19721229       0.073665      0.011243     -0.019873      0.011828
19730131      -0.039451     -0.027455     -0.026133     -0.017111
19730228      -0.039643     -0.044368     -0.072836     -0.037490
19730330      -0.035514     -0.007851     -0.028981     -0.001433
19730430      -0.081395     -0.051759     -0.070620     -0.040800
19730531       0.004219     -0.024503     -0.083582     -0.018884
19730629      -0.029832     -0.008647     -0.037745     -0.006575
19730731       0.093682      0.056954      0.105922      0.037982
19730831      -0.057769     -0.029648     -0.044417     -0.036685
19730928       0.072304      0.053937      0.072995      0.040096
19731031       0.037698     -0.000427      0.000303     -0.001291
19731130      -0.028298     -0.120703     -0.175252     -0.113861
19731231      -0.001980      0.011425     -0.041764      0.016569
19740131      -0.049603      0.004408      0.132374     -0.010046
19740228      -0.047599      0.002352      0.008623     -0.003624
19740329      -0.041943     -0.023365      0.008379     -0.023280
19740430      -0.059908     -0.045957     -0.055537     -0.039051
19740531      -0.053922     -0.041982     -0.072545     -0.033551
19740628       0.029016     -0.022942     -0.033483     -0.014665
19740731      -0.126904     -0.070879     -0.051915     -0.077791
19740830      -0.119186     -0.087756     -0.085788     -0.090279
19740930      -0.164356     -0.109718     -0.079025     -0.119335
19741031       0.224000      0.165585      0.088877      0.163047
19741129      -0.029412     -0.041047     -0.051395     -0.053180
19741231      -0.090236     -0.027005     -0.080744     -0.020151
19750131       0.157303      0.141600      0.299260      0.122812
19750228       0.152751      0.058411      0.053918      0.059886
19750331       0.042493      0.030191      0.081497      0.021694
19750430       0.000000      0.046497      0.031093      0.047265
19750530      -0.013587      0.055140      0.072876      0.044101
19750630       0.168595      0.051473      0.071792      0.044323
19750731      -0.102138     -0.060385     -0.008960     -0.067654
19750829      -0.021164     -0.023557     -0.048118     -0.021070
19750930      -0.040000     -0.038010     -0.038867     -0.034645
19751031       0.093750      0.055857      0.014720      0.061643
19751128       0.002597      0.031223      0.016796      0.024708
19751231      -0.035751     -0.010998     -0.000599     -0.011508
19760130       0.214092      0.126011      0.190037      0.118306
19760227      -0.046875      0.007314      0.106291     -0.011402
19760331      -0.008899      0.026799      0.018109      0.030689
19760430       0.023810     -0.010389     -0.003810     -0.010995
19760528      -0.053488     -0.009369     -0.019680     -0.014364
19760630       0.130713      0.044487      0.026510      0.040926
19760730      -0.045952     -0.006157      0.002236     -0.008055
19760831      -0.027523     -0.001435     -0.016673     -0.005124
19760930       0.029717      0.024484      0.016990      0.022641
19761029      -0.013857     -0.020373     -0.022586     -0.022235
19761130      -0.051522      0.005364      0.026686     -0.007775
19761231       0.107654      0.061591      0.102410      0.052498
19770131      -0.049438     -0.036337      0.036903     -0.050530
19770228      -0.044917     -0.015760      0.004400     -0.021660
19770331      -0.018317     -0.009246      0.010654     -0.014025
19770429       0.096692      0.004952      0.016931      0.000203
19770531       0.006961     -0.010785      0.002870     -0.023568
19770630       0.051613      0.051367      0.051503      0.045360
19770729      -0.037611     -0.012810      0.012362     -0.016222
19770831      -0.018391     -0.013352     -0.001233     -0.021042
19770930      -0.029508      0.001574      0.014968     -0.002480
19771031      -0.021951     -0.039280     -0.023190     -0.043406
19771130       0.010973      0.045432      0.070872      0.026966
19771230      -0.004988      0.008218      0.021081      0.002847
19780131      -0.082707     -0.055202     -0.011152     -0.061514
19780228      -0.021858     -0.009275      0.026008     -0.024762
19780331       0.054190      0.034013      0.067839      0.024931
19780428       0.120643      0.082841      0.079317      0.085416
19780531       0.011962      0.023238      0.067620      0.004234
19780630      -0.032624     -0.010751      0.010292     -0.017585
19780731       0.061881      0.056749      0.052394      0.053910
19780831       0.011655      0.042352      0.093545      0.025924
19780929      -0.013364     -0.006891      0.006200     -0.007261
19781031      -0.101655     -0.110997     -0.177280     -0.091574
19781130       0.005789      0.033792      0.038205      0.016640
19781229       0.000000      0.017710      0.014346      0.014889
19790131       0.023873      0.049489      0.093661      0.039746
19790228      -0.033161     -0.026766     -0.016269     -0.036526
19790330       0.043478      0.065618      0.084167      0.055152
19790430       0.023438      0.008522      0.028814      0.001673
19790531       0.014249     -0.013576     -0.006845     -0.026336
