Key leadership traits


What are the key leadership traits you believe you have that will help you succeed in a multicultural organization? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Popular culture fandom

Review the module resources and overview, then select a popular culture fandom you find interesting. You do not have to be a member of this fandom to review it for this week’s discussion.

Each discussion is meant to be a collaborative space for conversation in which to process the concepts within the course. To ensure an interesting and respectful discussion, you are encouraged to think creatively about your initial posts and build upon the points made by your peers. Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your discussion post and replies. It is also important to review the module resources and read the prompts in their entirety before participating in the discussion.
Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts.

For your initial post, address the following:

  1. Choose a popular culture fandom you find interesting. Then respond to the following questions:
    1. How do fans recognize fellow members?
    2. What is the message or commentary that is associated with this fandom?
    3. What are the social implications of this message?

1. In your opinion, What is empathy?

Lessons 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 focus on listening and empathy. Make sure you’ve read these sections carefully, then watch the following short video:


Next, focus your attention and respond to each of the following:

  • In your opinion– and in your own words– what is empathy? (Another way to think of this is– What are we doing when we are empathizing with someone OR What are the components of empathy OR What is the process?) Explore what needs to be taking place when we attempt to empathize with someone.
  • Why is it difficult for so many of us to empathize?
  • If you were to teach empathy to a group of college students, what would you do and what would you say?

You may use materials in this unit to help build your “lesson plan,” but feel free to look further into quality online resources. Remember, though, your audience is college students and you want your work to be original with only minor support from online materials.

Be creative! Gather your thoughts and ideas and upload them here in no fewer than 20 to 25 sentences.

Your task is to write a Video Review

Your task is to write a Video Review *** for this video:

Critical Writing With Examples

Provide the link to the Video.

Respond to the issue /s raised in the Video: Your task, in your best persuasive style, persuade your reader

Discuss your leadership style


For this assignment, you will reflect on your leadership experience and discuss your leadership style. Explain which theories help shape your views on leadership. Discuss how your approach to leading a domestic multicultural team or international team is shaped based on the theories you have learned in this unit. Must be a minimum of two pages in length. Use a minimum of two scholarly or peer-reviewed academic sources to support your assignment. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Effectively meeting our goals

a(Dalio, 2018)-Effectively meeting our goals

Prior to addressing the following prompts review chapter one in your required text, review the website The Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting Links to an external site., and watch the 30 minute 8 episode series by Ray Dalio entitled Principles for Success Links to an external site.Although Dalio’s goals were to become an investor and entrepreneur, his processes and ideas are worth exploring to consider applying to your own journey.

In this video, Dalio addresses a process for more effectively meeting our goals. His steps are listed below:

  1. Identify your goals.
  2. Identify what problems stand in your way of achieving your goals.
  3. Identify the root causes of the problems.
  4. Design a plan to eliminate the problems.
  5. Execute the plan.
Rather than thinking, “I’m right.” I started to ask myself, “How do I know I’m right?”

In addition, Dalio discusses our barriers:

Using the premise of the principles and the barriers he shares, as well as the knowledge you have attained throughout your program, reflect on and discuss the following:

  • If your future career could look like anything in the world, what would it look like?
  • Using this vision, develop one or more goals (Dalio’s Step 1).
  • Identify what specific psychological knowledge will need to be featured on self-promotion materials to support your goal.
  • Next, follow Dalio’s steps 2 to 4 for success.
    • Identify what problems stand in your way of achieving your goals.
    • Identify the root causes of the problems.
    • Design a plan to eliminate the problems.
  • Lastly, discuss your thoughts about executing your plan (Step 5): What concerns do you have? What things have you accomplished that will support you in this execution?

Your journal this week should be 400 to 500 words. Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of professional and ethical writing standards.

You should also exhibit obvious attention to critical thought and understanding of the content, as demonstrated in Samantha Agoos’s TED-Ed Animation, 5 Tips to Improve Your Critical Thinking Links to an external site..


Non-profit organization

Lumen Learning (2020).  Lifespan development.



Part 1:  Giving to others:  You are the president of a non-profit organization committed to supporting unique needs within the community.  This week you are training others to work with people who are terminally ill or in grief. Advise your group about how to work most effectively with those populations.

Part 2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your main entry, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates’ entries.  In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  What thoughts did their strategy bring forth?  What questions do you have?  Share them.  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.




