Similarities and Differences – Best research writing services

Similarities and Differences – Best research writing services

What do you see as similarities and differences between the research process, the
Evidence-Based Practice process, and the nursing process? Include rationale to support
your post.

Submission Instructions:
 Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current
APA style with support from at least two academic sources. Your initial post is
worth 8 points.
 Quotes “…” cannot be used at a higher learning level for your assignments, so
sentences need to be paraphrased and referenced.
 Acceptable references include scholarly journal articles or primary legal
sources (statutes, court opinions), journal articles, and books published in the
last five years. No websites to be referenced

Psychology Homework

II. Analysis: Ethical Dilemma

Jorge has to carry out a clinical intervention related to drug use by a 14-year-old adolescent. Jorge is interested in wanting to do a good intervention. It is his first case of his and he had never worked with a subject like that. In the hallway he meets Rosa and tells her that he has a case where he has to do clinical interventions with a client using controlled substances. Jorge told Rosa that he has about 5 techniques to apply with the young woman. Rosa asks him what they are and he replies that they are very effective. She said that she used them with a 17-year-old boy who had behavior problems. Rosa told him to be careful and told him that she could help him if he wanted. He replied that he had a master’s degree and that she talked about it in a class. In addition, he indicated to Rosa that he has a study carried out in Chile that says that these techniques work well when young. Rosa asked him if he consulted with the minor’s parents. He replied that he explained that I was talking about the Chilean study. He added that the parents had reservations at first, but he explained what he did in his college class assignments and convinced them to sign the authorization.

1. Analyze violations of the code of ethics (Use the NASW Code of Ethics for analysis)

2. Apply an ethical dilemma solution model to the case.

3. Identify the rights of the mental health patient that could be violated by the Social Worker

Assignment 3

The assignment involves updating your project plan to cover the costs associated with your identified activities.

While not an official area of the assignment, it may help to identify resources and vendors needed to ensure your cost estimates are as accurate as possible. By placing resources against your work packages, you can get a clear visual of what each work package may cost.

You will use the project schedule you developed to estimate costs and then translate those costs into your project budget baseline.

Project budget baselines, typically include cost estimates that cover the following:

  1. Work package estimates
  2. Estimates for supplies or materials
  3. Estimates for vendors & procurement activity
  4. Estimates for risks or unknown project activity

For this assignment, please submit your schedule along with cost estimates against each activity that measures your best appraisal for that task. Please also include a final quote for your project budget baseline

Clc – tyronco coso case study template


  JUST NEED HELP WITH Part 2: Purchasing Department and Part 3: Audit Steps

CLC – Tyronco COSO Case Study Template

The case study used this assignment is being used with permission from Internal Auditing Foundation (IIA).

Directions: After reviewing “The Tyronco Foundation COSO” case study, use this template to complete the Topic 1 assignment.


The audit programs that you will develop should have two sections to facilitate a top-down audit approach:

1. Organization

COSO Evaluation

2. Purchasing

COSO Evaluation

This approach is suggested because the organization’s evaluation of risk, controls, and corporate governance are the foundation for the audit of the purchasing function.

Part 1: Develop a COSO-Based Audit Program 

Based on the background information provided in the case study document, develop a COSO-based audit program. The audit program should address the following COSO objectives as applicable:

1. Operational:

Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.

2. Financial:

Reliability of information.

3. Compliance:

Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The organization audit program should be classified to align with the five COSO components:

1. Control Environment

2. Risk Assessment

3. Control Activities

4. Monitoring

5. Information and Communication

To provide a consistent framework for comparing solutions, use the following component subsections:

1. Control Environment 

Integrity and ethical values

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Commitment to competence

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Board and audit committee

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Management philosophy and operating style

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Organization structure

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Assignment of authority and responsibility

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Human resource policies and practices

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


2. Risk Assessment

Companywide objectives

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Process-level objectives

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Risk identification

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Managing change

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


3. Control Activities 

Policies and procedures

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Segregation of duties

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Periodic reconciliation

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Proper authorization

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Transactions recorded

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Safeguarding assets

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


4. Information and Communication 

Quality of information

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Effectiveness of communication

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


5. Monitoring 

Ongoing monitoring

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Evaluation process

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Reporting control and process deficiencies

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Change management process

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________



Part 2: Purchasing Department 

Identify the five major risks in the purchasing department. List the controls you would expect to find to mitigate the risks and the audit steps that would be utilized to ascertain that the control mitigates the risk.



At   Risk


COSO Classification

Audit Step






Part 3: Audit Steps

List one or two audit steps that you would perform in each of the six listed sections:

Procurement Audit


A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________



A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________



A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________



A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Invoice Processing

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Accounts Payable, Encumbrances, or Obligations

A. ________________________________________________________________________


B. ________________________________________________________________________


Part 4: Risks Related to Tyronco

List five major risks specifically related to Tyronco. What would be your five major areas of concern as an internal auditor?

1. ________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________________


4. ________________________________________________________________________


5. ________________________________________________________________________



The topics must be aligned to the weekly learning outcomes specified at the beginning of this week:

intellectual disability,

  • Identify data collection and data analysis tools appropriate for student observations.


  • Describe observational assessment guidelines for the classroom/learning environment.

You must develop and post one substantive post that is open ended, draws on the interest and experience of your classmates in this course, and is directly related to the learning outcomes as indicated above.


Cohen, L. G., & Spenciner, L. J. (2009). Teaching students with mild and moderate disabilities: Research-based practices (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

BBA Project Management Research Paper


BBA Project Management Research Paper. Unit VI Research Paper

BBA Project Management Research Paper. Conduct research using the CSU Online Library, and find at least two articles on handling project conflict management. In your paper, identify the different styles you found in your research, and compare and contrast each style. Identify either low, medium, or high for concern for self and concern for others in your paper. Also, include a synopsis of each article to include when appropriate for projects. See exhibit 13.11, located on page 371 of your textbook, for an example.

Be sure to use APA format and cite your work. Your paper should be at least three pages in length and will include a title and reference page which are not included in the page count.

Assignment 2

As the project manager, the project team is looking to you for direction on each of these issues. Review the comments of the key players, consult the grading rubric below and then answer the following questions.

  1. Is Bear or is ZAP responsible for the inspections? What is a reasonable course of action given that the project may have to be delayed a week or more?
  2. What carpet should be installed? Should work be stopped to evaluate this issue? What do you do to resolve this?
  3. How much is owed to Sheba? What actions would you take as the project manager?

Assignment 3

800 to 1000  MEMO with visual representation of an example supply chain network using the “Shape” or SmartArt” option in MS Word.


The warehouse manager thought a recent presentation on operations management was extremely valuable to the company. He now wants to shift the conversation to focus on his warehouse department. You told him a little about supply chain design and how it could improve inventory management. He is interested in hearing more about supply chain design and wants his department staff to also be aware of this valuable resource. He has asked you to create a memo that will be sent out to everyone in his department.

Draft a memo explaining to your warehouse managers how effective supply chain design could help to enhance profitability and stakeholder value for the company, including the following:

  • Provide an analysis of the behaviors of supply chain networks and supply chain drivers in your memo.
  • Explain how supply chain impacts distribution of assets and resources.
  • The memo should include a visual representation of an example supply chain network using the “Shape” or SmartArt” option in MS Word.