19790629       0.017812      0.046850      0.054663      0.038656
19790731       0.035000      0.014991      0.021366      0.008746
19790831       0.028986      0.064728      0.075616      0.053078
19790928      -0.033803      0.001428     -0.001172      0.000000
19791031      -0.046798     -0.072660     -0.097915     -0.068606
19791130      -0.032041      0.063603      0.065295      0.042624
19791231       0.097561      0.028212      0.067485      0.016767
19800131       0.086420      0.065607      0.105129      0.057625
19800229      -0.073636      0.001015     -0.006301     -0.004380
19800331      -0.042289     -0.120224     -0.165043     -0.101795
19800430      -0.012987      0.052288      0.053461      0.041140
19800530       0.057895      0.060090      0.071249      0.046571
19800630       0.040404      0.037714      0.046176      0.026969
19800731       0.092233      0.069438      0.089279      0.065039
19800829      -0.031111      0.023553      0.063984      0.005835
19800930      -0.020642      0.029498      0.052459      0.025168
19801031       0.028504      0.020093      0.047525      0.016021
19801128       0.143187      0.104951      0.069205      0.102377
19801231       0.002020     -0.034409     -0.032416     -0.033874
19810130       0.000000     -0.040085      0.005615     -0.045742
19810227       0.089796      0.015521      0.002150      0.013277
19810331       0.014981      0.046184      0.072674      0.036033
19810430      -0.020522     -0.011268      0.027885     -0.023456
19810529       0.001905      0.013551      0.027187     -0.001657
19810630      -0.046768     -0.010242     -0.013194     -0.010408
19810731      -0.014141     -0.003080     -0.019980     -0.002210
19810831      -0.084016     -0.056279     -0.071906     -0.062099
19810930      -0.003579     -0.063772     -0.090061     -0.053832
19811030      -0.011390      0.060162      0.069728      0.049148
19811130       0.112903      0.045849      0.021667      0.036590
19811231      -0.036439     -0.028096     -0.019694     -0.030075
19820129       0.089325     -0.026209     -0.017347     -0.017544
19820226       0.006000     -0.051126     -0.047987     -0.060548
19820331       0.020676     -0.010099     -0.012064     -0.010167
19820430       0.011834      0.043267      0.052242      0.040014
19820528      -0.035088     -0.028212     -0.022490     -0.039162
19820630       0.042020     -0.023912     -0.036699     -0.020290
19820730       0.033399     -0.020526     -0.014776     -0.022991
19820831       0.144487      0.119013      0.063285      0.115977
19820930       0.004651      0.016761      0.033164      0.007614
19821029       0.148829      0.118636      0.128447      0.110364
19821130       0.087045      0.051935      0.092037      0.036123
19821231       0.025676      0.014516      0.023447      0.015158
19830131       0.090909      0.041850      0.117062      0.033134
19830228       0.048309      0.030218      0.047266      0.018995
19830331      -0.024424      0.034673      0.050515      0.033095
19830429       0.065476      0.074188      0.080687      0.074922
19830531      -0.075978      0.013224      0.091740     -0.012346
19830630       0.073277      0.037837      0.046341      0.035224
19830729      -0.093182     -0.031567     -0.017556     -0.033014
19830831       0.025063      0.003464     -0.032920      0.011319
19830930       0.041076      0.016059      0.000051      0.010158
19831031      -0.018957     -0.028049     -0.059273     -0.015174
19831130       0.113527      0.029556      0.031713      0.017426
19831230       0.026258     -0.010464     -0.019672     -0.008834
19840131      -0.072495     -0.013023      0.005424     -0.009216
19840229      -0.043678     -0.039073     -0.050767     -0.038859
19840330       0.064904      0.013389      0.007449      0.013498
19840430       0.011390      0.002534     -0.020524      0.005466
19840531      -0.042793     -0.052342     -0.051570     -0.059356
19840629      -0.002353      0.023385      0.011996      0.017469
19840731       0.000000     -0.020621     -0.050303     -0.016451
19840831       0.078571      0.112689      0.088817      0.106332
19840928      -0.006623      0.000404     -0.000377     -0.003480
19841031       0.031390     -0.000074     -0.023756     -0.000060
19841130      -0.027391     -0.010685     -0.031506     -0.015112
19841231       0.022573      0.023656      0.002732      0.022374
19850131       0.128035      0.085718      0.121475      0.074085
19850228       0.004697      0.016896      0.046034      0.008685
19850329      -0.070727     -0.001747     -0.003581     -0.002925
19850430       0.000000     -0.002186     -0.009652     -0.004594
19850531       0.034672      0.055775      0.022221      0.054051
19850628       0.020619      0.017091      0.002103      0.012134
19850731       0.036364     -0.000251      0.021382     -0.004848
19850830      -0.048733     -0.004795     -0.002214     -0.011995
19850930      -0.048361     -0.039825     -0.056859     -0.034724
19851031       0.002174      0.044441      0.017652      0.042509