Classmate post 1:

raining volunteers takes responsibility. Not all volunteers are suited to help people in specific situations. I would inquire why the volunteer wanted to help? I would want to know if the volunteer had suffered a loss of a good friend or family member and how much time the volunteer could offer to help community members, i.e. what other obligations the volunteer had. Perhaps I would want to know their educational background, and if the volunteer was up to specific training? Next I would have a well organized cross section of literature and videos to educate the volunteer just as we have been educated in this module with issues pertaining to the capacity to understand patients and families situations, specifically those associated with end of life. Also I would ask if the volunteer is bi-lingual, I would go over Elisabeth Kubler Ross’s 8 stages of grief and other ways of explaining grief such as those written by Warden, Parkes, Shut and others. I would spend time with the volunteers and ask them to go around to visit people with staff and experienced volunteers before greeting people on their own. I would provide them with packets of information to go over carefully themselves before giving  them out to those in the community with needs. I would introduce them to teams that can specifically help people with Medicare, Palliative Care and Hospice needs. I would have a list of outreach people from various religious groups, who could provide visitation and support groups, and other support groups run by hospitals, and specific disease professionals, ie. heart, cancer, mental health, and diabetes. As a basic message I would encourage volunteers to remember that the most important thing is to be a good listening post so that they will know at what stage in the grief process people are and thus what kind of help can best help them now. Spiritually it is helpful to let patients and their families know that we want to give them the ability to exercise the most control over working within the confines of illness; we support their dignity as a person to be in the forefront of any advice or service that we provide. Let them know that no question is too many, and we are there in friendship. If there are financial considerations we should have a list of responsible and vetted professionals or organizations, who provide transparent advice. We will also need to know if they have a signed directive, and HIPPA sign-offs, specifically with whom are we to communicate with any information about them, but only if they wish to communicate. We want to reflect that we know that they are grieving because of a deep love that they have for another person, and at the same time will protect their privacy and try to make them as comfortable as possible. Remind these good people to take care of themselves and buddy up with family members to provide care for family members; remind families to look-out for each other and suggest services to family members suffering depression. Remind them to share good times even as they process grief.


Lumen Learning Course(2020)  Module(11)Death and Dying. Retrieved from:https://courses.lumen and- Grief



Classmate post 2:

When an individual is terminally ill, I believe it is important to try and maintain as much control and autonomy for the individual as possible, giving them a sense of empowerment over their care (Lumen Learning, 2020).  One way to achieve this goal would be to thoroughly educate patients about their illness and treatment options.  Studies show that patients who are well educated about their terminal diagnosis are better able to adjust emotionally which reduces anxiety and creates a feeling of support (Huffman & Stern, 2003). When my mother was told she had stage 4 pancreatic cancer and only had weeks to live, it was very important that she understood everything about her disease as possible.  I remember her specifically having me write out descriptions for her 20+ different medications she was on because she didn’t want to be in the dark about what she was taking and when.

Also, educating the grieving family on the death and dying process will help them to better support their dying family member through this stage of life.  Although death and dying are normal life processes, many people are uncomfortable with the thought and processes that occur during death, and will often withdraw from a person with a terminal illness.  Our text, (Lumen Learning, 2020), explains that, “ Social support is important for quality of life and those who experience social death are deprived from benefits that come from loving interacting with others.”  While my mom was in hospice the nurses would often explain to me different things that were happening physically with my mom, (like weird breathing), so I would know what is normal and not be so afraid of death.  They also encouraged me and the rest of my family to  interact with her as much as we could, such as talking to her a lot and staying with her, even when she was sleeping. These interactions not only helped my mom to know she was alone, but also helped me and my family with our grief.

Huffman, J. C., & Stern, T. A. (2003). Compassionate Care of the Terminally Ill. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry5(3), 131–136. (2020). Module 11: Death and dying. Retrieved from



Critique institutional theory of art


If possible, use as source Author: Lewis Vaughn

1- Describe and critique Arthur Danto’s institutional theory of art. One criticism of it is that if people in the artworld define what is and is not art, then there seems to be no way for the decision-makers to decide among themselves what is art. Is this a fair criticism? Why or why not?

Six universal challenges humans face

Pick one of the six universal challenges that humans face.

  1. What is our nature?
  2. How do we relate to time?
  3. How do we relate to our natural environment?
  4. How do we relate to one another?
  6. What is our primary motivation or mode of activity?
  7. How do we relate to physical space?
  8. How has your answer and solution for this question been shaped by your cultural group? Be sure to identify which question number you are responding to.Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length.

Caring for PTSD patients

Watch the two videos listed below and then complete the questions. Make sure you have 3 sentences minimum for each question:

  1. what did you learn from these? 
  2. What was something that stood out to you? 
  3. What are ways that we can support one another in the nursing world? 
  4. What is something we need to be aware of when caring for PTSD patients that stood out to you from the video?