19851129       0.138829      0.069228      0.052563      0.065062
19851231       0.117410      0.043061      0.028021      0.045061
19860131      -0.025773      0.009829      0.044071      0.002367
19860228       0.101658      0.072500      0.060381      0.071489
19860331       0.012903      0.053885      0.047192      0.052794
19860430      -0.004777     -0.007900      0.016144     -0.014148
19860530       0.020800      0.050844      0.036194      0.050229
19860630       0.022947      0.014246      0.008087      0.014110
19860731      -0.098765     -0.059700     -0.073128     -0.058683
19860829       0.077055      0.066181      0.023269      0.071193
19860930      -0.078474     -0.079021     -0.059071     -0.085439
19861031       0.060870      0.049303      0.023777      0.054729
19861128       0.088525      0.015093     -0.006263      0.021477
19861231       0.043735     -0.026388     -0.034609     -0.028288
19870130       0.165698      0.128496      0.117565      0.131767
19870227       0.031172      0.047918      0.074612      0.036924
19870331       0.020605      0.023664      0.036283      0.026390
19870430      -0.013111     -0.017001     -0.017709     -0.011450
19870529       0.004831      0.005125      0.000573      0.006034
19870630       0.052019      0.043662      0.021487      0.047915
19870731       0.089655      0.044248      0.035123      0.048224
19870831       0.054852      0.037146      0.014544      0.034959
19870930      -0.010720     -0.020774     -0.015876     -0.024166
19871030      -0.229675     -0.225363     -0.272248     -0.217630
19871130      -0.105541     -0.072273     -0.050850     -0.085349
19871231       0.049558      0.070327      0.026065      0.072861
19880129       0.022663      0.044880      0.077392      0.040432
19880229       0.008310      0.051695      0.060265      0.041817
19880331      -0.104945     -0.016598      0.035690     -0.033343
19880429       0.000000      0.010991      0.014016      0.009425
19880531       0.040248      0.000448     -0.017671      0.003176
19880630       0.052976      0.051460      0.047677      0.043256
19880729      -0.025641     -0.007272      0.000289     -0.005411
19880831      -0.055556     -0.028006     -0.025001     -0.038600
19880930       0.082972      0.037202      0.016951      0.039729
19881031       0.005764      0.017637     -0.011485      0.025964
19881130       0.031519     -0.016412     -0.036484     -0.018891
19881230       0.003556      0.021075      0.018872      0.014688
19890131       0.081006      0.066103      0.062124      0.071115
19890228      -0.054264     -0.016446      0.002988     -0.028944
19890331      -0.018361      0.021465      0.018060      0.020806
19890428       0.098315      0.048204      0.029089      0.050090
19890531       0.117647      0.039338      0.025054      0.035138
19890630      -0.047414     -0.004866     -0.007744     -0.007925
19890731       0.133172      0.077131      0.031017      0.088370
19890831      -0.014957      0.022127      0.018626      0.015517
19890929      -0.012408     -0.001474      0.005532     -0.006544
19891031      -0.019912     -0.029281     -0.049934     -0.025175
19891130       0.119639      0.017815     -0.005800      0.016541
19891229       0.047903      0.018295     -0.012375      0.021417
19900131      -0.034884     -0.070115     -0.046408     -0.068817
19900228      -0.000482      0.014901      0.015434      0.008539
19900330       0.040486      0.024140      0.021315      0.024255
19900430      -0.003891     -0.028286     -0.028117     -0.026887
19900531       0.083516      0.088936      0.045675      0.091989
19900629       0.005445     -0.004196      0.005359     -0.008886
19900731       0.034296     -0.009405     -0.025732     -0.005223
19900831      -0.134380     -0.091896     -0.108911     -0.094314
19900928      -0.113387     -0.053843     -0.080468     -0.051184
19901031      -0.045872     -0.012504     -0.057155     -0.006698
19901130       0.052885      0.065744      0.035468      0.059934
19901231       0.057260      0.029513     -0.004526      0.024828
19910131       0.115468      0.049078      0.084175      0.041518
19910228       0.070469      0.075847      0.133898      0.067281
19910328       0.023897      0.028923      0.078293      0.022203
19910430       0.016158      0.003322      0.031962      0.000346
19910531       0.099081      0.040732      0.031385      0.038577
19910628      -0.042071     -0.044029     -0.031773     -0.047893
19910731      -0.010135      0.046795      0.034202      0.044859
19910830       0.022184      0.026819      0.027507      0.019649
19910930      -0.066644     -0.010975      0.008130     -0.019144
19911031      -0.005405      0.017789      0.024639      0.011860
19911129      -0.061594     -0.037275     -0.023735     -0.043928
19911231       0.189961      0.106778      0.035353      0.111588
19920131      -0.016340     -0.001182      0.149970     -0.019900
19920228       0.044850      0.013354      0.052124      0.009565
19920331      -0.029571     -0.023700     -0.014169     -0.021832
19920430       0.011551      0.013419     -0.033262      0.027893
19920529      -0.003263      0.006439      0.005678      0.000964
19920630       0.025205     -0.019287     -0.039215     -0.017359
19920731      -0.016077      0.039900      0.027617      0.039374
19920831      -0.032680     -0.020820     -0.023900     -0.023998
19920930       0.065405      0.012447      0.011050      0.009106
19921030      -0.019169      0.010986      0.016224      0.002106
19921130       0.084691      0.040193      0.066686      0.030262
19921231       0.034595      0.017768      0.035677      0.010108
19930129       0.007310      0.012643      0.067612      0.007046
19930226      -0.023222      0.005402     -0.007198      0.010484
19930331       0.066924      0.025116      0.031465      0.018697
19930430       0.016830     -0.025400     -0.011112     -0.025417
19930528       0.023448      0.029598      0.038740      0.022717
19930630       0.039137      0.005440      0.013419      0.000755
19930730       0.028721     -0.000795      0.013719     -0.005327
19930831      -0.002538      0.039479      0.039698      0.034432
19930930      -0.017761      0.000641      0.025507     -0.009988
19931029       0.011734      0.018064      0.040518      0.019393
19931130       0.014175     -0.017606     -0.024467     -0.012911
19931231       0.073393      0.019513      0.016190      0.010091
19940131       0.027414      0.031466      0.049166      0.032501
19940228      -0.022042     -0.024224     -0.009952     -0.030045
19940331      -0.044176     -0.045795     -0.045962     -0.045746
19940429      -0.047500      0.009478     -0.011728      0.011531
19940531       0.044619      0.009360     -0.000831      0.012419
19940630      -0.055578     -0.027909     -0.028182     -0.026812
19940729       0.080429      0.030633      0.015778      0.031467
19940831      -0.012407      0.042597      0.036756      0.037643
19940930      -0.025427     -0.018363      0.004865     -0.026898
19941031       0.015584      0.014520     -0.003305      0.020834
19941130      -0.058824     -0.037219     -0.040741     -0.039505
19941230       0.117609      0.012609     -0.013424      0.012299
19950131       0.009804      0.020399      0.027860      0.024278
19950228       0.063107      0.039615      0.028369      0.036074
19950331      -0.006210      0.027041      0.019518      0.027329
19950428       0.037037      0.025048      0.026976      0.027960
19950531       0.035714      0.034007      0.020270      0.036312
19950630      -0.020948      0.031173      0.049917      0.021279
19950731       0.046563      0.040783      0.054708      0.031776
19950831      -0.002119      0.009305      0.032043     -0.000320
19950929       0.089766      0.036362      0.026400      0.040098
19951031      -0.007843     -0.011317     -0.041473     -0.004979
19951130       0.061265      0.042708      0.016659      0.041049
19951229       0.079479      0.015191      0.008928      0.017444
19960131       0.065972      0.028144      0.034657      0.032617
19960229      -0.016287      0.016310      0.032305      0.006934
19960329       0.037550      0.010927      0.024086      0.007917
19960430      -0.008026      0.025511      0.058049      0.013431
19960531       0.071197      0.026800      0.062615      0.022853
19960628       0.048338     -0.008298     -0.032167      0.002257
19960731      -0.046571     -0.053819     -0.079602     -0.045748
19960830       0.010638      0.032463      0.045634      0.018814
19960930       0.100271      0.053015      0.028753      0.054173
19961031       0.063187      0.013632     -0.020842      0.026131
19961129       0.074935      0.065502      0.024696      0.073376
19961231      -0.044279     -0.011358     -0.002604     -0.021505
19970131       0.046776      0.053449      0.063831      0.061317
19970228      -0.006039     -0.001144     -0.010299      0.005928
19970331      -0.030182     -0.044820     -0.049224     -0.042614
19970430       0.118388      0.042303     -0.021596      0.058406
19970530       0.087838      0.071624      0.085194      0.058577
19970630       0.076605      0.044145      0.043145      0.043453
19970731       0.082846      0.076502      0.048824      0.078123
19970829      -0.107843     -0.036267      0.027605     -0.057446
19970930       0.092068      0.058433      0.081737      0.053154
19971031      -0.050505     -0.034528     -0.026145     -0.034478
19971128       0.143133      0.030459     -0.022063      0.044587
19971231      -0.002707      0.017772     -0.023875      0.015732
19980130       0.056218      0.004529      0.015367      0.010150
19980227       0.003226      0.073230      0.060451      0.070449
19980331       0.112379      0.051324      0.046884      0.049946
19980430      -0.011603      0.010862      0.023243      0.009076
19980529      -0.021277     -0.025755     -0.042571     -0.018826
19980630       0.089955      0.031955     -0.029150      0.039438
19980731      -0.012517     -0.023264     -0.050546     -0.011615
19980831      -0.105521     -0.157666     -0.196383     -0.145797
19980930      -0.001719      0.063835      0.043245      0.062396
19981030       0.099764      0.074357      0.037827      0.080294
19981130       0.032857      0.061985      0.075912      0.059126
19981231       0.132503      0.063054      0.018861      0.056375
19990129       0.028186      0.038345      0.064848      0.041009
19990226      -0.043504     -0.038105     -0.042172     -0.032283
19990331       0.106293      0.037861     -0.001373      0.038794
19990430      -0.047458      0.049000      0.083900      0.037944
19990528      -0.034994     -0.020721      0.025134     -0.024970
19990630       0.111248      0.051021      0.038391      0.054438
19990730      -0.032301     -0.030635      0.007271     -0.032046
19990831       0.030390     -0.009985     -0.030607     -0.006254
19990930       0.058765     -0.022868     -0.014250     -0.028552
19991029       0.142857      0.062049     -0.001351      0.062539
19991130      -0.039668      0.036814      0.091409      0.019062
19991231       0.192392      0.083721      0.084830      0.057844
20000131      -0.136511     -0.039588      0.050610     -0.050904
20000229      -0.009355      0.031844      0.120436     -0.020108
20000331       0.178735      0.053523     -0.000429      0.096720
20000428       0.010442     -0.059466     -0.088504     -0.030796
20000531       0.005167     -0.039047     -0.057324     -0.021915
20000630       0.005931      0.051640      0.079228      0.023934
20000731      -0.026903     -0.017106     -0.019355     -0.016341
20000831       0.140948      0.075811      0.059257      0.060699
20000929      -0.014711     -0.051138     -0.040102     -0.053483
20001031      -0.049837     -0.024557     -0.066807     -0.004949
20001130      -0.095781     -0.102534     -0.118559     -0.080069
20001229      -0.029559      0.020299     -0.007035      0.004053
20010131      -0.040834      0.039524      0.225012      0.034637
20010228       0.011309     -0.099267     -0.074508     -0.092291
20010330      -0.096344     -0.070286     -0.072716     -0.064205
20010430       0.159341      0.083911      0.076441      0.076814
20010531       0.009685      0.010566      0.062201      0.005090
20010629      -0.005102     -0.017474      0.007720     -0.025004
20010731      -0.104410     -0.018316     -0.028407     -0.010772
20010831      -0.057931     -0.059095     -0.035009     -0.064108
20010928      -0.088336     -0.091543     -0.127801     -0.081723
20011031      -0.021237      0.027970      0.078103      0.018099
20011130       0.057402      0.078735      0.080809      0.075176
20011231       0.045714      0.017844      0.057742      0.007574
20020131      -0.073104     -0.016045      0.018179     -0.015574
20020228       0.041184     -0.021713     -0.033060     -0.020766
20020328      -0.027273      0.044688      0.074666      0.036739
20020430      -0.157543     -0.049654     -0.003169     -0.061418
20020531      -0.012995     -0.010478     -0.015519     -0.009081
20020628      -0.061336     -0.070251     -0.067310     -0.072465
20020731       0.108434     -0.081135     -0.107499     -0.078995
20020830      -0.063665      0.007965      0.006337      0.004881
20020930      -0.176451     -0.099965     -0.084490     -0.110013
20021031       0.024341      0.074926      0.042772      0.086436
20021129       0.074059      0.061275      0.117775      0.057070
20021231      -0.095133     -0.053316     -0.040159     -0.060333
20030131      -0.049692     -0.023392      0.006068     -0.027415
20030228       0.047537     -0.015390     -0.021448     -0.017004
20030331       0.060291      0.010325      0.009434      0.008358
20030430       0.154902      0.082762      0.098222      0.081044
20030530      -0.025467      0.063471      0.133177      0.050899
20030630       0.005923      0.016335      0.049741      0.011322
20030731      -0.008368      0.023112      0.061927      0.016224
20030829       0.039733      0.024966      0.047429      0.017873
20030930       0.014542     -0.009112      0.025239     -0.011944
20031031      -0.026837      0.060318      0.080930      0.054962
20031128      -0.011720      0.016594      0.038147      0.007129
20031231       0.087548      0.045528      0.038907      0.050765
20040130       0.085539      0.023048      0.065762      0.017276
20040227      -0.027059      0.015459      0.013720      0.012209
20040331      -0.061501     -0.010694      0.006293     -0.016359
20040430      -0.018676     -0.024231     -0.043590     -0.016791
20040528       0.039065      0.014125      0.002592      0.012083
20040630       0.047558      0.021582      0.022729      0.017989
20040730       0.026235     -0.037667     -0.051082     -0.034291
20040831      -0.013835      0.002713     -0.004725      0.002287
20040930       0.030192      0.020546      0.041594      0.009364
20041029       0.016081      0.017805      0.020836      0.014014
20041130       0.036342      0.048210      0.079929      0.038595
20041231       0.038462      0.035179      0.052920      0.032458
20050131      -0.010137     -0.026556     -0.029278     -0.025290
20050228      -0.019651      0.022672      0.016636      0.018903
20050331       0.024432     -0.016935     -0.031835     -0.019118
20050429       0.003882     -0.025186     -0.046509     -0.020109
20050531       0.007735      0.037955      0.043808      0.029952
20050630      -0.044134      0.011534      0.032155     -0.000143
20050729      -0.004329      0.043327      0.058745      0.035968
20050831      -0.025797     -0.005946     -0.007217     -0.011222
20050930       0.008331      0.010565      0.010530      0.006949
20051031       0.007128     -0.020801     -0.033876     -0.017741
20051130       0.053377      0.040385      0.034319      0.035186
20051230      -0.011758      0.003455      0.013479     -0.000952
20060131      -0.065621      0.040033      0.076354      0.025467
20060228       0.011298     -0.001640      0.004836      0.000453
20060331       0.058108      0.019055      0.036979      0.011065
20060428      -0.005463      0.012962      0.009791      0.012187
20060531      -0.009540     -0.031048     -0.044332     -0.030917
20060630      -0.030648     -0.000408     -0.008479      0.000087
20060731      -0.008192     -0.001904     -0.022718      0.005086
20060831       0.041909      0.025061      0.025011      0.021274
20060929       0.043746      0.019424      0.009005      0.024566
20061031      -0.005382      0.037126      0.046211      0.031508
20061130       0.004842      0.023705      0.031168      0.016467
20061229       0.062642      0.010833      0.014793      0.012616
20070131      -0.031174      0.019428      0.022283      0.014059
20070228      -0.023856     -0.013957      0.002110     -0.021846
20070330       0.012890      0.012949      0.006543      0.009980
20070430       0.042421      0.039821      0.027044      0.043291
20070531       0.019533      0.038932      0.023112      0.032549
20070629       0.026078     -0.014756     -0.007929     -0.017816
20070731       0.012539     -0.031756     -0.043537     -0.031982
20070831       0.002838      0.011656     -0.011737      0.012864
20070928       0.072292      0.040860      0.025363      0.035794
20071031      -0.005797      0.025835      0.017406      0.014822
20071130      -0.069728     -0.049222     -0.076608     -0.044043
20071231      -0.023766     -0.004419     -0.010995     -0.008628
20080131      -0.046129     -0.062151     -0.045082     -0.061163
20080229      -0.054016     -0.021653     -0.021401     -0.034761
20080331       0.116777     -0.010480     -0.025314     -0.005960
20080430      -0.116455      0.051096      0.031907      0.047547
20080530      -0.060551      0.023838      0.031776      0.010674
20080630      -0.121094     -0.078449     -0.086631     -0.085962
20080731       0.059948     -0.013325     -0.001296     -0.009859
20080829      -0.006716      0.010572      0.013022      0.012191
20080930      -0.081495     -0.097996     -0.120109     -0.090791
20081031      -0.234902     -0.184587     -0.205222     -0.169425
20081128      -0.119939     -0.084613     -0.130320     -0.074849
20081231      -0.038439      0.022149      0.042154      0.007822
20090130      -0.251235     -0.077329     -0.024042     -0.085657
20090227      -0.272877     -0.100184     -0.107667     -0.109931
20090331       0.188014      0.086688      0.107429      0.085405
20090430       0.251236      0.109347      0.192760      0.093925
20090529       0.065613      0.067784      0.102314      0.053081
20090630      -0.123145     -0.003100      0.023910      0.000196
20090731       0.143345      0.081715      0.085217      0.074142
20090831       0.037313      0.031462      0.057209      0.033560
20090930       0.188489      0.045237      0.071233      0.035723
20091030      -0.131547     -0.028004     -0.050612     -0.019762
20091130       0.123422      0.057093      0.028444      0.057364
20091231      -0.049313      0.028413      0.054975      0.017771
20100129       0.062789     -0.037093     -0.011390     -0.036974
20100226       0.004975      0.034776      0.033603      0.028514
20100331       0.133250      0.063600      0.069240      0.058796
20100430       0.036264      0.020015      0.057837      0.014759
20100528      -0.133086     -0.079133     -0.076975     -0.081976
20100630      -0.111927     -0.050721     -0.056671     -0.053882
20100730       0.117892      0.071541      0.059994      0.068778
20100831      -0.101737     -0.042812     -0.047592     -0.047449
20100930       0.130525      0.091514      0.096348      0.087551
20101029      -0.014154      0.038534      0.040681      0.036856
20101130      -0.011860      0.005168      0.010661     -0.002290
20101231       0.164245      0.067131      0.068745      0.065300
20110131       0.101148      0.019155      0.014413      0.022646
20110228       0.045680      0.038158      0.037036      0.031957
20110331      -0.041587      0.003376      0.008576     -0.001047
20110429       0.019950      0.028683      0.019201      0.028495
20110531      -0.039609     -0.014934     -0.018550     -0.013501
20110630      -0.032077     -0.018391     -0.024111     -0.018258
20110729      -0.050371     -0.022448     -0.021813     -0.021474
20110831      -0.089336     -0.057470     -0.075715     -0.056791
20110930      -0.057633     -0.084872     -0.100947     -0.071762

Are memory problems part of the normal aging

Introduction Tab Video Transcript

Hi, I’m Dr Ria Jones and I’m a geriatric psychologist.

I’ve recently been working with a client with memory problems and I could really use your help.

What are the factors to consider in determining whether memory problems are part of the normal aging process, or whether there is something else going on, for example, Alzheimer’s?

Are there any strategies that can help a person who is experiencing memory problems?

Those are the questions you will answer when you Make a Decision.

To answer those questions, you will Investigate the Evidence I have collected from the life of a 72 year old woman named Brenda.

But before you Investigate the Evidence, take some time to Consult the Research I’ve collated for you.



Consult The Research Tab Video Transcript

You will be able to come here to Consult the Research anytime you wish.

Researchers have found that some memory decline is a normal part of the aging process, but we also know that the risk of Alzheimer’s increases with age. How do we know what is normal aging and what might be Alzheimer’s? Take a moment to Consult the Research on these factors.

Then you will Investigate the Evidence from Brenda’s life before you Make a Decision about what might be going on for her.

Find y’ for  (A) y = 3e^x + 5 ln x 

Finding Derivatives:

Find y’ for

(A) y = 3e^x + 5 ln x

(B) y = x^4 – ln x^4


Please help me solve these two questions.

Thank you (:

Concerns about ABA-based interventions

Study Questions:  Concerns about ABA-based interventions

Leaf, J.B., Cihon, J. H., Leaf, R., McEachin, J., Liu, N., Russell, N., Unumb, L., Shapiro, s., & Khosrowshahi, D. (2021). Concerns about ABA-based intervention:  An evaluation and recommendations. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

DOI: 10.1007/s10803-021-05137-y. PMID: 34132968


  1. What were the two purposes of the article?
  2. Discuss concerns expressed by some autism rights and neurodiversity activists about the work of Lovaas and the YAP (include outcomes and recommendations; should be about ½ page in length).
  3. Pick one of the terms discussed in the article and describe it as a behavior analyst and then as the general public. Discuss how the differing definitions may lead to disagreements/differing views among them.
  4. Discuss recommendations that were made regarding the concern that ABA-based interventions  are abusive or lead to negative outcomes (speak to three of the five).
  5. What was your overall impression of the information presented in the article? Do you agree with the concerns and recommendations? What did you find surprising?
  6. https://eazyweezyhomeworks.com/order/






MGT 3332




On November 1, 2021, John Adams, a customer service representative of Americo Drilling Supplies (ADS), was summoned to the Houston office of Drilling Contractors, Inc. (DCI), to inspect three boxcars of mud-treating agents that ADS had shipped to the Houston firm. DCI had complained that the 25 Pound bags of treating agents received from ADS were light weighted.


The light-weight bags were initially detected by one of DCI’s receiving clerks, who noticed that the railroad side scale tickets indicated that the net weights were significantly less on all three of the boxcars than those of identical shipments received on October 25, 2021. ADS’s traffic department was called to determine if lighter-weight dunnage or pallets were used on the shipments. (This might explain the lighter weights.) ADS indicated, however, that no changes had been made in the loading or palletizing procedures. Hence, DCI randomly checked 25 of the bags and discovered that the average net weight was almost 24.5 pounds. Consequently, they concluded that the sample indicated a significance short-weight. ADS was then contacted, and Adams was sent to investigate the complaint and to issue credit to DCI.


DCI, however, was not completely satisfied with the issuance of credit for the short shipment. The charts followed by their mud engineers on the drilling platforms were based on 25-pound bags of treating agents. Lighter-weight bags might result in poor chemical control during the drilling operation and might adversely affect drilling efficiency. (Mud-treating agents are used to control the pH and other chemical properties of the open during drilling operations.) This could cause severe economic


consequences because of the extremely high cost of oil and natural gas drilling operations. Consequently, special use instructions had to accompany the delivery of these shipments to the drilling platforms. Moreover, the light-weight shipments had to be isolated in DCI warehouse, causing extra handling and poor space utilization. Hence, Adams was informed that CDI might seek a new supplier of mud-treating agents if in the future it received bags that deviated significantly below 25 pounds.


The quality control department at ADS suspected that the light-weight bags may have resulted from “growing pains” at the Orange, Texas plant. Because of the earlier energy crises, oil and natural gas exploration activity had greatly increased. This increased activity, in turn, created increased demand for products produced by related industries, including drilling muds. Consequently, ADS had to expand from one shift (6 A.M. to 2 P.M.) to a two-shift (2 P.M. to 10 P.M.) operation in Mid-2014, and finally to a three-shift operation (24 hours per day) in January of 2018.


The additional night shift bagging crew was staffed entirely by new employees. The most experienced foremen were temporarily assigned to supervise the night shift. Most emphasis was placed on increasing the output of bags to meet the ever-increasing demand. It was suspected that only occasional reminders were made to double-check the bag weight feeder. (A double check is performed by systematically weighting a bag on a scale to determine if the proper weight is being loaded by the weight-feeder. If there is significant deviation from 25 pounds, corrective adjustments are made to the weight-release mechanism.)


To verify this expectation, the quantity control staffs at ADS randomly sampled bags and prepared the following table (see Excel dataset). Note that four bags were sampled and weighted each hour (sample of size 4).










Assume you are John Adams of ADS.  Based on the following analysis, prepare a report to be submitted to both ADS and DCI executives regarding the status of the filling process at ADS and recommend method to improve quality control at the filling station and estimate the amount of credit to DCI.  Use the data provided in the Excel data file.


Insert all graphs and provide analysis in this word file after every question. Only The Word file is graded.


  • Calculate the Range Column in Excel (Largest-Smallest) and find mean and standard deviations for Average Weight, Smallest, Largest, and Range columns.


  • What is the standard deviation of individual bags if sample averages are based on 6 bags? Explain your finding. Hint: x-bar = /sqrt(n). Having x-bar based on part (a) calculation, solve for  given n= 4. So  = (x-bar)*(sqrt(n))


  • Construct a time series plot of all four variables (two graphs: one includes avg., smallest, and largest and the other has range data) and discuss your findings based on the graphs.


  • Construct X-bar and R Charts, graph, and discuss your findings based on the control charts. Make sure to include the control limit calculations below. Is the process out of control?  Why? Explain.


  • Is there any differences between performances of three shifts? Hint: (Carve out the morning, afternoon, and night shift data into three columns and graph their averages. Explain your findings based on graph.


  • Use One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to compare the three groups (shifts) to test if there is significant differences in the performance of three shift averages. Use Alpha =0.01.  Indicate the Null and Alt. hypotheses and explain your findings based on ANOVA table.


  • Assume Tolerance limits of 25±1.75 lbs. is specified in the sales contract and find the Process Capability index Cpk. Discuss if this process is capable to meet contractual agreement.


  • Redo part g for all three shifts separately and determine their Cpk. Note that you must carve out the three shifts and find the mean and standard deviations for each shift separately and go through part b calculations for each shift to find for each shift.


  • If the process average is adjusted to 25.0 lbs. and process standard deviation (answer in part b) is reduced by 60%, what is the new Cpk? Are you comfortable for making such recommendation to management?


  • Find the control limits for an X-bar and R chart if a new improved process has average of 25.0 lbs. and R-bar of 1.0 lbs. Assume n=5 for new process control. No graph needed.


  • Estimate the amount of credit ($) must be given to DCI (for the past 36 months) if it purchased 30,000 bags per month at cost of $8 per lb.


  • Provide complete conclusion regarding your findings and make recommendations regarding the filling process in your conclusion paragraph.


Grading Criteria 

Completeness/Correctness                              70%

Quality of Interpretations/Analysis                 20%

General Quality of Report/graphs/writing      10%


See Syllabus for Due Date


Cartels in legitimate markets

Is it possible that the violent members of the drug cartels can behave like cartels in legitimate markets?


Networking troubleshooting approach

Choose  a networking troubleshooting approach; there are some examples in the  text. Feel free to cover another that is not listed in the text, as long  as it is a suitable network troubleshooting approach.

According to CompTia, the troubleshooting methodology is as follows;

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Establish a theory of probable cause
  3. Test the theory to determine the cause
  4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution
  5. Verify full system functionality, and, if applicable, implement preventive measures
  6. Document findings, actions and outcomes
  7. https://eazyweezyhomeworks.com/order/

In my experience, I usually try to identify all of the components in a  signal path, pick a halfway point, and test for the correct signal  there. If I get correct results, I move backwards until I don’t. Then I  know which component is faulty. Once I know which component is faulty, I  begin diagnosis and work towards resolution. Typically, it involves a  great deal of research on open source intelligence sites,  trial-and-error, and sometimes I just have to replace the component.  This is something I learned while repairing helicopters in the Army, but  the theory is the same for just about anything that needs repairs. The  biggest take-away that has guided me towards faster repairs is this: my  problem is not unique. Someone has experienced it before and knows the  answer. Someone has also posted that solution somewhere, I just have to  spend the time to look for it.

Why did you choose this networking troubleshooting approach?  

I chose that approach from years of experience, and many failures  that I learned from those failures. It is easy to get frustrated or  overwhelmed when a problem is in front of you and you don’t know the  next step to resolve it. There is always a solution out there, and  someone knows that answer. Although this is not directly related to  networking, the theory of troubleshooting is the same. I was informed  that the drain pipe to my kitchen sink was damaged and water was leaking  into my crawl space. I called a plumber, who quoted me $3.5k to repair  it. I decided that it was time for me to learn basic plumbing. I went  underneath my house, looked at the problem, took pictures of every angle  I could, went online, researched basic plumbing techniques, then went  to a plumbing store to get some advice. I brought him a six pack and he  shared his wisdom. Then he filled my cart with everything I would need  to fix the problem and showed me how to do it. An hour and a half later,  and $14.35 later, the pipe was fixed. I didn’t realize it at the time,  but I was following CompTia’s troubleshooting methodology (maybe not  step 6).

Take your networking troubleshooting approach and apply it to  the issue you chose. Summarize the steps you would take to troubleshoot  the issue. 

Choosing an issue; cannot connect get on the internet. I chose that  issue because it happened to several computers I was managing today.  First, I was alerted about the issue, so I researched to find out  exactly the extent of it. Is it everyone? Is it post-wide? Is it  DISA-wide? It turned out to be just our building. Knowing that other  buildings had network and that everyone in our building did not  eliminated several possible problems. I knew it had nothing to do with  the individual machines or their configuration, and I knew that there  was a chance I could re-establish network connectivity. The only  elements between the laptops and the post-wide network devices were the  modem, router, switch, and patch. I went into the server room and  noticed that the lights on the switch weren’t blinking like they usually  did. I called the Network Enterprise Center and had them reach out to  that switch (I don’t have admin rights on garrison level network  devices) and they were able to reset the switch. It turns out that a  power outage the night before reset the switch and it lost  authentication. I then verified that everyone in the building had  network access. I had to fill out a few forms with the NEC after all of  that was done.


Garn, D. M. (2022, October 5). Use a Troubleshooting Methodology for More Efficient IT Support. Default. https://www.comptia.org/blog/troubleshooting-methodology

Fed Up’ With Sugar challenge

Watch the video, entitled: ‘Fed Up’ With Sugar: Katie Couric’s 10-Day Challenge . For the next three days you are to take the “Fed-Up Challenge” AND keep a journal. During these three days, Prior to Covid 19 you would have been required to take a tour of a supermarket and include your observations of the supermarket visit. Since this may be difficult or impossible for many of you to do you will be required to note the food commercials shown on TV instead. What show were you watching and who is the targeted audience? What types of foods are advertised? How often are the commercials shown? What time of day are they shown? Next, research (Google is fine) 3 of the foods advertised for the ingredients and nutrition facts.  Finally, create a PowerPoint slide presentation (no less than 5 slides) focusing on the results of YOUR 3 day sugar challenge, your food commercials analysis, and a 3-4 paragraph reflection of the assignment. Has this assignment brought to light any new ideas about the way you eat? If not why?


***This assignment is due in week 10.

Watch Video


User: n/a – Added: 5/23/14

YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ItIXmNBmkI

Watch Video